
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 66 - New Universe, Spirits, Souls

After everyone went into the Inner Worlds, I swiped down with my hand and created a portal. Crossing into it, we found ourselves on a snowy mountain. It didn't matter to us, so we used Omniscience to understand where we are.

'Nice, Tales of Demons and Gods! Exactly what I wanted.' I thought as I examined all of this universe's techniques and other knowledge.

I decided to create a technique on the fly. This universe will allow us to improve our souls further, which is a pretty good thing. I created a technique for each of us to improve our souls at the fastest and most stable rate. I named the collection of these techniques 'Origin Soul Strengthening Techniques'. They are interchangeable, so we can all cultivate each other's technique as long as we fully cultivate the previous ones. This will allow us to become Soul Deities multiple times over.

I also created a technique for our Servants. Since we are in this universe, we will of course become Demon Spiritualists. Servants aren't exactly Spirits, so why not give them a dual nature? I am a God, I can do anything as long as I have enough knowledge. This technique, which I called 'Origin Spirit Body Technique' will allow our Servants to do multiple things: cultivate like the AtG universe, which means overall improvements, gradually change their being into a Divine Spirit with a material body, and strengthen their Souls. Basically, they become super OP, probably around as much as us, though they won't reach more than True God Realm in terms of cultivation. Not yet at least. I want them to spend some more time with us before strengthening them further.

When I was done, I shared the techniques with the gang and Servants, then I created a comfy chalet with an enlarged interior so that it could easily allow us and our Spirits to live comfortably. After that, we all got to cultivating our techniques.

I zoned out and started my usual experimentation with energy. Now, I am a God, so I can make basically anything work, but I like to do this part 'manually', just to add some fun.

I started with the basics: Soul Force. I don't really know how the locals first discovered it… Correction, I do, but I don't care enough to actually remember. Anyway, I found a way to cheat, once again. My Aura is a manifestation of the soul. I simply applied this universe's concept of soul to Aura to force some Soul Force into my Akashic Engine. It assimilated and my Engine started producing Soul Force.

I started using my 'Origin Knowledge Soul Strengthening Technique' and circulating the Soul Power. This world's cultivation works by moving stuff around to strengthen other stuff that allows you to become a panda-man. Ok, that is a very abridged version, but it's true. I didn't have a Soul Realm, but my technique quickly formed one for me with a custom attribute and form: Knowledge attribute and Scholar form! Yeah, I like being a nerd, any problems? Let me come and give you a Godly slap, we'll see who laughs then! Anyway, this basically meant that I can use any technique and the more techniques I use, the easier cultivation becomes.

The technique works similar to my AtG technique: create 'soul singularities' in my meridians and dantian. This allows me to automatically circulate Soul Power through my body. The more there is, the more compressed it becomes, the more singularities will form. A never ending cycle of OPness. The gang's techniques work in a similar way, just that they take into account the fact that they must gather energy from the outside. I started climbing ranks fast as fuck: Bronze 1, Bronze 5, Silver 3, Gold 1, Black Gold 2, Legend 1, and finally Legend 5.

Cool. That took 5 minutes, maybe? Heh, those human scrubs take years to reach my level! Stands to show how weak those flesh bags are. Obviously the gang is not included. I checked on Merlin and she was barely even starting, so my integration with her will have to wait.

Now then, I can only continue, can I? Theoretically, to proceed further, I need to 'cultivate a law' and Law Energy. Now, I basically already did this for my physique, so I created another batch of 'Primordial Soup' and started absorbing it. This time with my soul. I once again entered a vegetative state for some time, about two months. My soul was already pretty attuned with the laws, so I just needed another push, not a complete change.

I checked on my friends' progress and they are entering Legend rank. Having to absorb energy from the outside is stupid. Oh, my Akashic Engine was continuing to produce Soul Power and it was actually compressing what was already present, basically making me superior to Legend 5, though I didn't break through to another realm.

