
Just Anonymous (MLP)

You are Anonymous and after dying you were reborn in horseland. (RGRE) Reversed gender roles equestria. Except that you are not even close to being a pony or a human for that matter... Apparently you are some kind of humanoid demon... you guess? because it kinda remind you of Baphomet but with more fur. ------------ So! I am NOT the author of this fic, but he has given me permission to spread it here, I'll post his chapters as I edit them (Yes I am his editor) The original author is Anonymous 1234321 if you want to read his fic go here (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/528282/just-anonymous) Or just go to Fimfiction and search the history of the same name and Image.

Sorrias · TV
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9 Chs

3: A nice griffon and a bar. (which is more of a night club really.)

You are Anon, and you are looking dumbfounded at the blueish eyes of this griffon.

"I... Well, you could start by giving me your name please."

You give a second glance at the woman/hen in front of you, normally Griffons always had some type of frown or neutral look on their face, but this one was very, well... expressive, with little signs of tears in her big eyes, clearly affected by your own mood.

You did scream rather loudly after all.

Your guess seems to be right as once you ask her name she brightens up, small stars forming in her unresonably cute eyes.

"Oh! Yes!"

She grabs your hand and enthusiastically shakes it, fortunately, thanks to your constitution and size you manage to survive unscathed, you don't think that would be the case if you were still human.

'How are these midgets so strong again?'

"My name is Gabriela! but you can call me Gabby since all my friends call me that! Well, if you want to be my friend that is, if not, You can still call me Gabby! Nice to meet ya!"

Her voice had a high pitch to it, not so high it was annoying, but it clearly mirrored her excitement to know a new 'friend'... Even if just a self-proclaimed one.

You blink, and give a somewhat unsure smile, "Well, nice to meet 'ya' too Gabriela-"

Her smile doesn't stutter for even a moment as she speaks again, "Gabby, kay?"

Well, here you were trying to make her back off a step or two, but you suppose she is a little too friendly to take a hint -Something quite surprising for a Griffon-

But since you don't want to be an asshole, you simply nod.


The hen's smile becomes even wider.

"My name is Anonymous, Anon for short."

She started to clap her hands -or is it claws?- "This is so exciting! You are not even screaming at me!"

That's... an oddly specific thing to point out.

You clear your throat, the sound grabbing the hen's attention, seeing this you then point at the remains of the parasprites all of which coveted you, her feet, and the ground.

"Not to be rude, but do you know a close lake or river where I can take a quick dip?"

The griffon's beak morphed into an O shape, although they weren't humans you could still recognize most expressions of the creatures in Griffonia.

Something you could not understand is how the heck their beaks are so resistant and yet so flexible.

Going back to reality you saw the hen start to nod rapidly.

"Actually yes!" She then grabbed you by your hand and started to guide you.

After some time you arrive at a river, subconsciously you notice that the vegetation around it is significantly better than that of griffonstone.

Gabby drops your hand and with an exaggerated gesture shows you the already obvious river, "Ta-da! Here we are!"

You give her a sincere smile this time, the small griffon's enthusiasm managing to pass through your skepticism.

Without waiting you enter the water, It is a little cold as a river usually is, but at this point, you are used to it, and taking the grime off your fur was incredible therapeut-

"Geronimo!" Suddenly a tall splash of water hits you, Thankfully it didn't enter your nostrils, reacting on reflex you close your eyes and shake yourself splashing water all around the place.

Opening your eyes you look at the now "naked" Gabby.

It was debatable to call the purse an item of clothing, but having in mind that they always go with literally nothing, it was fair to call it that.

You roll your eyes, her enthusiasm reminds you of how the ponies behaved... When you weren't present that is.

They were quite racist.

"So! How did you end up like that big guy? As far I know cocks don't like to get all dirty, well unless it is for a good reason."

The hyperactive voice of Gabby snaps your attention back to her, It was as if she knew that your thoughts were slipping into darker topics, so after clearing your head, you spoke.

"Well, the clothes-eating parasprites ate my suit, I tried to stop the little bastards by squashing them, but besides killing them and getting me soaked in green blood I didn't manage to do anything else."

While she swims very much as a dog would, she tilts her head a little, "Clothes eating what?"

