
Just you $ I

Sharon Davis is your typical rich girl from a very wealthy family. Sharon being the only daughter who would one day inherit the family business, finds out that not everything can her money solve. Its not as though she isn't happy that she's born with a silver spoon but it affected her romantic life, making it difficult for her to find a good and trust worthy man, Because of that, Sharon decides on a ridiculous plan and a secret that could change her life forever. Meet Robert Peterson. A tall, successful made and incredibly handsome young man and also a chef, who owns restaurants across the country. Robert is one who sees relationships as a waste of time, for his business is his first priority. And then he meets Sharon. A woman like no other he had ever met. Her attitude is one that shocks him for a woman who has nothing, in his own thoughts. One which makes him more intrigued to find out more about her. With attraction at play, the two finds themselves from being friends to a romantic relationship, but the truth remains that, would Robert still want Sharon even after he finds out about her secret? And would Sharon believe that Robert is not like all the men she met in the past?

Kauthar_Ibrahim · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 7.

Sharon's POV.




Even after weeks of working I still don't get this right. Its either I trip or I'm missing up customers order. This is so much harder than I thought.

The manager has complained a lot but I just apologise and apologise as many times as I can.

"You know that would be cut out of your paycheck right?" Lily told me as I made my way back to her, just after I triped and poured a customers meal on the floor.

"yeah yeah I know... Its not like I even need the money anway," well I mumbled the part to myself.

"You're lucky the manager has not been around if not, you sure know what he would be doing by now and the boss is also busy to know what you just did." Dont get me wrong , Lily is my good friend but she talks alot including even making me her friend feel bad if I do something wrong.

Ohh that's true the manager hasn't been around for quite a while now, he said he had some personal problem so he asked to be given a few weeks. So the boss(my hot CEO) has been extremely busy with the works of the manager and the kitchen, because some of the meals made at the resuarant are his recipe and mostly made by him.

"Lily I know, can you not make me feel anymore worse about myself?" I snapped. Its not like am angry at her, everything just seems to be annoying. At some point I'm even thinking this plan of mine is not even working. So far, I haven't made any progress. Argh!

"Sorry I'm just speaking the truth," She said raising her hands in surrender.

I sighed. "Sorry I snapped at you."

"No need to worry, I understand." She said smiling at me.

"Everyone! Gather around, I need to talk to you all." My yummy hot boss shouted as we were about to close up and the restaurant was empty at the time. Every one gathered around including the chefs from the kitchen.

Damn, he looks so hot in that chef uniform.

"As you all know the manager is not going to be around for a while now," He began "And work has been on me since he left together with the kitchen meals I also have to do. So I was wondering if there's anyone who thinks they can handle paper works so he or she may help to me with the managers work." He finished, looking at everyone.

I looked around and I noticed no one raised their hands or even stood up. I've noticed that most of the staff here are not educated or some are even high school drop outs. Ohh maybe that's why no one stood up. I'm good with stuffs like that, should I stand up? At least i won't have to wait at tables for a while.

"Sir?" I said raising my hand and he glanced my way. "If you don't mind, I can help if you want. I'm pretty good at stuffs like that. "

"Are you sure Sharon?" He asked. Okay number one, I'm even surprised he even remembered my name. Number two, the way my name rolled out of his lips are amazing

"Yes I'm sure sir," I told him.

"Alright then follow me, everyone you are dismissed." He said and started walking towards his office, when Lily pulled me to her.

"Sharon, do you know what you are doing,?" Lily whispered to me as I was about to follow the boss.

"Yes I know." I whispered back to her quickly, then followed the boss to his office.

"You can take your seat, Sharon," He told me as I entered his office and sat down. I looked around, and his office is so much bigger than that of the managers own. It had a wooden table at the middle of the office, with two chairs in front and one chair at the back where he sits with me in front of him. There was also a beautiful couch by the side with a coffee table in front of it.

