
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 63 - More Time, Teacher, ALO, GGO

So, I should probably explain the current situation.

After becoming Gods, we decided that time had no more meaning to us, so we decided to stay in this universe for a while, in particular since more sub-dimensions are sprouting every so often. This means that this world is particularly interesting. Well, it might also be because becoming Gods affected our mentality, but that's impossible, right? Right?

While almost everyone decided to just wait for a year or so just chilling and then go to a new universe, I decided to use some Godly fuckery and accelerate the establishment of the SAO survivor school. I also basically forced Kirito's, Asuna's, Argo's, Yuna's, Lisbeth's, and Silica's parents to enroll them in the institution. Also Suguha. By my fantastic Godly fuckery, they are all in the same class. And, guess what? I landed myself a job as a teacher there. I just wanted to try it out.

I've been a student all this time, and I think I can be a pretty decent teacher. This means, I will give everyone grimoires that cover the curriculum until the PhD's, then I will go on instructional trips with my students, like in other countries or dimensions.

And so, time passed until the beginning of the new school year.

I will quickly summarize some highlights.

First: the players that heard my clear message thought they were still in the game. There were some suicides among the older generation because they couldn't hold on. Tough shit, they had a very poor mentality. Those that remained tried treating the world like a game, causing many sexual assaults on nurses and traffic jams. That was funny. There was only one instance in which the player became a criminal. That was… Surprising, I expected much more. The idiot used his warhammer to smash his way into a bank, just to be shot by the police upon exiting. What a poor bastard.

Second: me and the gang went on a world tour and checked out some interesting places, though they were basically the same as the Potterverse. Well, I bought out almost all the historical buildings in the world and also copied my favorites in my Inner World, in Aincrad, to be precise. I particularly enjoyed restoring the Parthenon: it just gives off that godly vibe, you know?

Third: the world governments started some research on the loot they got from the suicide victims and that one criminal dude. Well, they won't get much: the materials are produced with Magic/Godly fuckery and all the special effects would need a magician to at least see there is something more to the stuff. They can't even reuse the materials because they would need astronomical temperatures to smelt. Heh, no one is going to copy my stuff anytime soon. Giving them a few billion years, they might be able to actually copy the material or at least smelt it.

At any rate, the SAO survivor school started it's school year today, which means all those fancy schmancy stuff you see in anime! And I loved it! Very scenic, though it may have something to do with me planting some magical Sakura trees on the school grounds.

I was waiting for my new toys- Ahem! students to enter the classroom for their orientation. I was petting Diana. She got used to staying on my lap or shoulder whenever she can. Well, she's soft and huggable, so I don't mind. Reshiram was evidently a great choice. I then heard the door open and saw my favorite playthings for the next few years.

"Kazuto! How are you? Doing well? How about Asuna back there? Oh, little Tomo is here as well. Yuuna, Rika, and Keiko are here as well! Oh and so many other people! Come in, come in!"

"YOU! Why do I have the feeling that us getting put in the same class is your fault?!"

"Because it is! Now, get to your seats kids, I will pass you something great."

Kirito sighed and did as I said. The kids that didn't know me personally or just treated me as an NPC didn't really get what was going on, but they sat down and didn't complain too much.

"Ok! So, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Tula, the 'Origin God of Primordial Knowledge', the guy from the game. I used a little bit of my glorious power to have the government open this school and get a job as a teacher. Don't worry, no one in the universe is more qualified than me when it comes to gathering and giving knowledge. Yes?" I said, looking towards a girl that had her hands up.

"The stuff about God is a joke right? The one in the game was just an NPC or a bored GM…"

"Nope, I am a real God and you are my students now. If you behave, I will even teach you magic. If you don't believe me, do you think a GM or an NPC could bring stuff from the game to the real world?" I saw that no one was talking but they were all confused and curious about what is going to happen. "Well, since no one has any other questions… Yes?" I said towards another student who raised his hand.

"Why would a God come here to teach us?"

"Because I wanted to. I literally don't have the concept of 'Death' anymore, so time is just a toy for me. You guys seemed interesting, so I will play- I meant I will teach you for a bit."

"You will totally screw us up, won't you?" asked Kirito

"Language, Kazuto. And… Yes, I will. Anyway, today is your first day in school, which means that it's the last day you will actually learn something. Here, take these grimoires and touch them. One each." I said, materializing a grimoire in front of every student. There were a few surprised cries, probably from those that didn't believe I was a God. I don't blame them.

Well, everyone got a grimoire and touched it, gaining enough knowledge to pass a PhD in any given subject.

