
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 65 - Singularity F, Decent, Eyes Up

When we all exited the Summoning room, time started moving again. We started walking towards the Command room. Olga then remembered a detail I talked about.

"Wait! You said that Ritsuka would soon be the last Master candidate, right?! Why would that ever happen?!" she shouted.

I didn't answer but raised three fingers and started a countdown. When all my fingers were lowered, an explosion occurred.

"An explosion in the Power room and Command room would happen, Olga. No survivors. Mash was supposed to be heavily injured as well, while Ritsuka would be the last Master of Humanity. Pretty cool story, you should read it." I said, waving around a book with the canon story. "Now then, there is no need for us to go back to the Command room. Olga and Archaman will monitor the situation from… Wherever you can do that, while we will accompany this fledgling Master and Servant duo to Fuyuki. See you in a few hours."

I swiped my hand in the air and a portal to the Fuyuki sub-dimension opened. I threw the senpai-kouhai duo inside, then followed them. This will be fun.

On the other side of the portal, there was Fuyuki, a scorched, corrupted Fuyuki. Pretty nice place, I'd come here for my vacation.

I got the two kids I threw in here and had them sit in seiza, since they should be pretty used to Japanese stuff.

"Listen here, kids! We are the 19 Origin Gods. I represent Primordial Knowledge, so I can teach you some things. However, we have someone even better in this case: Yang, representing Primordial Adventures, Jaune, representing Primordial Determination, Pyrrha, representing Primordial War, and Hecate, representing Primordial Magic! Now, saving humanity and all that stuff is better left to humans, so we will only guide you and nothing more.

To do this, Ritsuka needs a Servant. Fortunately, we have Mash! You have a connection to Galahad, one of the Knights of the Round Table. I can turn you completely into a Demi-Servant, if you wish."

She started thinking a little, before Merlin spoke up: "You know kid? I am a Servant but before that I was the mentor of several heroes." I heard Artoria murmur "Don't make me remember that…" Merlin ignored it and continued. "You, pink-hair should take this chance and actually fight to save humanity. If we leave the fighting to this child, you are all doomed."

"I accept, turn me into a Demi-Spirit." Mash said. Good choice. I took a copy of Galahad's Saint Graph, tweaked it a little, and implanted it into Mash. I also took his memories on fighting and passed them onto the girl.

"There you go. Your Noble Phantasm is 'Lord Camelot', but I guess that the memories I gave you are enough already. Now then, let me tweak this wimp a little, then form a contract and get to clearing this Singularity." I said and gave EX quality and quantity magic circuits to Ritsuka. I also gave him a magic heart, since he will have to support hundreds of Servants and fight for humanity's survival. "Done, go ahead."

Ok, it's been around an hour and Ritsuka has fought (read as 'has hidden behind his kouhai') against several monsters. Yang gave advice on the actual steps to survive while on this 'adventure', Jaune helped him maintain his determination, Pyrrha coached the two of them in tactics and fighting, while Hecate taught him some Magecraft. Then, the man, the legend, the myth himself appeared in front of us: Caster Cú!

I spoke with Ritsuka: "Kill him."

"W-what?! Why?! He looks normal!"

"You are literally in an alternate past infested with monsters and you think about 'normal'?! Are you an idiot?! Remember, if you are fighting for the survival of Humanity, kill first, ask questions later!"

Merlin and Loki were laughing their asses off as Ritsuka and Mash confronted the poor Caster, then Weiss stopped them.

"Okay! Stop, everyone! Tula was messing with you, Caster is normal and he will help you in clearing this Singularity. That, or he will be terminated."

"Terminated?!" Cú repeated. "Ahem! Guess I have no choice. Well, I don't see how you wouldn't be able to clear it with all these monsters in human skin you bring arou-"

He wasn't able to finish as Scáthach thrust her spear at his head.

"You were saying? Stupid student of mine?" she asked

"M-master! Wha- How?!"

"A God summoned me to become a servant, giving me a massive power boost to boot. Although you are a Caster at the moment, you managed to avoid my spear. I see that your skills have not dulled, though I should retrain you again, just to make sure."

"Please! Anything but that!" he said, hugging her feet.