You blink for a moment, then you frown, "So... they are not an actual thing?"

She puts a claw in her chin causing her to slowly drift away and submerge into the water, by pure instinct you grab her by her shoulder, weirdly enough she doesn't flinch at the sudden movement.

"Well, no as far I know."

She then gasps, fully giving up on swimming and putting her two claws by the sides of her face, Since you didn't want her to get a beak full of water, you grab her below the armpits with your hands.

"What if that's the reason no griffon uses clothes anymore!?" Uh, maybe you weren't that wrong, but then she puts a claw to swim again while the other stays in her chin, either not noticing or not caring about you holding her.

"Wait, that doesn't make sense, after all, some nobles still use them."

You frown again, You are really confused now, but then her eyes go wide for a moment when she sees something behind you, Following the direction of her eyes you see her bags.

"Something wrong?"

She nods as she finally starts swimming, Acting on reflex you free her.

"I have to finish delivering this correspondence! I'd really, really like to stay, but you know-"

You roll your eyes, "Yeah, don't worry about it, go do your job, delivering letters and all."

Getting close to the shore she jumps out and grabs her bag, It is somewhat funny to see her drenched fur sag, it does remind you of a Briard dog.

Sure enough, she shakes her body around just like one, the action manages to take a smile from you, Little moments like these are what make life worth living for.

"And talking about letters, I think I have some for you!" She then grabs some envelopes, scrolls down, and shows them to you, "Here, you live in that new house over there, right?!"

You nodded when you saw her pointing in the general direction of your home, You then get out of the river, your fur fully clean as it was never dirty before even if you didn't do anything besides swim a little.

Looking the hyperactive hen you see her eyes widening, looking in the same direction you see, your crotch.


Gabby's wings shoot up, and as much as it hurts your pride, you let out a girly scream, different body or not you are still a human mentally, a human with human values and everything that comes together with it.

The water had flattened your fluff and your normally well-hided manhood was in plain sight now, as fast as you could you hid it using your two hands.

Fuck!, and since you were in cold water it was even smaller! You were a grower now! goddammit!

Well, not that a shriveled-up 6-inch cock is small by human standards but still!

Before you could bathe in shame, she speaks.


Gabby proceeds to evolve into a tomato and hide her face with your letters and wings, The normally hyperactive griffon was now ground-bound thanks to her embarrassment.

Using that chance you proceeded to shake your body as hard as you could, splashing all the water out of your body.

Just to become a giant mass of pure fluff.

You let out a sigh of defeat and move closer to Gabby, gently you take the letter out of her claws and proceed to glance it over.

Gabby let out a squawk of surprise for a moment until she noticed that you were presentable again... she let out a small snort and sighed in relief, just to not even a second later dash forward and hug you.

"Well, It was nice to meet you Anon, Maybe I can speak with you after work, 'kay?

Once again her hug could probably kill a human, but you didn't mind, You roll your eyes, only to narrow them as you notice something, looking at the upbeat griffon you notice that her face is fully covered in your fur.

'This would probably be considered sexual assault on earth right?'

Seconds pass and she still doesn't break the hug, You thought of pushing her away but remembering how nice she was you couldn't muster the will to do it.

Neither did you want to be rude due to something that didn't even annoy you that much so you simply spoke in the hope she would wake up from whatever trance she was in.

"Sure thing, do you know of a place where I can drink some booze?"

Your voice seemed to snap Gabby out of her trance, A second later she got out of your fluff, "Sorry, it was just so soft."

The hard blush she has made you doubt her words but you just roll your eyes, you will not dig into the rabbit hole for now.

It did help that she was cute, but just a little.

"And yes!" she points you in a direction, uh... You guess that since she delivers letters her sense of direction is very good.

"Straight that way, there you will find 'The night scavenger'! I think they are having a 'cocks night', so you can drink just by half the price!"

You were about to ask about the 'Cock' part, but you remember that a male griffin was called that, and humans were the weird ones for calling their tool the name of a bird, so you simply nodded.

"Thanks Gabby..." You think for a moment about the words you were about to say, Do you really want to be friends with this griffin?... yes, yes you do.