I started using the laws to create this world's Law Energy, which is an ethereal version of RWBY's Dust. Sure, I ignored the whole part about Inscription Patterns and making up the world's structure, but those are details. I am not going to complain since it makes it easier for me. I started pushing this Law Energy into my Akashic Engine and continued to use my little cultivation technique. It took me maybe a couple of minutes to break through to the Heavenly Fate Realm.

Well, I didn't actually break through, but I am about to. I am now a 'demigod' since I cultivated Law Energy. Now I needed to cultivate with Heavenly Energy. It was pretty easy. Think about three colored gases floating around. Now take one away. The remaining two are Soul Force and Heavenly Energy. Of course, it is a little more complicated than that, but I am a God. Of Knowledge at that! There is no way I would spend more than a couple of seconds pushing some of this new energy in my Engine.

In the end, after about an hour, I became a Soul Deity. Oh, I also started producing several thousands of Fate Souls, just in case. Since it would take almost an entire year for the gang to become Soul Deities for the first time, I will start with the other techniques I came up with. Merlin seems to be making progress, though she is far from the threshold I mentally set for her.

Like so, a year and a half passed by. I became a Soul Deity something like… A couple thousand times? Probably more, I didn't bother to count at a certain point. Everyone in the gang reached Soul Deity Realm at least 30 times. After all, each time they used a different technique, their cultivation speed would increase exponentially. And we were fast as fuck boi.

All of our servants have reached the cultivation Realm that I desired: they are all True Gods and have become Spirits while maintaining a material body. They have also reached Soul Deity a few times, though they were slower than us. Well, they had to cultivate two different systems at the same time plus a race change, so it's not unexpected. Anyway, the fact that they have completed their cultivation means that we can finally integrate with them!

"So, Merlin… Ready?"

"I was born ready! Actually not, but who cares?" she said.

I started the integration process and boi was that fun. You know how Masters should theoretically feel somewhat connected to their Servants? Yeah, this was on a completely different level. Now, we were one and the same. It was cool as fuck!

I never actually changed much in terms of appearance throughout the years. I still had my white hair, it was… Medium? length, very messy, though the quality was obviously off the charts, I am a God after all. Still the same body type, though I made myself 6'3'' over the years.

With the integration, I got long white hair, pointy ears, and Merlin's clothes, the male version, not the Proto version. I was even left with her staff and could summon all the weapons and Noble Phantasms I gave her, which means all of them. Well, I could do it either way since I am a God, but this is nice.

Now then, tell me: what happens when an Origin God fuses with a True Goddess? Boom. That's what happens.

No, not the explosion kind of Boom, the power type. I felt even more powerful than usual, which is something that shouldn't exactly be possible since I am Omnipotent. It's like I was at 'Omnipotence Lv. 3' and went up to 'Omnipotence Lv. 4' or more. It was exhilarating, so I urged the gang to integrate as well. Oh, side note: we can stay integrated forever if we so wish, but our Servants can still materialize while the integration is happening. It's due to the cultivation technique I gave them.

Jaune went next. He and Jeanne held hands (how lewd for the saint!) and integrated. He also grew out his hair and got some knightly armor with a similar design to Jeanne's. He also got her banner and sword.

Pyrrha integrated with Nightingale and her hair color changed. Now, she had pink hair with red streaks. She got Nightingale's outfit and a vintage-looking rifle. It suited her as the Goddess of War. Oh, I kinda want to put her against Kratos and see who wins. Well, I know she will, but the battle would still be entertaining.

Ais integrated with Jalter and got her outfit, her hair color, though there were blonde streaks in it, and her weapons: banner and sword.

Ren integrated with Mysterious Heroine X and he got Hassan-i Sabbah's armor and sword. When he removed the helmet, no visible change could be seen, except a more serious expression and deeper voice. It was honestly cool and I would have gotten wet, if I was a woman. No homo.

Nora integrated with Scáthach-Skaði. Her hair grew out and changed to purple with orange streaks. She got Skaði's last dress and her wand. Pretty darn nice, I must say.