Anyway, Caster Cú joined Ritsuka on his adventure while we followed and chatted with our beautiful new Servants. I started teasing Merlin a lot, as payback for fooling me back in the Summoning room. Yang adored Artoria and the tales of her exploits back when she was alive. Ruby became friends with Ereshkigal, though the blonde is still shy around others. Weiss and Chevalier d'Eon started talking and no one managed to stop them to this day. Freya and Tiamat were plotting how to share their love with as many worlds as possible and make a lot of children. Well, Freya was thinking about me, while Tiamat was thinking about assimilating all life forms in existence. Well, nothing will happen unless Freya wants to. Loki and Leonardo were looking around everywhere, analyzing some interesting samples and formulating theories. Yeah, they were fine.

Jaune absolutely adored Jeanne and talked with her extensively, while Nightingale was silently walking next to Pyrrha. Ais and Jalter hit it off immediately and already planned many revenge plans on random people that had crossed them. Well, I think they are already dead, but we can travel in time, so… I hope they don't fuck up too much, or I will have to come back here and scold them. Ren and Mysterious Heroine X were surveying the area silently, though they seemed to understand each other with a glance. Nora and Scáthach-Skaði (from now on referred to as Skaði) were also getting along. Sun was slowly but surely cracking Scáthach's tough shell, though that would take some time. He was enjoying it though. Blake was floating with Ishtar on her… Bow? That floating thing. Rose and Atalanta were the strangest: one second they were talking normally, the other their animal side kicked in and they were at each other's throats (figuratively).

Oh, on a side note, Hecate and Solomon got really close together. I did well including the Kama Sutra in his knowledge, I bet he will use it very soon. Damn woman needs a man in her life, or she'll get cobwebs between her legs. God, that came out much worse than I hoped it would. Hephaestus was also getting along well with Musashi, and I think I can see some Yuri starting here. I personally dig it. I didn't bring these two because I was attracted to them, but because I promised to, though unconsciously. Amethyst was trying to talk with Anastasia, though that proved to be quite difficult.

At any rate, we reached the Boss' location. And by Boss, I mean Saber Alter. Now then, it's time for the final test.

"Apprentice." I said, no response. "Apprentice!" I said again. No response. I went up to Ritsuka and kicked his ass. "I said. 'Apprentice!'"

"You're calling me and 'apprentice' after messing with me ever since we came here?!"

"Yes. It is now time for your final examination. Obliterate the woman. I shall allow you to command Merlin once to aid you in your battle."

"Master… It's not that I don't like the teacher tone or anything… But just stop. You aren't convincing. Look, you do it like this: 'Good job getting here, kid! Now, before countless adventures to save humanity, you must show me your worth. That other there is the corrupted version of Artoria Pendragon. Slay her with all your might. Just because I am a great mentor, I will kindly allow you to give me a single order!' There, you see? Much better!" Merlin said.

Ritsuka was staring at us with a face that says: 'Are you two idiots?'

Anyway, I left the four of them to their own devices, while I went towards the others. I saw that Artoria was conflicted since I also fused her Alter Ego self with her. There was no hate for herself, just more desires, so I could work with it.

"Do you want to save her?" Yang asked, noticing the same thing I did.

"No… It's just strange seeing myself like this. As an enemy, furthermore." Artoria said.

"Do you want to eliminate her then?"

"I can't help but feel… Insulted, just by looking at this inferior copy of myself. I want her to be gone. I am already complete."

"That feeling is because you are a Divine Servant. Basically a God among Servants. That is how Tula made you guys. You are better than others could ever aspire to be. We will go on many adventures together, and you will soon become much stronger, even more than you are now." Yang said and started watching the battle. The formation was quite simple, really: Mash in front, the two casters behind, Ritsuka even further in the back.

Mash blocked the attacks while Caster fired magic at Salter. Merlin was just watching the show, amused.

Salter was much stronger physically than Mash, but Galahad's memories were not just for show, so she somehow managed to parry and block the attacks.

Then came the climax: 'Excalibur Morgan' vs. 'Lord Camelot'. It ended with the shield completely blocking the Saber-laser. Mash then got boosted with a command seal to create an opening. Caster and Mash knocked her off balance for a second, which Ritsuka used to command Merlin to nuke Salter.

