
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 91 - Leaving, Crossovers?

I teleported to Rivendell and found Celebrìan praying in front of a newly made statue of me. It was pretty nice: my absolutely awesome eyepatch, the scar, a few books in hand and at my feet, and my sword. Wow, the detail they put in this thing! Impressive, I must say, in particularly since they have seen my sword for only a few seconds and had to base it off of the soldiers' description.

Since I am going to leave, I decided to play a little trick on them. I gave life to the statue and made it a golem. It will protect Rivendell in the event of an attack and can also teach some interesting stuff to anyone who prays to it. A reward for the faith Celebrìan has given me. No wonder I felt some strange energy entering my body in the last few days… It's strange that I can't mass produce 'faith' as a type of energy, but I guess that even that has a set of rules I can't affect, yet. Since I was there, I also placed statues for each of the gang members, with a plaque detailing our names and powers. Steady stream of 'faith' created!

Well, my little stunt attracted her attention, so I started a little conversation. You know, just the usual pleasantries.

"Hello there, how's life going?"

She looked at me and smiled. "Everything is going perfectly, elder brother. Shouldn't you be with the Dwarves in Erebor? And I see that there are more statues now..."

"Well, they already took the mountain and have slain Smaug, so there is no need to worry about that. There was a small army of Orcs that tried invading, but they were terminated with extreme prejudice. As for the statues, why don't you try offering a new prayer? You will be surprised."

Cely nodded and started praying again. Then, she had a revelation or something similar, since she stared at me with wide eyes.

"It's a little gift. These statues will protect Rivendell and your family. And I also have another gift for you." I said. I summoned René the 'Dragon of Flowers', just shrunk. I also gave her the ability to change its size at will. "Celebrìan, this is René, a Dragon. From now on, she will be your familiar. Just give her a drop of your blood."

"A… A Dragon?! W-w… How?!"

"There is something I forgot to mention. 'Warlock' should be translated as 'God' in the current era." I said and winked. "We are leaving, Cely. Don't worry, I will be watching over you, just like the other worlds I visited."

"L-leaving? W-why?! Can't you stay?!"

"Well, no, I can't. Godly duties, Cely." I lied, but this will make it easier for me to leave. Celebrìan became a little too attached to me. "However… You can always speak to me through the statue. And, if you were to die of anything other than old age, I can always bring you back as a Goddess. That wouldn't be too hard."

She was almost crying, but what can I do? I hugged her and patted her head. After a bit, she calmed down and took a deep breath.

"I will miss you, big brother!"

"Yeah… Me too. I should go now, or else I'll stay here too long." I said, gave her one last hug, and started dematerializing, just for added suspense and drama.

I reappeared in the Tower and met up with the gang on the topmost floor.

"So, ready to leave?" I asked.

"We are, what about you? Your 'little sister' was a little too clingy… Are you sure she didn't fall for you?" said Jaune, joking.

"Why, of course she fell for me! I am awesome after all!"

"Can't really deny that. Ok, concentrate. I want to find a nice universe where we can do a little bit of everything." said Weiss. Is she a little jealous? Ooh, I need to pick on her tonight! Good thing I called Celebrìan my little sister, because I think she might have gone a little Yandere otherwise. How nice my wives are! All of them are lowkey Yanderes, but they will be quite open if they accept a new addition. I can only pray for those that don't pass their 'standards'.

Anyway, since it's kinda fun listening to the delusional weebs from Earth Prime and they also have some nice ideas every once in a while, I decided to summon another soul. I created a new sub-dimension in the Tower and transported myself and the gang there. The surroundings were pitch-black, while the floor was pure white.

"Nice. Going for that 'Godly' vibe, huh?" noted Rebs.

"Fanfictions do wonders to weebs and otakus!"

I concentrated for a moment and found a suitable idio- soul, I definitely didn't mean idiot. I found the perfect guy for my needs. Probably one of the greatest closet Otakus that ever existed, but he still had a decent social life. I wonder how a mortal did that. Amazing multitasking and acting abilities, I must say.