Sun integrated with Scáthach. He didn't grow out his hair, but got purple streaks in it, opposite to what happened to the others. He got a… Hm… How can I say bondage latex suit in a user-friendly manner? Ah, yes! He got the male version of Scáthach's outfit. Plus her spear. He was pretty awesome.

Blake integrated with Ishtar and got her crown and a less skimpy outfit, much to Sun's relief. She also got the floating bow and arrow. She loved them.

Rose was a fun one. She is more… Curvy than Atalanta, so I expected some changes. Well, the outfit roughly stayed the same, though the green changed to red. Her hair got some green and blonde streaks. She got the enormous bow.

Hephaestus got Musashi's hair color, outfit, and swords. Hecate got Solomon's hair color, a more feminine version of his robe, and his rings. Oh, and his tattoo's as well. When she finished her integration, she went red for a moment. Solomon must have said something very spicy. My boi is good…

Amethyst integrated with Anastasia and got her outfit and the floating black spirit behind her. It was useful to hold platters with tea and refreshments.

Ruby integrated with Ereshkigal and got her outfit and weapon. Also, the cape, very important. She got longer hair, though the main color switched to blonde, golden actually, with red streaks and tips.

Yang got Artoria's skimpy outfit, much to my chagrin, though she did cover herself with the cape. She also got that diadem and Rhongomyniad. Well, she also had a rapier version of Excalibur on her hip. Weiss loved it and wanted something similar.

Weiss integrated with Chevalier d'Eon and got her rapier and outfit. Her hair remained unchanged, which I personally rejoiced at. A blonde Weiss just doesn't work.

Loki integrated with Leonardo da Vinci and got her outfit, her staff, and some brownish strands of hair. Well, da Vinci is a little more… Full, compared to Loki, so the outfit was a little modified.

Freya integrated with Tiamat and got a more covering version of her old outfit back in the DanMachi world. Oh, and the horns. Her hair also got some aquamarine shades.

Oh, I forgot to mention, but Diana and Ariel didn't get Servants, though they didn't mind, so all's good. I did give both a modified technique to make them become Spirits, so that me and Ais can integrate with them if we want to. I am way too happy with Merlin alone for now, but we'll see.

"We are much cooler now." said Jaune, who was tying his hair in a manly ponytail. Well, in the end, Pyrrha had to help him.

"Indeed we are. We are also much more powerful now. I think I will keep this integration always active from now on." I said, checking myself out in a mirror.

"Don't hog the mirror, I want to see how ravishing I am!" said Yang, pushing me aside. Ow, I am a poor scholar, how could you!

"Oh dear, you are all very ravishing, so much that I would really push you all down if we were alone." I said to tease her.

"Less details." said Blake.

"Oh come on Blake! Sun is thinking the same thing now, just look at him!" he was almost panting. Well, Blake and Rose were indeed very appealing. No, I would never look at my friends' wives like that. It is a simple objective observation. I mean, I am not jealous if my wives stay around Ren, Jaune, or Sun. I am jealous when other people look at them. That gets me pissed.

"Let's reconvene when we are done?" said Weiss.

"Agreed." and we went to try out our new and improved bodies with a steamy session. Well, not just one. Many.

It took 39 days to 'be done' and satisfy ourselves. We reconvened as agreed and everyone had a smile on their faces.

"I love being a God." said Ren.

Well, with nothing more to do except wait for our cultivation techniques to finish making us Soul Deities yet again, we decided to head for a random city. Well, I kinda wanted to mess with the protagonist, so we decided to go to Glory City.

We instantly appeared in Glory City. Now, let me explain how things work when these fucking idiots return from the future. Basically, there is a spatial and temporal anomaly that funnels a future soul from an alternate future into a past body. Which means that everything Nie Li has lived through was actually not 'him', but an alternate reality. Well, that's not really interesting, so I will give him the memories from all possible alternate realities, including all of the deaths. Will he survive or will he break from all the grief and pain?

