
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 74 - Return, Plans Move Forward

When I stepped through the portal, I made time move again. The gang felt the still open portal and came to see what had happened.

Well, I first heard the Voice.

[Welcome back, Master.

Creating new Skills…

Empyrean Skill - 'Ki Empyrean- created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Empyros'

Divine Skill - 'Esper, Pugilist, Psychic, Mage, Mechanic Knowledge' created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Origin Empyrean of Original Knowledge'

Divine Skill - 'Modified Ki Techniques' - created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Empyrean Techniques'

Divine Skill - 'Ultra Instinct Perfected' - created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Empyrean Techniques'

Divine Skill - 'Modified S-Cells Transformations' - created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Empyros'

Ultimate Skill - 'T-Doll and Shipgirl Commander: Shikikan' - created - evolved into Divine Skill - 'Ultimate Strategist: Patton'

Skill creation completed.]

I am sure that I just need a little more, then I will be able to evolve again. What will I become? Will I get more knowledge? Will I be able to somehow reach the top? I can't wait to find the answer to these questions.

"I'm back. I went on a little trip and got us a new maid. Amethyst, this is Vados, train her up. I also brought gifts for you all!" I said and gave everyone the knowledge on the techniques I created in the Dragon Ball universe, including 'Ultra Instinct Perfected'. Oh, and Ki, of course.

"You went to this universe without us?!" asked Pyrrha. An entire universe that thinks only about fighting? She likes it.

"We can go there in the future. I just need to reverse a couple of things I did, then it can become a pretty nice playground for us. But..." I trailed off and sent information on the last universe I visited to Jaune. "Jaune had a surprise for you, right?"

"Of course. Since you said that you wanted an intergalactic war, I found you a universe where it will be possible!"

"Seriously?! I love you so much!" she said and kissed him. I winked at my friend. I got his back.

Well, since it was almost normal for me to go around the Multiverse when I am bored, it didn't cause much of a problem, and I soon started spending my time with my wives. I also sent a clone to work on the Shipgirls and Gungirls. I obviously modified the shit out of the ships. Now, each of their shots is easily capable of annihilating Ancestor Gods, the girls gained knowledge on cultivation and started doing that, and I also started a 'Dummy fleet', similar to how the T-Dolls can have dummies to fight alongside them. Well, my Ship dummies are around 50 each Shipgirl, so that they all have enough firepower. When they all become Goddesses, they will have infinite dummies.

I also worked on my weapons after so much time. Since I am a lazy fuck, I used pre-existing models. For my Shotgun, I created an AA-12 Doll, with the ability to switch between the different weapon forms, and knowledge on cultivation, which will enhance both the weapon and the Doll. Oh, obviously I have her undying love, trust, and loyalty. For my Hand Cannon, I created a Px4 Storm with the same capabilities. For my Sidearm, a Welrod MkII. For my Pulse Rifle, an Ots-14. For my Auto Rifle, a HK416. For my Scout Rifle, a ST AR-15. For my Bow, a Carcano M91/38. For my SMG, an MP7. For my Sniper Rifle, an IWS 2000. For my Linear Fusion Rifle, I chose a Kar98k. For the Fusion Rifle, RO635. The Trace Rifle will be an AUG. For the HMG, a Kord. For my Grenade Launcher, an S.A.T.8. For my Rocket Launcher, an Elphelt. For my Sword, a Seele.

Now, after this infodump nobody asked for, let's get onto the important stuff: starting a global war for our enjoyment. I had my fleets roam about our country-sized lake, just to show military superiority to the world below. I will improve the base in our next universe. I got a decent idea after remembering something about Dyson Spheres and the Death Star from Star Wars.

I'm digressing! It's been a ton of time since that happened. Before my trip, we completed the preparations for our little Risiko game (table-top game). I gathered everyone on the topmost floor, at our Round Table.

"Ok… I think it's time." I said.

"Should we start tomorrow then?" asked Pyrrha.

I nodded then started the planning phase.

