
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 67 - New Universe Again, Getting Settled, Maid

Ep. 67 - New Universe Again, Getting Settled, Maid

Back to the important people. I reached my friends through the portal and we found ourselves in space. As usual, well, we started two universes ago, but it is already standard… Anyway, we used Omniscience to learn about this universe. With the increase in Soul Strength, using our Omni powers became much easier. Guess where we ended up? I'll give you some hints: Magic exists, Skills exist, Demon Lords exist, monsters exist, slimes exist, dragons exist…

Nothing? Well, I'll tell you. We ended up in the Tensura universe. I already love this place!

"This… This world. It's perfect! We can cause so many wars! Oh, how many insignificant, weak Adventurers that will die! We could use their souls for so many interesting things! This world seems to have Demon Lords, let's do that as well!" said Pyrrha. She was excited even if this world didn't have spaceships and intergalactic wars.

'I am so taking the vampire! Oh, how can I mess with her?'

"Master is thinking of something fun!" said Merlin. Don't know how she did it. I literally think basically instantly, so I usually don't look dazed or something.

"I am thinking about how to mess with the countries in the best way..."

"For now, we should make our presence known to the world. Something like saying 'Hey, scrubs! There's a new Boss in town!' Then, we wait for the best time using our Omniscience to monitor the governments. When there are already tensions building up, we act." said Pyrrha.

"You are the Goddess of War. You decide. Should we use the Tower of Knowledge as a base?"

"Sure, use that… Actually, make it bigger, more grandiose, more magical. Make it ooze power. Every living being should know we are here." she said.

"You got it!" I said with a pretty sadistic grin. Oh, I just know how to modify it.

Basically, my Tower is pretty anonymous. I mean, it's huge, but pretty classical in style. I will make it fully black and reflective, like obsidian, with gold and silver engravings and magical circles. I will up the height to 10 kilometer, expand the internal arrays, make the energy denser and release some of it outside. Just a sliver of the energy is enough to compare to 100 of the strongest beings in this world, so it is going to be fine. I will also bring my island out. I will make it a floating island as big as a country with artificial gravity, so we can live 'upside down' and enforce the fact that we are superior to them. Other than that, I will add some huge Divine Extinction Realm fish and aquatic dragons. Some World Trees, extinct species of flowers, fruits, herbs, and so on. Oh, the water will be changed to miraculous elixir that can heal any and all abnormalities, injuries, and so on. I'll add a couple of waterfalls just for added effect. They will obviously be going towards space, not the ground. I wouldn't be wasting the elixir otherwise.

Finishing my modifications, I summoned my new and improved Tower of Knowledge, which at this point can be called Island of Knowledge. It was about 15 kilometers in the air, but it was upside down, which meant that the Tower's top was 5 kilometers above the ground. I want to make it accessible to any idiot that doesn't realize that this is a Divine Territory.

"Well? What do you think?"

"This screams: 'I am better than you.' Perfect!" said Pyrrha. The rest clapped and ogled at my creation. "However, the energy it releases isn't enough. Let's make it ten times as much!"

"Got you." I said and made a quick modification. Now, the Tower was golden and silver with black engravings, many engravings. "Done. Now, even an infant would find us. Well, they would have found us even before. We are always talking of a Godly amount of energy…"

We transferred to our new residence and found my new apprentice staring at us. Well, she grew up a few years, probably due to the time dilation.

"My dear apprentice! I see that you have been studying well. Your cultivation technique was pretty good last time, just a little bit more and you will pass my first test! Continue working hard and you will reach our level in a few years!" I said as I got the clone's memories.

"If I ever reach your level, I am slapping the shit out of you, teacher. Anyway, welcome back, even though you only left a few minutes ago to me." she said and waved her fist at me.

"Oh, my dear disciple, how much you hurt me! This is a test. You need to pass it to have my help, otherwise it would be too easy. You have six… Correction, seven and a half universes worth of knowledge at your disposal. You just need to study, gain knowledge, get closer to my dominant law, my 'Divinity' if you prefer." I said.

"I know, teacher. But I still want to punch you seriously once I become a Goddess."

"Fine, I'll allow you one hit since you will have passed all of my tests by then. You will also gain a powerful Spirit by then, you will see… Oh, it seems we have a visitor already." I said. Obviously, the whole Island is my territory, so I am aware of everything that goes on even without actively using my Omni's.

Since our guest has just arrived, I started slowly making my way to his position. Merlin appeared behind me and started floating along.

"Merlin, do you know of demons? They are a very interesting race…"

"Why, of course I do Master! Although, the demons I know of probably differ from those you are referring to…" she said.

"Well, we are about to meet the oldest of the oldest demons. He will be an interesting subject to examine. He fits right into either Pyrrha's or Sun's strike zone in terms of 'familiar value'."

"Always thinking about your friends. You are all Gods, why don't you think about yourself?"

"Oh, I am thinking of myself. But I already have you, the best and cutest Spirit out there, and Diana, the most awesome familiar out there. Why would I ever need a lousy demon?"

Merlin smiled and sat on my shoulder. Now that I think about it, Ais has 'grown out' of sitting on my shoulder. She says that it's not cool for a Goddess to be carried like that. Kids these days…

I arrived next to the man, the legend, Guy Fie- No, it's Guy Crimson, Rouge! The guy packs some serious power, probably around Divine Spirit Realm. Well, they are all flies to me, but he's a slightly bigger fly. The only ones I consider even worthy enough to be called powerful are those in the True God and above Realms.

Anyway, back to Guy. He was looking at my adorable 'red fish' in the ginormous lake, unmoving. We both looked at the water/elixir for a while. Then, he was the first to break the silence.

"You are not normal, that is obvious. Just your territory here releases more magicules than all Demon Lords combined… I really want to ask who you are. Would you answer me?"