Ever since arriving in this world your list of friends had the impressive number of 0 and getting wasted alone was quite depressive.

"At what hour do you get out of work?"

She gasped and put her bags back on, she clearly was excited "If I hurry in about 4 hours! See ya!"

The griffon squealed in excitement and disappeared in a comical cloud of smoke, Looking at the white trail you could only see a star in the distance.

Well... that was fast, she didn't even say if she already had plans or wanted to just relax at home.

You shook your head and started to read the letters while thinking of what that was all about.


You are probably the most excited griffon that has been about, well... EVERYTHING so you are probably Gabriela!

Not only did you find a creature that didn't tell you to fuck off the first chance they got, but you also FOUND A MALE THAT DIN'T CALL YOU A POLLYWANNA IN THE FEW MINUTES YOU SPOKE TO HIM.

[size=0.5em]Being called a griffon that acts like a pony wouldn't be such an insult if everygriff else didn't hate them.[/size]




He even let you smother yourself in his INCREDIBLE CHEST FLUFF!


You are so excited that you fear you will have a heart attack, the strength of your heart beating a thousand times per second against your chest seems to agree with you.

Mom told you that you wouldn't ever get a chance to get laid if you never grow up! But look at you now!

Well, maybe not today, BUT YOU WILL TOTALLY HAVE A CHANCE!



You are looking at your mail and you are a mass of pure fluff, so you are most certainly Anonymous.

You look at the other letters firsts, you are surprised to discover that trash mail exists here too, the kind of 'Hot single milfs close to your area" kind of trash, because four of the seven letters were from griffons that wanted to become the equivalent of your concubines, they had even pictures and everything, but like you already said, it was probably trash mail.

Why? simple, you are a weird-looking goat with horns big enough that give you trouble sleeping, so they can't be only for your looks, that and why would a noble would want to lower herself to be with you?

It is true that you have a big plot of land to your name now, but that's it, you have zero actual influence in the lands or with others nobles, and your closes contact since coming here is Gabby -Who you literally met just today-

Well, not that those not safe for work images were bad but... You force yourself to ignore it, you still don't want to cross the bridge and go native, even if the dry spell and not playing with your junk was starting to take its toll by now.

So yea, you ignored those letters.

One of the left ones was of an offer to be the second "rooster" to a flock, which you instantly destroy, Other cultures or not you ain't no cuck, thank you very much.

One of the left two letters was about giving tribute because you are new here, you just roll your eyes and destroy it too, you already gave tribute to the ones that you needed to give.

The last one told you to go back to your country and that the griffins didn't want you here.

That hurt a little but you roll your eyes again, sadly you aren't probably in your dimension anymore so going back to your country was a big no, second, you already are about to finish your home, so that is an extra FUCK NO.

If fuckers like that don't have the balls to say it to your face they aren't worth stressing over, jokingly you note that 'internet trolls' translates to 'mail trolls' in this world.

And by how gabby acted the letter might as well still be trash mail.

The last thing was the scrolls which had a seal of a sun and a moon.

You frown and open it...

Oh... Fuck no.

It was from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, asking to go visit them, apparently, they wanted to meet you.

Thankfully you were outside of their jurisdiction so they couldn't order you.

And since the griffon's lands didn't have any king or queen, you wouldn't be obligated to do so.

You were about to destroy the evidence but then you notice that they added some enchanted paper so you may respond immediately... Wait, how do you know that?

'That power again, what am I, Wikipedia?'

You sigh, at minimum, they deserve to know why you won't visit.

It is nothing personal, but you don't want to go pony land again for now, you remember it very well when you were losing your shit asking for help to go back to earth they dismissed you immediately telling you that it was only a fit of "whimsy".

You also got flirted on very strongly... Well, after the first impressions being screamed on by ponies begging for help after seeing your 'horrid' form and run away, only to get attacked by fucking magic and flying ponies.

One time a mare tried to take you to an alley to have "fun."


Yup, your time in Horseland didn't earn the best memories.

You really didn't enjoy not being taken seriously...

So, while going back to your home you write.

"Hi, it is me, Anonymous."

"Sorry, not going, the first experience was not pretty, got attacked for no goddamn reason, didn't get any help even after begging for it, I was not even taken seriously by the mares there."