"Ah, I forgot to tell him not to use the word 'nuke'. Well, reality shouldn't collapse just yet."

Ritsuka heard me and got worried, then Merlin let loose. She literally created a magical nuke and threw onto Saber Alter. I erected some barriers just to make sure that the explosion wouldn't kill the kid. Well, I could always revive him, but it's annoying: a great teacher can't have a student dying on him.

Needless to say, Salter was obliterated and Merlin was quite happy, so she returned to me skipping. How could I not pat her head when she is this adorable?

"You liked nuking a girl?"

"Sure did, Master!"

I pulled her cheeks.

"Merlin, that little stunt back there could have made this dimension collapse. You know what that means, right? Our student would die, repeatedly, in a void. Not good."

"Leave my cheeks alone! You guys are Gods, right?! Then it would have been fine!"

She isn't exactly wrong, so I pat her head again. I am pretty sure she isn't a half-succubus, but a half-spirit like Ais, or something. A succubus can't possibly be so pure. Ah, no. She has a weird glint in her eyes, definitely a succubus.

"Anyway, good job Ritsuka! You have restored your first Singularity! Get ready for many more such stunts! Now, there is one last nuisance I must eliminate, then we will go back to Chaldea. I will help you summon a couple of good servants, then I think that we will take a couple more things from this universe and leave."

"Two things. You said 'first'. There are more?! Fuck me!" I genderbent him real quick.

"Be careful what you ask for." Merlin and Loki were again laughing their asses off at Ritsuka's plight. I turned him back and said: "Continue, apprentice."

"You are leaving? Already? Didn't you say, like a few hours ago that you would teach me how to become a decent Master?"

"Half-decent. And… Aren't you already pretty decent? You managed to analyze your opponent, time your defense and counter to create an opening for an attack. I would say that you are already more than halfway through the game, you just need a good team. We can't hold your hand, kid. It's not our style. Though, I will leave you with something good. Smile, you will be able to save humanity if you work hard enough. The God of Determination back there is pretty satisfied with you. Also, your kouhai is really cute, so think about her a little." I said, whispering the last part. Ah, not the chick-magnet aka creepy whisper, the normal, 'let's prevent others from hearing' whisper.

Just as I finished saying this, a swirl formed in space and olde boi Lev the bitch materialized. I didn't even give him time to talk as I created a black hole inside his body. Ooh, the sounds that came out will give nightmares to the kid for days. Yup, insonorization barrier! Much better.

"W-what are you doing?! That is Professor Lev!"

"Nope. He's the guy that planted the bomb in Chaldea. Ah, to put it simply, he's an enemy. I told you: if you are fighting, kill first, ask questions after. I will also add another part to that: make sure your enemies are dead and stay dead. Conceptual Magecraft should do the trick. I will leave you with a grimoire after. For now, to Chaldea!" I said and swiped my hand downwards to create yet another portal.

We stepped through the portal and returned to Chaldea's Command room. I forgot to mention that, since Ritsuka didn't Rayshift to Fuyuki, Roman and Olga Marie couldn't communicate with us. Well, less chaos is always a good thing.

We were met with Olga's pissed off face and a worried Roman.

"Roman, don't worry so much, we are Gods, nothing could go wrong in this little adventure. Oh, Olga. Ritsuka is already a pretty decent Master. His first Servant is Ms. Kouhai back there. She became the inheritor of Galahad's stuff. Now, questions later, summoning now!" I said and teleported everyone to the Summoning room. I quickly brought out the Round Table and our thrones, plus a seat for Roman, Olga, and Ritsuka.

"A round table, really?" asked the girl.

"Not 'a' round table. 'The' Round Table. Well, not from this universe, but it is still the original thing. My throne is Arthur's throne, also from another universe. I modified it a little, but the base is that."

Artoria widened her eyes and actually let out a tear. Yang immediately hugged her and comforted her, though her reaction should have been due to memories resurfacing. Well, they are getting along pretty well.

I didn't care too much about it, but the humans were pretty stunned. Not everyday you get to sit around the original Round Table.