"Now then. That should have given you a pretty good idea of who I am. Your classes with me will mainly be trips to assimilate and use the knowledge you just gained. If you behave, as I said before, I will even teach you some 'extra-curricular' stuff. For the next few months, we will travel the world. No overnight trips, unfortunately. Then, we will start with traveling dimensions to do some more interesting stuff. ALO will help you understand aerodynamics with the flying while GGO will help you understand more about physics, chemistry, economy, statistics. Wow, now that I think about it, GGO came out to be a pretty darn good game. I have done well funding the development team. We will also visit space to understand more about astronomy."

"Why did you talk about games when you said dimensions?" asked Tomo.

"Tomo! Great question. Games like SAO, ALO, GGO all have a huge playerbase. Now, there are things called sub-dimensions. Usually they are made and supported by magic or some other kind of energy, but when enough people believe that a place is real or spend enough time in it, a sub-dimension is formed naturally. Basically, if a lot of people play a game, I can travel to it with my real body."


"Very much so." I said and smiled.

Anyway, that is how the first day went. I answered some more questions, which were mainly about me being a God and when will our first trip be.

That brings us to now. We, meaning my students and I are in ALO. Since I can't possibly bring their real bodies in a world with magic and monsters AGAIN, I had them bring their headsets to school and had them connect to the game. I opened a hole in space to reach the ALO sub-dimension.

I quickly summoned all of my students to me. At this point in time, we already spent a couple of months touring the world, so they were pretty used to my antics. Well, traveling would be pretty normal, if only I didn't also travel in time to the most opportune time period for my teaching. Yeah, my classes were lovely.

"Good day, kids! Today, we fly!" I said, before rising up in the air. "Come on, follow me. This will be a hands-on class!"

They all whipped out their wings and started flying after me. They had all the knowledge they needed to fly more efficiently, but they still had to experience it. Obviously, they had all played the game during the past two months, but they didn't have a lecture.

"Now then, ALO uses a flight system that does not take into consideration aerodynamics. I will temporarily modify this system to suit our purposes. You will all have the same theoretical speed, but the actual result will depend on how much you can apply your knowledge. Surprise me, kids."

Asuna was the first to get the hang of it and actually apply the knowledge I gave her. She was flying close the speed the game allows, which is also the theoretical speed I set. Very nicely done. The others were doing pretty well, in particular after seeing Asuna, so I decided to up the game.

"Well, seems like everyone more or less got the hang of it. You will now have your examination, then class should be about finished. You will race among yourselves! On this track!" I said and created an obstacle course in the air. "The first to reach the goal gets to pet Diana during our next lesson." That lit a fire in their eyes. Diana is just too soft and cuddly and huggable.

Surprisingly, Keiko and Tomo were tied for first place, so they will pet Diana together.

"Good job. This about ends my lesson. You have all applied your knowledge well, so I consider these full marks!"

What can I say, as the God of Knowledge, I get happy when it is put to good use, so I offered them some refreshments in the Tower of Knowledge in ALO.

Today, about another month from the ALO lesson, I will bring the class to GGO. Theoretically, the game shouldn't have launched yet, but I used some Godly fuckery to make the producers and programmers filthy rich and extremely motivated to make the best game out there.

Again, I had everyone bring their headsets and connect from school.

I summoned them to the Tower of Knowledge there. I liked this game, it made me remember the Destiny universe.

"Students! We have a different 'mission' today. You have to learn how physics affects things in the real world, so I will again modify your avatars to have the same physical abilities you have in the real world, though I won't have you feel pain. At least not much." I said and looked at the terrified kids. "Oh, don't look at me like that. Anyway, in this game, there are different ammo types, which we will refer to as energy and normal. Energy bullets will use a different set of physical principles from the normal ones, so I want you guys to learn how to be accurate with both types, without the Bullet Circle. If you apply your knowledge, you should all be fine. Actually, whoever gets more accurate shots by the end of the day will get some gear I made for this game."

Gear is always a great incentive and it got everyone raring to go. I made a real armory appear with all sorts of weapons and attachments included. Everyone geared up, either with what they already had or by taking something from the armory.

Actually, I searched for a player. I found her playing in the dungeon beneath the main city. I left a clone with the students and teleported to my target. I just looked at how she killed the mobs. It seemed too easy, so I added some more waves of enemies.

"What the hell, there weren't this many enemies when I came here yesterday…" she muttered.

When she finished off the last wave, I cleared my voice since she didn't seem to notice me. She should be a good sniper, shouldn't she.

The player immediately aimed at me, then lowered her rifle and said: "The 'Origin God'? What's this NPC doing here now?"

