
Just Anonymous (MLP)

You are Anonymous and after dying you were reborn in horseland. (RGRE) Reversed gender roles equestria. Except that you are not even close to being a pony or a human for that matter... Apparently you are some kind of humanoid demon... you guess? because it kinda remind you of Baphomet but with more fur. ------------ So! I am NOT the author of this fic, but he has given me permission to spread it here, I'll post his chapters as I edit them (Yes I am his editor) The original author is Anonymous 1234321 if you want to read his fic go here (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/528282/just-anonymous) Or just go to Fimfiction and search the history of the same name and Image.

Sorrias · TV
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9 Chs

4: Yup, you went fully native while drunk. (NSFW)

You are Gabby and you delivered all your correspondence for the day in record speed!

Your wings are sore and tired like never before but you don't care!

It will all be worth it in the end, you know it!

As you get closer to the place that you told Anon, you start hearing the muffled music playing inside.

Even being here made your heart start to beat like crazy, only because of the idea that a cock would be waiting for you, even if he was technically not a cock but more of a bull... you think, you aren't sure what the equivalent of male for his species is called.

You take a big breath, trying to calm yourself, Checking your bag you make sure you have some extra bits in case he wants a drink or two, finally, after a few seconds you enter the club.

It was clearly starting to get packed...

As you enter with a grin you see many griffons dancing on the dance floor, most of them doing it with a cock...

There were also groups of griffons drinking, all of them had a cock or two, the chicks on the other hand were all around them like the birds of prey they were, and and...

Oh no...

No no no!

This was bad! You were so excited about meeting a new friend and drinking with him that you forgot what this place is for!

Becoming a little desperate you moved quickly around the crowd, your face paled as you thought about what those Hens could have done to anon, a knot slowly forming in your stomach the longer you didn't see him.

You didn't want to think about what would happen if a hen got to him!

Or worse, what if multiple hens had gotten to him!?!?!?

Hens hotter and more mature than you!

With more confidence and bigger chest fluff than you!

As you run around, your eyes got a little teary, that was until you saw him sitting at one of the more private tables of the place, your heart bloomed with hope, he was still here.

But then you saw her, sitting close to him, another griffin, her gaze fixed on him, with half-lidded eyes and a confident smile, but that wasn't the worst thing... the worst thing was... her chest fluff! It was massive!

Your heart falls in an instant, your stomach hurts, the urge to puke grows within you.

Did you really lose your chance to hang with him and maybe, just maybe get a chance to court him? No, it's not a question anymore, You know you lost all chances by the simple fact no griffin in their right mind would accept you into their flock! you were finished! absolutely finished!

He... he was your last chance, and you lost it because of some random hen.

Looking into the ground you slowly walk away, your excitement already long dead, you don't even have the will to run anymore.

Tears start to fall from your eyes, the pit in your stomach become almost unbearable while all of that happened you start to feel the feathers in your face get wet.

That was until you felt a claw in your back... wait, that's no claw it's a hand!

You look at your side, only to get a face full of his crotch.

'Fluff as always.' A stray thought comes to your head.

You then look up, and the hole in your stomach becomes a little smaller when you saw his smiling muzzle.

"There you are! I almost thought you bailed on m-" then he stopped when he fully saw your face... he frowns, oh god Please no... "Gabby? Is something wrong?"

Oh, polly feathers... he probably can tell you were crying.

Even worse he will probably see that you are about to cry, it doesn't matter that it is from happiness, hens aren't supposed to cry goddamit, especially not in front of a cock

And then he'll tell you how much of a cock you are and scream at you to fuck off and then you'll never find anycreature else and, and.


You were a very tipsy Anonymous a few minutes ago, you had been having a great time with Gilda.

At some point in the night, you moved to a more private table with some bottle of the sweet burning nectar you found.

You were telling the griff your funniest stories, she in turn did the same, in hers She talked about a gal she was friends with a so-called "Rainbow Dash" it was pretty hilarious.

