
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 45 – Planning, Leaving, Guild

Anyway, I have a situation at hand now. Basically, this universe was supposed to be our honeymoon destination but also give us some adventure. Now, we enjoyed our heists and the dates, shopping, and all that, but adventure… Well, we didn't really do much of that.

The problem is that because I'm stupid, petty or maybe both, canon is fucked. I basically got rid of Voldemort with my curse; I mean, it won't kill him because of his last horcrux, but he will be in constant agony and incapable of doing anything. Literally, he will be facing eternal torture now. Other than that, the basilisk is already dead, so no second year plot and goodbye Ginny, you will not be missed by me. And, if that wasn't enough, we basically destroyed the magical world economically and culturally. The only books that remain are those that can be printed anytime, but those alone won't make a decent wizard, even by today's standards.

This means that: staying in this universe would be boring, canon is fucked, wizardry is even more fucked, Ginny is going to die. The more I think about that, the more I actually feel bad. Wait, we did visit the Malfoy manor so… Why did I not find the horcrux? Oh well, it's just a diary, nothing too interesting.

I'm digressing. Basically, we enjoyed our stay but it's time to say goodbye, I think.

Now, what are we going to do? We stayed here for about two months, a little more in reality. It's not nearly enough for our honeymoons, so I want to go somewhere else. We did the fun stuff here, so I want to have the adventure part now, possibly with some treasures to hunt. This makes me think of several possible worlds. I mean, Star Trek is purely sci-fi adventure, though I don't know how to find the right portal, Star Wars is less ideal but it still offers some opportunities, DanMachi is basically 'fantasy adventure' incarnate with the dungeon, so it's very appealing… Actually, any fantasy world offers quite a bit of adventure. Maybe Arifureta, with its dungeons again and probably a lot of land left unexplored, cultivation worlds, which I am thinking about pretty often, like Against the Gods. I know for sure I could cheat my way to the top since the cultivation is based on those veins and I can probably create yet another ritual to give us the best veins in the universe, plus I would most likely get infinite energy, again. The more I think about it, the more cultivation worlds seem less scary. I'm definitely going there one night and see whether I can cheat.

I will talk about it with the gang and see where they would like to go. To be honest, DanMachi would be ideal for the adventure and to get stronger rapidly. If things go like they went until now, I can probably generate infinite excelia. That would be total cheating.

Anyway, I went to talk with the gang about this little thought of mine.

"Hey guys, there's this little thing I wanted to talk about with you. So, you know how we wanted to have a honeymoon with adventure included? Well, I doubt that there is much adventure left for us here. I thought that maybe-" I was cut off.

"That maybe we could travel to another universe? Yes, we accept. Actually, we were just talking about that. We should have spread our heists in a bigger timespan-" started saying Jaune.

"Yeah, there's that and the little curse you talked about from the MPH. We are kinda thirsting for adventure now. That sure did a number on us, but it's not too bad. Honestly, it just makes life more exciting-" Said Sun

"What this goof is trying to say is that we're in. Let's decide on a universe and we can go." Said Blake, pulling her husband's ear.

"Well, since we all thirst for adventure or at least something exciting, there are several options I can come up with. We could go to an unexplored universe and just start wandering around, maybe coming in contact with some alien civilizations. We could go to a magic universe. Not like this one, a 'medieval' one. Or, yet again, we could go to just a massive universe and find something to do there. What do you say?"

"Well, a massive universe is automatically out. We are strong but there probably would be things we can't handle there. An unexplored universe is an option, though it is very random. We might find something interesting or be bored to death. Lastly, the 'medieval' magic universe. This universe has a lot of fiction based on those kinds of universes and that looks interesting, very much so." Analyzed Weiss.

"I honestly wouldn't bet on anyone's luck, except for Tula's, so the unexplored universe is out. The 'medieval' universe is probably the best for use adventure-seekers! We should totally check one out!" said Yang.

"I want to meet some real magicians! The ones here were kinda… Eh." Said Ruby.

"I am fine with anything, really. I enjoy the time I spend with you. Plus, I really can't leave Nora without supervision." Said Ren, while calming his wife down.

"Very well then. Let's pack our stuff. I need to do one last thing that's been bugging me for a couple of days now. Shouldn't take more than ten minutes. When we are done, we will depart. Let's get to it!" I said then I apparated to the Malfoy manor.

