
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 75 - Climax, End of the War

"And so, what do we do?" I asked my friends.

We were currently sitting around our table as usual when we need to make important decisions.

"The 'Final Battle', huh? Yeah, I wonder…" said Ren.

"Well, we can either have several battles and see who comes out the victor, or we can have one giant battle-" started saying Pyrrha

"I got it! Ah, no sorry, continue." I suddenly shouted. God, that was embarrassing.

"Nope, you gotta tell us. A random battle can wait if this got you so excited." said Jaune.

"Well, I finally got the key to our next evolution. I need to take another trip, but that can wait until after the war. Actually, we can first visit some other random universes and then go together. Anyway, please continue. Sorry, Pyrrha."

"No, no problem. Another evolution is much cooler than a final battle. Anyway, I was saying that it's either a couple of 'smaller' battles or we group up the human armies and the Monster armies and have them clash."

"I would say one large battle." said Weiss.

"Yeah, one large boom is better than those pitiful battles until now!" said Yang.

"I feel like it would shorten their suffering, so one large battle." said Ruby.

One by one, we all 'voted' and decided to hold one great battle between 'good' and 'bad'.

Oh, you want to know what I thought about? Well, sucks to be you, but you will have to wait. Well, I guess I can spoil something.

Basically, we evolved at first because we were actually more powerful than Origin Gods, but there was no further step in other universes. We then evolved again when we became Demon Empyreans by destroying the world and repeatedly rebuilding it. Now, I am sure that I am missing one last piece before evolving again. The first was basically unsealing our potential, the second recognizing our strength, the third? Surpassing our limits? Who knows? Well, I do, probably. Heh, Empyrean of Knowledge for the win!

Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes: big battle. To gather up all of our toys, we sent a new message through the Voice:

[World Message:

The Empyreans have decided to start the 'Epic Quest'.

Prepare for battle! One last battle shall be fought at the border between the Jura Forest, Yuurazania, and Fulbrosia. No further conflict shall be tolerated until that battle.

Regroup, restock, reorganize! The battle shall happen in a month!]

That seemed to raise a lot of questions and curiosity, much to Loki's pleasure, so we sent a new message:


The 'Quest' is the final objective that all races should strive to complete.

The Quest started recently is an Epic, the conclusion to a long conflict or significant event in the World's history.

Failure to complete the Quest will result in the Reset of the World, including its inhabitants.]

The word 'reset' seemed to make everything clear.

A month after, the united army formed by Blumund, Sarion, Dwargon, Eastern Empire, and various other small countries was facing off against the Monster army, the combined might of the fake Crimson, fake Frey, fake Clayman, fake Ramiris, Carrion, and Leon Cromwell.

There were probably around a million humans faced with about three million monsters and demi-humans of all species.

We were currently watching from the top of our Tower, which we moved over the battlefield for the occasion.

"I can't help but think that we are being a little too… Ruthless?" said Ruby, uncertain about which adjective would best suit us.

"Oh, my dear… Well, causing a war might be a little too ruthless and certainly not benevolent, but I can assure you that this is for the best. Amethyst has already isolated the souls of those that actually didn't want war. This is a purge of all warmongers in the world, so that we can lead it in a new era of peace!" I said. I might have sounded a little psycho, but that's normal: I am a little psycho these days.

"That sounded… Like a broken, pitiful man trying to find an excuse to continue living while looking at the gun on his nightstand." said Blake

"Hey! It's true, you know? We caused a war for our enjoyment, but we can at least act like decent Gods and bring about peace. Perennial peace under an immortal slime empress who is actually a clone of the original, but peace nonetheless!" I said, defending myself. I am not pitiful, definitely not broken, at least not much, and most definitely not contemplating seppuku. Why would I when I am a God and have six beautiful wives and a shit-ton of friends/family?

At any rate, the fighting began.

The cavalry advanced first, trying to overwhelm the land monsters while the mages and archers targeted the flying ones. This worked, until the demi-humans came in. They had proper training and tactics, so they started shredding through the human army. The harpies were particularly deadly with their superior mobility and flight.

Oh? Hinata, is that you? Well, it felt strange when I didn't find her soul after the fall of Ruberios… I teleported her to the Tower.

She was confused and immediately put her guard up, then she saw Shizue.

"Shizue? What are you doing here? I thought you were dead, you didn't return from that mission in the Jura Forest… Who are they?"

Shizue walked up to her, but was greeted by her blade. She was unfazed and melted it while walking. She arrived right in front of the now scared Hinata and hugged her.

"It's me. I didn't die, I got married, even though I still didn't get a ceremony." she said, glaring at Ren. "They are Gods, like me. We are the ones who organized this war..."

"W-why would you do that?! No… You can't be Shizue… She would never do such a thing."

"Calm down, Hinata. We did this to purge all the warmongers from the world and keep only those that sincerely desired peace. It is easy for Gods to revive people, even if they are not directly related to healing. We will bring peace to the world with this war and repopulate it with the 'good' people and demi-humans. This will allow mankind to progress in peace and collaborate with each other under the control of the Jura Tempest Federation. They are a country that emphasizes equality and co-existence." Shizue said, fleshing out my explanation from before. "Oh, and it's entertaining. It feels like a board game!" And she ruined it!

Then, my maid Luminous came forward.