You were about to tell another one of yours when you saw a familiar griffin walking away, Lifting yourself out of the chair you opened your mouth.

"Be right back."

Walking closer to the griff you confirmed it was really Gabby, smiling you touched her back and turned her around, just to see that she had some tears in her eyes and for a moment when she saw you she look extremely stressed, sad, and... Happy?

"Gabby?" You touch her cheeks, "Are you ok? What happened?"

She doesn't answer, in fact, she looks more stressed than before.

Your frown deepens.

You don't know what is going on but this griffin managed to cheer you up when you were upset, For others that may not seem much but for you it meant something, and by god as your witness, you will do the same for her.

Without hesitation, you pick her up and give her the biggest hug you can by snuffling her into your chest fluff.


She lets out a squawk of surprise but quiets down after putting her in your chest, she stiffens at the contact and stays like that while you walk back to Gilda.

You let out a soft smile when she hugs you back.


You are a very buzzed Gilda and you just saw how your hot date just picked up a griffon.

Your heart falls for a moment thinking that he may go away -Just like Rainbow-

Fortunately God decided to be merciful in your life for once, a smile almost forms on your beak as you watch him walk with the griffon on his arms back to you.

You really hope that it isn't to tell you that he would leave now.

But that is not the end of your troubles, no, the real one is made up out of a single question, Is he already claimed? God, you are not in any state to fight.

Wait ...Now that you notice it, isn't this gal letting herself get henhandled in public?

You were pretty confused now, Maybe he is one of these roosters that prefers to be the leader of his flock?

For the gods, you hate making shots in the dark.

You relax a little as he sits down, not a second later he gives you an apologetic smile, "Sorry about that, I was planning to get together with a friend to drink here, but she's feeling a little down."

You frown, How couldn't you? after all, every hen got taught to be tough and independent, showing your feelings to a cock in any negative way like this was disgraceful at the very best, showing weakness in these situations -In any really- is the same as sliding your own throat.

...You moll over the situation glancing at the hen you see how she seemed to be trembling a little.

Wait, he did say that she was a friend...

Even when his friend was crying and by extension shaming her company -A.K.A him- he took her just to make her feel better...

Was he sticking his neck on purpose? for his friend?

...You let out a sigh, you had to respect that you guess -If only Rainbow had done the same-

You shook your head, maybe sober Gilda would be defensive of the hen killing her vibe, but the now very drunk Gilda certainly could feel empathy for her... that and he really seemed worried about her.

"Don't worry about it, what does she drink? I can pay her a drink or two to cheer her up."


You are a recently picked-up griffon by a towering goat, so you must be Gabriela.

And your heart is racing like crazy!

You could feel the soft pumping of his heart and his breathing through his big soft chest.

But that isn't important.

What is important is that he didn't just not bail out on you, but instead picked you up and hugged you like the fluffiest stuffed toy ever! And now he is comforting you too.

A normal griffon would be dying out of embarrassment, but you are absolutely thrilled.

He is an absolutely gentle giant.

[size=0.5em]And he's going to be your gentle giant soon enough.[/size]

"Sorry about that, I was planning to get with a friend to drink together, but it seems she's feeling a little down."

Oh my god, please no, surely the griffon that was trying to score would curse you out!

Maybe he was a soft gentle giant, but if another griffin told him how worthless you were, he'd most certainly drop you out!

You hug him harder, fearing losing him to this chick like he was just a dream.

When you hear her voice you flinch, that was until you actually hear what she says.

"Don't worry about it, what does she drink? I can pay her a drink or two to cheer her up"

...She didn't sound mad or even annoyed!?

You thank your lucky star and hold him closer.

You knew that you would have to answer sooner rather than later, but you wanted to make him know that you were thankful for this.


You are smiling right now when you listen to how Gilda didn't curse her off.

Apparently, you were right, Gilda was definitely another good griffin.