"Now, let's get down to business. Lev was the cause of the explosion earlier. To put it really simply and skipping a lot of details, the outside world is fucked. Chaldea might seriously be the last group of humans alive in this universe. Fuyuki's Singularity has been cleared, but there are many more to fix, starting from the Orleans' Singularity.

Ritsuka is a very good Master. He needs experience now, but he has the basics. We might have screwed around a little, but you learned something. All you need is a good team." I said and created a catalogue of possible premade teams and possible variations to keep them effective, with an in-depth explanation about why this and why that. Also, how to summon properly to at least reduce the variation or get a target servant. "This book is going nowhere, but it will take time for you to study. I want you to look through the premade teams and tell me which one inspires you." He started looking through the book and became more and more confused as he turned the pages. "Not the text, the images."

In the end, he chose a team with Zhuge Liang, Jalter, and Merlin. Since I was feeling generous, I added a Minamoto-no-Raikou to the mix as well. I summoned them all, with certain tweaks so that they are stronger and more 'fuel efficient' than their normal versions. I also tweaked with their personality a little to make the kid's life a little easier (*stares at Merlin*).

Merlin (new) looked around and locked eyes with my Merlin. He went towards her and got a super-fast slap.

"Don't come near me, creep." My Merlin said.

"Oh, come on! Not everyday do I meet a hot version of myself! Can't a man be curious?!" he said, holding his cheek.

"A man? Yes. You? No."

I clapped to get the new arrivals' attention.

"Hey there. You guys are this kid's Servants. Your mission is helping him save humanity through a series of Rayshifts. Do your best." They all nodded and went towards Ritsuka, presenting themselves (read as 'smothering in love' in Raikou's case), then stood behind him.

"Good. Now, since I am a generous God, or rather I will probably not come back in this reality for a while if at all, I will leave you Ritsuka with two gifts from the 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge', which is me by the way. First is this grimoire with some interesting Magecraft that will help you in your journey. The second is this Mystic Code. It will protect you from anything your enemies throw at you, so your skin should be safe. You are a good kid and will be a great Master. Work hard, sleep a lot, eat healthy, all those things. For now, I will say this: don't lose hope, never. Summon more, fight more, cry, laugh, maybe fall in love, do all the things a normal human would, or you will end up becoming a monster yourself. Goodbye, kid." I said and teleported myself and the gang on top of Chaldea.

"You were surprisingly more profuse this time. May I know why?" asked Loki.

"Well, until now I have met heroes in their own right, for example Kirito and Asuna: they were heroes to the other players, but never actually did anything of significance for the world. This kid however… The fate of humanity lies on his shoulders… Even Guardians in my universe have teams and we are thousands. We could work together, support each other. He's alone in this, the last Master. I just felt like saying more to him, maybe it will help. I might just come by every once in a while and check on him." I said and smiled looking through the walls of Chaldea. The Servants were all cheering Ritsuka up and promising they would support him, that he wasn't alone. Exactly what I wanted for him.

'Oh, I almost forgot!' I thought and summoned another Leonardo da Vinci with absolutely no need for a Master, so she wouldn't add onto Ritsuka's burden. I also left her with a message for the kid: 'Eyes up, Ritsuka.' When he read it, he looked up and we locked eyes for a little, though he didn't know.

"Now then, there are a couple of things that I want to do before going to our next universe. I also have an idea of somewhere we can grow stronger. More like how we can do so. Anyway, give me a minute." I said and got in a meditative position in the sky. I spread my Spirit Sense in all of reality, until I found what I needed.

"No… Don't tell me you are doing what I think you are doing." said Loki

"I am probably doing something different. Probably." I said and continued. You see, this universe doesn't have Gods anymore, so it is quite vulnerable to some ill intentioned Gods like little old me. My Inner World on the other hand is as stable as stable gets. Therefore, I decided to copy the Throne of Heroes and the 'Reverse Side of the World' into my Inner World. I will explore them fully when I want or just leave them there.

It took me a few minutes to do so since I wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong. Copying whole dimensions, inhabitants included, isn't exactly as easy as entering them.

"I'm done. Now, I think we should leave this universe. It's a dead world except for Chaldea, after all. Put our new friends in your Inner Worlds, just to be sure."