
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 71 - Quick Visit, Orc Disaster, Jura Tempest Federation?

Having already given everyone their familiars, I decided to take a quick trip. It will only be to collect some knowledge and maybe some cool, totally unnecessary power.

I took a step and found myself in a forest. I used some Omniscience and found that I am exactly where I wanted to be: Narutoverse!

I absorbed some Chakra and Natural Energy, so that my heart could start producing those as well. I then put Omniscience on full-power and took all the knowledge from this world, be it past, present or future. I also took the Icha Icha series. I need to know if it is actually good or not.

Let me examine this knowledge I got… It's bullshit. Ooh, haven't thought that in a while! So, anyway, there is this fucking tree that is basically a planet-level succubus since it sucks a planet's energy over the course of a couple of millennia. Then, a fucking fruit pops out and gives you power. The fuck is this?

Eh, fuck it. I took the knowledge on how to use the eye powers from all the dojutsus and����� They were pretty useless to me. I can do everything with Omnipotence, so this will basically only be an aesthetic change, if I want to. And I don't. Never liked the eyes in the Narutoverse. They are creepy, end of the discussion. Ok, if I have to be honest, Susanoo and Kamui might be cool, but I don't actually NEED them. There is a difference between 'need', 'want', and just 'get' or 'collect'. At this point, I am 'collecting' powers just for the sake of it.

Oh! I know! I'll give the dojustsus to our familiars! Imagine a Demon with a Sharingan! That would be absolutely epic! Got it, this wasn't absolutely useless.

I finished my quick trip and returned to the Tensura universe. I made it so it took me exactly 20 minutes. I am a man of my word.

When I arrived, I added Chakra and Natural Energy to the Tower, so that everyone could use them, though it won't actually bring us that many benefits. I also added a couple of floors to contain the knowledge I got from the Narutoverse.

[Welcome back, Master.

Creating new Skills…

Divine Skill - 'Chakra God' - created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Empyros'

Divine Skill - 'Natural Energy God' - created - fused with Empyrean Skill - 'Empyros'

Skill creation completed.]

What a good bitch the Voice is. While I was thinking this, my wives came to meet me.

"So? You did what you wanted to do?" asked Yang.

"I sure did. The world was absolutely uninteresting, but they had some knowledge I wanted, so…"

"Oh, you mean this 'Icha Icha' thing?" asked my apprentice, coming out of nowhere.

Before I could even take the book, my wives had already read it. They looked at me, more like glared, then pulled me to the bedroom. I had a long evening. Correction. Make that three days.

Well, one way or another, the day of our Lord and savior Gabiru's arrival has come!

All must bow down to the greatness of the- Ok, I can't do it. Since I had nothing to do, I teleported behind Rimuru.

"Hey there, little Rimuru! Managed to keep your body safe?"

She turned around very slowly and with a scary smile. Then, she stabbed me with his armored hand. Well, that didn't work as it stopped and bent upon touching my eye.

"Hey! That's not nice! I am the generous God that gave you that smoking hot body and you thank me like this?!"

"Fuck you! I was almost assaulted by the Goblins and Benimaru! And these milk bags just get in the way and give me aching shoulders! It's all your fault!"

Kurobe and the other dwarf not important enough were very confused and asked: "I am sorry, would you mind telling me who you are?"

"Oh, of course not. I am a God, the one that gave Rimuru a human form, and the guy that lives in the floating island you see on top of your heads." I said and momentarily removed the building's roof.

"I-I see, sorry if I was disrespectful…" said Kurobe. He was dubious about my identity as a God, but the rest was plausible, so he acted like this. Pretty intelligent, I must say.

"Don't worry! Actually, there is the Goddess of Blacksmithing who might want to talk a little with you and Kaijin." I said and returned the roof to normal. All the while, Rimuru was attacking me from all sides. "Rimuru dear, you can't break my defences. It takes my entire group to even make me get serious and even my apprentice could kill you just by looking at you. Note that she is the weakest out of us. Hell, even my maids are Goddesses."

She stopped and looked at me, then sighed. "Why are you even here? Can't you just stalk me from your floating Tower as usual?"

"Oh, I could, but a certain fun guy is coming by today. Oh, since I am here, I will give you a gift! A good one this time." I said and gave Rimuru the ability to use all the dojustus from the Narutoverse, with the relative knowledge.

"You! These are from Naruto!"

"Yeah, I went there a couple of days ago. Pretty boring world to be honest, I prefer this one."

"Naruto is real?! Then what about all the other Anime universes?!"

"Of course, they are all real. If they aren't, I can simply create a universe with canon as base, then let it evolve on its own. Interested?"

"Of course I am interested! That is the dream of all Weebs!" she said.

"Well, if you can appeal to me enough, I might bring you along." I said. I totally do not want to bring her along, I just want to give false hopes that I can crush in the future.

As I finished saying that, Rigurd came in and informed Rimuru of the visitors. He then looked at me and was about to ask who I am.

"I am a friend. Let's go now."

