
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 72 - Dwarfs, Humans, Charybdis

Ok, so… Let me make a quick recap of everything that happened since coming to the Tensura universe.

First, we declared our presence to the world with a floating nation and a giant tower. Second, I took control of the Voice of the World and got a powerup. Third, I got some maids and familiars. Fourth, some idiots tried invading and got severely punished. Fifth, I messed with best girl Rimuru and basically turned her into an ero-slime. Sixth, I used the voice to announce to everyone in the world the creation of the Monster Nation.

"Damn, I worked hard…" I said unconsciously.

"Yes, you did. So let me reward you, Master." said Merlin. She pushed me back on the bed with the rest of my wives and we had a very nice couple of days.

Anyway, why was I thinking about what happened since coming to this world? Easy: I want to start this world war pretty soon.

So, since I am a very generous God, in particular after getting a reward from my wives, I decided to have everyone in Tempest evolve twice. I can and I am in a good mood, Gods are like that. I also finished building their town, which basically means taking the future Tempest and transporting it to the present.

I expect the Dwarven and Human representatives to arrive much sooner than in canon, so I wanted to help little Rimuru. I think that I'll go on another small trip if things don't get moving. The others are just kinda enjoying our personal territory, so I might not bring them.

I didn't need to wait a lot before the Dwarven fucks tried flying towards Tempest, only about a month. They were getting uncomfortably close to my Tower, so I forced their flying horses to land and continue on foot. I also sent them a message through the Voice: [This is a no-fly zone. Continue on foot.]

Gazel looked extremely scared since a higher existence just took action against him. This really made it sink in: the Voice has a Master, and he/she is not amused.

I love being evil, so I made it rain on them. I formed a huge cloud that spelled the words 'Fuck you'. Heh, perfect!

Well, Souei, who got a massive boost with my free evolutions, immediately spotted them and informed Rimuru. Since she could now, the slime girl formed a spatial gate to connect Gazel's group and Tempest. Since I didn't want to miss the show, I decided to teleport behind her as usual.

Oh, I got kicked.

"You finally sensed me? Color me surprised. Or maybe… You know me so well that you expected my arrival?" I said, using my staff to block the kick. It was actually pretty good! Divine Extinction Realm, probably. And she isn't an awakened Demon Lord yet… Oh, she is so fun!

"You know what? You are too much fun, too interesting. Voice, seal all the ero-Skills you gave the individual Rimuru Tempest. Except that Ultimate Skill." I said. I might actually keep her as a pet if she continues being interesting. I also made the Veldora clone go back to normal, in size and personality.

"Fuck. You. I knew you would be coming. Who would create clouds that say 'Fuck you' otherwise? Oh, thanks for sealing those skills..." She said. The last part was almost a mutter.

Oh? Is she a Tsundere? Did Rimuru finally accept her female identity? Ooh… Interesting.

Merlin obviously had my same thought, since she was also observing the slime. Well, I summoned my throne and sat with Merlin. I will spectate the fight.

As soon as he stepped out of the Spatial gate, Gazel and his men were shocked. 'Such an elaborate and exquisite city in the middle of the forest?' is what they were thinking. Heh, they haven't seen anything yet.

Then, he noticed Rimuru, who had returned to her slime form.

"You are that slime that leads this new country, huh?"

Slime girl went back to her human form and said: "Yup, that's me. We met already, don't you remember? When Kaijin left you guys and came to live here."

"Yes, I remember. Never would I have thought that a mere slime would create a new nation. I shall judge whether you are an enemy or not, raise your sword, if it isn't just a decoration."

That made me frown a little. You have already met the slime, your country is still intact, why would you attack? In particular after the Voice's message… I sent a little lightning bolt just in front of him.

"I think you are forgetting about me, Gazel. I had the Voice send a message to every single being in this world, didn't I? I explicitly stated that no hostile action would be tolerated… Your statement seems pretty hostile to me, though. Should I wipe out every single Dwarf in existence except for those loyal to Rimuru?" I said, attracting everyone's attention.

Gazel was really scared, but put up a tough front. "Who are you? Why did you attack me, the King of a foreing country? Do you want war?"

"War?" I asked and pointed upwards. "It wouldn't even be as difficult as snapping my fingers, so you better consider your words and actions very well from now on. I am the Origin Empyrean, ruler of this world and Master of the Voice. Seal his Skills."