"I felt treated like a clown, so may as well be dressed like one next time I visit."

"No to offend, but I hope we never meet each other."

"With respect, Anonymous."

You then burn the letter and go to your money hole.

By the end of the night, you would be wasted even if you had to make a hole in your bank -Or in your liver- in the process.


You are an incredibly annoyed griffon... Well, more annoyed than normal and totally not melancholic, so you must be Gilda

As you enter the bar you see why it is so popular.

For starters, this place didn't look dead or worn out like most others -Well, that is probably mostly griffonstone-

The walls of the place had a visually pleasing dark gray that didn't burn your eyes like many places in Ponyland usually do, and the tables had this pink light coming from their edges.

Something that lets the place have the minimum of light without making all the griffons accidentally trip over each other while making them look appealing compared to the others.

Music from different countries covers the atmosphere of the little club, mostly the new gender, something called "electronic", obviously a tasteful choice so the most hardcore griffons wouldn't run out of the room because how close was to "pop."

It was a breath of fresh air to have a place like this in Griffonia, but it made sense, Just as Manehattan was the most industrially and diversely active place to the ponies, Fetherburg was known to be the most active and diverse place for the griffons.

A griffon pushes you aside, making you snap out of your thoughts in surprise.

"Watch where you're going bitch!"

And of course, you curse her out while she was still in earshot, for a second there you forgot how much of a band of assholes your race could be, maybe you passed too much time in equestria after all.

After giving a huff of annoyance you walk to the bar, sitting on a free stool you look around, the place is still fairly empty, probably because it is still very early into the day.

They were barely any cocks in here, but you didn't care, after all, you didn't come here to get laid, you came to take the edge off after flying and traveling for so long after being dumped by your... only friend.

That and you really needed a pick-me-up since you would have to go back to live with Grandpa Gruff.

You let out a click with while calling the attention of the bartender, you have to admit you still are a little sore about what happened, and you would probably keep it like that for a while... But no matter.

'Time to get wasted.'

You order a strong shot of vodka, one specifically made in the city, and drink the whole thing in one go.

You were half tempted to buy a bat and hit a cock to take him to a motel and rock his unconscious world around.

But... you'd like to think you have more classes than that, not like certain griffins...

You hear the sound of the main gate opening and someone quietly speaking "Goddammit fucking griffons midgets..."

You didn't pay any mind, after all the bar is a fairly popular place and it was close time for the griffins that got out of work to start entering the place after a rough day.

That was until you hear someone sitting on the stool to your left.

You raise an eyebrow and look to your left... only to have to look up to see the face of the towering creature that sat by your side.

For some reason, it had a broken bat in his right claw and the fur in his head was full of splinters.

You just raise your eyebrow even more.

If you had to compare it -him?- to something, it would be a minotaur, except his musculature was not as massive as theirs and his claws were a lot thinner.

The highest similarity was how his body was built, but that was where they ended, Contrary to Minotaurs his body has a lot more fluff, his horns are a lot bigger and in a... Weird shape that you haven't seen before... He also looked annoyed.

Wait, a broken bat? What would the odds be that another griffon got the same idea as you?...

"Excuse me!" You blink and look to the side of the weird-looking minotaur to see a griffon cock scowl at him.

The big guy closes his eyes, takes a big breath, and slowly turns around to look at the griffon.


"You are in my seat, get out, now."

The creature just blinks, then looks around the bar table to see that most seats are empty, you just snort, of course, a cock would get territorial with a stool...

You see the minotaur sigh and move to get out, just for the cock to suddenly slash at him with his claws out.

The creature's head moves towards his chest, right where the griffon had slashed it, he doesn't move opting to just... stay there for a moment, you wince, you know very well how much a slash like that hurts.

The cock on the other hand looks extremely smug maybe even proud of what he had done, but you notice something, his claws didn't have any blood in them, and by the sudden change of his face, you could guess that he did too.

Before anycreature could say anything the minotaur spoke.

"If you do that again I will put this so far up your ass you will puke it through your mouth." while he said that he shows the top half of the broken bat.

The splintered half.

The cock blinks.

You blink.

