
Just you $ I

Sharon Davis is your typical rich girl from a very wealthy family. Sharon being the only daughter who would one day inherit the family business, finds out that not everything can her money solve. Its not as though she isn't happy that she's born with a silver spoon but it affected her romantic life, making it difficult for her to find a good and trust worthy man, Because of that, Sharon decides on a ridiculous plan and a secret that could change her life forever. Meet Robert Peterson. A tall, successful made and incredibly handsome young man and also a chef, who owns restaurants across the country. Robert is one who sees relationships as a waste of time, for his business is his first priority. And then he meets Sharon. A woman like no other he had ever met. Her attitude is one that shocks him for a woman who has nothing, in his own thoughts. One which makes him more intrigued to find out more about her. With attraction at play, the two finds themselves from being friends to a romantic relationship, but the truth remains that, would Robert still want Sharon even after he finds out about her secret? And would Sharon believe that Robert is not like all the men she met in the past?

Kauthar_Ibrahim · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 4.

Chapter 4

Robert's POV.

I was really pissed off right now. If anything I like, it's to satisfy my customers and customers were always right.

"Explain to me why customers are complaining out there?" I asked my manager angrily as I sat on my office chair staring at him.

"Em..s-sir i-i..."

"Will you shut up and stop stammering, I asked you a simple question, which requires a simple answer." I raised my voice at him.

"Sir...its the same problem I've being telling you, we are short of staffs, which makes the service slow since we get a lot of customers." He told me and I sighed. The staffs have being complaing to me for quite a while now.I know they are few compared to the work they have on them. Its just that I haven't had time to employ other staffs.

"Okay I've heard you...put out a notice outside for employment. We need two waitress and a waiter. There is no need for an additional cook?" I told my manager:

"I'll do that right away, and yes the cooks are enough and with you also being there most times they dont have a problem." He said.

"Okay then, you can go." I dismissed and he left my office. My restaurant was not a small one but, it was also not an extravagant one. I started my restaurant about three years ago and it has been my first priority ever since then. I love cooking and I also food, so I took it upon myself to gain out of my passion.

My phone started ringing, and i saw it was my mother.

"Hey Ma,"

"Ohh rob dear, How are you?" I heard my mother's sweet voice.

"I'm fine, how about you? Already missing your son?" I teased.

She scoffed. "I still wonder where you got your cockiness from." I could imagine her smiling. "Anyways how's working going?"

"Work is great." I answered

"Okay I wanted to remind you not to forget to get grocery on your way home."

"Do you know I totally forgot," I let out a small chuckle. "No problem, I'll get them."

"Okay bye, mama loves you."

"I love you to Ma." I smiled and kept my phone back in my pocket, before I stood up. I better go and and check what is going on out there.

I went out of my office, and everything was going smooth. everyone was doing their job , except for these waitresses who kept giving me flirty eyes and winks and I just smirked at them. I know I was good looking and girls are always throwing themselves at me.

Well good luck to them, cause i've got eyes for none.


"So any lucky girl yet?" Ma asked, winking at me. It was evening already and I was home eating dinner with Ma.

"Nah not yet, I'm still searching though." That was a pure lie cause I know I am the one not trying at all. I just told her that because she keeps on disturbing me about it.

"I hope you find soon, I want to have grandchildren." I rolled my eyes at my mothers statement.

"Ma, you already have two grandchildren from Camilla." Camilla is my senior sister who is married and has two kids with her husband of five years.

"Don't you think I know that, but I also want grand kids from you.what else are you still waiting for? You have a very successful business, and you are financially okay and..." There she goes again. I swear when she starts rambling like this,I just stay and stare at her but I swear she been cut off for long. I'm still young. 28 is still a small age, so I don't get why Ma is so worked up.I swear sometimes ago she tried to even matchmake me with some of her friends daughters.

"Rob? Are you even listening to me?"

"Ohh yes, I heard all you said." Which is a big lie."Ma, just calm down. When the time is right, I'll do what you are asking of." I told her cause I was not in the mood to argue with her.

"Well better do it fast." She retarded.

Well, there goes my dinner.


Sharon's POV

So its been a week since I talked to my parents about my idea, also a week of me thinking of where to work, and also planing to rent a small house possibly close to where I might work.

my phone rang, taking me away from my thoughts, and I picked it up.

"Hi babe." Gift said cheerfully on the phone.

"Hi boo. How are you?"

"I'm alright. so I called to tell you something." Gift perked my attention the more with her words.

"What's that?" I asked get her curiously.

"I was coming back from Bayo's office today, when I drove through the sectariat when I saw a restaurant in need of a waitress and I instantly thought about you."

"Oh wow that's great news, I'll go and check there tomorrow. Please send me the address." I said delighted and Gift chuckled.

"I thought you'd say that. Don't worry i'll send it right away." Gift cheered with me.

"Thank you! byee." We ended the call told. I'm really really excited and I hope I'm employed.

I've parked my bag and I'd also gone shopping for new cloths, actually cloths that aren't designers like all my cloths, nothing too fancy, just ordinary. I'm going to pretend, so i've got to act well. I'm used to an extravagant life, used a big phone, big house, no house chores to do and so on. I hope i'll be able to adapt. Maybe I could even learn something from this adventure I'm about to walk into.

My phone vibrated and I saw Gift had already sent the address which made me I smile.I better get to bed before it's too late. Tomorrow is going to be a new day.