
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 42 – Second Makeover, Final Heist

Anyway, by the time I was done with the big snek boi, it was around 10 in the morning, pretty early. I then thought about something: 'This is the first magical creature I kill maybe it dropped some new engram?'

"MoonRay." I called out.

"Engrams?" she asked.

I nodded: "Engrams, if you will."

Two engrams appeared in my hand. Both were yellowish with runes all over the surface. 'Cool, a new type of engram. Since it's magic, these will be the 'Magic Engrams'. I should never name another thing in my long-ass life.'

Anyway, I think that these will give me something augmented with magic. 'I have a good idea about how to add magic to gear since I used my semblance on all those little gimmicks and artefacts, but seeing how… 'RNGesus' does it might be better.' With that thought, I poured a shit ton of Light in the thing without changing the object itself. For a change, I tried to add Aura and magic in the mix. The two engrams began changing, becoming pitch-black with golden runes. Looked pretty sick.

I decoded the two engrams and I got… A fucking leather jacket and sunglasses. They look cool, kinda remind me of Han Solo and you know he's cool, so I'm not exactly complaining, but what the fuck? Anyway, I used my semblance on the two pieces of gear and was absolutely blown away by what I learned.

You see, I was initially thinking of using magical materials and a rune overlay to create the gang's new gear and update my stuff. I was wrong, absolutely wrong. These two things have magic directly woven into it. It's difficult to explain, but in essence, while I wanted to ADD magic, these are MADE from magic. Get the difference? No? They are just much better, end of the discussion. Don't ask too many details.

Anyway, I will use these two bad bois for my casual clothes. Oh, the sunglasses actually have toggleable instant death and petrification magic. That is cool. I will add it to our helmets, just as an extra. Now, I think it is time to give everyone a long overdue makeover. A magic one this time.

I made my way out of the Chamber of Secrets after searching for any interesting secret room or treasure. I found nothing, what a shame Salazar, what a shame. In disappointment, I might have caused a cave-in, though no one will ever know since I casted a runic defense system all throughout the tunnel system. Now, whoever tries to open the chamber will die, no questions asked. Ginny is fucked this time. Well, never liked her fangirl attitude. What do you say? I kinda did the same with Weiss in Remnant? That's different: I actively tried to get closer to my angel, but Ginny just runs away.

I am digressing. I levitated out of the tunnel system and back into the bathroom. There I found some girl staring at me. I quickly eliminated all memories from when she entered the bathroom until now and knocked her out. Don't need any brat going to Dumbles regarding 'that one strange guy that came out flying from the sewers'. No thanks.

At any rate, I trasmated back to the ship. I found most of the gang sitting between the library area and the bar area. The bar area group was eating some snacks, it's still a little early to be drinking.

"Hey there! I got the last piece I was missing to make our gear become 'magic gear'. If you want, I can do it n-" I was saying, before I was submerged by all of the gear. "Not cool, but I got it. Give me a few minutes."

"Thank you, Hubby!" whispered Ruby as she bit my ear. 'Motivation acquired. Let's get to work and then get to 'work'. Hehe.'

I thought about what I wanted to do with the armor. I will change the material and mixed in basilisk hide, acromantula silk, and other good stuff I got from Tiffany's stash. While I was changing the material, I started pouring as much magic into it as possible and weaving in a shit-ton of runes that will make the armor have a self-repair, self-evolution, boosting, rapid magic recovery, complete 'abnormal status' nullification, complete magic resistance, partial magic nullification effects, and soul-bonding. Let's talk examples. If someone with the old armor can smash the moon to pieces, the same person with this armor can destroy a few planets back to back with one punch. I also added some cool effects to the helmets, like instant death, petrification, intimidation, information gathering, anti-legilimency, etc. Completely decked out with anything you could think of. Cool, right?

I then went onto the weapons, including mine. I remade them by adding magic materials, runes, and magic in the mix. They can now work as wands to amplify and fine-tune magic. Every weapon now has magic amplification, magic tuning, magic severing, magic bullet, complete magic resistance, partial magic nullification, various boosts, self-repair, self-evolution, soul-severing, toggleable instant death, toggleable petrification, slowing (for the enemy of course), pain enhancement, cursing, decaying, and soul-bonding effects. There were a few other enchantments, but they were just a side-show compared to these.

