
Just Anonymous (MLP)

You are Anonymous and after dying you were reborn in horseland. (RGRE) Reversed gender roles equestria. Except that you are not even close to being a pony or a human for that matter... Apparently you are some kind of humanoid demon... you guess? because it kinda remind you of Baphomet but with more fur. ------------ So! I am NOT the author of this fic, but he has given me permission to spread it here, I'll post his chapters as I edit them (Yes I am his editor) The original author is Anonymous 1234321 if you want to read his fic go here (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/528282/just-anonymous) Or just go to Fimfiction and search the history of the same name and Image.

Sorrias · TV
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9 Chs

2: Two attempts and a nice griffin: Knife to meet you and plague.

You just discovered that hate building is a thing, so you gotta be Anonymous.

And now you are cursing because you didn't pay very good attention, but to be fair, how the fuck should you know that the "potable" water you were drinking was quite acidic? It was that or the griffons are putting chemicals in the waters to make the frogs gay.

Good thing you aren't one, you don't have anything against gay people you just like the jokes.

Anyways you didn't feel like the water was making a hole in your stomach so maybe it was more a mistake on your part because you didn't do the glass thick enough...

If the problem was another chemical reaction, then you can change the method to make them or you could make them more resistant with magic and the power of science.

Maybe you should start buying furniture instead of making it, but the big problem is that these goddam bird cats are literally half your size, which also translates to the size of their furniture.

Godammit fuking midgets cats!

...Ok, maybe that was going too far, but you were pissed because you needed to make another table and chair.

Having something you bought being destroyed is not the same as having something you made suffer the same fate you came to discover.

Wait a moment, did you just kick a tree so hard it in two?

Fuck, you didn't even know you could do that, kinda reminds you of those weird people that beat trees with their fists... uh, now that you noticed you are quite strong, but to be fair you were quite literally born fit, even over your fur covered body you could still see your well-defined muscles.

Whatever, you will finish this and will call it a day.


Night "who fuking knows" in griffonia.

You are closing your eyes and faking being asleep in the bed you personally made, so you are probably Anonymous.

It has been some days since the table incident, and ever since you changed the formula of the glass there have been no accidents of the melting button kind.

...What? Why are you only faking sleeping when it is the middle of the night? Simple, Apparently one of the disadvantages of being whatever you are now is that you can't sleep very well.

There is also the fact that the only viable option for sleeping was to do it face up, these damn horns wouldn't let you do it any other way.

It is like your body has an unnatural amount of energy hence you don't need to sleep every day... or any day for that matter.

The problem is that you love sleeping, and you lie to yourself that the basics of sleeping are to stay in bed with your eyes closed, extra points if you are "daydreaming" since you are a word change away from actually sleeping.

...surely that is how it works, yup!

With all the power you can muster you shut down your subconscious, and keep faking sleep. For a second you hear your home creak, you ignore it care, you are "sleeping" after all.




That is until you felt an itch in your neck.

This world really wants to annoy you, but since you don't want to let it win you try to ignore it, you are "sleeping" and nothing will change that... That is until the damn inch started to get worse.

You snorted and decided to move your hand to scratch your neck... weirdly enough once you moved your hand it stopped.

You frown and then snort, you abort the mission "Scratch your dam neck" anyways and move your hand to their resting place once again.


You are a griffon in a very tight spandex suit sneaky walking through your objective's home, so you must be Aderyn.

You got hired since the feather brain of Adelgunda didn't report if the objective was dead or not, so your job is to verify his status, if he was alive, then you'll have the option to finish the job and get her money.

You gotta admit it was kinda a cunt move to do, but you would probably give her a share so she will not try to hunt you down... that or she would twist your teats once you meet her to take some drinks the next day.

You swear the heart of this chick was in the right place trying to spare a cock by saying that "he is impossible to kill by normal means." or "Believe me, I tried, but he just doesn't die", but you couldn't let your sentiments affect you in this line of work.

If you didn't know her better, you would say that she got a crush on him, because, for fucks sake, his home didn't even have locks! what is stopping her from just going to his bedroom and cut his throat open?! You of course knew her "Fear" to stain her feathers with blood -the fuking cock- but this was ridiculous.

After again checking another door with absolutely no locks in sight, you found his bedroom, it was a very empty-looking room, it has a nightstand which had a lamp on its side and a decent looking bed, in which He was lying with only a thin bedsheet over him.

No pictures, not very cocked furniture or adorns, no nothing, just very much like the rest of the house.

You could hardly believe he was a male, but that was beside the point.

The movement of his ears made you snap to reality and you pause, but he didn't stir in bed, so after a minute or two you start to move again.

