
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 44 – Mixing Hearts, Treasure Hunt Highlights, Magic Eyes

So, after spending a couple of weeks just enjoying our time, I've had the impulse to try that new 'Magic Pendragon Heart' ritual. Let me tell you how it went.

So, basically, I have already studied my body from a technological point of view, and that's fine, nothing too complicated except my mind. Now then, I am in a magical universe, with magic, and yet another ritual to perform. This means I studied my body from a magical point of view.

I would be considered some kind of golem or automata with independent thinking modeled after a real human. According to magic, you can't implant a human consciousness inside an artificial body… Correction, I just found a way to do it. Anyway, if I consider my 'self' to be a copy of the original, then I am a golem or automata. If I consider my 'self' to be the original, then I would be something like a homunculus, like Voldyfuck's body at the end of the Triwizard Tournament in canon.

Now, golems, automatas, and homunculi all need some kind of battery to power them. Continuing on with Voldy as an example, his magic core would be recreated after anchoring his soul to the homunculus body and would serve as a battery for the body. My battery is the Akashic Engine. Now, this is where it gets fucked up. A homunculus has a heart and all other organs plus a battery. A golem or an automata don't have organs but only a battery.

I don't have organs, except for some kind of high-tech stomach, and my battery is recognized as a magic heart. This means that I am a mixture between an automata and a homunculus. I can therefore modify my body through magical means like any other bag of flesh.

Anyway, that was just my ranting. The TLDR is that I can use the rituals to modify my body however I want and it will react similarly to a human's. Cool.

After completing my research on myself, I went to test out the MPH ritual. God, I suck at naming. I stepped on the magic circle and passed as much Light, Aura, and Magic as I could, this time I really went all out. Like with the ritual to give us magic, I felt something immaterial forming over my Akashic Engine. Now, if I were human, that immaterial thing would have fused with my heart and made me a dragonewt sub-species. But I am not, which made me curious about how it would work now.

The Akashic Engine started shining. Against all physics and common sense, you could see the thing shining through my chest, which is made of solid magic metal. Let's forget about that, just thinking about it gives me a headache. Magic will be my excuse.

I'm digressing. The Akashic Engine started shining and absorbing the immaterial heart. After it was done fusing, the thing started pulsing like a real heart and an immaterial circulatory system started forming in my body and started spreading all three of my energies throughout my body. My body basically started 'cultivating' on its own and it even started refining my energies. This is… Just great. There is no other way of putting it.

I also have an idea about why the first magic heart didn't create this much of a change: the first ritual was only the creation of a magic heart, which would give us the capability to use magic and store magic in our bodies. That worked, no problem. This second ritual was supposed to change my entire race. However, since I am an Exo with no circulatory system and no real heart, it created one on its own to gradually change me. Thing is, since the change means basically 'cultivating', nothing will actually happen except an increase in my 'mystery'.

God, I hate and love magic. It's a difficult relationship. Anyway, the ritual works, will do wonders for the gang, and has many more advantages than I thought it would. No, maybe that is just for me. I will have everyone perform the ritual today. It only took about six hours for me, so it should be doable for them.

And that, brings us to today, one entire month after the ritual. Quite a few things happened in the last month, let me walk you through the most important ones.

First, everyone went through the ritual. As I suspected, their entire circulatory system started changing and it wasn't pumping blood anymore. Well, it was blood, just that it was a mixture of dragon blood, human, and pure magic. This is what the MPH did to them on the inside. On the outside, nothing particular changed, no third eyes, no scales, no reptilian eyes. If there is something that changed, it's that the girls became more beautiful and the guys more handsome. This includes my artificial skin layer, though I only noticed a few days later since the difference bugged me and I cross referenced my current layer to the one from when I came to this universe. By the way… If you put a beauty through a ritual that gives more beauty and then through another one that gives even more beauty, you get a weapon of mass destruction. If I were to release a picture of Weiss, Yang, Ruby, Pyrrha, Nora, or Blake, the whole world would go nuts and start the third world war to have it. I am not joking, they are at that level.

Next on the list, we began our worldwide heists, a total of thirty, one for each day, and everyday in a different country, if possible. There were many that weren't even a challenge, so I will skip them.

Our first heist, which in reality can be counted as several heists, was at Gringotts, throughout the world. We entered every single Gringotts branch and looted the shit out of them. We just brute-forced our way through the defenses since, after the ritual, our 'magic senses' reached a whole new level and we instinctively knew what was being thrown at us. It was like having my semblance constantly activated. Anyway, we just blasted through everything and stole everything of value: historical weapons (including, but not limited to, Durandal, Hrunting and Nægling, Angurvadal, Dáinsleif, Gram, Fragarach, Gáe Bulg, Spear of Lugh, Joyeuse, Tonbogiri, and Murasame) which were in reality owned by wizarding families, armor, books, journals, materials, wands, staffs, jewelry, money, even deeds regarding land. With these heists, I confirmed that I have some kind of disease that forces me to collect as many interesting things as I can. Didn't dragons have some kind of fixation for treasure? Wait, the gang is also acting strangely excited when we go on heists.