Let me explain the soul-bonding. Remember how I had to modify the gear to make them easily carriable? Now we don't have to carry the weapon. Just a drop of blood and we can store it inside our soul. Added benefit, self-evolution can improve the soul, and if the soul improves, the weapon improves. Basically a continuous cycle of becoming better, though at a slow pace. Oh, I also used laws when remaking the equipment, so they are literally the best of the best now. Noice.

"Finished. Now, we have absolutely broken armor, which can only become more broken, weapons, with infinite magic bullets, which can literally kill in one hit if we want, work as wands, and which will only become more broken as time passes, and everything will be tied to our souls once we drip some blood on them. Now, let me see your communicators and sparrows. I'll add magic effects to those as well."

The communicators were basically multi-tools by now, but I wanted to make them even better. I remade them using the new magical material and added all sorts of support enchantments: rapid magic recovery, complete magic resistance, partial magic nullification, magic shield, revival, healing, self-repair, self-evolution, complete 'abnormal status' resistance, soul-bonding, etc. I also added the MIDA artificial intelligence to the things. If you have ever read the lore tab of the MIDA weapons, you know what I am talking about. I also improved the personal cloaking devices, phantom drives, shield generators, and other gimmicks I had already added. Everything used laws now, so yeah.

As for the sparrows, I made them become 'flying broom' sparrows. Shitty name, cool effects. Basically, they can fly now and go even faster than before. I also added a whole spiel of enchantments just because I could. If you can go the extra mile, why not two?

Since I was in the mood, I also made some accessories with some useful little gimmicks, which will basically work like a degraded HUD. No need to thank me. Just kidding, praise me.

"There. Now I am definitely done. Couldn't make them better if I wanted now. Here, a drop of blood on your gear and they will be bonded to you. I will still be able to modify them in the future and they won't affect you if they get destroyed since I added a failsafe. Take these accessories as well, they are very useful." I said, moving away from the gear for a drink. I concentrated a lot to make that stuff, so don't judge me. Well, it was apparently worth it since my free wives came and kissed me one after the other.

We spent the rest of the day testing out our new and improved gear. We kinda tore through the quidditch stadium and were thrown out when a team came and saw the destruction. Eh, nothing a spell can't solve, so fuck you I will remember your faces!

Well, what can I say… OP is OP. We can now bulldoze through literally anything in most universes. Though, there still are some powers that might be nice to collect. I kinda want to get a few devil fruits from One Piece, but I barely even remember that the protagonist is called Fluffy. It's wrong, isn't it? Yeah, see? Well, Danmachi is pretty good since it will boost our base parameters immensely. I will think about it later and find a way to narrow down the portals to only those we actually want to go to. Anyway, that's a thought for later.

We all agreed that there is nothing more to find here in Hogwarts, so we should finish up all of our planned heists as fast as possible and leave the UK. The remaining founders' artefacts should be in Gringotts, which means that we have our last 'stop' before leaving.

Since we decided that, we waited for nighttime to come, then we went to the library. We removed any and all enchantments that tied the books to the library or would help locate them, then we looted the shit out of the place. Hogwarts' library is no more, the ship's library will need an extension, and we can go on with our plans.

A pretty good start, I'd say. For today, we planned on looting all the remaining noble houses and some other less-than-reputable shops, then proceed with our last heist tomorrow. Oh, how much I love steali- sorry, I meant 'borrowing indefinitely' things from the rich. And not because of some noble goal like Robin Hood, no. This is 'steal from the rich to give to us'. Other people can go and fuck themselves. They are basically aliens to us.

The next day, I refurbished the ship's interior. I should also spend some time to renovate the ship's systems. Anyway, I had our Ghosts digitalize all the books we looted, so that we can read them in digital form if we prefer. I also applied some runes to the library area, so that it is now a completely different space and much, much larger. I added one of those old record-players with plenty of classical and jazz records, just to give the place some ambience. Oh, we also started putting up the paintings we looted, though only those that we liked. We will go through the various private art collections and art museums to get some more.