I summoned him and left him in a small illusion where he waited in the 'void' for a few trillion years. In reality, the process was instantaneous. He woke up and looked around, panicking, then turned to face us.

"Who are you?! What am I doing here?! Actually, what's this place?!" he shouted.

"Chill! Didn't you read those shitty fanfics where the souls get lost in the void and get granted wishes?"

"Of course I did! Every weeb with some self-respect read at least one of those! Wait… Is this the same thing?"

"Well, yes, but actually no. Your soul got 'mysteriously lost' in the 'void' for a couple trillion years, which would make even my soul disperse, so you are awesomely talented!" I was struggling not to laugh. God, how do I even come up with such bullshit?! "That is why I will grant some of your wishes, depending on my mood. My friends and family might also grant some of your wishes, if they like you enough."

"Cool! I want to be reincarnated in Drag-" Yang didn't even let him finish and exterminated his soul.

"Fuck him, Dragon Ball is too boring. Next!" she said and summoned another soul, proceeding in the same way as before.

The new soul was pretty much the same, but he was openly proclaiming his love for the 2D… What a horrible human being… Look at my wives! 3D for life! Well, most of my wives are 2D-turned-3D, so… Forget about that.

The new guy looked around, much more calmly than the other one, but he was still worried deep in his heart. I whistled to attract his attention.

"Reincarnation?" he asked

"Reincarnation. Why don't you present yourself? You can call me ROB, by the way."

"Oh, yeah. I would be Charles, 42, divorced, depressed, salaryman-turned-otaku. Pleasure to meet you."

"Damn, that's harsh. Well, have you ever read fanfictions? Well, of course you did. We will grant you some wishes, try to be original, at least a little. Let's start with your world."

"Hm… Thank you. I will assume that fictional worlds do exist then. Can I mix a couple of them together?" I nodded. I already like him more than the last guy.

Charles started thinking a little. 'Hm… I am way too old to get sent to worlds in constant conflict, though it would be boring to reincarnate in the same old world. Oregairu is a given. Even though I might seem a pedo, Yukino is my waifu. I also like Fate, but that's one motherfucking clusterfuck… Eh, I'll add it in and hope for the best. I am kinda tempted to add Solo Leveling, but how would I mix it in? I can ask this guy, he seems pretty chill…'

"Yeah, I can make it work, continue, Charles. By the way, nice waifu and age is just a number to reincarnated people. Just don't think about it."

'Oh, you can read my thoughts? That makes it easier for me. I would either want to be a high-schooler again or a teacher, but you do you. Hm… I can't think of any more universes to add in… Oh, maybe DxD? I'm not too keen on the idea of a harem, but the plot was interesting… Yeah, that's it, if you could.'

I thought for a second about how to mix them in together.

"Oregairu is pretty easy. I can easily put in Fate, let's do the UBW route since I say so. Should I make it so that the two plots happen in the same city?" I asked, just to smooth out the details. Seeing that he nodded, I continued: "Good. Solo Leveling will just be the Gates, which gives me an excuse to make Magi more involved with society. Oh, the Holy Grail War will happen at the same time as canon Oregairu. Hm… DxD… Well, I can make it so that they are just mixing in with society as the rest of the characters, so that's easy. Trust me, the harem will appear whether you like it or not. You will be quite powerful in this world and devils are attracted to power. At that point, I would be happy if you can somehow put Hachiman with Yui and/or the kouhai.

Ok then! Everything will happen in Tokyo, because why not, and the main characters will all be about the same age and go to the same school. Oh, I will eliminate Issei because I want to. Now, give me… Let's go with ten wishes, then you can enjoy your life. Oh, give me your background as well, like age, and appearance, and so on."

Charles started thinking again. Come on, I want to go to this new world as well!

