
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 92 - Classes! Meetings! Time Passes!

The same day we arrived in this world, I manipulated the school's directors and got us some contracts as teachers. A pity for those that have been fired, but I made sure to send a couple million dollars to their bank accounts. That should be enough for their under-paying teaching position. Yeah, I totally saved them. Plus, we are way more competent in teaching! I am literally Knowledge incarnated, while the others are way above Ph.D level. It is more than sufficient to teach some snotty brats.

The next day, we all wore some teacher-like clothing, which translates to a super cool suit for me. Yeah, I wanted to go with more casual clothing, but Freya insisted that it didn't look good with my eyepatch. I usually wore my robes, which don't clash too much, but apparently casual and eyepatch are a no-go. Well, she is the Origin of Beauty, so I guess she is right. As usual, I am spearheading the group since, you know, I'm basically the leader. If you equate us to a council of Gods, I am the only one on the board of directors.

Anyway, we were attracting attention, as usual, since we are absolutely handsome/beautiful and super cool in our teacher clothing. I saw some high school seniors salivating, but I quickly modified their minds so that they wouldn't be attracted to our girls. I don't want to 'educate' them as they are still kids, but I am possessive.

We already knew our schedules and classes since I used my Godly fuckery to decide myself. I am obviously a homeroom teacher to a lovely little girl.

I entered class 1-C and sat down, taking out a manga series I found in this world. It's actually a pretty darn good Isekai, which is rare! Don't judge me, I am a God, I need something to waste time! At any rate, I was about half an hour early, guess even I got a little anxious about my first day as a teacher. In the SAO universe, I had much more time to fix everything and prepare, while I just winged it here. There's a big difference.

It was probably around ten minutes before the start of homeroom when the door opened and some nerds started coming in. There's a clear time-schedule in schools: the ones that arrive 15-10 minutes before class are the nerds and teachers' pets, usually but there are exceptions, those that arrive in the last 10 minutes are the normal ones that can be either good or bad in their studies, while the ones that arrive late are the ones that care less. Again, each category has exceptions and outliers, but it's roughly like that. Heh, I still remember how I was always right on time to my classes. I had a perfect internal clock!

Anyway, the kids that entered were kinda surprised to see a guy with white hair, an eyepatch, and his legs on the teacher's desk. Yeah, very unprofessional... Who might this guy be? Oh, it's me, nevermind. I didn't see my target, nor did the kids ask questions. There was a stereotypical otaku that was eyeing my manga though, so I passed him a copy. I think I instantly became his favorite teacher. Heh, bribes rule!

Then, around three minutes before class, she appeared! A little, adorable girl with long, black hair and grey eyes. And glasses. She came in alone and sat down at her desk without saying a word. Ooh, I already see that she is a loner, much like Hachiman in the future. Well, time flew by and class started. Surprisingly, no one was absent.

I got up from my seat and smiled to the class.

"Hello there! I am Tula, your new Modern Japanese teacher and also your homeroom teacher. Your previous teachers have 'suddenly' decided to quit, and I was lucky enough to get this job yesterday."

"Huh?! How boring! Did you bribe your way in?!" asked a gyaru.

"Nope, I am a fully qualified teacher with several Ph.D's and an active Hunter as well. I got the job with qualifications, not bribes. Let's see, you are-" I faked checking the attendance list, but I didn't need to as she answered herself.

"Himari Ichika."

"Well, Ichika, do you think I am qualified?"

"Yup, what rank are you? Hunter, I mean."

"Unrankable." I said, showing my license. Heh, this shocked the kids since many were aiming to become Hunters and make a lot of money.

"What?! Why would you ever take a teaching position?! Don't you make millions each Gate you clear?!" asked another guy.

I again glanced at the attendance sheet and said: "Well, Asahi, it's because I wanted to. I can still clear Gates in my free time, plus, my teammates are also teaching here. You will get the chance to meet them later in the day or the next couple of days. Anymore questions? Otherwise I will start my lesson. Don't worry, I already checked where you should be in the program."

"Why the eyepatch? And the white hair? Did you dye it?"

"An injury that can't be healed. And my hair is all natural."

"What class did the association assign you?"

"Jack of all Trades. I can do pretty much anything, just like all of my teammates."

"Who are your teammates?"

"Pyrrha, Jaune, Sun, Blake, Hephaestus, Loki, Yang, Weiss, Ruby, Freya, Rose, Frey, Shizue, Rimuru, Hinata, Rebecca, Ren, Nora, Ai An, Amethyst, Ais, Neo, Luminous, Milim, and Leona." I answered. I saw that the target wanted to ask a question, but didn't have the courage to. Or maybe she didn't want to attract the attention of the others. Well, pity I am here. "Let's see, you down there. Hiratsuka, Shizuka. Do you have any questions?"