I also made some 'meditation' rooms, each has four magic circles for different ritual: magic enhancement, which gives more magic, magic refinement, which purifies our magic, Light refinement, which purifies the Light, and Aura refinement, which purifies our soul's energy. Unfortunately, I can't directly improve Aura since I would have to tamper with my friends' and wives' souls and that's a big no-no, while I can't exactly give Light since I would have to be near the magic circle for it to work. I will have to change that but, for now, this will suffice.

Since I had some time, I modified the ship. It is now full of magical technology. The propulsion systems are now much more efficient and powerful, the weapons systems have been improved, the scanners have magic mixed in making them even better and more accurate.

This must be the fastest method of travel except those found in some cultivation worlds. Those places are scary, in a way, but they would offer so many possibilities. Maybe I should find the time to go there by myself and then bring the others. I should also find the time to learn how to use the Darkness from the Destiny universe. As a Guardian, I never even tried and stuck to the Light as all good bois do. I was so stupid. Oh well, food for thought.

Anyway, the day passed and night arrived. We were currently hovering over Gringotts in Diagon Alley. This will be our last heist in the magical UK. After this we will go 'muggle' for a couple of days just to travel and have fun since this theoretically is our honeymoon.

I'm digressing. We trasmated to the ground already wearing our armor. I then remembered what I thought while looting Dumbles' office and asked: "Do you guys want to bulldoze our way through or play along with the Goblins?"

"I would say let's play along. It will be more entertaining!" said Sun.

"I agree, otherwise it won't feel much like an adventure but like a walk in the park." Said Yang.

And so, it was decided that we will play along with the Goblins' defenses. Well, at least we will have fun and I might find some interesting Goblin magic. Ren unlocked the front door pretty easily, then we entered the Hall. We needed to find some sort of register with the vaults and who they belong to. Our focus was on the oldest vaults, but we won't refuse some free loot. Gringotts has hundreds, thousands of vaults and as Cayde once said, 'There will be a ton of loot!'

We spread and searched for anything that could help us. Me and Weiss found a storage with all the Heir and Lord Rings inside. We obviously looted them. I gave a cursory glance with my semblance and saw that each gives a different boost. A small one, but I will be able to make it better and add it to our weapon-wands. Blake then whistled, which meant that she found the registers we were interested in. We then located the entrance to the vaults. The ones on the higher floors were of no interest to us. Mainly muggle-born wizards and witches' vaults or low-level trust vaults.

We used our sparrows instead of the trolley goblins use since that thing is most likely a trap for intruders. A glance with my semblance confirmed it. Anyway, we decided to not divide since we would need my semblance to deactivate more complex traps and wards. We went through probably a few hundred vaults and looted them completely. In all of them, we left a single Knut and a letter which read: "Thank you for generous donation, we will use it for our honeymoon! – The gang."

Oh, I will enjoy tomorrow's newspapers very much. Anyway, probably a kilometer or two beneath the surface, the interesting vaults started appearing. How do I know? The fucking dragon. That overgrown lizard tried burning me, so I entered its mind, collected all information on Draconic language and maybe any particular magic they used, then killed it. I also looted the corpse. By the way, do you know that a dragon's breath is magic? And that they fly using magic as well? Yeah, pretty cool.

After putting the old lizard out of its misery, we looted the Black's family vault. It was filled with the rarer books on the Dark Arts and Potioneering, along with a shit-ton of Galleons, materials, potions, trinkets. Best of all, it was next to the Lestrange vault! Well, not exactly next to it, but close! When we entered the vault, we immediately zeroed in on Helga Hufflepuff's cup since it had the noticeable trace of a soul. Pyrrha again destroyed the soul remnant and looted the cup. Nora instead was more concentrated on the mountains of jewelry. Don't worry, we all knew how to check for curses, so no problem there.

More or less, the same thing repeated a few hundred times: break all the Goblin defenses which I identify, check for curses or locating charms, disable them, loot, repeat. Like that, we arrived at the lowest floor. There were only nine vaults here: Peverell, Pendragon, Le Fay, Merlin's (don't know why he wasn't identified by the last name), Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw… Trudeau. Coincidence? Maybe.