"Sure, why not. I am a God, an Origin God. I represent Primordial Knowledge. My name is Tula, nice to meet you, Guy Crimson. Should I call you Guy or Rouge?"

"I go by Guy, if you don't mind. I guess you wanted the world to know that you are here… You are obviously capable enough to hide your magicules completely, so you could do it for the territory as well. Are you here for a specific reason? Maybe something I can help you with?"

"Oh, Guy! How kind you are! We are here for amusement and I am also going to pick up a maid. Do you know her? Appearance of a fragile girl, silver hair, heterochromia with crimson and sky blue eyes, and two little fangs. Goes by the name of Luminous Valentine, the True Ancestor vampire. A Demon Lord as well." The more I talked, the more Guy became amused and frightened. He wanted to know how I wanted to have fun, but scared that I wanted Luminous. Also, the fact that I said 'we' raised his curiosity.

"Oh! Some of my friends are also still in search of a suitable familiar. You are a candidate, so don't disappear on me. The consequences would be… Undesirable, to say the least.��

"Certainly you jest! I am still a Demon Lord, not some random demon you can command as you pl-"

I 'remembered' that I had yet to start producing magicules, so I started doing so. My magicule count immediately shot past Guy's own and continued rising steadily, without end in sight.

"You were saying, random demon I have kindly allowed to exist on this Divine Territory?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing! I would be extremely happy to be the familiar of any one of your esteemed companions!"

"Yes, I thought I heard that. You can go now. Inform Luminous that I want to see her, which means she has exactly two days of time before I raize her country to the ground. Actually, I will just completely atomize the place."

"Understood! I will convey the message immediately upon returning! Good day!" he said and fled at maximum speed.

Merlin, who was looking amused all the while, said: "He looks incredibly powerful compared to the demons I know of, even though he is nothing special to us, just a mere bug. He does have some qualities though, like his pride. It will be fun to break him, though I guess you want 'him' to turn into a 'her', right?"

"You know me so well, Merlin dear. Yes, you are exactly right, Guy Crimson will soon cease to exist and leave behind Rouge, the female Primal Demon. She will be a great familiar. Her pride will go well with Jaune. He is kind enough to not erase her instantly and accept her 'quirks'. Let's go back. I will prepare a maid uniform for my soon-to-be vampire plaything. Oh, how I will enjoy teasing her and shattering her pride!"

"Don't leave me out! This girl you talk about seems interesting, tell me more."

"She is a True Ancestor vampire. A Demon Lord, one of the oldest. She has an interesting skill that allows her to have quite a high authority over the laws of life and death. Even the law of souls is included, to a lesser degree. She could become the next Goddess of Reincarnation. Plus, she has pride but can put it to the side if needed, a quality I like. And she's cute. A cute maid is always great." I said, walking back to the Tower.

Merlin hummed to herself and started looking forward to this meeting. She will also have a lot of fun.

A day soon passed and we already obscured most countries while passing overhead. Some unfortunate nobody in the form of overconfident monsters or adventurers tried reaching the Tower, only to never be seen again. Actually, there were some elves that tried anchoring my Island. Those idiots were immediately nuked out of existence, along with a good part of the Sorcerer's Dynasty aka Sarion. I kept them in decent condition, otherwise we would have to hasten our plans and create a global conflict. It wouldn't be fun, we need to give them the impression that they are small compared to us and can arrive at the same level if they conquer the world. This will create a great stage we can kick them off of.

I was sitting in my throne looking over to my disciple as she studied and meditated over changes for her personal cultivation technique. She was going in the right direction, though I won't spoil anything. Well, she has at least understood the problem with her previous technique: race. The rest will be explained later.

I was joined by my wives, friends, and daughter, so I transported everyone to the top of the tower to enjoy some fresh air and chill out. My wives were adorable, just like Ais, plus Merlin tried to sneak her way in. White clothes with silver hair aren't exactly stealthy, so she was immediately pulled aside and given a quick talk by Weiss and Freya. I saw that Jaune had actually made progress with Jeanne and Pyrrha accepted her. Nightingale was a little scary and way too serious, though she seemed to open up to Jaune, so I guess he is getting two new additions. Sun was chilling with Blake, Rose, and Scáthach. He had already conquered the 'Queen of the Land of Shadows'.

Everything was perfect until another visitor arrived.

"Amethyst, come with me. We're going to meet your junior."

"Junior?" she asked

"Our new maid. Me and Merlin are going to have to put her in her place, but that should be a quick process."

Amy nodded and we teleported behind Luminous. She immediately felt the massive amount of magicules. I was giving off. As Rimuru said, I was pretty much walking nude on a very populated shopping street. Ok, I might have paraphrased a little, but the essence is that even a blind would notice me.

She turned around and got into a battle-ready stance.

"Calm down, little girl. Tell my Master why you came here." said Merlin, who abruptly materialized.

"Little girl? Me?! The great Demon Lord Valentine?! I-" she started shouting.

"OK, shut up. I am not in the mood to listen to you shouting. I ordered Rouge to call you here to be my maid, so you will be my maid. Now, we can do this the easy way or the entertaining way, which do you choose?" I said, letting my magicules free to exit my body. Heh, she instantly regretted her previous choice of words.

"Please let me be your maid! Master!" she said, kneeling on the ground in dogeza. Is that something widely diffused in this world? Oh, well I guess that all the summoned people have influenced the locals.

"Amethyst, she's yours to train. Merlin, let us go back, I want to try your lap pillow."

"Hm… Yeah, I remember you saying that you summoned me for my thighs as well… Fine! This great Spirit shall grace you with her thighs!" my half-succubus said in a haughty voice.

A very soft lap pillow concluded our second day in this world.