"Never liked Issei as well, so that's fine by me. I will be sure to be a wingman, then. For the background, make me a year older than Yukino, a student at the same school, and her childhood friend. Make me handsome, if possible. The rest, you can decide. Now for my wishes… I need some combat capabilities, something to help me in daily life, and maybe something so that I am rich… First wish, could I have Gilgamesh's 'Golden Rule'?"

"Sure, why not. There really aren't limits to your wishes, I am Omnipotent for a reason. I wouldn't recommend becoming a God through a wish just because it is boring, trust me, but you do you."

"Thank you. Never really liked cultivation, but magic sounds interesting… For my second wish, I would like a cultivation technique that uses my Mana instead of whatever energy cultivation uses, to strengthen my body and magical capabilities. Oh, and limited Reality Manipulation, like, whatever I say is correct. Obviously up to a certain point, I don't expect to be the absolute authority there. That would help me with the studies and more. Instant Mastery and Comprehension."

"Sure, that's five."

"I would like the Shadow-clone technique, just to speed things up a little and be in different places at the same time. Oh, some kind of mental enhancement and thought partition, to control my clones. I would like a weapon, a gun or a spear, if possible. And something like Observation Haki."

"Fine. Not very original, at all, but I will let it slide since you mixed in some nice worlds. It will be a fun place to stay in-"

"Wait, you are going to that world?"

"Yeah, vacation like normal mortals. You might see me around, so come and say 'hi' sometimes. The clones will be perfect clones with your same capabilities, so it will be easier for you to deal with the different plots. Decide whether you want a gun or a spear, then think about it. The resident Origin of Blacksmithing will create it for you. Oh, if you do choose a gun, you will have an infinite supply of mags and bullets, consider it a bonus. Ain't I so nice? Oh, there will be Sacred Gears, Mystic Codes, and all that juicy stuff. Let's see… Anything else?" I said, then turned to the gang.

"I see that you like helping people, and I am the Origin of Benevolence. I will give you an extra wish." said Ruby. Oh, yeah, I forgot to check this guy's mentality after the void illusion. Oops, I could have sent a potential maniac in that world…

"Oh, then… Could you make me similar to a Heroic Spirit? As in, already superior 'stats' and a couple of skills of your liking?"


"If there's nothing else, you can go through that portal and reincarnate. Oh, since you are a big boi already, I will spare you from having to act childish and throw you in a middle schooler's body. You will have time to become stronger while not having to act too much like a child."

"Thanks, see you around then." said Charles, then he turned around and stepped into a portal I just made.

"Well, he was a little more original than the usual Multiverse travelers. Those idiots think they can reach the level of a God with just Anime powers, how stupid. We only managed to do so because we could control every single law, otherwise I wouldn't even dare declare myself a Goddess." said Blake

"Well, the definition of 'Godhood' is quite rough. It can either be interpreted as some universe-ending power or as Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. In the end, as you saw in Douluo, these so-called 'Gods' are usually True Gods at best. The really strong ones are barely Empyreans, which is already something. Those natural Incarnations are more like very strong Spirits, but they are all quite weak." I said.

"Anyway… We have: a drama combined with a world derived from an eroge, Gates infested with monsters, and basically a world filled with sluts and succubi, no offence to Merlin, obviously… Pretty nice, I'd say." said Weiss.

"Well, I would refuse to acknowledge those thirsty bitches as members of the same race as me, but it's true. Anyway, the world seems interesting and we can simply create some interesting Gates for when we are bored. The kids are also interesting, so there's that." me and Merlin said in sync. It probably looked hilarious. Just a reminder, but I am an incubus now, so basically the same race, just the male version.

"Nice. I want to try being a bar owner, so I will open one close to their school. A little Godly fuckery and we will have some interesting visitors in between Gates. We can also educate those sluts. Oh, how much I will enjoy it!" I said. Then I realized that I didn't give enough context, which was evidently what my wives thought since they glared at me.

"You touch one those bitches, and I rip your dick off." said Yang.

"I didn't give enough context. I meant messing with them, and you know it!" I defended myself. The rest of the gang was seriously struggling to not laugh.

