
Just you $ I

Sharon Davis is your typical rich girl from a very wealthy family. Sharon being the only daughter who would one day inherit the family business, finds out that not everything can her money solve. Its not as though she isn't happy that she's born with a silver spoon but it affected her romantic life, making it difficult for her to find a good and trust worthy man, Because of that, Sharon decides on a ridiculous plan and a secret that could change her life forever. Meet Robert Peterson. A tall, successful made and incredibly handsome young man and also a chef, who owns restaurants across the country. Robert is one who sees relationships as a waste of time, for his business is his first priority. And then he meets Sharon. A woman like no other he had ever met. Her attitude is one that shocks him for a woman who has nothing, in his own thoughts. One which makes him more intrigued to find out more about her. With attraction at play, the two finds themselves from being friends to a romantic relationship, but the truth remains that, would Robert still want Sharon even after he finds out about her secret? And would Sharon believe that Robert is not like all the men she met in the past?

Kauthar_Ibrahim · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 6.

Sharon's POV

Three Days.

That's how long I have been working at the restaurant, and those days have been hell. I resumed as said on Monday and moved in to my new apartment on Sunday evening. My parent had followed me there arguing that they should at least know where their daughter would be living for the next four months. I didn't argue with them much so I allowed them follow me. I sure knew they were not going to be happy with the apartment. On getting there, dad was really angry saying he couldn't allow me live in a place like this, I had to beg mom to please talk to him, and after about 10mins of persuasion he gave in but made me promise him I would always come home every weekend. It was hard for them to let me go but they had to, atleast for what I wanted to do.

I also left my car at home, I couldn't risk it .

Getting to work on monday, I was given my name tag and an apron, I was also showed the way things were done around there. I must say, its not been as easy as I thought. Moving about and asking people what they wanted to order and bringing them their order and to say the place was usually full was an understatement. Damn it was hell, well for me since I'm not used to it.

Lily and I have become good friends, she's very sassy and talks alot, and she reminds me of Gift. I've also met the other waitresses, majority were so sweets to me and two were so bitchy towards me, not like I even care.

"Sharon, table 5 needs someone to attend to them, go on." Lily told me as she cut my trail of thoughts. It is Thursday and already my fourth day.

"Right away." Was my reply, as I hurriedly collected my notepad on the table and took off to table 5, while I saw two guys were sitting on the table talking.

"Good day sir, what what would you like to order?" I interrupted. They moved their eyes and looked at me, then they were just staring. Really? That's rude, because I could practically see them looking at my boobs. Perverts. One was light skinned and the other was dark skinned. They were good looking through, but not my type.

"Sir?" I spoke up and broke their stare but I heard the light skinned mumble something along the line, 'Damn she is so fucking hot'. I shrugged away the comment, for its not the first time that I've heard that from people.

"Sir, I asked what you guys would like to order," I asked again, trying to sound polite.

"Ohh right…Um… ,give me fried rice with wings, together with salad." The dark skinned one answered me looking through the menu.

"Sir what about you?" I turned to the other guy.

"I'll take the same thing." He told me as I wrote down their order.

"Would you like a drink before your food comes?" I asked them again, which they told me yes and ordered for soft drinks. I heard them whistle as I turned and left and I only nodded my head negatively. I Made my way to the kitchen and told them to make the order ready then went to serve them.

I went back to Lily as we continued talking. After a while the manager came to us, he informed us the CEO would like to talk to all the staffs after the customers leave.

We were now sitting around the tables in the restaurant waiting for the boss. Just then a man came inside.

Oh my God. I think I just died. Is he the CEO?

"Good evening sir." The staffs all greeted him and I realized that he was really the CEO. This guy is so fucking gorgeous, handsome, beautiful… I don't even have words to describe him. His hair was a straightened midnight black, with the most captivating sky blue eyes I have ever seen and tanned skin, and it was evident to know he may not be Nigerian. He wasn't to lean like most guys but he was built, not like those of wrestlers but he sure had a good body with his biceps around the short sleeve t -shirt he was wearing. He looked to be about 6'2 in height.

I'm sure when God was giving men handsomeness, he was first in row. Yes I'm sure of that.

Someone cleared their throat beside me, as that took my thoughts away. "He is handsome, isn't he?" Lily asked twisting her fingers around her brown coloured extension she fixed on her hair. We Nigerians didn't really have long, silk and smooth hair like those of the white people, its mostly kinky black and Afro. Though some of us are lucky to have long hairs, and could grow to the waistline if we'll taken care of. At least mine was long and reaching just about three to four inches below my shoulder compared to others.

I didn't even know my checking him out was that obvious, until Lily spoke.

"He sure is." I commented still looking at him, just then I noticed he looked in my direction, and I quickly averted my gaze before he knows I was checking him out.

"Good day everyone." He greeted back.God even his voice is heaven."I would like to welcome the three new staffs and if you don't know who I am, My name is Robert peterson by name.I'll like to know the names of the new staffs." He said.

The other new staffs said their names, and when I stood up to say my name I noticed he was looking at me intently.

"Very well then, I'm sure you've been told what you're here to do. I would not tolerate any laziness from any staff so you guys, do you work well. We get a lot of customers and I would not tolerate slow service and this goes to everyone..."

"Why does he look like that?" I asked Lily.

"You mean his skin colour?" She asked and I nodded. "Ohh yeah, he is an half cast. His father is Nigerian though, but I don't know what country his mother is from but she's white." Lily explained. Right that explains his skin color.

"Is that understood?" ohh I wasn't even listening to what he was saying anymore.

"Yes sir." Everyone answered.

"Very well then, you can all go back to work." He said clapping his hands together.

Everyone stood up to go do what we were doing. I stood up and was making my way to the locker room, where the restroom for the staffs were but I noticed as if someone was looking at me, I turned and I was met with blue eyes gazing at me. It was Mr Robert. He quickly removed his gaze and left for his office...Huh? Why was he looking at me like that? I just shrugged it off and left.

Evening came and I found my self going back to my apartment.I would have just taken an Uber which would have cost alot for a normal waiteress, but i wasn't a normal waiteress now, was i? So I found my self in a bus and it was so tight and uncomfortable, that the guy beside me was sweating and smelling terribly. I found my self in this condition because Lily came to me after work and told me that since we'd both finished our shift, we should head home to together since it was the same route to her own place. Of course I said yes to her and now I'm regretting it, but I wouldn't let her know that. She didn't even seem like she was uncomfortable, I guess she is used to it. After a few more minutes the bus stopped at my bus stop and I was so happy and relieved to drop from this forsaken bus. I waved Lily farewell and left.

I made my way to my apartment, opened the door and went in. Took my bath then changed to my pajamas. I entered to kitchen to eat something. I wasn't good at cooking so I just made noodles and ate, its like the only food I can make apart from pancakes. I took my laptop and started editing some work for my Dad's company. Even though I'm not there I still work and do as much as I can do from my place. My cousin had taken my place for the main time and she emails me the report of everyday work and also sends proposals that needs to be sent out of the company or sent to the company to me for checking.

After finishing my work I made my way to my room to sleep and dreamt about a certain blue eyed hot dude.