While caressing Gabby's back you speak to her, "You hear that? what do you want to drink?"



Wait, Anon is a cock and also hyper-nice, so he probably drinks cocky drinks too!

Gathering all your strength and willpower, you got out of the absolute comfiness of his chest, and keep looking at him "I will get the same you're having please!"


You are Anon and you are happy to see her smile again... you also just raise an eyebrow at what she says, with a mildly surprised expression you look at Gilda.

She looks just as surprised as you, at the same time her expression morphed into one of Respect for Gabby.

You simply shrug and prepare a glass, after all, if the bartender flipped so much over the fact you drank a little of this thing, then it probably means that it is a very strong drink even for griffins


You are a much more relaxed Gabby, and now since you are all better you sit to Anon's right while Gilda stays to his left.

It kinda looks like you two are making their moves into him, Surprisingly he doesn't look to be against the idea!

But before you could think too much about that you notice how he is putting the contents of a bottle into a small glass.

Huh, you guess that's for Gilda then.


Why did he put it in front of you?

You were about to ask when he start to pour the same contents of the bottle into a bigger glass...

Then he drinks it.


You started to sweat pretty hard while you tried to read the label of the bottle.


You read the label.

Silent spirits.

So your flame may never rise.

101.5 proof/51%

Maximum intake recommended (In standard shoot glass):



Dragon: Consult size table.


You gulped, hesitating for one moment you move your claw toward the glass.

You saw the gentle giant smile -With his already finished glass-, and look expectantly at you.

You also notice how Gilda looks at you while preparing two glasses of water.

With your claw trembling you proceeded to drink it in one go.

The burn passes through your beak and throat making you become a woozy and coughing mess.

"Holy shit, Gabby are you alright?!" Anon hits your back gently to help you recover, with tears in your eyes you nod to him, "Geez, you don't need to drink this, I will order you something softer now."

Anon calls a waiter while you just gave an awkward smile at Gilda, The hen gives you a knowing smile and passes you one of the glasses of water, your heart warms a little at that as you down it in an instant.

...Oh boy, You can already feel how the alcohol is taking effect.

How can Anon down this so easily!?

Shouldn't he be dead!?


You are Aderyn and HOLY FUCK HOW HE IS NOT DEAD?!

He has already drunk more than two bottles of that stuff!

Of course, you are all alone now since the bitch of Adeldunga already found someone that she wanted to lay, but you stayed to see how things ended with the goat.

Unfortunately, that only gave you a bigger headache.

The worst thing is, he doesn't seem to be a bad cock, perhaps a little too nice for his own good, but that was not exactly a sin.

You let out a sigh and decide to call it a day, you weren't even in the mood to strike a lay because you fully knew that your 'Cocky' looks would bring you a bigger headache.


"Then I hit her with one of my unfertile eggs" Both chicks laugh frantically at Gabby's history.

You laughed harder than them both, Why? Because you are now officially wasted, wasted enough to not think about the fact that Gabby played a "prank" on her bully with the equivalent of spilling the "blood" of her period into her.

Thankfully no murderous psychicks were born in that accident, he~ PsyChicks.

'Who am I now Yang Xiao-long?'

Gilda was about to drink another shot when she suddenly stops and looks at you, looking at your face she smiles mischievously, "Hey, want a little of my drink Anon?"

You just raise an eyebrow, now that you think about it you were so busy getting wasted that you didn't even try to taste any of the other drinks, "Sure" Your voice, much like Gabby and Gilda's now had a slur to it.

You were about to take the glass out of her claw when she suddenly took a mouthful -beakful?- You opened your mouth to protest but then she suddenly shot towards your face and proceeded to french kiss you.

Of course, she was drunk and her beak smelled of booze, The kiss was messy almost choking you in the process, even then, you were more than able to taste it.

It was not as strong as yours, but it had a whisky taste to it, beyond that you felt her weirdly soft beak on your lips, had you been sober you would have questioned it, unfortunately for your sober half, drunk Anon did not give a shit.