"Pfft! Oh, sorry. I will help you with the bar, it sounds interesting. Hinata, would you mind creating some identities for us?" said Jaune.

"Sure thing. I just searched up some things on the universe you created. We will be classified as 'Unrankable' Hunters and each will have several Ph.D's to their names. I am pretty sure that Tula will try to become a teacher. Too many opportunities would be wasted otherwise." she said. Then she turned to me. "I already know why you are so enthusiastic about this. She will have to go through our screening first."

"Oh, am I such an open book for you, my dear? Well, fine, just remember that they are all mortals." I tried hiding my enthusiasm, but I guess that my wives would notice that something was off. Who are they talking about? Obviously about best girl in the world I combined. The one, the only, the undisputed… Secret! Hah, you thought I would tell you? You waited in vain, mongrel! Oh, I had a sudden 'Archer' attack… Need to get that checked. "Anyway, let's go. We will enter the world a couple of decades before the new canon I made. Ooh, I will finally get to experience how it is becoming a middle aged man!"

"Aww, I wanted the normal Tula…" said Ruby

"Correction, I will use illusions."


Anyway, stepping through a portal, we appeared in the outskirts of Tokyo. We then teleported to a real-estate agency to buy some land. Jaune did some nice manipulation and we got a nice apartment building that was supposed to be demolished. Not even an hour later, we exited the agency with the documents signed. It wasn't supposed to be this fast, but when you offer almost five times the price in cash, things tend to be quicker…

We teleported once again in the building and checked it out.

"Nice, it's about 200 meters from the school… Hephaestus, Architecture falls under Blacksmithing, so you can go wild with our base in this universe."

"Hell yeah! I've been waiting for this! Always wanted to build some modern stuff!" she said enthusiastically.

In the end, we got a floor for each of us, meaning one for me and my wives, one for Jaune and his wives, one for Ren and co., one for Sun and co., one for Hephaestus, and one for Hecate, a floor to be used as a recreational facility, one with some workout equipments, because why not, a rooftop garden, two floors dedicated to the bar and kitchen, an underground to be used as deposit, workshop, and research lab. Hephaestus and Hecate were quite adamant about those two. We had to use a little bit of Godly fuckery so that nobody would question how an old apartment building transformed in a state-of-the-art skyscraper in a single instant. We also applied a few formations and enchantments, so that this place would be connected to the Tower, its energy, and attract the important people of this world.

Now, the school. It had both the middle school and high school section, and offered courses for Hunters as well, if desired. Oh, how good I am at making stuff! Oh, by the way, we already had our extremely legal and absolutely authentic documents. The Hunter license was kinda cool since it was completely black with our names and rank in relief, and the chip, obviously. It looked plain, but it just had the feel of something extraordinary. Well, for common people it is, while it is just a card for us. I checked out how far exactly we are from 'canon', which means when Charles will enter middle school, and I was quite pleasantly surprised as a certain little girl was just in her first year of middle school, about 15 years before canon. Huh, there's something that doesn't fit, but who cares, right?

"Well, seems like I am becoming a modern Japanese teacher for the next twenty or so years." I said.

"Then I will apply for the biology position when our targets reach highschool. I will subtly teach them how to behead things properly." said Ren. Nora punched him in the gut. Yeah… Teaching kids how to behead isn't exactly a good thing.

"Then I will do physical education!" said Yang

"And I will be the mathematics teacher." said Weiss

"I take dibs on science!" said Loki

"I take social studies!" said Ruby

"I will teach home economics." said Hephaestus.

"I take music!" said Sun. Oh, I forgot to mention that our 'fluffy' friends are using illusions to appear perfectly human.

"I will take English, then." said Blake

"And I will take the Hunter classes. Since they need some assistants, I will also take Jaune." said Pyrrha

"Do I have to?" he asked


And so, it was decided that most of us will be working as teachers and bar owners, while the rest do whatever the fuck they want. It's a good thing that Gates exist so that we can use some of our abilities by blaming those. Ah, flashbacks to bullshit semblances and Light…