One part of you wanted to laugh at what he just said, but the other, the more rational one didn't want to piss off the colt even more, wait, colt? fuck, spending so much time with ponies fucked up your vocabulary.

The cock chuckles and starts to sweat, still unwilling to back down but now knowing his situation he speaks in a softer tone.

"Well, I still would like my seat."

The minotaur simply looks at him, staring at his eyes with a frown without saying a word making Griffin start to sweat even more.

"You know, I was about to get out, let you have your seat, because I didn't want to make any more trouble since for some reason a griffin hit me with a bat at the back of my head."

"It was more annoying than anything you know, most splinters are still in my fur and they just.

Don't. Stop. Itching, but since you decided to be an asshole you will have to fuck off, maybe try to not be one next time, kay?"

The griffon meets his glare for a moment, but after a while he moves his eyes away, losing the staring contest, the others chicks murmur with each other when they noticed how many ovaries this guy must have.

Most of them prefer a bottom male to kinda push around, but they also liked a male that shows how "dominant" they were over the others... the problem is that the others probably think he is too much of a wild card to even try their luck with, but you gotta say that you liked the back spine that this one had.

You really would like to have some angry sex, and this colt looks angry enough, he may just deliver.

It was true that griffon males were a little tougher compared to other species, but most of them will still start crying if you jump their bones too hard.

You also fully knew that if you didn't try your luck now you will probably kick yourself over it later.

After kicking in once more your drink you waited for him to go back to his seat.


You are a weird-looking goat in a bar and this is... probably not a joke, so you must be Anonymous.

You are very annoyed because on the way here a griffin hit you in the back of your head while you passed through an alleyway, The bat she used was absolutely infested with termites because it felt like being hit by a piece of paper more than wood when it broke in your head.

The griffon stayed there looking into your eyes for a while, then when you were going to speak she suddenly flew away.

It was a weird prank but you didn't care... that is until your fur started itching because of the splinters.

You took what was left of the bat and kept it for now, if you find that griffon again you will hit her as hard as she did to you, let's see if she likes that, fucking asshole.

After you arrive at the bar -And accidentally hit your head at the entrance because of the fucking griffin midgets doors- you look at the place.

It was less of a bar and more like a nightclub, shrugging you take the shortest path to a chair and sit down... only for another cat bird to test your patience and annoy you, you were so angry that you may have gone overboard over the threat, but for now, you didn't care.

You called the bartender.

The griffin was a female with vibrant blue feathers and fur, her face had white and black spots while her wings had green spotted feathers that remind you of a peacock... well, now that you think about that the general aesthetic of this gal looks exactly like one, she even had the weird things in the top of her head, go figures.

Once she was close enough she let out a whistle, "Well, aren't you a tall cock, want a glass of water you big fella? What is a minitaur like you doing in these parts?"

You roll your eyes, now that you remember the ponies that didn't run immediately away from you also called you that, for a time you believed you were one too, but after finding the real deal, you noticed that you probably weren't one.

For one, your eyes are like the ones of a goat or maybe a sheep, Second, your horns can actually do some degree of magic like the unicorn and deer folk.

Third, your body was less broad, you could easily be mistaken for a human if they only saw your torso... if you didn't have this much fur of course.

So you probably aren't a minotaur, that or you are some kind of subspecies of the family tree just like pegasus and unicorns are in the same family as earth ponies.

But you don't want to look like a nerd or cut her vibe, so you decided not to clarify what the hell you were, when you responded you could swear you heard someone let out a sound beside you, but you were too busy to pay any attention.

"You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, aren't you? I came here to get drunk you feather brain."

What? you were pissed and you didn't say you would be polite, besides you are in Griffonia at the end of the day, that was practically a "hello" here.

And you confirm it when the lady let out a throaty laugh, "Aren't you a feisty one? you walking pile of beacon, come on, what I can get ya? do Cock minitaurs also like tutti fruity drinks like most of these wimps or do they actually have some taste?"

You jokingly let out a snort, "Give me your strongest drink, or I will die of old age before I get drunk."

Now, you were mostly bluffing because You didn't know how resistant you were to alcohol, but one thing you noticed is that these creatures had a stupidly low percentage of alcohol in their drinks, probably because of how small they all were.

