
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 93 - Six Years, Forbidden Relationship? Time Flies By (Again)

Like so, six years passed and Shizuka is about to graduate. We have switched from middle school to high school and took care of the same classes every time. I ended up also buying the school, which should have been impossible, but money and reputation work miracles. I renovated it a little (read as 'completely modernized and improved the place') and worked as the Headmaster there, as well as the Modern Japanese teacher there.

There was an interesting little piece of gossip once a year or so ago regarding Shizuka, which really made me pissed. Some gyaru fucker saw her entering the bar and started spreading all sorts of nasty rumors. In the end, a group of delinquents came in and saw that I was there. Heh, their faces were precious! Obviously, high school students wouldn't enter a bar so close to the school, so no one had seen me work there. I laughed at their faces and got bombarded by questions. It was fun seeing how Shizuka was absolutely red due to embarrassment, how cute.

Well, the bitch continued spreading rumors about compensated dating, having a forbidden relationship with her teacher, and so on. What the fuck? I am not a lolicon! Nor a pedo! I gathered just enough evidence to expel her for defamation and another couple of things I added to the school rules on the fly. Hehe, being the Headmaster pays off.

Well, if there was something the gyaru bitch was right about, it's the forbidden relationship. Shizuka had confessed with a note on one of her tests. How original! Well, there obviously wasn't anything physical, as she was still a minor. While I did say that age is only a number, it's an important one, in particular in 'normal' worlds such as these. Well, she celebrated her 18th birthday a few months into her last year and… Well, let's just say she was very active and didn't walk well the next day.

On a side note, which made me really proud of myself, she decided to study Modern Japanese and Literature, to become a teacher. Oh, she does know that I have multiple wives, but not that we are Gods. I will slowly break the news to her when the supernatural part of the 'canon' plays out. She 'casually' found a very good university quite close to the bar, so she will actually move in with us. I am extremely happy.

Oh, look at that! It's my turn to give a farewell speech as the Headmaster. I walked to the podium and, for comedic purposes, searched for a crumpled piece of paper in my pockets.

"Aha! Here it is!

Well, here we are. Your graduation… Incredible, huh? Never would have thought everybody would actually graduate with such great grades when I first started working here! Well, I have known most of you for six long years, and let me tell you: you all are great kids, a blast to be around, everyone is very intelligent and will achieve great things, as long as you work hard enough.

Trust me, university is hell, but you can get through it. The only difference, is that you will want to die every time you have an exam! Jokes apart, since it wasn't that good, never stop learning and thinking. Well, if you stop thinking that would be a serious problem.

Since I can see that you all are quite excited to finally be free from high school, let me end this little speech.

It is with pleasure, that I declare that you all have graduated and are some of the best students this whole country has ever seen! Well, it's obvious, with such great teachers… Now go! Have fun, study hard, fail badly, continue working! And, you can always come back here and chat a little. I may not look like it, but I am pretty old. And I will shamelessly advertise my bar! It's just around the corner, and you will always find someone, at all times of the day! Come and say 'hi', if you happen to pass by."

The students all stood up and started clapping. Oh, how happy I am. These guys are much better than the other classes that graduated since I became the Headmaster. I ignored the hungry looks from all the single mothers. Yeah, me and the bois had a few thirsty thots trying to win us over… Well, they all failed as our wives are simply the best.

Well, everything was going great! I was mingling with my dear ex-students and greeting some parents that came in for counseling during the years when suddenly Murphy decided to fuck with me.

A fucking Gate opened up right on stage and everyone went through an existential crisis.

"Calm down! Ladies and gentlemen! You might be forgetting that we all are 'Unrankable' Hunters! Tula, it's your turn today!" shouted Jaune, calming everyone down.

"Welp, sound like it's show time, huh?" I said and took 'Polemos Techne'. I changed it to a scythe, just to switch it up a little. I also created a magic circle to blast some rock music while clearing this thing. I entered the Gate and it turned red.

I didn't care, but the people outside were freaking out. Well, that was until I re-emerged a couple of seconds after and the Gate closed itself, courtesy of my Godly fuckery.

"Well? Cat caught your tongues? Celebrate, drink, eat, talk!"

Just like that, nine years passed. Shizuka went to college and got her degree with excellent grades, as well as a Masters degree. She then started working with us at the school, which underwent a massive renewal and officially became a private institution with low fees and excellent instruction. Sirzechs and Serafall will send their siblings to the school for their middle and high school instruction, so I will finally have someone to pick on. They are the same age as Charles, so that will be fun. Oh, we also told Shizuka of the supernatural world and all the incredibly convoluted stuff that will go on, which includes us being Gods. I obviously gave her a cultivation technique and she became the 'Incarnation of Language' with a 'World's Teacher Bloodline'. Basically, whatever she says is law. She can impose her will on anything and anyone with her words, much more than regular Incarnations. Nice! And, yes, the bloodline itself recognized that Shizuka was born to be a teacher. Lovely (*sips tea in an English manner after a long time* Verily so. Happy to be back.). Oh, shut it, you will only get this much 'screen time'. Now, go back to your dark hole.

