
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 64 - New Universe Again, Servants, Arts

"Ok gang! Now, we have the same problem as always: which universe type we should go to? All of us have our dominant law, so we have different desires now…" I said.

My wives stuck close to me and looked at me.

"I don't really know why you are asking this… We are basically family and have already told you that we are mostly fine with anything. Just choose one and, if we don't like it, we can get everything we can as quickly as possible and then leave." said Pyrrha.

I nodded and began thinking:

'Different universes. I kinda want to get spirits for us. I mean, how cool would it be to have a God with a spirit 'stand' behind him? So, spirits… It's Fate, isn't it? I could also get the Grail, just to add it to my collection.

Apart from that, I just want more knowledge… I am unbalanced at the moment since I have a lot of 'mystical' knowledge but not enough technological knowledge. A sci-fi world is a must then. Star Wars? Interesting, but there isn't a lot of super advanced knowledge. I can come up with similar things with my Destiny knowledge. Star Trek is more or less the same, so that's out. I know of Aldnoah.Zero, Infinite Stratos, I heard about Gundam, Evangelion, Mass Effect, The Legendary Mechanic. IS and Mass Effect are not as appealing as the others, though I'll keep them on the backburner… The best universe to straight-up gain knowledge would be the Legendary Mechanic…

After that… Alternate universes and wreaking havoc… That will be fun.'

"Ok, I got it. Let's go and get our personal spirits."

"Master… Are you… going to replace me?" asked Diana

"Hell no! You are my familiar. I want a spirit. You are two different kinds of companions. Plus, I could as well gain more knowledge…" I said.

I never did explain how our dominant laws work, didn't I? Maybe I just touched the subject. Basically, the closer we are with our laws, the stronger we get. For Pyrrha, the more she experiences war, the stronger she gets. Fighting works as well. For me, it's knowledge. The more I gain, the stronger I get. Usually, Gods of Knowledge are confined to one universe, so they are overshadowed by other Gods. Now, what happens if someone who can travel the multiverse and seeks knowledge, becomes a God? You get OPness, like OP OPness. Also, since we all understand all laws, we are basically continuously getting stronger. Ah, cheating feels so good sometimes.

Anyway, that brings us to now. It's night, I already sent the ship to my Inner World, while Aria is in Ais' Inner World. We are not going to use the UJD since that leaves things up to fate, and we are above it.

I swiped my hand and a portal appeared, identical to those in the twisted dimension we saw with the UJD. This portal however, directly connects to the Nasuverse.

We stepped through and found ourselves in a desert. I connected directly to the Fate/Grand Order verse. Why? Well, ever wondered why a kid can summon hundreds of different Servants while adult magi can only ever summon a total of seven? The answer is spatial and temporal distortions. The deterioration of reality thinned out the borders between this dimension and the Throne of Heroes, allowing a single magus to summon hundreds of Servants.

"Where are we? There is some Magic-like stuff in the air, but it's thin as fuck." asked Loki. She got used to more modern, liberal language, huh?

"Let's find out." I said and activated my Omniscience. Ah, the sweet, sweet knowledge. Oh God, I didn't want to know how to create a sex-doll automata! Well, now I have knowledge on all Noble Phantasms, their principles, how to create them. Also the Servants' skills. They aren't particularly useful to the current me or the gang, but I'll gratefully accept them. Oh, and Servants, of course. "Nasuverse! Our destination is Chaldea! We will get our spirits there. Maybe, since we are all very generous Gods, we could help them a little as 'payment'..."

"Sounds nice. Let's go. I still need to get used to omniscience, so just bring us there, dear." said Weiss. Well, not everyone has a magitechnical, super-advanced brain like me…

I swiped my hand again and created a portal to Chaldea. I wanted to announce our presence. Since the magi here know that Gods existed once, I should check whether they have some interesting reactions.

We arrived in a meeting room with an albino-like girly and several other teenagers, some staff as well. They froze and were staring at me.

"Are we interrupting something, or am I just too handsome? Don't even look at my wives or I'll kill you." I said. "Anyway, girly… You are Olga Marie Whatever-it's-too-long, right? Don't answer, rhetorical questi-"

"Who are you?! Guards!" she shouted.

"Rude little bitch, a God is talking: you don't interrupt. Anyway, we are here to use your summoning room, lead the way." I said, sealing her mouth and levitating the guards. I also used some compulsion to have her show us the way.

The gang was snickering because the girl cut me off and treated me like a common mortal. I will have my revenge later.

I started following Olga, when I noticed Ritsuka nodding off. I touched his head and healed him. He started looking around and saw me.

"Kid, you're coming with us. Bring your kouhai there. She looks like she's about to blow a fuse." I said and pointed to a certain pink-haired, glasses-wearing, uniform-wearing, adorable-looking kouhai.

"Why would you bring a mortal? Another sudden interest? Or just a plaything?" asked Loki.

"No, my dear, this time it's genuine interest. Well, he will soon become a toy, but that is different."

