
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 66.5 - Ai An’s Bad Day

Ai An was a normal commoner. She lived with her parents. Then, they sold some family 'treasures' to have her attend the Holy Orchid Institute to become a Demon Spiritualist. She had always loved listening to stories of grand adventures and heroes like Ye Mo and desired to be one as well.

Well, sucks to be her, because she was told that her talent was absolute trash, the trashiest of the Institute, even compared to Nie Li, who was renown to be worthless. Like, if there was shit on one side and poison on the other… I realized I'm bad with analogies, so I'll skip this. Anyway, she was told to forget about being a Demon Spiritualist, though she could still try to become a Fighter.

Well, that turned out pretty badly as well. She tried swinging a sword and hit the instructor. She tried thrusting a spear and hit another student. She tried her fists and couldn't do damage. In the end, she was told to forget everything about cultivation and just go back home. Her parents however had already payed for her instruction, so she persisted.

Then, tragedy hit. You see, when two people love each other very much, they fuck and have a kid, probably. Well, what happens when one of the two is a Yandere? Not many happy things. Basically, her father was seen talking a little too much with another woman who lived close to her family. Ai An's mother was furious and 'unconsciously' stabbed her husband in a fit of rage. Then, she killed this other woman and herself, leaving poor Ai An alone.

But, she handled the loss like a champ! For the first few days, then reality hit and she said 'Fuck everything' (heavily paraphrased). She decided to just continue her instruction until the money ran out then go with the flow. Maybe she would end up in some kind of brothel or, if she was lucky, she could sell herself as a slave or maid to some important family.

Like so, a year passed. She was constantly reminded by her classmates and teacher that she was just a worthless commoner and wouldn't achieve anything in her life. Then, he appeared! Like a knight (magician) in shining silver armor (white robes) with a holy sword (sick-ass staff), a man came in. Behind him, a floating woman, who was obviously not human, and several other people, mainly women. There were some with animal parts, though that could be attributed to some kind of strange bloodline.

The man said that he was a Demon Spiritualist looking for an apprentice. Her hopes were shattered: 'He will surely choose some young master from an important family or someone with enough talent.'

Then he pointed at her. The floating woman looked at Ai An for a second and shouted two important things: 'Master' and 'this girl is interesting'. She was interesting? In what sort of world was she interesting? Maybe the man is a pedo-lolicon and enjoys little girls? No, he is accompanied by heavenly beauties, though there is a child among them.

At any rate, the floating woman came close to her and smiled kindly. The man on the other hand transformed the teacher's nephew into a rat. That would have scared or amused her if she wasn't so focused on trying to understand why this guy wants her as an apprentice.

The man moved in front of Ai An and started talking with her. Would she like to be a Demon Spiritualist? Yes, but reality hit hard. She knew that she didn't have the talent… Would she like to without considering talent? Totally.

Somehow, he reached a conclusion on his own and Ai An became the strange guy's apprentice. Now that she thinks back to it, he had pointy ears, there was no way he was human!

He asked about her parents and immediately regretted it. Then he said something about adoption. Now, the girl knew her parents were strange and had several strange toys in their bedroom, including candles and whips, but she still loved them. Call it a naive thought. Before she could respond, the little girl in the strange man's group said 'Sister?'.

That explained why she was there, though they don't look alike at all. After denying his offer about adoption, he introduced himself properly. Well, not exactly. He randomly dropped his title: 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge'.

Ai An thought: 'Oh shit! Did I seriously become the apprentice of a God?! Then, that floating woman must be a Spirit! And a high-level one at that! I hit the jackpot!'

Then her teacher created a portal out of thin air and his group started entering it. The fuck was that? Then, the strange teacher said something about an Inner World and clones or something. The hell was happening?!

Before she even knew it, she was transported to a different place and found herself face to face with several things. First of all, it was a very beautiful meadow with flowers and trees. She could also hear a river flowing nearby. Then, was the huge Tower in the distance with 19 glowing symbols. One of them was a book, which she unconsciously associated with her teacher. She could also see a floating… Castle? in the sky behind the tower. There were also two big portals in the sky, which led to separate places, though she didn't know where. Last but not least was her teacher, sitting at a table and sipping on some tea.

"Oh, you finally noticed me, apprentice? I was getting lonely. Anyway, this is my private world. My friends and my Spirit can obviously enter, but only I can affect things in here. For now, I want you to get used to things. Here time flows faster, so you could spend thousands of years here and not one second would have passed outside. Well, that is only when I want it to be so."

"Teacher, I am not following you…" she said.

"Oh, but you are. You understand perfectly what I am saying. I will therefore ignore that remark. I have chosen you for a couple of reasons. First, your talent is meaningless to me, but you have a really trashy one. I want you to rise to the top and spit on everyone that has 'heaven-defying talent'. Second, your view of reality. You basically gave up after getting hit in the face, but accepted your circumstances. I like it. You know that you can't do anything and are fucked, so you go with the flow. It's important if you want to follow me and my group. Third, I kinda liked the way you were thinking of me as some weird guy just spouting nonsense."

"Ok, then what the fuck am I supposed to do? Cultivate? I tried and I suck at it. I improved by 10 units of Soul Force in an entire year! Don't even get me started on fighting. I caused more injuries by trying out the weapons than by actually fighting." she said

"Ah, no, none of that. I am the God of Knowledge, not fighting or cultivation. You will be studying. I can travel to different universes and gather knowledge from them. Inside my Tower of Knowledge, there are texts from six? universes. I want you to study whatever catches your interest, possibly everything. After that, you will be creating the best cultivation technique that suits you. If it passes my standards, you will have completed your first test. I will help you fix any problems with your technique and you will cultivate.

We don't use a single type of energy, but many: Aura, Magic, Primordial Energy, Soul Force, Law Energy, and Heavenly Energy. I have already given you the ability to use everything, you just need knowledge.

Now, take a few days to just acclimate yourself to my Inner World, then enter the Tower of Knowledge. You will exit that place as a Goddess." the teacher said. "Oh, I didn't present myself, except for the title, did I? I am Tula."

And that is how Ai An got roped into being the apprentice of the God of Knowledge, Tula.