"Uhm...W-will you be our teacher for a long time?" she asked.

"Oh, well. Probably until you guys graduate, but you might see me even after. Why? Don't like me?" I asked jokingly

"N-no! Nothing like that! I was just… Curious."

"I know, I am just joking. Ok, let's start our lesson, we already spent a lot of time talking about me."

The lesson was pretty straight forward. Obviously, having a high-ranked Hunter with multiple degrees, and quite good-looking is a great incentive. Plus, I can easily use the laws to make it easier for the students to follow my explanations, so no one got bored or distracted. Even those that clearly looked and acted like delinquents were quite active during the lesson. I am proud of them and of myself.

At the end of the lesson, I asked: "So, are any of you in a club?"

A lot of students responded by mentioning sports or table-top games. Shizuka didn't answer. I will have to get her in a club. Being a loner is pretty nice in the moment, but you will regret it in the end. Well, I can just have her come to the bar and talk with her there. Yeah, let's do that. I sneakily materialized my bar's business card inside her diary, so that she would see it immediately upon returning home.

"Good! Some of my friends will be taking charge of those clubs, so you're in for a surprise! Now, I will leave you to Weiss for the mathematics lesson. Oh, a suggestion: pay attention to her lessons, or she will get mad." I said and exited the class. I found a pissed Weiss outside the door and received a punch in the gut.

"Told you she'd get mad! See you later, dear." I said towards Weiss. Heh, I put her on the spot and a source of gossip for the snotty middle schoolers. Hah, face my vengeance! Or pettiness, whatever you prefer.

The day was pretty fun! I had another couple of classes who also proceeded smoothly. By the end of the day, me and the gang were already the favorite teachers in school, even for those that didn't have lessons with us that day. Well, it's obvious: cool/sexy teachers, high-ranked Hunters, clear explanations… What more do you need? Clubs also proceeded normally, actually better than ever.

We returned to the bar around 5 P.M., which wasn't all that bad. The kids were actually pretty fun to be around and tease, so it wasn't too boring. Plus, we do teach only the things we are more or less interested in, so there is no problem.

We entered the bar and found no customers. A slow day apparently. I quickly changed in classy barman clothes and got behind the counter.

Weiss sat on a stool and asked: "Hello Mr. Barman… Could you get me something strong? I have had a pretty annoying day due to my husband throwing a bunch of kids' attention towards me."

"Oh my! He seems like a bad person. Tell me, is he a good husband?"

"Oh, that he is. Just a little chuuni sometimes, but he's the best in everything else. Very caring and slightly Yandere, I must say. You better be careful, or he might get some strange ideas seeing you talking with me."

"He doesn't sound so bad. And… Talking with you is absolutely worth it, even if I do anger your Yandere husband."

"Oh, then I might have to reward you for your bravery!" she said and winked. I smiled and poured her a nice drink.

"Here, on the house for the best wife one could ask for!"

"Thank you, my dear barman husband."

"So… Can I do it as well, or is this some kind of kinky roleplay I don't get?" asked Ruby from the side.

"Oh, we can roleplay as well, dear customer!"

Like so, around an hour of messing around and drinking passed, then the door opened. I looked over and saw Shizuka.

"Hello, Shizuka! A little too young to drink, but I can always cook you something! Actually, Jaune would be the better option for a cook." I said, attracting her attention.

"S-sensei, you are a barman?"

"Not exactly, this is our bar. I am the owner and barman as a hobby. How about you? I doubt you drink at your age…"

"N-no! I-I found a business card with this address on it, so I though I forgot something and came to check out the place!"

"Ooh! Then, here! Come sit at the counter, let's chat a little." She looked a little… Confused? But she still came and sat opposite to me, next to Weiss and Ruby.

I prepared a milkshake for her. I can't let a kid go hungry, after all. I noticed that she only ate a sandwich at lunch and she must have come back here immediately upon noticing the business card, so I doubt she had a snack at home.

"So… Tell me a little about you."

We talked for more than an hour. Shizuka wasn't shy at all once she gets to know you for more than ten minutes and she is quite the bundle of joy. Seems like she has a little difficulty relating to others her age, so she became a loner, which worsened the problem. I would have never imagined that. Her parents in this world are Hunters, fairly high-ranked at that, but she doesn't have the talent or the desire to be one. Well, it's better like this. The Gates in this world are fairly easy, but still life-threatening to newbies and distracted veterans. She loves science and, now, Modern Japanese. She still doesn't know what she wants to do when she grows up, but I told her she has some time and that we can always help her, though the decision is hers to make.

I proposed she entered a club to make some friends, but she said she didn't need them. The other students didn't approach her, so she wouldn't approach them.