Once you got close, you had to admit, for not being a griffin his face was quite an appealing sight to sore eyes.

And by the face, you meant body.

And by body, you mean his lower body.

You could swear to see a bulge under the covers.


You silently shook your head and move closer while you took out a hidden knife in your clothes.

Then you made a small prayer to your pantheon and swiftly made a wide cut in his neck...

See? that was easy, you didn't feel any resistance.



Your blade didn't penetrate his neck... Scratch that, it didn't even cut his fur.


Flabbergasted you look at his neck, then you look at your knife, then back to his neck again.

Confused you touch your knife with a free claw, and yes, it was quite sharp if the small line of blood in one of your claws is any clue.

Blinking a couple of times, you decide to go for the one and true method that even a chick could do.

You tried to stab him.

...And you gotta remark on the "tried" part

Because once again your incredibly sharp knife didn't manage to cut even one of the threads of his fur...

You have to admit, you lose your mind for a moment, in hindsight maybe you should have tried to stab his eyes, but what the fuck was this thing, and why your knife didn't penetrate him?

This flocking knife was supposed to even be able to penetrate the scales of an adult dragon it isn't just any run-of-the-litter cheap knife.



Yet you weren't able to penetrate even a little of his neck, because you tried, a lot, so much that you were starting to get short of breath, but you didn't even manage to get a single drop of blood, no not even a strand of his fur fell!

You were so dumbfounded that you didn't notice the tip of the knife becoming fully dull and broken by now.

Oh, and you almost got a heart attack when he moved.

You had to use all your training as an assassin to not let out a totally cocky scream, yes you totally were not going to scream like a simple cock or something.

But as he moves his hands up, he stops.

Your heart skip a beat at that, Did he notice you? There is no way, right!? after all, you are still completely silent, controlling the volume of your breathing with absolute perfection ...RIGHT?! OMGPLEASEDON'TNOTICEIDON'TWANTTODIELIKETHISPLSPLSPLS.

But then he lets out a snort and puts his hand back down...

Controlling the urge to pi-... you mean to sweat, yes sweat yourself, you start to slowly move away... You will have to say sorry to Adelgunda for doubting her later.

It was true that you could try to stab him in his eyes now since it was the universal soft spot of every living creature, but you really had to pi... sweat right now.

And spandex was not the best at filtrating sweat after all... Yup, it was totally that.


You are anonymous, and by the constant assault of light on your eyes, you can guess it is already morning.

You grumble to yourself that maybe you should invest in some curtains, but to be fair the sun is the closes thing you have to a clock, so you will keep it up like that for now.

After sitting down and stretching while giving a huge yawn, you hear a metallic sound hit your wooden floor.

Confused you look down and look at what had fallen.

There in the light of a new morning, you saw a metallic piece of... something.

With more questions than answers, you pick the thing up and look at it... The weave pattern reminds you of the shore of a beach, the thought immediately made you think that the piece of metal was Damascus steel, But the light greenish color made you have second thoughts.

Oh god dammit... it happened again, words come to your mind together with a light description, this thing was a "Low-grade King's vane." You immediately tried to resist the slough of knowledge invading your brain but it was too late.

It was a metal used in bladed weapons, In higher grades it can vibrate to be able to cut anything, plus the fact that it is resistant to magic, overall it is one good metal to kill any kind of creature.

Haflmindly you let out a snort and come back to the situation at hand, from what your brain told you, this was not a naturally formed metal... You also knew that this thing was too much in a good shape to just be found out in the open without being corroded or straight rusty, since it was of a low grade of a king's vane and all that.

In other words, there were two options... And you scratch one of them when you saw the closed window, even still, you frown, and move quickly to check your doors.

And sure enough, you notice that some doors had signs of tampering. There was a low-grade king's vane in your room... with signs that someone invaded your home...

Someone tried to kill you.

You shook your head, no, that was too much of a far-fetched answer, after all, why would someone want you dead? You literally have been living to yourself for the past couple of weeks... And how did they fail if they were using that thing anyway?

You bit your lip and check once more the piece that you had.

Then you try to prick your middle finger with it.

No matter how much strength you put in, it didn't cut you.

That is weird, it should easily get in- "FUCK!" Suddenly you felt pain, you didn't need to be smart to know the damn thing managed to cut you.

And since you were putting so much strength into it the blade managed to puncture you even deeper than you wanted, quickly taking it out You brought your hand to your face and started to suck into your bloody finger, just to become even more confused.

Perhaps it was just paranoia, but you should probably start to use locks even if you don't have anything of value to steal...

Except for your money hole, but nobody would be able to get in there.



You are tired of being nude, so you are probably Anonymous.

