
Just another extra

Tired of all the minor roles she had to play in movies, she wished to succeed in the movie industry. But how far can you go without connections and the right resources. After she unexpectedly gets entangled with the Triple gang, which were a group of the three hottest and wealthiest bachelors in the city, her mildly chaotic life gets more chaotic. How would she face the one she's obsessed with and the one who thinks she's obsessed with him. Love always seems to find it's way through unexpected situations. Find out how she overcomes all the difficulties that comes with being with beautiful men and makes it to the top.

Purpleink · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 28

After he was sure that i had relaxed, he led me to a bench at the side of the road to seat and hurried to go get water. He came back a few minutes later with two bottles of water in his hands and he handed one to me.

"Here" he said stretching his hand with one bottle in it.

"Thanks" I said while grabbing it and making room for him to seat.

"I already informed the security and they caught the person. It was a pervert and he has been reported before. You are actually lucky you spotted him on time because he's known to do nasty things" he said seriously.

"Lucky me then. How was he able to walk freely like this if he's a known repeat offender".

"He doesn't look like a pervert at all but his actions are disgusting" he said irritated.

"Well thanks again. If you hadn't showed up he probably wouldn't have been scared away" I said genuinely.

"It was nothing. I just happened to be passing by" he said smiling while I drank my water carefully so as to appear ladylike. After this, there was nothing but awkward silence. I have been so busy recently that I haven't even had time to fantasize about Scott, but seeing him now, I was all giddy and happy inside. I didn't want to say anything to mess things up, especially since the attitude he exhibited the first time we actually saw face to face. I was thinking of possibly things I could say to start a conversation in my head before he broke the silence.

"So... How are things holding up for you" he said looking at me but I was too shy to look back.

"Everything's been great" I said calmly but I think it maybe came out a little squeaky. He just chuckled at my response.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked gently and I faced him immediately.

"No. Why would I. I have no reason to. You are obviously a nice person" I said all at once in a panic waving my hands in the air to show I didn't think he was scary at all. Why would he think that I was scared of him. I have no reason to be.

"I wouldn't blame you if you were. Our first meeting was not so nice. I was in a bad mood and I apologise for being rude" he said calmly.

"No it's not your fault at all. If anything I should be the one to blame".

"And why do you say that?" He asked raising a brow.

"Well, I came in unannounced and you were probably shocked to see a stranger when you just finished having a bath so..."

"It wasn't unannounced. We were pre-informed about your arrival, and seeing strangers at the playhouse is nothing new to me thanks to our dear Richie" he said chuckling.

"I guess so. You probably just thought I was a gold digger or something" I said deep in thought.

"Are you a gold digger?"


"Are you a gold digger?" He repeated.

"No I'm not. Well.... Maybe. Anyone who knows what I'm doing will probably call me a gold digger right?"

"Or a hustler" he said smiling.

"Or a hustler" I repeated smiling back. "You probably dislike such kind of girls right" I said sadly.

"What kind?"

"Well the kind who does things for money".

"Everyone does things for money. It's knowing the limit of things you should do that matters. I'm not going to lie, I was upset that day because I didn't like the game you and Anthony are playing. Chantel is also my friend so.. I guess you understand what I'm trying to say".

"Hmm. So you want Chantel and Anthony to end up together?" I asked him. There was silence from him before he finally spoke.

''Whether they end up together or not is up to them" he said finally. I didn't know what to say after this and there it was again, that awkward silence. The elephant in the room was getting too big and I had to get rid of it.


"So" he replied.

"Why are you in C city".

"I actually came here because of my sister but she has returned to X city already. I didn't want to go back yet so I hanged around".

"You probably needed change of environment. That's cool" I replied not knowing exactly what to reply.

"So I guess you are here for shooting".

"Yea. We have some scenes in C city so here we are. Shooting is going to start tomorrow so they gave us time today to explore as much as we want".

"So you have nothing planned for the rest of today?" He asked.

"I guess so. I just planned to eat after this".

"Then would you mind keeping me company today since you are free?" He asked and I almost choked on air. "Well you see, I'm bored and since we kinda know each other we can actually hang out and we can get to know each other better since we are going to be kinda close for a while" he said smiling and I nodded my head continuously agreeing to whatever he said with a gummy smile on my face. Is this real? Am I like going on a date right now? He said hanging out but my brain keeps telling me it's a date. This is the second time he's seen me and the first time was not so pleasant. Maybe those facial treatments I have had on are finally working and making me extra attractive and bringing me romantic luck. If it was really working, then I'll never stop. I went with him for our supposed hangout. He said he wanted to try out a famous cafe and I gladly went with him. He ordered black coffee and a tiramisu while I ordered iced tea with a chocolate flavoured cake. He asked questions about me which I replied and I also dared to ask him questions about himself. He was so polite and friendly. He was all I had thought he would be. We talked for hours and I didn't even realize how much time had passed. He offered to send me back to my hotel and I politely accepted. He drove me there and I thanked him as I got down from his car. He called me and asked for my contact saying it would be nice to keep in touch. God, my dreams are coming true, the facial mask I had on this morning was probably blessed. I quickly exchanged contacts with him and we said our goodbyes. I got to my room very elated that I didn't feel the hunger at all. After laying in my bed for a few minutes lost in my little imagination, I began to feel the hunger. I have been hungry since afternoon. Scott only took me to a cafe and ordered cake and coffee and we talked the whole time. That little piece of cake obviously couldn't satisfy me, and I couldn't be so shameless to order too much in front of him. I even had to eat the tiny piece of cake little by little so as not to appear like a hungry dragon in front of him. I beared my hunger the whole time and thankfully my tummy didn't embarrass me. I called Gwen and asked her to order something nice and wholesome that can fill the void in my stomach. I could finally eat freely as I devoured my meal hungrily before going to take a bath. When I was done, and called Emily as usual and told her all about what had happened today. She screamed so loud through the phone that I was sure I lost my ability to hear. We talked about our fantasy the whole night and about other general stuffs. It was already past 1am before we realized it. I had to film tomorrow early morning and I can't go there looking sleep deprived. I informed Emily and we said our goodbyes. I still couldn't fall asleep because I was still giddy inside. It was probably around 3am before I finally fell asleep.

I heard loud banging on my door and my phone kept ringing non-stop. I woke up with a strong headache, I struggled to get up and get the door, it was Gwen and she was surprised I wasn't ready yet.

"It's 6:36 already and filming starts by 7am" she informed in a panic. With this piece of information, I was wide awake now as I dashed to the bathroom. I got ready really quickly and put on a simple dress and kicks. I just combed my hair down and we left. The stylist would probably take care of things.

We got to the filming location six minutes after seven and the crew members were already giving me death glares. I looked like a ghost with serious eye bags under my eyes. I went over to get ready and the makeup artist commented on how I looked sleep deprived. We started filming for the day and I tried to film all my scenes in one take so as not to piss anyone off the more. I thought this crew were finally being nice, who knew they'd be back to their shitty attitude so soon.