We walked towards the Holy Orchid Institute, attracting a lot of attention. I mean, we have 12 heavenly beauties and a adorable child with strange, high-end outfits accompanied by four absolutely handsome men with equally strange outfits. Well, it might also be because of Merlin, since she was in Spirit form looking around.

Some wild Thugs appeared! 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge' used 'Thanos Snap'! Instant K.O! "Mr. God, I don't feel so good…" Extra effect! 'Thug Repellant'! No more wild Thugs will appear for a few hours!

Yeah, so that happened… But, hey! We reached the Institute, so it's fine. We were about to be stopped by the guards, but I didn't really feel like it, so I manipulated their minds to think that we were guests. We were allowed in and looked around the place.

"It's ugly." said Merlin

"It's… Traditional, I guess." said Ruby, trying to sweeten the truth.

"Well, there is someone I want to mess with. Other than that, we can decide what to do together." I said. I don't really like this world. We have also already taken all the benefits we could get… Well, we will see.

Shen Xiu aka Bitchy Kitty was 'teaching' her class when I very rudely kicked the door open. It flew and fell on her.

"Aunt!" said a brat, which turned out to be Shen Yue.

I absolutely ignored the family drama and strolled towards the idiot Nie Li's place. He was sleeping, so I woke him up in a very direct manner.

"Secret Godly Technique: Godly Slap!" I said and slapped him awake.

"Why? Just why do you have to do this! You are a God, act like it!" said Weiss.

"Sister Weiss, it's part of his charm…" said Freya. Rewards for her.

I focused back on Nie Li, but I didn't have time to speak because a brat and his aunt attacked me.

"Was that supposed to hurt? Should I act like it? Wait, let me try… Ahem! Oh, the pain! I can't move anymo- No, I can't do it seriously enough." I said and slapped the two attackers out of the class.

"Anyway, what was I about to say? Ah, yes. Mortal, you will be the guinea pig for my experiment. Show me your value!" I said and poured all of the memories from all alternate realities into the kid's brain.

His eyes turned to the back of his head and his mouth started frothing.

"Master, get back from him. He's disgusting." said Merlin.

"Merlin, you have to think of my test subject. He has just experienced trillions of lives and deaths, even you would be in this same condition! Well, the past you. Now you are perfect, so no way this would happen." I said. She giggled and sat on my shoulders.

While Nie Li was internalizing, I looked over to the classroom filled with scared kids.

"Oh, kids! Don't be so scared! I am here for a trial, after that we will be gone. That is, unless we find someone else that interests us. In that case we might stay here some more." I said with a scary smile. Heh, a few fainted directly. What weak minded individuals.

I tried seeing if there was anyone interesting and found a girl. Not here, in another class. She was a commoner and constantly reminded of the fact that she would never achieve anything of importance. However, she was pretty much perfect for what I would call an apprentice. I will visit her when I am done here. I was about to speed up time close to Nie Li when that little girl Xiao Ning'er interrupted me.

"Who are you?! What are you doing to that student?!" she said

"Why does everybody ask the same thing every time?! It's always 'who are you' and 'what are you doing'. Never once has anyone tried holding a normal conversation. We are Gods, you are mortals, he is my test subject. You are an annoying little girl that I really want to annihilate right now, so shut it." I said, pointing to me and the gang, then the class, Nie Li, and finally Ning'er. She was properly spooked and I got a slap on my head. This time it was Merlin

"Stupid Master! If you want to spook someone, you destroy something close to them, like this!" she said and destroyed the kid's desk. Now, she was spooked so much she actually started crying. Shouldn't she be a strong, independent woman? Eh, shitty writing, I'll blame that.

I operated the time laws and sped up Nie Li's memory integration. This is why I personally asked for my memories to be integrated while sleeping. Being in pain isn't fun at all. Well, maybe to masochists it is, but I don't like it. I like messing with people, so you could make a stretch and define me as a lowkey sadist, but not a masochist.