When you were about to heal your finger, the wound suddenly disappeared, the moment you stop paying attention it suddenly... Wasn't there anymore, it was weird but having hyper regeneration was not that strange... probably.

Going on, after finding some gigantic silkworms in a stroll, you proceeded to plunder their butty -literally- and got enough to actually make some clothes.

They did try to stop you, but the greenish liquid they threw spit didn't seem to have any effect, so you just ignored it.

Making a Loom was easier than you expected, maybe because of the weird knowledge you seemed to have about everything.

This time you didn't mind after all you'd literally kill for some clothes. Since the silk was quite the fancy material, you decided to make a suit, after all, your name was anonymous at least now anyways.

Finding something to dye it was quite hard indeed, but you managed something to make it white! it would be quite fetching with the color of your fur... or maybe it would just camouflage on it.

The point is after breaking your ass off, you finally have a white suit.

And ho boy, it felt good to have clothes again.

The only reason you endured it until now was that you were alone in your little plot of land, and the very large amount of fur in your lower part managed to hide your private parts very well.

But even then you felt weird when other creatures saw you...

Especially dragons, since some of them had a very human form -you did pop a boner one time because of it, but you will deny it to your dying breath-

And since they didn't have any fur, it didn't count as being furry.

It was also good to see that you still had a very human penis, so you didn't feel too bad about it.

But going back to the present, looking at yourself in the mirror you give a goofy smile while you flex at it.

Even if you look like a furry on the exterior, you certainly look like a very fancy one, and since you were feeling extremely good about this, you decided to pay a visit to the town that was very close to your plot of land.

After all, what could go wrong?

In the future, you would forever hate ever thinking those words.

After walking away smug like a bug in a rug, you were expecting to have a good day, a great day even, finally you would visit your neighbors, and you would probably make a good impression with how good you look.

After all, the first time you came to their town they actually didn't freak out like the ponies.

...Or dismiss you for being a man.

...Or tried to jail you for showing "Too much skin." Insulting culture is not your thing, but how in the actual fuck were the people in saddle Arabia expecting you to know that a man not covering their body in public to people that they are not related to was against the law?

Or give you tribute for no reason -Even if it was nice to have free money-

Their reaction was normal, most of them didn't even look at you for more than ten seconds, as if it was normal to see someone like you in this place.

It was nice... Probably as nice as you would get in this weird world, you smile, after so long of just building your home and other things, you would finally socialize with another sentient being.

You suddenly stop when your ears pick up something.

The sound instantly takes you out of your daydream and back into the real world... was that... buzzing? You blink and look in the direction where the noise was coming.

What... what in hell is that?

They are like little small balls of colors, not bigger than your closed fist, and for their size, they have huge eyes, and in their back(?) a pair of insectoid wings.

Normally you would think they are adorable.

Except there is something wrong with them.

From here you could see how their mouth was full of serrated teeth and... Is that dried blood in them?

Oh, fuck no.

You started to run away, you didn't know what the hell was that about, but one thing was for sure, today didn't seem like a good day anymore for taking a stroll in that town... But there was one big problem... the buzz didn't stop.

Oh god please no.

You look at your back, and sure enough, the thing managed to close the distance... And not looking where you were running was a mistake, because you went face-first into a big dead tree.

As you come to a sudden stop, you would perhaps be surprised that you didn't fall down or that you didn't even feel pain from the collision, that is if were not for the buzzing coming closer.

In pure fear, you look at how the weird-looking flies close the distance and swarm you from all sides.

You let out a guttural scream and close your eyes expecting to get a world of pain.


You are Adeldunga.

And after making a plan with the help of your sister of another mister... -even if the feather brain really thinks you were so much of a sun hat tipper that you were going soft against this cock-


All the pain to get one of the most dangerous breeds of parasprite was FUCKIG worth it! These things were known to be able to literally chomp down into anything! You didn't care if the little bugger would make havoc after they were done eating the objective!

Because by then it wouldn't be your problem!

Once you get all the money you would go to the red district and get railed up until next fuking week!


And ho boy, it looks like they finished! Because you weren't hearing his scream anymore! You started to prepare the repellent bomb since you actually wanted proof that you finished the job when suddenly you hear a scream, one even louder than before.

Your heart skips a beat and you almost drop the repellent, but thankfully in your panic-induced juggling, you manage to save it by one feather from the ground.

You would sign in relief if it weren't for the absolute panic and soul-reaching screams that the cock was producing.

Talking about screaming cocks, geez.


It may be just your imagination, but you could swear how greenish blood it starting to fall to the ground...And how the amount of the mass of the parasprites started to go down.