I found Lucius in his office going through some papers, probably checking how much he lost after our heist. I swiftly knocked him out, then checked his mind. Ah, the fucker put the bookstore employee under the Imperio curse. He commanded the poor guy to give a Weasley the diary. What's with his hate for Weasley's? Can't he focus on his bank account?

Anyway, I apparated once again to the bookstore, where I found the employee, removed the Imperio, and applied a new one.

"Bring me the diary Malfoy gave you." I commanded. A couple of minutes later I purified the last horcrux and returned to the HQ. I found the hotel completely empty so I applied some more wards to maintain its state and keep people away, then I trasmated to the ship.

"Welcome back. Everything done?" asked Weiss, who was the first to notice me.

"Yup. There was one last horcrux to take care of. Was supposed to be handed to a kid-"

"That sounds awful. Anyway, if you are done, catalogue the thing and let's get going! I can't wait to see this new universe!" said Yang.

I got to the cockpit and started warming up the UJD. The first times, I was worried about negatively affecting the solar system, so I had to find a void sector. Now, with magic, I can isolate the space we are in and jump from anywhere.

Anyway, as I was saying, I started warming up the UJD and found a suitable area for launch between the Moon and Venus. I also released a waypoint satellite in case we want to come back here. Not likely though. The rest of the gang came to the cockpit and prepared for the jump. When the UJD was ready, we once again saw space twisting and changing, before seeing a familiar space filled with portals.

"MoonRay, time for you to shine! Tell me, oh Ghost of mine, which were the portals with similar readings to the last one?"

"Stop talking like that. Here, the list." The sassy Ghost said, pulling up a list of portals and their respective readings. I did some random movements on the display with my eyes closed and selected a portal.

"Seriously? You're literally doing something which is normally impossible… And you select a random universe? I really hope this one sucks. Maybe you'll learn to take this seriously." Said MoonRay, already navigating towards the portal.

"MoonRay! You hurt me! I am taking this seriously and my luck is pretty awesome, so… I feel safer actually deciding like this than leaving it up to a rational judgement. Counter-intuitive but true!" I defended myself.

My wives were snickering in the back seat. 'Oh, I will have vengeance… And it will be good.'

At any rate, we arrived at the portal and entered it. The ship was already cloaked and I was piloting as always. When I say it like that, it almost seems as if we travel universes every other day. Well, traveling universes in and of itself is strange.

Well, what we found on the other side made us really wonder what the fuck was happening. Okay, so… You know how planets are roughly spherical due to physics? Yeah, forget about that. This shit is rectangular. Actually, more like a fucking cube.

It was enormous, no doubt about that, but it had a single continent on it. It was absolutely disproportionate and illogical. Let's continue with the cube talk: you know how there are six faces? Five of them are empty, absolutely nothing except for dirt, I guess. The only face filled with something is the 'top' one, if there even is that concept here. Anyway, this 'top' face was mostly water with a single, pretty big continent on it.

If that wasn't weird enough, there is nothing in space apart from the cube. No stars, no Sun, no Moon, no shit. But the land does have light, which absolutely doesn't make sense.

"Dear, you are overheating. Blame everything on magic or some other power and go on." Said Yang. She was evidently confused as well but was coping with this situation better than me.

"I know, it's just that… Anything strange I found until now could somehow be explained or I could at least make an assumption. Here I just can't make sense of it, too illogical. Anyway, let's descend, we need to take a look at the locals and understand where we are."

I started slowly descending towards the surface, while hiding and protecting the ship with magic and technology.

We quickly found a village and Ren offered to go and get some info. I didn't see any problem with that, so he trasmated to the ground. To be honest, I zoned out trying to make sense of the Cube thing. Actually, a non-spherical planet could pass off as some rare occurrence, but a perfect (well, the faces weren't exactly the same in terms of dimensions) cube? That is definitely strange. Also, the fact that there is no Sun in space, but I am currently looking at one. I must have zoned out for quite a bit because Ruby poked my cheek to get my attention.

"Yes, Ruby?"

"You were completely zoned out. Ren came back, listen to what he is saying." She said, with a little pout. Why? Because.

I went to the common room and focused on Ren's report: "… people I met in the village couldn't understand our language. I searched their minds to learn the language and the information I needed. You should search my mind as well later, to learn the language. Unfortunately, I couldn't find much on writing.