"Oh, Shino, you hurt me! Thinking I was a normal NPC…" I said. She widened her eyes and looked pretty stunned. What's with these kids' reactions? "You are exactly like my students, just that they finally understood that I am an actual God… Anyway, I am here to have you join my school for gifted individuals."


"Nothing, just a reference. I want you to transfer to the SAO survivor school. It will do you good and will surely help you overcome your trauma or whatever you want to call it about guns. Trust me, if I show you a 'Black Star' now, you would have a panic attack."

At this point, she was very frightened and confused.

"You don't need to be afraid. I am a teacher at the school. My students are here in GGO for a lesson. How about you join us just for today. Since I doubt you will believe me, let me create a quest for you." I said and sent her a notification:

"Warning! Quest Found!

Asada Shino, I am asking you to transfer to the SAO survivor school. How about you come and see how the classes are held?

Reward: Full set of gear, Two weapons of choice, One accessory of choice, One familiar."

She stared at the notification for a full minute, then nodded. I teleported us back to the rest of the class. Perfect timing since they were taking a break.

Kirito was the first to notice the new 'recruit'.

"Tula… Did you kidnap her?"

"Kid, I am a God, I don't kidnap people. I abruptly move them from one place to another without asking for permission. Anyway, this is Asada Shino aka Sinon. She might join our class, so show her how lessons work with me. I will put the same restrictions on her as you all have." I said, then got some sunglasses out and a recliner.

Shino was staring at the scene and asked: "Does he often do this kind of stuff?"

"Well, he taught us everything up to PhD level in an instant and our lessons are held in the past most of the time. However, this is the first time he kidnaps a girl… Guess you are somewhat special to attract his attention." said Tomo, interested in this unknown girl.

Well, the kids did what kids do best, which is making friends. Now that I think about it, why is Shino not in school right now? Eh, don't care. She probably is a NEET. Anyway, Asuna guided her through the lesson and that was very fun. The girl wasn't even able to lift her rifle with her real-life physical capabilities, so she had to settle for a more light-weight one from the armory. Oh, and her face when she actually felt the recoil was awesome! She will make a great plaything for me. Wait, that sounded wrong.

At the end of the lesson, I talked with Shino for a bit.

"So, want to try joining the school? Nobody would ostracize you… And I am a great teacher."

"I've noticed that. It's not that I don't want to, but I can't. It's too late to transfer and I would need permission from my guardians..."

"I am a God. A God I tell you. Do I really need to make this clear? Look, just tell me: do you want to?"


"Done, come to school on time tomorrow. I will send the location to your phone. Now, onto the rewards for the quest…" I said and brought up a catalogue of weapons and armor from the Destiny universe, along with a list of accessories and familiars.

She chose the 'Patience and Time', the 'Rat King', some Hunter Armor, a pair of goggles with advanced HUD, which will follow her to the real world since it wouldn't have much sense in the game, and a hawk, which will also follow her to the real world. Oh, now I actually miss using weapons. I might have to come here in GGO and release some stress.

"So… Are you really a God?" she asked.

"Many have asked that question and my answer is always the same, more or less: you will have to find out yourself. For now, I am just a crazy NPC."

The next day, Shino joined my class. And she was wearing the goggles she got yesterday. I also saw the hawk flying around the school. Guess she liked them. She was really awkward, but didn't kick up too much of a fuss when I summoned the grimoire from nowhere. I guess she accepted the fact that I am a God. Good.

My lessons continued until the end of the year. The players' reaction to discovering that Gods exist were kinda dull, probably due to being stuck in a game for more than a year. That would make anyone's reactions more 'tame'. Oh well, nothing gained on that front.

Also, to be honest, I have kinda eliminated the real threats back in SAO. Well, Amethyst did... With her purge of PKers. The only ones that remained were not particularly concerning. Well, if there is one thing that happened, it's that the Alicization dimension is open and Kirito was absent some days for 'work'. I guess he got involved in that stuff even with my intervention. Oh well, some adventures are good for the kid, plus I had explained to the class how the equipment from SAO worked, so he would always have his gear as it was soul-bonded. Plus, I added a little enchantment to their minds, so that they will never suffer mental damage or trauma, including becoming a vegetable.

Well, it was about time for me and the gang to leave and find some new universe and, hopefully, some interesting adventures. Maybe we will instigate some wars for our enjoyment or maybe help that population if we are in the mood. Who knows? Problem is… I kinda got attached to these kids, so I don't really want to leave them. That's why I will leave a clone here. It will help them in times of need and guide them as a teacher. I liked my job, maybe I should refine my act and try again in some other universe…