
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 43 – Cataloguing Loot, New Grimoire, Wandering

"Well, that was fun. We got a lot of stuff though, so we should catalogue it." Said Ren, taking off his armor.

And so we did. One by one, we catalogued everything. I was analyzing all of the books we found. Boy did the old ones do things differently. Basically, every old wizarding family relied on rituals and manipulating the body to get magic, like using a dragon's heart to change their race entirely. Also, they all relied on their own magic reserves, without having to 'convince' magic like now. How the fuck did magic degrade so much in what? 1000 years? It's not that hard. We still have records from 1000 years ago without magic, so why? Just why, wizards?!

Anyway, I helped catalogue a bit everything. I had to enlarge the library once again. Just Merlin's books took up a larger space than what we already had. After fixing those, the Ghosts started digitalizing the new additions. They will be at it for a while. I went to help with the weapons. I ended up creating another area like the library, which will become the armory. Me, Ruby, Yang, Jaune, and Pyrrha started cataloguing and display the weapons we collected. Jaune was drooling for Excalibur and Gryffindor's shield, so he asked whether I could make a little modification to his gear. Of course, I modified his weapon and shield to look exactly like the two new additions, which made him very happy. At any rate, we finished putting up for display all of the weapons, armor, shields, wands, staffs, and so on. I analyzed all of the things there. I will change our equipment again, probably.

I then went to Weiss so we could organize the potions and materials we looted. That took a lot less effort, though I ended up having to expand the workshop again. Ruby asked me to create a greenhouse area, so I did, and we replanted all of the rare plants we found in the Le Fay vault. I also analyzed all of the plants, just so that if Ruby ever killed one of them, I could just recreate some seeds. After that, I created a new area and had it become our treasury. I just dumped all of the gold, currency, jewelry, and other precious stuff we collected there.

Well, our last heist in magical Britain has ended. We have collected a lot of souvenirs, I have 'collected' draconic language and magic, Goblin language, and old-school magic. Oh, let's not forget all the juicy enchantments on the weapons we got. Those are pretty crazy, considering they were done a thousand years ago by people, while I used my robotic brain to come up with my own versions. That is incredible.

Anyway, I collected again the equipment and enhanced them again, this time using what I learned from the Pendragon weapons. I also revised my grimoire and 'printed' nine copies. Did I mention that grimoires get destroyed after using them? I didn't right? Well, forget about that. On the topic of weapons, I decided to modify my Sword ball, giving it a spear form, just like Rhongomyniad, and an Excalibur form. I want to recreate that Noble Phantasms from the Nasuverse, but I will have to carry out some tests first. Where was I? Ah, yes. I modified the weapons again. At the request of Weiss, I added a wand form to her 'Schneesturm'. It looked like a thin icicle with snowflake engravings.

Oh, I also changed my body again, switching it to the magical variant I used in the weapons. Now, I am a magic stick!

We hit the sack for the day. From tomorrow, we'll go a couple of days 'muggle' to enjoy ourselves, then continue our Treasure Hunt. I will also quickly collect the last of the 'Deathly Hallows'.

The next day, we slept in. It was from satisfaction since we are now seriously the best magicians in the universe and we collected a lot of interesting stuff. By the time we woke up, it was lunchtime. Well, to justify our behavior, when we came up from Gringotts' vaults, it was around 4-5 in the morning.

Anyway, today I will quickly collect the Resurrection stone, then we will go to Rome, probably, to enjoy some downtime and shopping. We need to please the ladies, otherwise we will be among the quickest to get a divorce. And I don't know much about fashion, but I remember that the important designers are either French or Italian. Surely there are a ton of fashion designers in the world, but I don't know them, nor do I really particularly care.

I'm digressing. While everyone woke up decently and had breakfast, I retrieved the stone. I dispelled that nasty curse and analyzed the thing. This one was a little more particular. Basically, it uses time and soul magic to momentarily take a dead person's soul and allow the user to communicate with it. Just another gimmick for my collection.

Upon returning to the ship, I found everyone around the bar counter with smiles on their faces. Loot really is the best. Well, after a little chitchat, Yang proposed we go sightseeing, so we flew to Rome and spent our afternoon there. The bags we had to carry… Make me regret this but also let me know that the girls are enjoying their time, so it's fine. Ren, Jaune, Sun, and I had to beat up some guys that tried hitting on our dear wives, though that might have been better for them. Weiss was starting to have that sadistic smile which did not mean anything good.

Ruby saw the 'Hotel de Russie' and liked it, a lot. So I did a very normal thing. I took the gang there for a quick bite, waltzed inside for 'a moment', and went back about half an hour later after becoming the owner of the place. Yeah, I bought an entire hotel just because my adorable wife liked it. It's a little early, but this will be one of her 21st birthday gifts. She's about to be a big gurl, just one more month.

Anyway, we made the hotel our HQ after throwing every other guest out, applying some wards and runes, putting some security tech, and changing it a little to our tastes. Four floors were reserved for us, one for each married couple. Well, we are four, so not a couple, but you get the idea, no? One for me, Weiss, Yang and Ruby, one for Jaune and Pyrrha, one for Ren and Nora, and one for Sun and Blake.

We also changed one entire floor to become a 'resort', like that room in the ship that can simulate different environments. Now however, the environments will become 'real', so a beach will have real sand and water, though it will still be limited in dimensions. Another floor became our actual HQ with displays, maps, and all of our targets. If you are wondering what targets, well it's all the things we want to loot in this world. I also included Halley's comet, just for shits and giggles. Imagine the scientists' faces when they discover the comet just disappeared. Oh, so many conspiracies will be theorized, I'm sure.

I also created an underground hidden room to work on our magic. I already copied 10 of each magic circle I have on the ship and I also added one to change our heart to what I ended up calling a 'Magic Pendragon Heart' (MPH for short). Theoretically, it's just an overall boost in everything, be it magic or physical abilities. I will test it on myself soon since my Akashic Engine seems to be recognized as a type of magic heart in this universe, which means I can become more OP and will make sure nothing goes wrong.

Oh, you want to know something? The Vatican was basically a congregation point for wizards. And they had some good stuff, though we didn't take anything. At least not yet. I determined that we could take the loot anytime we want, so that can wait. Maybe they will get scared because of what happened to Gringotts and apply more magical protection, so we will have more fun taking everything.

We enjoyed a couple of weeks of nothing but relaxation and wandering from city to city. We visited most of the capitals in the world to sightsee and try out some local cuisine. To be honest, I went on a 'shopping spree' (read as 'stealing spree') and took most of the things that grabbed my attention. A lot of historical pieces went 'mysteriously' missing, but that's not my problem: I can still view them in the ship's private collection. Oh, we also started designating some targets for our treasure hunt: any and all weapons that belonged to historical figures, journals, books, manuals regarding any discipline we can find, some particular paintings and sculptures that caught our attention, some sunken ships, the Bermuda Triangle, Area-51, the pyramids, etc… I will have to remodel the chalet to fit everything in.

Going through every interesting looting place on Earth will be a pretty good long term goal and will probably get more and more interesting as we go, since the world's governments will place more defenses on our targets.