"Hinata, this is for the best. Master and his friends really have the good of this world in mind. Why don't you stay with us and look at the battle. Master summoned you here for a reason, that is certain." No, I just wanted the sexy paladin with me…

"Luminous-sama… Wait, 'Master'? Who?" Hinata asked. Luminous, along with everybody else, pointed at me.

I pointed at myself and said: "Me? Ok, you got me…" and I waved my hands in defeat. Then, I got a little more serious.

"Hinata Sakaguchi… You have an extremely twisted outlook on life, but that just makes you more desirable. I am sure that our local God of Determination can attest that you shine like the brightest stars in the sky. Plus, you're sexy, but that's less important. I can give and take beauty as I wish." I narrowed my eyes. "I want you."

I got slapped on the back of my head, by each of my wives except Merlin.

"What this idiot of a husband means is that he fell for you for some reason." said Merlin.

"And he would be a God? A little unbelievable, right?" Hinata said.

"Ugh, I know, I know. I usually act more Godly…" the group shook their heads. "But what I said still stands… Anyway, that can come later, when we can talk more. For now, let me restart the battle." I said and unfroze time. Hecate had stopped time when she felt Hinata's arrival.

"I am pissed that you can undo my actions so easily…" said the Empyrean of Magic.

"Heh, Knowledge is overpowered. You should be used to it. Well, if we experience a lot, and I mean a LOT of magic, you could get to my level. You should also consider that I am a higher species compared to you guys, so my powers are naturally more powerful. Remember? That 'Origin' in front of my title isn't just for show."

She sighed and nodded, then we focused back on the battle. There were some powerful humans, mainly Otherworlders, but the monsters were simply too many. Their power was also very high, Demon Lord Seed at least. The Demi's had tactics and training, so they were all very effective.

Basically, the battle had only one possible result from the very beginning: the annihilation of the human armies and the weakening of the Demon Lords. Rimuru will then swoop in and mop up the rest of the survivors. Within the week, we should be able to start a new era for this world.

"I am just going to ignore the fact you just stabbed me, Hinata. You would need an extremely powerful weapon to penetrate my defenses, but I wouldn't die even if you decapitated me." I said as a knife was trying to tickle my back.

The battle ended after a few hours. There were a few thousand humans who deserted their companions. I quickly disintegrated them with divine judgement. How dare they? Abandoning their fellow sacri- soldiers and running to safety? A big no-no. I sent a message to Rimuru saying that she could conquer the remaining human countries, then move onto the Demon Lords' territory.

Since Leon Cromwell was the last remaining that could be troublesome, I decided to change his sex and use a little bit of brainwashing to obtain a new maid. I teleported Leona Cromwell to the Tower.

"Amethyst, train her up. She's a new maid."

"Tula, why would you ever need so many maids?" she asked

"Collection, I guess. Or just to have more people and make the atmosphere more lively. Not that it isn't, but I like staying with a lot of people, cute or sexy girls are better." I said.

Now then, it is time to talk with Hinata. We were the only two remaining on the topmost floor, so I took the opportunity.

"So? Any thoughts, questions, existential questions?" I asked her.

"You are all Gods? What did Shizue mean before when she said 'bring peace to the world'? And… Why would I ever gain a God's attention?" she asked.

"Me and my friends are all Empyreans, two or three steps above Gods. Our maids, except for Amethyst, are Goddesses. I will make them evolve to Empyreans before leaving this universe. Shizue meant exactly what she said. We have currently eliminated all the soldiers and governments in the world, except for Rimuru's but she is a good slime. Since we have all of them dead, we can pick out the 'good' souls out of all the dead and revive them. We will eliminate the memory of this war from the minds of all civilians and create a unified government that emphasizes co-existence and peace. Sure, there will be minor hiccups along the way, but Gods can't do all the work. More like I am too lazy to do that." I said, then created some coffee and took a sip. "Ah, good coffee. Want a cup?" she nodded, so I summoned a cup for her as well. "Now, for your last question… To be honest, I was interested in you for a long time now, basically ever since we arrived in this universe. Your past, your desires, your determination, I love them all. I won't deny that you are also my type. A strong, kind girl. And sexy. But I already said that appearance has no importance to me."

She looked thoughtful, and had a tinge of red on her face.

"Is the coffee good? I forgot to ask you about sugar and such."

"No, I usually don't add sugar. Maybe some milk…" she said. I used Omniscience to see how much milk and what flavor she wanted exactly, then made some milk appear along with a spoon.

"I know that I just summoned you out of nowhere and we basically told you that this war was our little game and so on… Please stay here for a few days at least. You are free to do whatever you want, by the way: leave, stay, spend some time with us then decide… Whatever you want."

"No, there's no need. I don't know about becoming… Yours, but I know that I will stay with you guys. I just need to get some things from Ruberios, if they are still intact…"

"Don't worry about that, they are already here." I said, to which she looked a little confused. "Perks of being Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent." she nodded.

A few days passed and a couple of things happened. First, Hinata officially decided to stay with us. Her position in regards to wife, friend, or companion is still undecided, but I can sense some feelings. I can read her heart, literally, so I know. Second, Rimuru and her subordinates finished mopping up the remaining pieces, so we can start the next part of the plan, well, we have time for that. Third, I am now more than sure that I know how to get a new evolution, so I will try tomorrow. Fourth, there is no fourth, as always.

Anyway, that was the absolute end of the war and the start of a new era for the Tensura universe.