"Here are some files you need to work on, all you need to do is sort them out and place the one that needs extra work like the ones concerning the staffs paycheck. Just check them and I'm sure you'll know what to do." He told me while showing me the files.

"So where would I be doing the work sir?" I asked him.

"Here," He said regarding to his office. "So that I can supervise what you will be doing. And I won't always be here, I would be in the kitchen most times but I would come from time to time to check on you."

"Okay sir, I should better start now." I told him as I started to sort out the files.

"Alright then, i'll leave you to it." And he left.

It was already 11:30pm when I finished sorting out everything i had to do for that day, every one had left except for the boss and I.

"I guess you are done right?" Mr Robert said coming into the office.

"Yes." I answered, ad I stood up from the chair stretching myself and adjusting my skirt that had risen up.

"Okay then, you can go. Leave through the back door because the front door is already locked." I nodded and told him goodnight then went to the changing room/locker room to take my bag and left through the back door as he said. I might be atracted to Mr Robert, but that does not mean I'm ready to let him know. From what i've seen, he sure has a big ego. As I stepped outside, I shivered as the cool breeze brushed through my skin, but not just that but everywhere was quiet.

Oh God I don't think I'll be able to get a cab or even a bus this night. I thought to myself.

Not long after a car parked in front of me and the window came down and I saw it was Mr Robert.

"I thought you already left." He said from inside the car.

I bent a little so I'd be able to see him. "Yes, but there's no cab or bus to take me home." I told him.

"Get in, i'll drop you home." He said as he came down and opened the passengers door for me.

"Thank you very much sir, you don't need to worry. I'm sure i'll get a taxi." I decided. Of course I wanted to enter but I didn't want him to think I was just jumping right into his offer. You get what I mean right?

"Get in Sharon, its the least I can do for keeping you this late." Mr Robert insisted.

"Okay if you say so." I got into his car. I was practically dancing inside me. I mean my hot boss was taking me home. That was a lot.

Mr Robert helped me close my door and went back to the drivers sit.

"Where do you stay?" He asked and I told him the address to my apartment and he started driving.

"Sharon I can see you are good at paper works, you finished college right?" He glanced at me while he drove.

"Yes sir." I nodded my head."Which university did you graduate from and what did you major in?" He asked again.

Shit what should I say? I didn't study in Nigeria. "Um...I graduated from university of Ibadan and I majored in business administration." Well the last part is not a lie just the university. I would'nt tell him I studied in UK, that would just call for so much Questions.

"Really, that's nice I also graduated from there but I majored in engineering, water resources to be precise." He said with a smile and I almost fainted.

He shouldn't stop smiling because I had never seen anyone looked so handsome and I didn't even know he had dimples.

"Such a small world. So, how come you became a chef?" I asked, wanting to know more about him.

"Well you know how the country is, you go looking for a job and they would be asking you for a five years experience just after graduating, can you imagine that? We were just graduates . So after so many trials and no progress. I turned towards my talent which is cooking. I loved cooking from an early stage so I thought why not try it for a business and here I am." He answered with a smile and I smiled back at him.

"That's really nice." I told him.

"What about you?" He asked. Me? What about me?

"Same problem, also asking for five years experience." I lied. oh God forgive me for lying this much.

"I just hope our country gets better." He said shaking his head

"I hope so too."

We continued talking for a while that I didn't even know when he parked in front of my apartment.

"And. .... we are here." Mr Robert turned to me.

"Thank you very much for the ride, Mr Robert." I smiled at him.

"No worries Sharon." Mr Robert nodded his head and I opened the door to get out.

"Sharon?" I was about to go out when he called my name and I turned to him."You don't need to call me 'Mr' Robert, just call me Robert or Rob, anyone you prefer." He said as he was staring at me with a smile, showing his perfectly white teeth.

A blush creeped to my lips and I nodded. "Good night Rob." I told him, smiling back at him as I closed the door.

"Good night Sharon.''