[Order received. Sealing Skills… Completed.] The Voice was heard by everybody and Gazel was shocked. He immediately kneeled and begged for forgiveness. To them, the Voice is a God/Goddess already. Its Master? Definitely a God.

"Shut up. From now on, you will establish diplomatic relationships with the Jura Tempest Federation. After that come trade agreements and military aid. I will let you deal with it, Rimuru. If the conditions seem too unfair, you could always call me. I literally know everything that happens in this world and many others. Well, you are already strong enough to destroy this planet with ease, using the right method, so you won't have any problem dealing with a middle-aged man, will you?"

"Who do you take me for, you bastard! Oh, how much I hate you…" she said, throwing all sorts of magic at me.

"You aren't even a Goddess, yet you still attack me… You are just too much fun! I will definitely keep you as a pet."

"Like hell I'll be your pet-"

"A maid maybe? An apprentice? Or maybe… Oh my! Do you want to be my wife?"

Heh, she blushed and started stuttering. I might have already conquered the slime girl.

In the end, you could almost say that Tempest rules over Dwargon due to the terms they 'agreed' to. More like, Gazel was scared shitless by my interest in the slime, so he relented on anything. Well, he surely didn't want me as an enemy. If only he knew that our preparations for global war are almost complete.

Oh, you want to know what I'm talking about? Very well, let me tell you. Pyrrha has been coordinating our humanoid familiars to infiltrate the governments all around the world and plant the idea of war into every single person involved in the decision-making. After that, we decided to send some 'bandits' aka a series of disposable summons to raid the countryside, leaving clear signs of them being from an enemy nation. This got popular support for war. Now, every single person in the world is out for blood. We are just missing Dwargon, since I was waiting for them to start diplomatic ties. Like this, it will make taking over much easier for Rimuru. Such a caring God I am. Kazaream has also infiltrated the Guild again and prepared the Adventurers for war.

At any rate, a week or so after the Dwarves came, the Humans arrived. Fuze, the Guildmaster from Blumund, was accompanied by those elf Adventurers. Oh, Youm entered the forest as well. Since I had nothing better to do and this would almost free up some time to take a trip, I decided to act as a judge and officialize this meeting.

I teleported next to Rimuru and didn't get kicked. Well, this is an improvement.

"Who is it this time?"

"Can't I just meet my favorite slime girl?"

"Sure, but I doubt you are here just for that."

"Fair enough. Humans, from Blumund and from Falmuth. I will look over the discussions since I have free time."

"Shouldn't you be doing… Godly stuff, or something?"

"Oh, I am Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. Just because I don't look like I am working, doesn't mean I am actually doing nothing. I am currently working with Pyrrha and the others to start the biggest war that has ever been seen in this world."

"I just wanted to chill in my second life… How did I end up gaining a God's attention and becoming the leader of a country?"

"Oh dear, you have no idea what would have happened without gaining my attention. Much more of a hassle, I assure you. Now, why don't you open a gate for Fuze and Youm's parties?"

"So those are their names… Fine. You shut up." she said and closed her eyes to concentrate.

"Oh, I remember when I had to do that! I was so weak back then… So many memories… What was it? 4-5 years ago?"

"You became a God not even a decade ago?!" Rimuru said, losing her concentration.

"Yeah, I started traveling maybe a decade ago? Then I somehow found myself in another universe, where I found some friends, then we started traveling and gaining powers. Aura, Magic, Excelia, Profound Energy, Primordial Energy, Soul Force, Law Energy, Heavenly Energy, Magicules, 'Stardust', Chakra, Natural Energy… We became masters of everything and became Gods. Well, we became Gods with Profound and Primordial Energy, then strengthened ourselves to become Empyreans with the others."

"I understood absolutely nothing. Can I simply say that you became a God in less than a decade?"


"Fuck you. You cheat." She said and went back to concentrating. A spatial gate opened and soon Fuze and the Adventurer trio stepped out, followed by Youm and his merry band.

They were still a little confused, but 'sobered up' once they saw Rimuru in slime form and me, along with a floating and eating Merlin. She got some chips and loved them.

"You must be Rimuru Tempest, the ruler of the Jura Tempest Federation. I am the Guildmaster of Blumund Kingdom's Free Guild, Fuze." he said while bowing a little. I am satisfied by his performance, for now.

"Exactly why did you open that gate, you slime?! Huh?!" said Youm. I know he is a good guy deep down, but I don't like his attitude. I placed him in a genjustu where he gets constantly violated by slime tentacles for a couple of years. It ended instantly and he fell to the floor, begging for forgiveness.