These… These were the real shit. The wards, runes, Goblin-made defenses… Everything was on another level. These guys probably participated in the creation of the vaults, because even I am learning something new. And I want to emphasize the fact that I basically have most of the books in the UK and probably the whole magic world in my head. Anyway, we first went with the Pendragon vault. The interior was incredible.

The most important pieces, obviously were King Arthur's weapons and a heart. I mean Excalibur with Avalon (yes, I checked it with my semblance and King Arthur referred to the scabbard as Avalon), Clarent, Carnwennan, Pridwen, Rhongomyniad. Those were, epic. I was salivating and I just made the best weapons in existence. These were just… Exquisite. I carefully inspected them all and stored them. Quite different from my usual modus operandi, apparently, since everyone was staring at me. I just ignored the stares and went on to the other weapons I found: Galatine, Failnaught, Arondight, and other nameless weapons, still fantastic though. After carefully inspecting those and storing them, I went towards the heart.

Why the fuck would a heart be here? Well, me being a weeb had a theory: didn't Saber have some kind of draconic descent in some way? My lovely semblance confirmed that this heart isn't normal. It is an alchemical reactor just like a philosopher's stone, but this works differently. It transforms a human into a sub-species of dragonewt which keeps its human appearance, but gains all advantages from the change of race. It helps produce thousands of times more magic than normal and makes the user almost immune to magic attacks. This is kind of a jackpot. If I can make a ritual based on this, we will take another step forward on the road of evolution! That sounded like something a third-rate villain would say, but this is seriously a good find. Anyway, in the vault, there were many books and rare materials, let's not even talk about gold.

We went on towards the Le Fay vault. This one was more… 'tame', compared to the Pendragon vault. There were many kinds of wands and staffs. Weiss went 'collector-mode and started carefully observing them and then passing them to me for storage. Most of the vault kept materials from extinct magical creatures or plants, still in decent conditions. Ruby used her magic and revitalized the plants to their natural state. Probably time magic. Anyway, I will have to add a garden to the ship. I am probably the only one that would think about that now.

Next, we went onto the Peverell vault. This was a bust. I mean, it did contain a shit-ton of gold, jewelry, books, and so on, but I hoped to find something 'given by Death', some sort of symbol or something. After that, we went onto the Hufflepuff vault. Same as before, probably poorer. Ravenclaw's vault just had books. Literally. Now, the Gryffindor and Slytherin vaults were more interesting.

Gryffindor should have used a shield, which has never been found. Guess what we saw? Yeah, the shield was there. This time, Jaune and Pyrrha went 'collector'-mode and admired the shield. There were also other weapons which they appreciated. Some gold, not many magic books, and a diary about the adventures of the four founders. Apparently, good old Gryff had a crush on lady Ravenclaw, when she was younger, just like old man snake. That is the original cause of the feud between Slytherin and Gryffindor houses. That made me chuckle a bit. The Slytherin vault contained all of the man's journals, notes, magic books, and his wand. No gold here, though it was fun seeing Blake go 'collector'-mode this time.

Now, we are missing Merlin's vault and the Trudeau vault. Merlin's vault made Blake drool. It was probably the biggest library in the whole world. There was also a staff there, which made Weiss once again go in 'collector'-mode. Now, only one was missing.

"You know, I think my family name was Trudeau, though I am not sure. From before I became an Exo, I mean." I said while unlocking the vault.

"You remember anything else about your life?" asked Ruby.

I shook my head: "No, just some jumbled up images. Let me see what these guys have in store." And I finished opening the vault. Inside, there were tens of paintings, not the creepy ancestor things, a neat library, a case with some wands, an exposition rack with some staffs, some swords, some spears, and a grimoire. I analyzed the grimoire with my semblance before trying anything. This thing will give me all of the knowledge gained by the Trudeau family ever since they began practicing magic. Which means a long time ago. I touched it and felt the information being transferred. To put is simply, magic degraded immensely until now and this particular grimoire had information on what it was supposed to be originally. This will help me make a new version of my grimoire. It will be even better. We stored everything and started making our way back to the surface.

When we arrived back in the Hall, we were surrounded by Goblins and Aurors, I guess.

"Thank you for generous donation, we will use it for our honeymoon!" all of us said and bowed a little. With that said, we trasmated to the ship. Final Heist completed! 'Wait, I'm missing the Resurrection stone.'