"We have already sown the seeds of war in all countries. We need to choose the ones with which we will start. I say we have the 'Demon Lords' attack the nearby human countries. Whoever wins will be weakened and this will start a chain reaction. We can also give incentives through the Voice, like the quests we gave out in SAO."

"I like it. Ruberios is out however since it isn't officially a Demon Lord's territory. That leaves us with Carrion's, Frey's, Milim's, Clayman's, and Crimson's territories." said Pyrrha

"If we use Crimson's, we could spawn some recyclable minions and have them invade from Falmuth, then Ingrassia, finally Ruberios." said Loki

"We can then start a 'religious war on the Demon Lords as a 'Global Quest' through the Voice." finished Yang. "It will be my responsibility, as the 'Empyrean of Primordial Adventures'."

"That should plunge the world into war. Pretty nice. We can even have Rimuru offer safe passage to the Human armies towards the Demon Lord's territories to prove her 'neutral stance'. Then, when the armies are outside their countries, the Jura Tempest Federation will invade, conquer, and rule the undefended countries." said Ais.

"My dear little Ais, where did you learn to scheme like this?" I asked.

"It's my dominant law, dad. And I'm not little anymore! I spent a few googols evolving! I also have the body of a teenager now!" she said and pouted. Well, it is true. She grew up to resemble her canon counterpart, just with more expressions.

"Well, you will always be my daughter, so you are a child until I admit you are not. Anyway, it looks to me like we have a plan of action… Let's start tomorrow. Any concerns, last minute thoughts, questions?"

Vados raised her hand. I nodded and allowed her to speak.

"Why are you all scheming so much? Lady Amethyst has told me about your powers and you could easily manipulate every leader into attacking a neighboring country."

"Fair question. It wouldn't be fun. We will be orchestrating a war from behind the scenes, but we want to observe the mortals' natural reactions and decisions, only sending 'hints' to them." I said.

"Exactly, Vados. While we can do anything that comes to mind, literally, we still want to have fun. There is a game in our home universe, where you play as the leader of a country. You use cards that equate to actions, but the actual result is decided by rolling a die. We want that element of uncertainty, of mystery. We can't have fun fighting since we are too powerful, but this should be quite entertaining." said Jaune.

"Ugh, you made me remember my dark past!" said Weiss. Heh, she still remembers our first year at Beacon.

"When we are done here… How about we find an Alternate Remnant? We can observe our younger selves and help them. We could also manipulate our ages and apply at Beacon again." I said, just throwing the idea there.

They all thought for a second, then nodded.

"Let's do it! It will be fun, seeing our younger selves. Maybe a reality where Tula doesn't exist, just so that we can see what would have happened…" said Ruby. And now, I regret saying it. Pyrrha dies! Yang loses an arm! All that dark shit happens! Ah, fuck it. They are mature enough to not get affected by it. I hope.

The next day, we created an enormous army of 200000 ice-related monsters and unleashed them on Falmuth, along with a message from the Voice.

[World Message:

The 'First Stage' has begun! Demon Lord Guy Crimson has declared war on Humanity!

My Master has kindly offered rewards to the country that defeats his armies.]

Everywhere the horde of monsters went, not a single soldier was left. The civilians were left alone, while any government-related official was slaughtered. The map was literally being dyed blood red, much to Pyrrha's, Ais', and Milim's happiness. Their dominant laws are related to war and death, so this situation was ideal for them. I could definitely feel Pyrrha's power strengthening, while Ais started getting a little effect, probably because the humans wanted revenge.

Well, to coordinate better, I visited my favorite slime girl. I teleported beside her.

"Hey there! Seems like you and your friends have gotten to work, huh? Need something?" she asked.

"Dear Rimuru… Eh, I am here to tell you that some human armies might start passing through the Jura Forest. I will deal with it via the Voice, you might want to try to get some benefit. Also, the countries that fall to the monsters are yours to conquer and govern. Of course, I don't expect you to do that for nothing." I said and gave her knowledge on cultivation, Aura, and Magic. Then, I connected her stomach to my Tower, so that she would get a constant supply of energy. "Consider this the first step to becoming my wife."