The gal just raises an eyebrow, "Really now? That is something I would like to see."

Turning around she took a bottle and slammed it before you.

"Kirin vodka, it's very rare to get your claw into one bottle of these, but, I have my contacts." She serves it in a shot glass, takes out a match, and lights it up, "It has so much alcohol that it can fuel a steady stream of flames, so, want to chicken out now?"

You roll your eyes and look how much alcohol it had, in percentage would be about 51%, barely flammable, you barely contain both the laugh and the scream of joy.

You proceeded to drink one-third of the bottle in one go, The thing gave you a pleasant burn in the throat as it flowed down, at that moment you didn't care if you looked like a baby drinking from the milk of his mother, because you finally found worthwhile booze.

When you put it down you let out a sigh of satisfaction while moving your head around, then you nodded, "How much for the bottle?"

When you saw the bartender she had her beak wide open, you blink, confused, and looked around, all the griffins that were paying attention to you before and knew what you had in your hands had various expressions of shock and disbelief.

You blink, confused, "What?" the bartender suddenly took out a bucket and jumped into your face.


You are Aderyn, and you just saw how your fucking objective downed 5 times the maximum recommended alcohol intake of that bottle.

Most griffons could manage that feat of might with time and some water, but the fucker did it in one go.

What the fuck.

Here you thought that it was just your luck that he entered your favorite drinking hole and hook-up place, but if he died of alcohol intoxication you and Adeldunga could probably take the credit.

Speaking of Adelgunda you saw the griffin to your side with a somewhat hidden smile, you hoped that this event would flip the depressive mood that she had over the last failed assassination attempt of today, but she only glanced at the situation and kept drinking like there was no tomorrow.

The her fur and feathers were a combination of brown, which in her underbelly had a more light color into them, her chest fluff had spots with a darker color of brown and her eyes, claws and beak were of a golden one, she dind't have any bangs but had a lone feather hanging in her forehead.

She also had the biggest eyebrows you ever saw, you could swear that she was a cock because of how much care she put into them, even if she wouldn't ever admit to it.

She had a very owl appearance but she was clearly female -lucky bitch-

You raise an eyebrow, "Aren't you happy he will die?"

She just looks at the drink in her hand for a moment, the golden liquid shining in the soft light of the club, "No... It is just that I know better by now."


You are an extremely confused Gilda.

You just saw how this creature drank what could probably count as poison in many parts of the world like it was water.

You aren't really sure what to think about this, but one thing is for sure, you will not speak to him until things relax a little.

Slowly you start to drink your alcohol while watching the towering snarky creature somehow manage to perfectly stand up even with a fully grown griffon on his shoulders, the hen of which is moving around and flapping her wings like crazy, trying to dodge the claws of the creature while screaming at him.

It's quite impressive that you don't see him wobble even a little.

With some luck he will end up more pissed when everything is over, you don't fear for his health since he probably can hold his alcohol well having in mind how much bigger he is to all of you and how he didn't even flinch of how strong the drink must have burned.

Since he was giving you his back, You very obviously look at his flanks and nodded in approval.

After a while you see him give you an easy sigh at his crotch area... sadly there is too much fur to manage to get a peek at his equipment.

That doesn't mean you won't try though.


You are Anon.

And right now you feel like a dog.

Why? because the bartender is trying to open your mouth probably in an attempt to make you puke.

While at the same time she tries to reach over to grab your sweet nectar of life.

The only thing that is left to complete the 'Dog has something you don't know in his mouth' is the question of 'What do you have there?!'

That is only because she fully knows what you have.


You would respond but you knew better.

You thanked all the stupid dogs that try to eat something that they shouldn't, because you now know all the techniques.

One basic rule is that if you open your mouth for even a second the game is over for you because then she would have leverage with your mouth.

So you denied her by just moving your muzzle away while clenching it.


You also had a very good reason not to give her the bottle...

Any second you would say it.

Any second now...

Ok maybe it was not a good reason, it was more because you fear that if you did you would lose the only good alcoholic drink that you had found in this strange fucking world.

And if you had to lose a fucking arm to keep it so be it.


You are one of the most colorful griffons in this decrepit part of Griffonia so you must be Guida.