"Then, from now on, you can come here whenever you want and chat with us. We can also help you if you don't understand some subjects." I looked at the clock and it was already over 7. "It's getting late, so you should get back home, or your parents will get worried. Luminous."

She came down the stairs. Good thing I told her not to appear suddenly when in front of normal people. Well, I could probably pass it off as a Hunter ability.

"Yes, Mas- Boss?"

"Could you accompany Shizuka here to her house? It's a little late for a girl to go home alone."

"Sure thing. Hello, Shizu-chan. I am Luminous, I work here at the bar and as a Hunter."

"Uhm, hello, pleased to meet you."

Like so, a couple of weeks passed. Classes are going swimmingly, the bar isn't going too well, though there are some regulars now, mainly salarymen or teachers from the high school section. Shizuka is coming here almost every day to chat and study. She basically has her name written on the leftmost stool and is absolutely adorable. She even confessed to Ruby that she was a little worried about getting fat, so she was introduced to our workout room. See, it's useful!

Anyway, today, an interesting bunch of people came in. I was minding my own business, doing the very bartender-like move of cleaning glasses while staring off in the distance. I was in reality checking on the other universes, in particular those we have visited. Everything was fine, so I left another message to those we know, then I was distracted by the door opening.

"Good evening! Welcome to the Universe Bar!" Yep, a very original name. I then looked at who actually came in: the four fucking Satans from DxD. Oh, I will have so much fun with them. Just look at their faces! They are scared shitless by the concentration of energy in the bar! "Amethyst." she appeared out of thin air. "Would you show the customers to a table? Maybe take their order as well."

"Of course, Boss!" she said and lead the four people to a random free table. The bar had a huge counter and some tables to the side, which acted more like a privé thanks to some good materials and enchantments.

"Sensei, are those guys important? You usually don't ask Amethyst-san, Luminous-san, or Milim-san to show customers to a table…" asked Shizuka from the side.

"Oh, no they are not that important. They are just some 'colleagues' you could say."

In the meanwhile, I used Omniscience to check on what the four devils were talking about.

"Have you felt the energy here?! It's scary! Who the hell are the owners?!" asked a very hyperactive Ajuka Beelzebub

"I have no idea, but they are not normal. I have been to Heaven for some diplomatic dealings, and the energy there was basically non-existent compared to here. I feel like I am suffocating…" said Sirzechs 'Sis-con' Lucifer.

"They have maids here! Who cares about energy and all that! Do you think they would hire me?!" asked a very excited Serafall 'Sis-con number 2' Leviathan.

'Yes, we would.' I said telepathically. 'Your drinks and food will be ready shortly, please be patient.'

"The hell?!" she shouted.

'Oh, please don't shout, I can hear perfectly fine even if you whisper or just think.'

"Serafall, what happened? You shouted all of a sudden?" asked a concerned Falbium Asmodeus.

"Wait, you didn't hear that? The bartender guy just spoke to me telepathically!"

"The bartender? Isn't he just hum-" started saying Sirzechs.

'Don't finish that sentence, little bat. Or I will add fried bat wings to the menu.' I said to all of them this time. 'How could I possibly be a mere human?' Oh, I enjoy scaring them and being mysterious. Maybe I should change that to obnoxious, but who cares?

"Then what are you? You aren't a Devil, Angel, or Fallen. Much less a Yokai." asked Ajuka

'Well, I will give you a riddle: for thousands, millions of years I have lived, life and death are nothing to me, I came to play because I am bored, this energy is something I can produce by farting. What am I?'

They all thought for a second, then Falbium answered: "A God."

'Ding ding ding! We've got a winner! Unfortunately no prize for you, but I'll offer you the drink.'

"And may I ask what is your affiliation?" said Ajuka

'None, those guys you call 'Gods' are an insult to me. They are barely long-lived mortals with some power. Now that I think about it, I should probably wipe them out.'

They all shuddered when they heard me say 'wipe them out'. Heh, who wouldn't? I am talking about 'Gods' as if they were an infestation. Well, they are. Fucking pests. Oh, Amethyst brought them the food and drinks.

"Well, you better leave them now, Boss. Come by and chat a little sometimes. Serafall, if you want to be hired, stay a little and we can talk about the contract. Oh, no magical girl shit. The Boss doesn't appreciate it." she said to the four Devils.

'What? Did you think I was the only God? Oh, no no.'

"I think my brain just overheated…" said Sirzechs. I materialized a balloon filled with cold water and let it pop on his head. Heh, watch out for what you say.

The four little bats continued to come by every once in a while, in particular Serafall. I ended up hiring her since she was just so enthusiastic. Shizuka continued coming by and stuck to me like a puppy. How cute.