Oh, dear me. It's time for the inaugural address. It will be for both the middle school and high school students. I once again rose on the stage, as I did often in the last few years.

"Hello everyone, I am the Headmaster. You can call me Tula.

It's nice seeing so many of our middle school graduates staying for high school. It means that we are doing our job well, hopefully. So, to everyone. Middle school and high school alike are two very important parts of your lives. You shouldn't just study and aim for the good grades, you should enjoy your life. Have fun, join a club or create a new one, make friends, go out, this depends on your family, but why not try to find love? The thing is: you are all embarking on a wonderful new adventure. Would you rather just watch, or would you rather be part of it? No matter the answer, it is our job and mission to help you.

Come chat with us during our free periods, maybe grab a bite with us. We own a bar just around the corner for the parents of those 18 and over, so come and have a drink or a snack.

Anyway, I am digressing. Everyone, enjoy your school life, I hope you will like our school.

Now that that is over with, you can all refer to your handouts and get to your classrooms for a quick homeroom and a rundown of how we work here. While the teachers here will be busy welcoming your children and the other students, I am here if you have any questions or concerns."

That's how a school should work. The teachers should always help the students and be available, though I guess that the pay isn't worth the trouble to many. Well, not in my school. We are Gods, do we care about pay? Hell no! We only want to pass time and have fun doing something. Currently, we are all enjoying this 'teacher' stuff, so we will continue until it gets boring.

Anyway, I should stop my mental rant and deal with these pests. Who am I referring to if I just finished saying that we teachers should help the students? Well, a certain duo of Sis-cons.

"Sirzechs, Serafall, I have seen Rias and Sona among the students. I must say they are indeed adorable."

"Oh, thank you, Headmaster." said Sirzechs. Since he didn't know how to address me, I told him to call me that after I bought the school. Much easier.

"Boss, treat my little sister well!" added Serafall

"You know perfectly well that I don't have any favorites, but I am sure that your sister will do well. Those times you brought her to the bar, she looked really intelligent. I wouldn't worry too much. On a side note, are they staying with you guys, or did they get a separate residence?"

"Oh, we bought an apartment complex a little ways from here. Nothing too far though. It's actually pretty close to the bar!" said Sirzechs.

"Good. Inform them that they are welcome there. Now, I should probably address the questions from the other parents. See you around." they nodded and went to sneakily take pictures of their sisters. What incorrigible sis-cons. Hm… Well, those little bats will be fun to pick on, so I will let this slide.

I was dealing with all the parents who came to just say 'hi' and put in a good word for their children. These guys are the only ones I hate. It's a fucking school, not some kind of old-school brothel where a noble can simply favor a prostitute and- ok, my analogy sucks, I give up.

Anyway, I was approached by a very normal, absolutely human couple. Well, their son is the strange one.

"Good morning, Headmaster. Wonderful speech back there. I am James Kent, my son is Charles Kent."

"Good morning to you. Yes, I remember reading the name on the admission form. What can I do for you today?"

"Oh, well… It's our son. He has started changing a little too rapidly in the past couple of months. We are a little worried, you see." said the wife.

"Ms. Kent, I am sure that it is just puberty or something similar. However, we will surely keep an eye on him. Although I wouldn't directly opt for that, we have an extremely competent psychologist working with us. If you were to consider it necessary, we can arrange an appointment. However, I will repeat it, I believe it is simply the child growing up. I gave seen many students through the years, so I am fairly certain."

They sighed in relief. It must have been quite concerning to them. "Thank you, Headmaster. We won't disturb you anymore. Thank you, have a good day."

"Not a problem. A good day to you as well."

And I dealt with another problem. What the hell is that guy doing? I do understand that his 42 year-old personality has completely overwritten the previous one, but I made sure to leave him the memories of the previous Charles… Guess I will seriously keep an eye on him. He might have gone cuckoo from power, who knows. Well, it's not my problem either way, but it would pain me if Yukino were to be affected. That girl doesn't deserve even more shit. If Charles is a problem, I will have to terminate him and create a new Charles based on the previous one. Shouldn't be too hard.

At the end of the day, I already received the forms for the creation of two clubs: the 'Occult Research Club' and the 'Service Club'. Wow, such originality. Needless to say, I had to approve both of them since I had no valid reason to refuse. Charles had even gathered enough members for his club, which is surprising. I guess that the 'Golden Rule' I gave him is working even in this case. Seriously, that thing is as much of a cheat as my Akashic Engine was before becoming a God. Ah, I actually miss the good-old days.

Well, not that I don't like my current life. I love it, let's be clear on this. I checked with Omniscience and Charles simply didn't realize that he was acting too much 'out of character', so I sent him a letter: "Hey there, remember me? It's your Headmaster! Heh, didn't expect this, huh? Anyway, you are really acting out of character. Your parents were worried enough to actually speak with me about your situation. I blamed it on puberty, but you should really be a little more subtle about whatever the hell you are doing. See you in class. - ROB aka Tula the Headmaster."