At any rate, we were kindly shown to the summoning room. We were actually joined by Romani Archaman and Leonardo da Vinci on the way. Not gonna lie, Leo has a nice rack. That thought was out of character for me, but it's true. She immediately started asking questions and jumping from one side to another since she felt the Magic coming off of us. Loki immediately liked her, so I will have Leo be her Servant. I have a few targets myself, including a certain half-succubus.

The summoning room was very high-tech, but nothing particularly solid. This won't do for the servants I want to summon. I snapped my fingers and the room immediately changed and started morphing into a throne room and got surrounded with countless formations, runes, and magic circles. Heh, the three intruders were surprised, while we got our thrones out and formed a circle.

"I will pass you the knowledge on 'Servants' as these guys call them. We will summon a special kind of Servant, but that needs a shit-ton of calculations and Omni usage, so leave it to me. You are still not used to using so many things at once…" I said. I was also using the thrones as focal points for a summoning circle.

I passed the knowledge onto them and they chose their desired Servants. Each of the ones I summon will be a Divine Servant, something in a class of its own.

Jaune chose Jeanne d'Arc. I started using my three Omni's to create an agglomeration of all 'Jeanne's, while giving the resulting Servant the standard appearance and personality of the Holy Maiden. I didn't include the Alter version of herself since that would lead to a personality conflict and a vegetable, basically. Imagine you having a very real version of yourself that hates you. You would enter a never-ending internal conflict and your body would be left in vegetative state. Anyway, I summoned the perfect Jeanne with all the knowledge on us and eternal loyalty. Oh, I also gave her all the Noble Phantasms, skills, and Magecraft she could use.

When she was summoned, Jaune could feel the girl's determination and pure heart. I think they will be a great team.

Pyrrha chose Florence Nightingale. I again did all that Godly fuckery and obtained the best possible 'Nightingale'. They were both attuned to war, so when they locked eyes, they immediately understood each other. Well, maybe that was some other Godly fuckery.

Ais went next and also chose Jeanne d'Arc, the Alter one (read as 'best tsundere version'). I did my thing and summoned the perfect Jalter. The face she made when she saw the literal embodiment of 'revenge' in front of her was priceless. Well, there was some tension between the two Jeannes, but that was quickly quelled with the next summoning.

Ren chose something more interesting: a combination of Mysterious Heroine X and Hassan-i Sabbah. That was a fun one to create, so I went chuuni-mode.

"By my Godly fuckery, I order you, Mysterious Heroine X and Hassan-i Sabbah, fuse in a single existence and get your ass out here!"

"Why did I marry you again?" asked Yang

"You know why: I'm awesome!"

"Fair enough, though I sometimes regret it…" she said. That hurts, I will punish her.

Anyway, I summoned a Grand Assassin in the form of a very serious Mysterious Heroine X with all Noble Phantasms, skills, and magecraft all forms of the two base components could ever use. Basically, 'OP Assassin in the form of a cute Saber-face'.

After Ren came Nora. She chose Scáthach-Skaði, the caster. She said she liked the name. Fair enough. Same stuff, I summoned an OP Servant.

Sun chose Scáthach. At this point, I think he has a fetish. No, it's probably his dominant law that tells him to conquer the 'Queen of the Land of Shadows'. Well, we are Gods, so a Harem is a given. Blake chose Ishtar. That was pretty easy and straightforward. Rose chose Atalanta, the archer. Isn't she a cat or something? Ooh, it will rain cats and dogs soon. Anyone? No? Forget it.

Hephaestus chose Miyamoto Musashi, while Hecate chose Solomon, the Grand Caster. Those were pretty easy, though I had to tinker a little with Solomon. Well, nothing major really, just a little more willing to serve Hecate and eliminating the whole self-destruction thing. Amethyst chose Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. She wanted to help the girl.

Ruby chose Ereshkigal, since she wanted to help the poor blonde. It will be fun when this Ereshkigal meets the one in the DanMachi universe. Yang chose Artoria Pendragon, the Lancer one, the one with a nice rack. Hell yeah! Weiss chose Chevalier d'Eon, since she uses a rapier. Loki, as I expected, chose Leonardo da Vinci.

The poor girl was frightened and shocked, but I pulled her towards the summoning circle and fused her current body back into her Servant body, plus all of her versions. It was fun seeing how her expressions changed from time to time.

Freya instead chose Tiamat. And all hell let loose.

Archaman was shouting something about destruction, death, apocalypse or some other fun things, Olga Marie was shaking and crying, Ritsuka couldn't understand what was happening anymore, Mash was just as confused as her senpai.

"Shut it, mortals. The world will not end without my permission and, for now, I have some things to do here. Do not disturb us. Oh and… Archaman? What you talk about is extremely fun." That spooked him for good.

Anyway, since my wife wants Tiamat, Tiamat she will receive. I just summoned her in the Femme Fatale form, with as many skills, magecrafts, and stuff she could possibly use. I even created a conceptual Noble Phantasm, which shall remain unnamed because any name I can think of sucks, that allows here to hijack a dimension and become the new 'Heaven', the highest authority. This is basically a straight upgrade from her skills, plus some Godly fuckery.

And finally, my turn. I will have so much fun with this!

"Who are you going to summon?" asked Ruby.