Ho no...

Please no.

Please die.

Please Just. Fucking. Die.

As if to answer your question with a NO, suddenly his weird-looking claw came out of the mass of murderous insects, partially grabbing a pair of the mutated monstrosities, apparently, that was just how much he needed, Because once they were in his hands he started to absolutely destroy them.


For your gods... you need a drink right now.


You were expecting a new definition of pain a few minutes ago, so you must be anonymous.

You felt relief for a moment after you saw the weird insect start to chomp down on you and instead of pain you felt nothing, so you stopped screaming -like a bitch- for a moment.

For a moment you asked yourself if the little bastards only wanted to scare you, you didn't know about the fauna of the planet after all.

At the bare minimum, you wouldn't know how, or even if you'd be to be eaten alive by the weird mutated insects... and for some reason, once again, the knowledge about them comes to you, apparently, they are parasprites.

There was a lot of info that you could digest, but your mind was too busy when it felt something even worse than pain.

More than feeling it, you hear it.

The sound of fabric being ripped apart.

To be more precise, it was the sound of silk being ripped.

You let out a scream far, FAR stronger than before, if someone heard it they'd probably think a dementor was sucking your soul.

Because this time the scream was of pure panic.

You tried to run and trash around, hoping they'd back down, only to make everything worse as you simply helped them rip the suit apart, so, in a moment of clarity you did the best second thing you could think of, and started to squash them like the insects they were.

You must admit that you lost track of time at that moment, crushing the bastards proved to be quite therapeutic, you felt like Doom guy going through an army of demons with his bare hands.

In the midst of carnage you didn't notice that you were not in fact being eaten alive, even if you had you'd hardly care, these things weren't able to penetrate your skin or fur so you had nothing to worry about besides killing them all.

Minutes later when you finally dispatch the last of the buggers, you look down, in the hopes you'd still have a suit to salvage.


You didn't.

Your expertly made suit was full of holes of different sizes and shapes.

80% of it was eaten by these things, and the last 20% was absolutely ruined because of the "remains" of the "cannibal" parasprites... You fall to the floor, looking at what was once the only piece of cloth that you had in this crazy nudist world...

A lone manly tear -Yes, manly- falls from one of your eyes... ok, maybe was more than one.

You hit the ground with your two fists while looking down, two words unconsciously leaving your mouth, "God dammit..."

Moving your head you look at the sky in the most dramatic way you can muster, wordless you stay there.

It may sound pathetic but this is more than just losing a piece of cloth you worked hard to make, no, this was about a milestone, after exploring the world, settling down, building a house, and making furniture you felt like your normal life was coming back.

You felt like you could have your normalcy even after being stranded in this world, you were happy about getting one more part of your previous life back.

But then the world decided to remind you where you were, with murderous insects.

This is why the people in this world don't use clothes? because there were fucking bug clothes eaters?

Why in hell would they even evolve into cloth-eating bugs!?

Why did nobody send you a memo!?


You are Adeldunga and of course, a cock had to be overreacting because of a piece of clothes.

God, cocks were annoying.

Shouldn't be happy with the fact that he was alive?

Because now YOU wanted to die, but you got a plan to fix that... you started to travel to your favorite bar.

You really need a drink.


You are cursing reality so you must be Anonymous.

This is not fair and you have to admit that you went blank for a moment and let your arms fall.

But you were conscious enough to see a griffon land in front of you, it had a mailbag in her side, her eyes a moderate turquoise, her fur a type of Arctic bluish gray while her feathers were just an arctic bluish and cyanish gray head.

Her chin was a light cornflower bluish gray and had some light cyanish gray markings, the feathers of her wings were dark azureish gray and her talons a beautiful brilliant gold.

Her face was full of worry and care.

"Oh my gosh! are you ok!?" You just look at her as she gives you a once over, moving your hands here and there.

You blink, unsure what to say, but you felt the need to respond, "I...I think so... it's just that my clo..." you stop yourself.

You know very well by now how little the griffons cared at all for others, It is true that she's showing that she cares enough for a random stranger slumped on the ground, but that doesn't mean she wants the full story.

Except that she apparently connected the dots and gasped, "geez! your clothes! Oh, you poor thing!"

Before you could react she took a decent-looking handkerchief and proceeded to clean you at the best of her ability, once the handkerchief was ruined and full of green blood she hugged you with enough force that a lesser being would have crumbled under her might.

"I'm so sorry what happened to you?! Is there a way I can be of help!?"

She was hugging you...

When you still were covert of very gross insect blood and insides.


You blink, hard, and the only thing that came to the front of your mind being 'Who the fuck is this griffon and why are they so nice?'