God fucking dammit. The Magic Pendragon Heart gave us some kind of curse? Fuck it, it's not like I don't want to collect this stuff, but I want to collect it even more now.

Anyway, second interesting heist, in the muggle world this time. We looted the Crown Jewels of England. Yeah, the ones that the living fossil still has in 2020. That wasn't particularly difficult between magic and technology. The interesting thing is that there were some wizards guarding the jewels, which led to an investigation. Obviously, the muggle governments know of the existence of magic and permit the existence of the Ministry of Magic, that much is sure. The thing is that after our not-so-subtle heists at Gringotts, the governments worldwide hired wizards to protect their treasures. Well, as a certain crown sitting in my treasury can attest, those guys can't do their damned job. Oh, and I just love putting that crown on my head. I am still sporting my 'Eye of Another World' helmet after all these years, but I'm considering a change of style, something more kingly. This is for sure the magic heart's curse speaking.

Third interesting heist: an unmarked pyramid recently found by Gringotts. Oh, was that fun. We used necromancy to wake up the mummy and have it guide us to the treasury and any other pyramids it had memory of. After that, we left it free to do what it wanted in Cairo. Boi was that a blast. It looked like the beginning of an apocalypse, just that the zombie was one and everyone was freaking out. We went back to our ship with smiles on our faces and several interesting pieces of gold. I just put them safe in the treasury since they were not magical.

At this point, the ship is kinda strange. You have a bar with any kind of booze you could ever want and snacks, a very vintage library section which in reality is the size of a couple of soccer fields, an armory shining in silver, a treasury shining in gold, a greenhouse, a workshop. Yeah, I am not the best interior designer, but I can tell that I will have to move things up a bit.

Fourth interesting heist. It was not a heist, more like an exploration. We went towards the Bermuda Triangle. Guess what we saw? Not alien tech. Or maybe it was, I don't know. It looked like a portal of some sort, obviously a magic one. My semblance told me it was a dimensional gate. This led me to realize that I had mistakenly used the term 'dimension' in the past. Dimensions are things inside a universe. Think of Highschool DxD, there is Earth, then there is the Underworld, then there is Heaven, then there are all the other places which I can't remember. Those are separate dimensions in the same universe. What I travel are universes, though I can travel among dimensions in the same universe. Anyway, I'm ranting. I was talking about some alien tech. It connects two dimensions. One is, obviously Earth, while the other is… I don't know, didn't really check, though I might just before leaving.

Fifth interesting heist, again, not a real heist. We found Area 51 in America. Once we were inside, I had the Ghosts hack any electronic device, which were few (1991, remember?), and take all the juicy info. Turns out, there was an actual spaceship that crashed here, but the pilot was a corpse when the government found it. Well, by the design of the ship, the civilization was taking its first steps in space travel. Well, I am pretty sure they had some kind of tracker on the ship, so this universe is soon going to be facing a 'close encounter of the third kind'. Anyone? That reference? Oh well, forget it.

Sixth interesting heist: actual Camelot. You know, King Arthur's castle? Yeah, we found that bad boy. It was in a separate dimension in Winchester, England. It was just like my library, but more hidden. We didn't find much inside, just a throne and the motherfucking Round Table. Needless to say, I now have a very nice circular table in the middle of the ship's common room. Totally renovated and technologized. Both the throne and the table have a shit-ton of enchantments that make Hogwarts look like a kid's toy. Well, to Merlin those four idiots probably were children. Oh, Yang had fun pummeling a dragon that suddenly came in and tried to intimidate us out of taking the new furniture. The thing was apparently the guardian of Camelot. Didn't amount to much, though it did drop some engrams which ended up becoming a sick biker jacket, aviator sunglasses, and a pretty gothic dress. Those go to Yang and Ruby, obviously, to wear as casual clothes. If I find other such creatures, I will make sure to get the rest of the gang some new casual clothes. Oh, I modified Weiss SnowPea outfit I gifted her back when we first met. She likes it and says it reminds her of the good old times at Beacon.