The meeting with Gabiru had me crying from laughing too much! I mean, he did his jump entrance and was about to nail it, then he saw Rimuru in human form and landed with his teeth. That must have hurt. Merlin came out since it looked like fun, so we had fun throwing joke spells at him. I gave him a female voice, while Merlin gave him clown makeup. The meeting went a little better than in canon. He was trying too hard to impress Rimuru, so he conceded on everything. In the end, Rimuru will meet with the chieftain in the next few days and jot down a plan to face the Orcs.

Merlin became immaterial again, while I followed the group back to the 'meeting hall' and listened in on their conversation. Then. Benimaru couldn't take it anymore and asked: "Rimuru-sama, may I ask who this extremely rude guest is? He's been doing nothing but eating the potato chips ever since he came in!"

"Benimaru… He is a God, probably. One of the guys that live on the floating island on top of us. He gave me this body and can control the Voice of the World."

When Rimuru finished speaking, everyone stared at me with wide eyes. This is seriously fun. Well, before anyone could speak again, Souei got wind that a dryad wanted to meet with the leader. Treyni then appeared from that flower just like in the original. I checked her out, and she might be a suitable familiar for my apprentice…

Treyni gave a quick look over the room, then saw me. She immediately got down and took a dogeza position.

"What's this, Treyni? You don't want to look at me, am I that ugly?" I asked

"N-not at all! Please don't kill me!"

"I am not some maniac that goes around killing people. Tell me Teyni, what is your purpose here today?" I said. I like making her uncomfortable. I never actually met her, but she seems to know me, so…

"Yes! I am here to ask for cooperation in killing the Orc Lord Geld!"

"From me? I am flattered but I don't particularly enjoy killing mortals. Pyrrha might have accepted-"

"Nah, not interested. Too focused on how to cause a world war!" said a voice in the air. Pyrrha has learned how to use her powers quite well.

"There you go." I said.

"N-no, I would never ask anything like that to you, sir… I was hoping that the slime could deal with the nuisance." Treyni said.

"Treyni… You seem to be fearful of me. Tell me, what do you think I am?"

"I-I don't know… You have immense Magicule reserves, yet you didn't exist until about two months ago… And you control the Voice of the World. That is reason enough to be fearful." she said, trying to calm down as she talked.

"Oh? Then why didn't you ask me?" Yes, it doesn't make sense, but I want to mess with her.

"Yes, dryad, why haven't you asked my Master? Should I raze this little forest to the ground?" asked Merlin, who materialized again just to spook her.

"P-please don't-"

"Now, now… Merlin, don't just raze this place to the ground. You can nuke it! Actually, make our maid nuke it! Milim became the Goddess of Destruction, after all!" I said, spooking the poor tree lady again.

"Please help defeat the Orc Lord!" Treyni said in a moment before Merlin could actually call Milim.

"As I said, I don't particularly enjoy killing mortals, but there is some knowledge I could gain from this 'request', so I shall help you. Rejoice, girl, for you will have the 'Origin Empyrean of Original Knowledge' on your side!" I said and Merlin created some confetti to launch.

"Are we supposed to be following this dialogue or are we just here for background?" asked Rimuru.

"You are mainly here to be my meatshields, not that I actually need you, though. You will take care of the army, while I take care of the Orc Lord as per Treyni's request. Oh, leave the generals to me, they will be my test subjects." I said, got up, and exited the hall.

Treyni followed me outside.

"Why are you following us, dryad?" asked a pissed Merlin.

"Why are you in this world?"

"Oh, the same old things… Powering up, a little fun, causing a couple of world wars, genderbending an individual with high Karma and then having him/her copulate until the gender change is accepted, getting some familiars, you know, that kind of stuff." I said. "Actually, do you want to become my apprentice's familiar? I will give you the choice. Your response will lead to a surprise. Whether it is a nice surprise or a terrible one depends on my mood."

I spooked her for good and she started trembling and crying. Oh, how I enjoy this. Forcing people to do something they don't actually want to do is particularly fun!

"I-I would love to be… Your apprentice's familiar! Please allow me to!" she said, hoping for the best.

"Well, your answer never really mattered… I was just messing with you. However, since your response tickled my ego, I will give this forest a gift." I said and blessed the Jura Forest. Now, there will be less monsters, more Magicules, better and more resources, the plants will grow faster, stronger, more beautiful, those that dwell in this place will also enjoy good health and longer lifespan, as well as become gradually stronger by just staying in this place.

Treyni, who felt the effects of the blessing through her connection to the forest, had wide eyes and was trembling again. This time though, she was trembling in happiness. Is that even possible? Eh, don't care. I transported us to the Tower and Ai An greatly appreciated Treyni as a familiar. My apprentice is a bit of a meathead, you see, so the dryad will help her in making strategies and keep a cool head. Oh, of course I made her able to live without being connected to that pesky forest.

A couple more days passed. I was bored, so I summoned the Moderate Harlequin Alliance to the Tower. I used them as bait while fishing for the aquatic dragons. Oh, Kazaream became Luminous' familiar after a little bit of brainwashing. Clayman was the tastiest according to my 'goldfish', so I created some clones of him and left them as food for the fish.

Now, the only one that does not have a familiar is Milim. Poor dragon girl. I'll pat her head often in exchange.