Why the hell would he drink that much!? Does he want to die!? Impress you for a quick buck!? Didn't he know you would be down for it if he just asked!?

You swear to your gods that the fucking cocks are coming in more stupid every time!

You are suddenly snapped to reality by a claw in your neck pulling you away.


You manage to grab the fucking peacock by the neck and move her away from you, you frown at her, surprisingly she drops the bucket, thankfully the booze is ok, so your annoyance doesn't increase, at least not that much... the problem is, you are already pretty annoyed.

Weirdly enough once you grab her neck she stiffened after a while and stops moving instantly.

Her eyes were wide open and her wings extended surely to try to escape...

But for some reason, she doesn't move.


You speak.

"Now hear me and hear me well, I don't know what cheap livers you griffons have, but I will tell you that I have gotten drunk to worse things, I'm fine, so stop freaking out, be a good girl, and sell me this."

You didn't know if it was your glare or just her finally relaxing, but after doing her best to nod in your grasp, you let her into the ground slowly.

After you release her, her wings come to her face and cover it while she walks back to her station behind the bar.

Before you walk again to your seat you see how everyone was looking at you, Most of the hens had their wings extended and some had a blush on their faces.




You are Adeldunga and you saw how your friend sat back, her wings extended and her withe and blue plumage getting tinted with red... she also sported a pretty big frown on her face.

"Really? he has a hyper liver too?! Of what the hell is that cock made out of!?"

You saw your friend, her blue feathers and fur mixing nicely in the light of the club, Her underbelly was white with a black line that traced her chest, neck, and head.

She has blue bangs that end in black highlights and a spiked top head that ends in the same, Her eyes have a natural black face mask on the top of her head she has a par of googles that she uses to fly without getting annoyed with the wind.

You gotta admit that she looks very much like a cock, something that she hates.

She also has a pathetic excuse of a chest fluff... Not that you would said it out loud, you prefer to not have your beak in your ass, thank you very much.

She had a pair of mittens with no claws that had dark purple in them, you never saw her without the thing.

She had the very appearance of a blue jay and a little more vivid appearance, which meant she was of the more tropical or exotic sectors of the griffon lands.

You just roll your eyes and finish your drink, thankfully you had enough self-control to keep your wings by your side, "Yup, and also the ability to fluster lesser griffons apparently."

She just glares at your cool expression, "Fuck you, Is not my fault that I was raised with enough class to not go to the red district every time I have a chance."

You didn't even frown at that, you just roll your eyes, "Maybe if you went more often you wouldn't be so much of a tight cunt."

She doesn't so much as acknowledge the comment before speaking again.

"Oh, Come on! Didn't you feel your instincts screaming at you about how that little show was hot as fuck!? He grabbed her so effortlessly that my brain was screaming 'Strong genes' at the tops of its bloody lungs!"

You snorted at how much of a button she just sounded, "Well, sorry for not being so much of a cock that I actually prefer to be on top, you fucking beta!"

You just get a light punch in the shoulder as she speaks.

"Sure, you would probably hate it if he grabbed and pushed you against a wall with all his weight, all while he plunders your booty with enough force to bruise your ass, but at the same time you get rutted so hard you wouldn't be surprised he puts chicks in you with the amount of cum he puts into you, you bloody dyke!"

You were about to do a witty rebuttal when you thought it a little more.

Sure, you enjoy getting on top of the cocks and rocking their world as hard as you can.

But you gotta admit it would feel nice being the prey once in a while... Only when he was exhausted from doing all the work you would attack him with all your might and make him a spluttering mess like the thunder cunt you were.

"OK, fine, maybe it wouldn't be as bad, but I still prefer to be top any day of the week."

She just rolls her eyes while she calls one of the cock waiters, "Don't shame it until you taste it bitch."

You just prepare some bits to pay for more alcohol, "Sure thing, you cock looking virgin."

The big exasperated groan that she lets out puts a smile on your beak.


You are Gilda and you saw how that dude grabbed the neck of that griffon with absolute ease... you even saw how she went stiff while trying to brake his hold, the damn hunk didn't even seem to notice.

He grabbed one of the more less-known weak spots that griffons used in sex like it was nothing.