Anyway, as I was saying, they called me an 'Adventurer' and asked if I was from a place called 'Orario'. We talked a little and I found that it is a city. We are currently South of the Beol Mountains and North of this city. We should probably head there and learn more about these 'adventurers'. From the name, it looks like our dream job."

'Orario, I see. My luck rocks!'

"Thank you, Ren! Yeah, let's head South to the city. If adventurers are anything like the name suggests, we hit the jackpot, definitely." I said, while searching his mind for the language. "MoonRay, search for the highest concentration of people South of here and bring us there."

"Roger." She said and disappeared.

"Oh, Ren… By any chance you talked about the world being a cube or anything like that?" I asked.

"No. They were just villagers I didn't see the use of asking them. They probably only knew of the surrounding area. From the memories I have seen, this is a 'medieval' magic world, with no particular communication method. The education level is also… Depressing, to be honest." He answered, sighing a little at the end.

"I see. Thanks! Now, let's see this city. I guess we are almost there."

We moved back to the cockpit and saw a pretty big city with enormous walls and an even bigger tower in the center. Yep, DanMachi will become our new playground. No, probably we will be a little more restrained here. Probably.

We came from the North and saw a line forming outside the North entrance.

"Should we line up like common people, or just trasmat inside and find an unfortunate stranger to mind-search?" I asked.

"I say we line up. The line isn't too long and we don't exactly have anything better to do. Let's keep the ship close by and cloaked, just in case we get bored of waiting." Said Pyrrha.

Everyone nodded, so we wore our casual clothes and trasmated to the back of the line, spooking an unfortunate merchant. Since I didn't see any use of just waiting without doing anything, I quickly mind-searched the merchant. He wasn't anyone particularly important but he had some important information: the location of the guild, the current situation with the various Familias, and some curiosity like the best restaurants and brothels, not that I needed the last one. Oh, looks like the 'Sword Princess' is currently the talk of the city since she reached Level 2 in one year. That was a few months ago, but still an important topic.

Anyway, I shared the info I collected with the gang. They seemed pretty curious about what Familia we were going to join. Honestly, the best we could ask for is either the Hephaestus Familia or the Familia of some kind of magic god. The Loki Familia comes in third after those two since it's an objectively strong group and is a pioneer in exploring the deepest floors. Maybe some other unknown Familia where we can just do what we want might be good. If I had to judge our strength in this world's power scale, I'd say we can easily thrash level 4's and 5's. If we fight as a team, we should be pretty much unstoppable. That is not to say that we are individually stronger than a level 4 or 5, but we have better powers.

It's like in an MMO. If you have a level 3 character, that cheated or found an exploit to get all the skills to max level, and have it fight a level 5 character, that has only a few skills at decent/low level, it is likely that the level 3 cheater will win. And we are the cheaters here. Ok, it was a shitty example. TLDR is that we are not strong in this world, but our skills are, so we can wipe the floor with strong people. Soon after we get Falna, we will be unstoppable. In the Destiny universe, we could already be considered Raid bosses, pretty weak ones but still. Now, think about a Crota or an Oryx completely free from restraints and on Earth. Yeah, that wouldn't end well. We will soon reach and surpass that level.

I'm digressing. We lined up and waited for almost an hour, but we managed to get inside the city. I had to give a little bribe (read as 'a kilo of gold') to the guard, but he didn't ask much regarding our origins and reason to visit. Oh, just to be sure I used magic to compel him to forget about us. He won't remember who gave him so much gold, which will spare us from trouble. Having to kill a bunch of insects would be annoying, after all. Anyway, we walked towards the Guild while taking in the sights of the main street. This city is the perfect example of 'don't judge a book by its cover': the main streets are pretty nice, but when you go into the alleys, you can forget about safety and will almost surely be attacked.

When we entered the guild, every single adventurer turned around. Why? Well, probably because we are wearing pretty high quality clothing (read as 'godly equipment') and everyone looks otherworldly. We, the husbands, glared a little towards those that were looking a bit too much. A few fell from their seats, drenched in cold sweat. That was like a signal for the others to stop looking at us. We went towards a counter with a redhead girl/woman with fluffy ears since she was currently free.

As usual I was the one to talk: "Good morning. We are thinking about becoming adventurers, would you mind helping us?"