Seventh interesting heist, which yet again wasn't a real heist. The ocean's depths. You have no idea how much stuff there is down there. We went with the ship and looted tons of sunken ships' treasures. We also killed a magical megalodon and what I guess was supposed to be the Loch Ness monster or a family member. I have no idea, though I know that its meat was delicious and will become a staple of the gang's diet judging by their satisfied smiles. Oh, yeah, more engrams, which netted me casual outfits for Ren, Sun, and Jaune. They were all suits, which did suit them. Sun tried asking me to modify it to a more 'wild' style, though Blake quickly purred some reason into him. Now I am missing some casual outfits for Pyrrha, Nora, and Blake. I am sure they will soon drop, though I might have to go to that dragon reserve in Romania. Well, compared to the dragon we found in Camelot, I doubt those will be anything more than overgrown lizards just like in Gringotts.

Eighth and last interesting heist. This one was kind of fun. Remember how in almost every fantasy world there is that one big, bad dragon that could destroy the world and is either the dragon king or the dragon god? Yeah, that one, Ragnarok aka Raggy. Yeah, so… the Potterverse does have Raggy, and he has a shit-ton of loot. If our current treasury looks impressive, Raggy would happily shit on it and move on. Maybe not due to the dragons' fixation for gold, but you get the idea, right? No? He's got a massive amount of loot, end of the discussion. Anyway, we went to where Raggy was slumbering for probably the next couple hundred years and I stuck a metal pole up his ass. It isn't my fetish, though, if you get the reference, you will know that it is someone's fetish. I suddenly thought about having a dragon-girl maid. Is Raggy here a female? Nope, he's a healthy male and I am scarred for life. Ugh… I want to delete that memory. Oh, I can, problem solved.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. I woke up Raggy and he was royally pissed, which was totally his right. He tried roasting us alive, which the girls didn't appreciate since they had just gotten a haircut from a famous French hairstylist. Don't remember the name, but I do remember he asked for the equivalent of a hundred grams of gold. I was not amused, but the girls were happy, so I didn't kill him. Though, I did curse him with erectile dysfunction for five years. Anyway, today I'm digressing a lot. The girls didn't appreciate Raggy's 'fiery' welcome and charged at him. Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha were extremely pissed since they have the longest hair of the six. Weiss even took his soul out and tortured him for a bit, before putting it back into a rabbit. Anyway, Raggy's body was as dead as 'dead' could be and he dropped some fabulous engrams which will be the last three girls' casual clothes. I consulted the three husbands to make modifications since I could. Pyrrha got a white dress, very simple but very elegant. It suited her I must say. Nora got a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater. It was the definition of 'gap', for those that new about her personality. Blake got more or less the same as Nora's, though the clothes were black and a little more form fitting. Why do my friends have better fashion sense than me?

At any rate, we looted both Ragnarok's body and his treasury. I had to expand the interior of my ship several times. Oh, I ended up creating a ritual that uses dragon blood to give us real 'magic eyes', though the effects vary from person to person and are based on the purity of the blood. Raggy will be a fine donor. Weiss ended up getting the 'eyes of truth' which can verify the truth. Might not sound impressive, but apparently they work according to what she wants to know and are kind of like precognition. If she thinks something like 'my opponent will attack my leg', the eyes can tell her whether she is right or wrong. With her 'Time Dilation' glyph and magic, she can basically kill you without giving you a chance. Ruby got the magic degraded version of a Sharingan. Yeah. She can see the flow of 'energy' and it improves her dynamic vision, which she needs while fighting at high speeds. Yang got pretty much a sub-species of the 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception'. Well, she can see the 'death lines', but she can't cut them. She can however disrupt them, which synergises incredibly well with her fighting style. Imagine a pissed Yang that keeps you rooted in place with your limbs not responding. You can kiss goodbye to your life. Pyrrha's eyes were dubbed by her 'Alchemic eyes' since she can change any object in her field of view to another. She thought about using it mainly to power her semblance by creating iron sand. Jaune had 'Healing eyes', with which he can heal anyone he deems an ally in his field of view. Nora had 'Stun eyes', with which she can stun any enemy in her field of view. Ren has some strange eyes. He dubbed them 'Psychological eyes' since they allow him to affect the target's emotions and feelings. He can make an enemy surrender or fight against his own people. Those are scary eyes. Sun had 'Empowering eyes' which allowed him to buff any allies in his field of view, including his own clones generated from his semblance. Blake had 'Illusion eyes', which allowed her to put her targets in an illusion. I have cheated a little and basically put my eyes through the ritual one at the time. One of them allowed me to basically have observation haki, though the range was only 20 meters. I would be aware of anything that comes withing 20 meters from me and from any direction. My other eye could basically block anything I am aware of, which means every attack now, magic, sound, movement, theoretically even the heart.

I should mention that all of our eye abilities are passive or toggleable. For example, Jaune has to use a lot of magic to activate his eye power and it will work only for a short time, though it is still very OP. Now, I want to see if I can come up with a ritual to make our eye abilities more efficient and more powerful. Imagine Ruby running aroundwith a silver Sharingan. God, that would be pretty epic.