He just made her look like a beta without even trying just because of how pissed off he was.

Yup, he would do pretty nicely.

You only hope that he is in the mood and he doesn't do it in the middle of the club.

If he was not still there, maybe some liqueur would fix that.


You are Anon again and you are a little pissed, but thankfully the transaction passed without too much trouble.

You were about to keep drinking directly from the tap when a voice spoke by your side, "Terrible day huh?"

You look to your right and you finally noticed that you were sitting beside another griffon.

Huh, talking about tunnel vision.

You were about to ignore her and drink your bad day away while you waited for Gabby...

But you had a golden rule over all things, 'Don't be an asshole to me and I won't be an asshole to you.'

And you knew full well that shooting her down instantly would be a pretty dick move to do.

So you took a big swig of your bottle before nodding, "Yup, thankfully this is not pony trash alcohol so it may get better."

She let out a big snort, "Tell me about it, I swear that they put water in 80% of their drinks"

You let out a huff while you smile a little, Her appearance reminds you of a normal bald eagle, except she has a pale purple highlight in her eyes and in the feather that works like bangs in her head, which the color and feathers look very natural...

You know enough -But not much- about griffons, Thanks to the tone of her voice you recognize she is a female, her ember eyes were locked into you and she gave an aura of smugness or fake confidence that made you feel a need to keep talking to her.

So you shake your head and decide to keep the conversation, she seems fine enough.

"Probably, it's true that their drinks are cheap and all, but I would prefer to get drunk in one night, thank you very much."

She put an elbow on the table and looks up at you, "Well, I can't say I'm as resistant to booze as you, but having in mind that your dweeb ass is drinking one of the strongest drinks ever created as if its bucking water it must be pretty tough, huh?"

You let out a sigh, "Yup, but it was quite funny to see some mare trying to out-drink me, only to fall unconscious in their own vomit."

She let a little laugh, "That sounds like a sight that I would like to see."

You raise an eyebrow, It was a little nice to see that she didn't like the ponies that much, but that answer sounded a little too bitter to just a simple hatred to them, but you didn't want to pry so you change the subject.

"So, are you from around here or just passing by?"

She circles the rim of her glass, "Just passing by, trying to take the edge off, what about you?" she looks you up and down, "Judging by the reaction of the dweebs just now, you are either new or just passing by."

You let out a huff remembering the ordeal of just now, "New, I live like twenty minutes from this place, maybe five if I had wings."

She raises an eyebrow at you, "And what would make a big guy like you come to the dump that is the griffon lands? I doubt it is a fetish or something."

Maybe, if you were completely sober you would become defensive over the fact that you didn't want to deal with the idea of fucking something that wasn't human, but thankfully your mood was light enough that you just let out a little chuckle.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't have a fetish for you little perverts."

She just drinks a little more, and then speaks with faux sadness and disappointment, "Truly a shame."

You roll your eyes, "Very smooth, but I'm too sober to even think fucking one of you"

She came a little closer, "What? are you intimidated about fucking a carnivorous species, you dweeb?"

You scoff at that, "No, believe it or not, I eat meat too."

She let out a whistle, "Really now? I didn't know minotaurs were carnivorous."

You shrug, "I think for them is an acquired taste, but as far I know I'm not a minotaur, you only have to see my eyes to notice that."

"Uh?" She gets closer and looks at your eyes, "Are those... the eyes of a goat?"

You smile, maybe you could play a little with her, "Yup, maybe if you weren't so busy looking at my crotch or ass you would have noticed early."

She let out a cough while she blushes a little, "Well, could you blame me? your ass is at face height for goodness sake!"

You chuckle, she wasn't half bad, "Well, I would like to know the name of the one I will press charges against."

She panics for a moment, but then notices your playful tone and gives you a smug smile, "The name is Gilda, I would also know the name of the one demanding me, so which is yours?"

She offers you a claw and you give her your hand, "My name is Anonymous, but you can call me Anon."


You are Gilda and you must admit you are a little giddy.

The fables and legends were true, because you found the legendary "janefilly" as the ponies would call him, or "hookbeaks" like the griffons would call them, and if your hunch was true and you played your cards right, you just found the perfect male to deal with your frustration.