"There is only one person that I really want to mess with, apart from someone you guys summoned. The answer is only one." I said and started the summoning I fused all of her/his versions, but completely eliminated all signs of his male personality. I gave her all magecraft, all magic, all skills, all Noble Phantasms. And then, I summoned her. "Come to me, my new plaything… Come now, Merlin."

"You seem really hate him-" started saying Weiss.

"Incorrect. I absolutely love him, no homo. Forget that, she's a female now. I mean that I like her personality. Being a dick while also helping people? Sounds like something I could do. Plus, just look at those thighs."

"You summoned a legendary, genderbent wizard… Because of thighs? You never struck me as that type of man." said Hecate.

"Indeed Master, he is a fiend, don't associate yourself with him." said Solomon to his Master

"Hell no! I am summoning Merlin because… Ok, I admit this time the thighs played a great part in my decision. And also because Prototype Merlin is absolutely adorable. Also, remember me that I need to mess with Solomon's personality again."

Anyway, as I was talking with the gang, Merlin materialized.

"Greetings, Master of Chaldea-"

"Stop, not from Chaldea. I gave you all the knowledge you need. Now, come here and let me pat your head." I said while patting my legs. Half-succubus trickster for the win! Her voice alone is worth it.

She shrugged and sat on my lap and let me pat her head. Oh, her hair is so damn soft!

I was in a good mood so I allowed the four idiots in the audience speak.

"You four, since I am in a good mood after summoning Merlin, I will allow you to ask some questions."

Romani asked: "Who are you?"

"Gods, all of us. If your question was about whether we are enemies or allies, we are neutral. However, we did agree that we would help you a little." I said, which was supported by many nods

"Master… Why would you summon Servants if you are Gods?"

"Didn't I already give you the information? We wanted to. A God doesn't need to act rationally. If I had to give a reason… Because I wanted to come here and get some new knowledge along with a cute half-succubus. And a few more serious reasons that are too boring so I will skip."

"Why did you invade Chaldea?" asked Olga Marie

"Have you ever wondered why you guys can summon so many different Servants? It's because the barriers between here and the Throne of Heroes are so thin that they are basically nonexistent. I can obviously summon from anywhere, but why go the harder way when I have a perfectly fine place?"

"What is going on?" asked Ritsuka

"Oh, Ritsuka, you finally decided to speak up! Well, to explain what is going on, time is frozen in this world except for this room. To put it simply, you will be the last Master candidate alive in a few minutes, so the fate of this world lies upon your shoulders. Well, yours, those of your adorable kouhai/pseudo-servant, and of all the Servants you will summon in the future. What has already happened was 19 Gods summoning 19 Divine Servants with a lot of modifications and customizations."

There was silence for a bit. Our Servants were just standing behind their respective Masters since I had already given them all the knowledge they needed to not be a nuisance. Merlin was just being a Merlin with her question.

"The Age of Gods has ended. You can't be Gods-"

"Olga, Olga, Olga… Listen here kid. No one has ever said we were limited to this little universe. Oh and… Chances are that your Gods were not as powerful as us, though I can't be sure… Correction, I just checked, they were less powerful than us, but still True Gods. Not bad… I will take them for me, maybe."

"What did you do to Leonardo?" asked Mash.

"Oh, Mash. So adorable, maybe I should keep you… I reverted Leo to her Servant form, enhanced the shit out of her, and made her my wife's Servant. Should be pretty easy to understand."

"You said something about helping us?" Archaman asked, his voice filled of hope.

"Hm… Yes, we will. I will help the kid here learn how to be a half-decent Master. Me and Merlin will enjoy this very much. Your first Singularity is in Fuyuki, 2004. A decent tutorial. Now, let's get out of this room, restart time, help some people, fix a Singularity or two, and pick up some more Servants along the way."

"Master, I like the way he thinks." Jalter whispered to Ais.

"Of course, he's my dad!" she said. My adorable daughter is a papa's girl.

Oh, before even moving, I quickly used a secondary thought process to create some martial techniques, since I had absolutely forgotten about them. 'Origin God Weapon Techniques', which includes the body as a weapon, 'Origin God Movement Techniques', 'Origin God Healing Techniques', just to make sure, 'Origin God Magic Techniques'... Yeah, that should do it.

I 'shared' my new creations with the gang, then lightly pinched Merlin's side.

"Get up, Merlin. Or maybe… Do you want me to pick you up?" I whispered in her ear. Ooh, 'Devil's Whisper' is acting up again.

"Hm… Pick me up." she said, so I picked her like a sack of potatoes and put her on my shoulder.

"There, now let's go, otherwise we'll stay here for eternity." I said and moved towards the door. The gang was amused, while Merlin was stiff and silent. Probably didn't expect me to actually pick her up. Heh, a mere half-succubus wants to play with a God? Not happening. Then a doubt assailed me and I used Omniscience. Damn! She played me! "I will have my revenge, Merlin. You can be sure about that."

Like so, we began our little adventure in a world that can be described as: a clusterfuck of alternate universes and timelines fusing into one because someone said 'Fuck it, let's make it so complicated that any shit I write is going to pass'. Problem is: it worked.