Anyway, today we, meaning I, will engage in combat (read as 'test absolutely any stupid idea I had') with the Orc Lord/Disaster Geld. I can get some interesting knowledge from him. I decided to be early and meet up with Rimuru in her village, so I teleported behind her and followed the slime girl for a good ten minutes before she realized I was there.

"You fucker! Why do you always have to appear behind me?!"

"Because it's fun. Spooking you, I mean. Plus, I enjoy the confused faces of your subordinates as I follow you around."

Rimuru sighed and continued doing her own thing, not forgetting to kick me every once in a while. Well, her leg broke every time, so I had the Voice gift her an Ultimate Skill: 'Masochistic Slime: Rimuru'! It turns any and all damage she receives in pleasure and grants an incredible amount of regeneration.

"Fuck. You. Asshole." she said upon hearing the name. "Holy shit this is OP!" is what she said when the Great Sage explained it. Hm… Great Sage is pretty good, in particular if it has enough data. I might have desired it if I wasn't a God, or an Exo. Well, now I am an Empyrean, which is even better.

It took a bit, but we are finally about to face the Orc army. I was on my throne, overlooking the battlefield from the air. Merlin was on my lap, snuggling close since she has absolutely no awareness of her surroundings (read as 'doesn't give a flying fuck'). Since I was bored, I summoned the Orc Lord to my hand and grabbed his throat. Then, I projected the image of us in the sky, so that everyone can see what I am about to do.

I first forcibly evolved him into an Orc Disaster, then an Orc Catastrophe, which is a step above. Then I forced him to evolve a couple more times. When I was satisfied with the amount of evolutions, I let him drop under a million more times the gravity. He transformed into a mush upon touching the ground.

"Dead already? Depressing. Let's do it again!" I said and revived Geld, then proceeded to kill him in various ways to test his regeneration. I atomized him, I threw him into a black hole, created a supernova in his body, gave him some psychological dissociation disorder, fed him to Diana, fed him to his subordinates, I tried putting him in space, using him as bait for the aquatic dragons, had a God Tree from the Narutoverse sprout from him, all sorts of things. I tortured him for a couple of hours, then I noticed that the battlefield was quiet in a rare moment I stopped to give him some rest.

I looked around and saw that everyone was staring at the video feed I had going on in the sky. Ah, must have been too ruthless for these guys. Oh well, guess I can end this. I forcibly evolved him until he almost reached the True God Realm, then fed him to Rimuru.

"Here, gobble him up." I said, looking extremely amused.

"I hate you." she said, but still used her Skill to devour him. I prevented her from going through an evolution due to the number of Magicules, and forcibly upgraded her Skills to Ultimates. I want to see what she will do with a massive upgrade like this.

"I love you!" she said after receiving the notices.

"Oh my! I'm so happy, but sorry: I have six wives already and a couple are pretty close to being Yanderes, so you wouldn't end up well."

"I take it back and repeat: I hate you."

When the fight was finished, I summoned Rimuru, the Lizardman chieftain, and the new Orc leader to me. Oh, and Benimaru. I then seated them all around a table and got some refreshments.

"So, you might be wondering who I am and why I called you all here, right?" The nodded. "I am a God, don't ask questions and just think of me as the guy that controls the Voice of the World. I want you all to become Rimuru's subordinates. You will form an independent nation of Monsters and Demi-Humans. You can decide whether you want to form diplomatic relationships with other countries or not. The thing is: we will soon start a global war, so I want you guys to pick up the pieces and take over the world once everything is done. Kill the humans, enslave them, save them, I don't care. For all I care, you can also participate in the fighting and send the masses to die. That would surely be entertaining to watch, don't you think so too, Merlin?"

"Certainly, I would love to see every single race on this planet bathed in blood, so that I can then shower them in my love and help them flourish again!" she said. Her dominant law is 'Love' after all…

"I accept." said the Lizardman chieftain, who was soon followed by the Orcs and Benimaru, who again swore to follow Rimuru.

"Good. From now on, the Jura Forest will become the Jura Tempest Federation, the capital will be called Tempest, and the leader will be Rimuru Tempest. Voice, declare it to the world."

Then, the Voice was heard by everyone.

[As you wish, Master.

Notice to all beings:

The Master has proclaimed the Jura Forest as an independent nation. It shall hereby be called the Jura Tempest Federation, its capital shall be named Tempest. Rimuru Tempest shall lead the nation. Any and all countries willing to start diplomatic relationships may send their envoys.

Take note that the Master has business with the nation, no hostile action shall be tolerated.

End of the notice.]

"There we go! Now, your nation is officially recognized by the world and no one will attack you. Well, if there is anyone stupid enough to actually come, you can kill them all and become a True Demon Lord and get a power up! I call that killing two birds with one stone." I said, then got up.

Merlin casted an unknown spell then de-materialized. Well, I knew what she casted: a curse to make everyone hornier than a rabbit in heat. And you have several strong and healthy males with a beauty locked inside a room for the next couple of hours…

Yeah, so… Anyway, Freya and Ruby are starting to feel pity for the little slime, so I might stop messing around with her for a bit.