Perfect. The school year was actually going really well! No explosions, no kidnappings by part of the strays, no crazy magus trying to bring about the end of the world. Actually, Rias and Sona really liked spending time in the bar. They basically replaced Shizuka on the two leftmost stools. What's with those things? Are they student magnets? Well, the two Kings are obviously followed by their own little gangs. I honestly prefer Sona's management compared to Rias, but she is actually putting in some work after the start of school. I guess she wants to leave a good impression on her favorite uncle, me.

"Headmaster! If I get good grades, will you join my peerage?!" Or maybe not.

"Nah, too much of a hassle. I am an old man, I can't get involved with you kids anymore!"

"What?! But you deal with those Gates like a champ! I still have the video of you clearing that red Gate in just a handful of seconds!"

"Hm… Then let's do it like this. If, and I mean if, you manage to become a good Lucifer, I will gift you a God as a familiar."

"Seriously?! Yay!" Oh, how gullible this child is. Sona was smirking as well. There is only one 'problem': Rias actually took the challenge and went full-throttle on her studies and training. She will actually be a lot stronger than her canon counterpart if she continues like this.

Charles on the other hand was basically laying the groundwork for Yukino's arrival. He is probably even more obsessed than I was with Weiss… It's kinda scary. I think he is just a step away from becoming a psychopath Yandere. Lowkey Yandere is still acceptable, full Yandere is okay for girls, but psychopath Yandere? Not good. Well, at least he creeped out the little Devils, so I guess he will remain on his original idea of loving only Yukino. It's good.

Around Christmas, there was an interesting little visitor in my bar one evening during a snowstorm. I had modified the weather a little because I wanted to hold a snowman contest at school.

I was cleaning the glasses as usual and checking on the other universes. I finally saw the rest of my fireteam return to the Tower, so I stopped time. I will return there sometime in the future.

The door opened but no cold air came in. I had modified the roof of the bar, so it looked like it was snowing, similar to the Potterverse's Great Hall in Hogwarts.

"Good evening! Do you mind if I stay here to wait for the snow to stop?" said a little girl with dark brown twintails. She must have been between 140 and 150.

"Aren't you a little too young to be here on your own?"

"Well, I didn't expect this snowstorm to come. And I am not too young! I am 11 already!"

"Yeah, you are too young. Come here, take a seat. I'll grab some hot chocolate, on the house."

"How do you even conduct business is still a mystery to me." said Sona on the side.

"I am a Hunter, remember? Boatloads of money there!"

"Headmaster, can we get some hot chocolate as well?!" asked Rias.

"Sure, sure. Now finish your homework, then you should go back home and sleep. Tomorrow we will hold the snowman contest."

"Headmaster?" asked the little girl

"Yup, that school on the main street is mine."

"Oh! I will be going there next semester! I am Tohsaka Rin!"

"Yeah, I know. I already have your admission form. I just like picking on you kids."

"Uncle is like this." added Sona from the side.

Rin looked around and saw no one except for us, so she leaned in over the counter and asked.

"Hey, Headmaster, are you a magus?"

"Sure, let's put it that way. Currently I just a common Hunter and teacher, though."

"As if! You are an 'Unrankable' Hunter and the Headmaster of the most prestigious middle and high school in the entire country! There is no way you are just a common person! And a magus? I bet you are over a thousand years old!" said Rias.

I grabbed her cheeks. "Cheeky little brat! Don't blabber away about my job! Or else I won't make you chocolate anymore."

"No! Anything but that!"

Pfft! I love messing around with these kids. They are just so gullible, nothing like their older versions. Kind of like teams RWBY and JNPR in the alternate universe.

Rin was just staring at me with wide eyes since you don't really find anywhere a magus, who is a Hunter of the highest rank and the Headmaster of an important school. Good thing she can't feel the energy inside the bar, or it would be a problem.

Well, she enjoyed her hot chocolate and warmed up a little.

"So? Where do you live?" I asked

"In the Tohsaka mansion, obviously! It's about a kilometer from here!"

"Who the hell lets a child wander around for a kilometer? My maid will bring you home when you decide to go."

"Thank you! Hey, is it hard being a Headmaster?"

"Hm… Well, not particularly. There is a lot of paperwork, but it's nothing too exaggerated. Plus, you can get some helpers if needed. Why? Thinking about being one?"

"I don't know… I like studying and learning more, though I am awful with technology…"

"What a good child you are. You have a lot of time to decide, so don't worry too much. When you get to middle school next year, I am sure that you will get a better idea of what you like and dislike. Other than that, there's still high school, so no need to stress yourself about it."

"Hm… Thanks… Do you mind if I come here sometimes? Would I disturb your business?"

"No, you can come whenever. As you can see, there aren't many customers. I am just running this bar as a hobby. Been almost two decades…"

"You are an old man!" she said and had wide eyes. What? I still look like I am in my thirties! I had to 'age' a little so that it wouldn't be too strange to the outside world. I can say I exercise and look younger, though that will change in the next couple of decades, if I even stay here that long.

And then, about four years passed like a flash. Now, Charles, the little devils, Rin, Yukino, Shirou, and the other extras are all in high school and the 'canon' I created for this world will start ramping up. And it will be a complete shitstorm! Oh, how fun!