I left, leaving a red slime behind. Aah, how much I love messing with people sometimes.

Let me give you a quick recap of what happened recently. First of all, Falmuth was completely overrun with monsters. All soldiers that opposed their advance and government officials have been purged from this world. I took the Nobles' souls and checked them. If they were corrupt or criminals, I sentenced them to a couple millennia of tortu- Ahem! Rehabilitation, then they would reincarnate as commoners.

Rimuru took over the country, which was announced by a message from the Voice:

[World Message:

The Kingdom of Falmuth has fallen to Demon Lord Guy Crimson's army!

The Jura Tempest Federation, being under the protection and supervision of my Master will take over the management of the country.

The 'First Stage' is currently ongoing. Repel the armies!]

Yang totally changed this world into a simulation game… Oh well, she is having fun, so I don't care.

After Falmuth's fall, Ingrassia soon followed. The Grandmaster of the Guild was a little troublesome to take out, but nothing a True Dragon Velzard couldn't take care of.

I forgot to mention, but Shizue wasn't all that worried about this world. It has only brought her sadness and suffering. Well, since she asked him, Ren got her students and brought them to Tempest. He also fixed their little 'Ooh, I'm dying' problem, so she was actually very happy. I also forgot to mention that she recently became the 'Origin Goddess of Primordial Flames' and then evolved into an Empyrean. And recently means the day our war started.

Since the two stepping stones were taken care of, we sent a more elaborate message throughout the world.

[World Message:

Unfortunately, the armies of the Demon Lord Guy Crimson have reached the Holy Empire, Ruberios. The 'First Stage' has ended. Humanity failed.

The Demon Lords wish to destroy humanity and take over the world.

The invasion of Ruberios marks the start of the 'Second Stage: Holy War'.

All countries should mobilize for war against the Demon Lords.

Repel the armies! Destroy their Territories! Prevent the 'Third Stage' at all costs!

Do so, and my Master will reward you.]

THAT made everyone move their asses and get ready for war. Pyrrha saw that almost every country was wondering how to effectively invade the Demon Lords' territories, so we sent another message:

[World Message:

The Jura Tempest Federation will provide a safe passage to the human armies.

Rimuru Tempest's position is neutral, my Master has made sure of it.

Any groups with the Storm Dragon Veldora's insignia belong to the Federation and are not to be attacked.

Head to the capital city Tempest in peace, and you will receive aid. Head to the capital with hostile intentions, and be exterminated.]

Soon, countries such as Blumund, Dwargon, and Sarion sent their armies to Tempest. I already checked and they came in peace. Strange, I thought that human greed knows no bounds and no reason… Huh, the more you know: if you threaten people with extermination, they become such good puppies.

Now, it is time to bolster the Demon Lords' power. Leon Cromwell can do whatever the fuck he wants. I am not concerned with him. Jaune seemed interested in Frey, so I will let him deal with her. I will sneakily increase the numbers and quality of Dragon Faithfuls and amass an army of summoned, recyclable monsters in Clayman's territory. Carrion… Carrion can go and fuck himself.

I sent the Demon Lords a message:

[Private Message:

Good day to you, Demon Lords.

I would be a God, but that is not important. I wish for humanity's annihilation, while they wish for your annihilation. I guess that creates a common interest between us: defeating them.

I will provide you all with soldiers to send in battle alongside your own. I will also gift you an evolution, just so that you can enhance your chances of success.

You have no right to reject my benevolence. Fight for your survival, and you will have helped a God. Do not fight, and be destroyed by either the humans or me.]

I then had all the Demon Lords, with the exception of the fake Clayman, Ramiris, Guy, and Frey, evolve. Jaune went personally into Frey's domain to interact with her. I wasn't too interested in how my friend picked up another woman, so I let him do his thing. The result was him returning with the big-breasted Harpy, leaving a clone in her place.

Sun, Ren, and I gave him a thumbs-up when he arrived, just to tease him. Well, Pyrrha had a good talk with both of them before anything else.

Now, only the climax remains: the battle for 'survival'. Little do the mortals know that they are doomed to fail in any case…