I'm digressing! Been a long time… Nie Li quickly, at least to the outside world, internalized his memories and got back his consciousness. I brought time back to normal.

"Kid, tell me… Do you wish to die? Do you wish to save someone? Maybe you want to save everyone?"

He looked at me with empty eyes and couldn't formulate a coherent thought.

"Dear, you have been too cruel. Even if he is just a plaything, he is still a child.�� said Weiss.

"Well, I did make a backup of his mind since I expected this. I am not such an asshole to experiment on a child without insurance. It's a shame his mind broke, otherwise he'd be able to save this city pretty easily with all of those techniques and experiences." I said and reverted his mind back to when he was sleeping. He immediately lost consciousness and banged his head on the desk. Eh, pretty close to the desired effect. I am too lazy to care.

"I have one last stop. You found something interesting to do in this reality?"

"Nope, this place is pretty boring. Aah, I feel like causing a war from the shadows right now…" Nora said.

"Same… Let's do it. I also want an intergalactic war. With explosions and spaceships!" said Pyrrha.

"We can do both. I'll make this last stop then we can go."

I was walking through a hallway and came face to face with a sliding door. I hate these, but I don't want to barge in this time.

I gently knocked on the door with my staff and waited for the response.

When I was allowed in, I saw an elderly man and several kids. They all looked very interested in knowing my identity.

"Good morning. I am a Demon Spiritualist. I might have found an apprentice candidate among your students. I am here to talk with her." I said, pointing to the girl I had found before. Merlin followed my finger and found the girl.

"Ooh, Master! She looks interesting! Good eye!" she said and flew towards the now very confused little girl.

The teacher seemed to understand what was happening and started talking. "Good morning, Senior. May I ask why Ai An? We have many more talented students in this class, she is ju-"

"Finish that sentence, and you are dead. No one in this whole shit-hole you call school is more 'talented' than that girl. Maybe you wanted me to chose someone like this brat." I said, grabbing a kid by the scruff of his neck. "He is your nephew, is that right?" I transformed the kid in a rat. "I only accept humanoid apprentices."

I walked towards the girl. 'Ai An, was it? Does it mean something like 'loving peace'? Eh, it can easily be changed if she ever so desires.'

I arrived in front of the girl and leaned on my staff.

"Hello there! Have you ever thought about becoming a Demon Spiritualist?"

She was confused and flustered. You see, Merlin gave me some characteristics like becoming a half-incubus while integrating with her, so girls of all ages tend to have this reaction.

"G-greetings, S-Senior! I w-wanted to become a Demon Spiritualist, b-but I don't have the talent…"

"Nah, you have more than enough talent! Tell me, do you still want to become one? You see, I am a pretty strong Spiritualist and am currently searching for an apprentice. A real one, who I can groom to become someone powerful. My last apprentice was kinda left to her own devices…"

"I still hate you for that. You left me for two years alone!" Amethyst murmured/groaned.

"I-I want to!"

"Good, then you can become my apprentice. This however means that you will travel with me and my gang back there, so you should get permission from your parents first."

"My parents… Died last year." Ai An said with a sad voice.

"Ah, shit. Uhm, sorry. Don't worry then, I can be your teacher and parent if you want."

"Sister?" asked Ais

"Maybe, if she wants to."

"Uhm… I would love to be your apprentice, but I don't want to be anyone else's daughter."

"Oh my God, you're adorable. Very well then! From now on you are the apprentice of the 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge'! We will begin your training in a few days, when you are acclimated to the new environment." I said and swiped my hand down, creating a portal. The gang started entering, while I used my Omni powers to transfer all of Ai An's possessions to my Inner World. I also created a clone. "Ai An, I will transfer you to my personal dimension now, it's safer. There will be a clone there that will help you get settled. Don't worry."

I transferred her to my Inner World and entered the portal as well. It closed behind me, leaving a stunned class. I really wonder why nobody speaks and interrupts me sometimes. Guess it's my Godly aura that just leaks and enforces my will. Yeah, I���ll go with that.