Rimuru looked at me, turned back to her human form, and punched my gut. There was a shockwave, but her arm got mangled. I saw that she was about to moan. Heh, that Ultimate Skill was perfect.

"I don't know what this guy next to me just did for your leader to act like this, but I am sorry. Anyway, yes. I am Rimuru Tempest. I can understand the Guildmaster coming, you should have enough authority to make a report to the higher-ups, but why are you guys here?" She said, looking towards Fuze then Youm's group.

It would be difficult for us to get a decent answer from anyone but glasses guy, so I addressed him.

"You, glasses guy. Answer the question." I said and forced him to walk forward and take a knee.

"W-we are an expedition force sent to investigate the Orc Lord's movements. After the announcement from the Voice, we decided to look for Tempest, in order to restock and escape to another country after that." He said. Well, I used compulsion to have him talk normally, otherwise he would still be at the first sentence, mumbling.

"Good. You can restock, then continue your journey. However, if you want safety, I would recommend you stay here in the Jura Tempest Federation. Soon the Storm Dragon Veldora will wake up and act as the protector of this territory, along with the soon to be True Demon Lord Rimuru." I said. I want to scare Fuze. How will he act.

The old man's eyes widened for a split second, then focused again.

"I am sorry, but who are you? One of her subordin-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, mortal. My Master is no one's subordinate. We are Gods, who are kindly allowing you to exist in this world instead of exterminating you. Does that answer your question?" said Merlin, who started releasing some Magicules to pressure him. And 'some' translates to about 10 True Dragons, just because she is going easy on him.

"Y-yes! I beg for your forgiveness!" Fuze said while dropping on his knees.

"Merlin, stop. As you have heard, I am a God, Master of the Voice. I am here to oversee any and all talks between the Jura Tempest Federation and you Humans. No more questions. Get to it." I said and summoned my throne. I took my seat on it, while Merlin took her place on top of me.

Well, there isn't much to say. With Youm incapable of rational thought when placed anywhere close to slimes, his group restocked and went on their own way. Fuze on the other hand stayed a little to be certain of Rimuru's stance on Humans. Since I wanted to take a real bath in an onsen, I stayed as well. I could have made it in my Tower, but I want to experience it first, so that I can make the greatest onsen in the Multiverse.

I took Rimuru with me, to observe her reactions. While she stayed in her slime form the entire time, I could see what she was thinking about. I can safely say: slime girl collected!

A few days later, I was enjoying some fishing when I saw that the envoys from Yuurazania have almost arrived. I peered into their thoughts and there was conquest in Phobio's mind, while the others just didn't think the trip would be worth their time. I immediately obliterated Phobio, while I sent a message through the Voice to the other envoys and Carrion: [Individual Phobio was found to have hostile thoughts towards the Jura Tempest Federation. The individual has been terminated. This is an ultimatum from my Master: come in peace, or get annihilated. There is no compromise.]

I then sent another message only to Carrion: [Individual Carrion, my Master has sent a message: 'Learn from me and train your pets properly.'

Access to all Skills has been blocked. Initiating Regression… Regression complete.]

I not only sealed all of his current Skills and future ones, but I also made him take a step back on the 'evolution ladder'. I am sick and tired of fuckers who don't take my messages seriously, so I sent a couple of earthquakes, lightning bolts, and floods all over Yuurazania. But, since I am an impartial God, I didn't focus on any single area and fucked a little with every part of the country. How magnanimous.

"Seriously? 'Train your pets properly'? Have you trained me as well, Ma-s-ter?" said Merlin, with a very seducing voice.

"You will see how I train you…" I spent the next few hours properly training my little Spirit wife.

Since I have already eliminated the 'Moderate Masked-Fucks Alliance' or whatever they were called along with Phobio, I decided to take Charybdis for myself. I remember reading something about assimilation when my Skills evolved after coming to this world. I don't really need to work on my body anymore since I am an Empyrean now, but why not try?

I teleported quickly to its sealing place and absorbed it just as quickly. I didn't feel anything different, to be honest. I mean, sure there was a minimal increase in my 'Destruction', 'Hate', and 'Insanity' laws, but nothing major. Plus, I am so unbalanced towards 'Knowledge' that I doubt anything could change my dominant law.

Anyway, I will take a short trip tomorrow. Well, I will stop time in this universe, so it will be instant.