Your eyes stay widen open as she takes her beak out of your mouth, a trace of saliva connecting your weird muzzle to her tongue.


You are Gilda and you just did a big move into the guy...

And now you have to do your best to not break your half-lidded sexy look.

Because he was now staring at you with an unreadable stare.

Fuck!, didn't he like it?! did you come too strong!? Fuck, maybe you should have waited longer!

Before you manage to lose your wits, he grabs the glass of hard whisky from your claw, you instinctively close your eyes expecting him to spill the drink into your face.




After seconds of nothing happening, you open your beak to try to say you were sorry, only for him to grab your chin and proceed to prench kiss you.

Aaaand he's pouring his drink into your beak now.

Your tail starts to wag, Not wasting the chance you grab the back of his head and push him deeper into you.

You expected the kiss to be more awkward, and maybe it was, but you were too drunk to care.

You tasted how the hard kirin spirit mixed with your whisky and his saliva made an intoxicating concoction that send chills down your spine, the whole thing made your brain start sending dopamine shots like it was going out of style.

Are kisses supposed to be this good? No, no they are not, [size=0.5em]not that you cared really but some magic fuckery was probably going on here -Or it was just that good who knows-[/size]

A part of you screams in panic as you feel his bigger frame engulf yours, unfortunatelly for that part him Henhandling you only helped to make this experience more exciting.

And by exciting you mean your cunt is starting to clench and become a waterfall.

Your wings twitched, ready to move and escape at any time.

Your body started to tremble, the adrenaline forced into your body by your fly or fight instincts only making everything more chaotic.

Suddenly a much bigger tongue started to explore the inside of your beak, you tried to fight back, but yours was too small to even stand a chance against his.

Seconds later -minutes for you- he finally moves his tongue out of you.

You breathe deeply trying to regain your breath as your heart pounds frantically inside your chest, you didn't need to be a genius to notice why your crotch was so wet.

Another second passes as you finally manage to see straight again, your pupils move instinctively towards him, just in time to see his half-lidded look.

His bigger tongue licks his lips, probably taking all the taste of yours that he had around it to his mouth.


You are a very giggity goat man-thing so you must be Anonymous and when Gilda kissed you, you needed to make a quick reboot to your brain.

Maybe a sober anonymous would have punched her in the face and grabbed your ball -Which was Gabby- and gone home.

But a much more drunk, flexible, and not scared to fuck quadrupeds anonymous thinks on it really hard and arrives to the conclusion that 'Gilda is nice enough and also has a good personality.'

Your brain also gives you a boost of 'She is a woman, a bird-cat-lioness woman yes but also sentient, and most importantly of all, she has holes' some holes that your primitive side really, reaaally wants to fill full of cum.

So, you took her drink and proceeded to kiss her while pouring the whole thing -together with your saliva- down her throat.

And now your monkey -Goat?- brain is doing backflips.

It was as if a switch had been flipped, before you saw them -the griffons- as mostly cute animals with a hint of beauty that you ignored, now? Now you saw the Griffoness in front of you as a woman.

A woman with beautiful bedroom eyes and a slim thick body, without input your eyes wandered toward her backside where you could perfectly see her absolute plump but firm backside shining in the light of the bar.

Is she an athlete? You don't know, most griffons don't have that amount of plot but there's still no way for you to know, Well, now that you think about it, maybe you can make her one.

Athletes need to train right? And you can certainly train that ass, your eyes moved up to look at the griffin, and immediately any doubts you had disappeared as you saw her red half-lidded face looking hungrily at you.

You finally resigned.

You gave her your best half-lidded stare while cleaning the last of her saliva from your muzzle just to then pop everything into your mouth.

For some reason, her mouth tasted like ambrosia halfheartedly you had to force yourself to move away from the griff.

You didn't want Gabby to feel like the third wheel, so, very, VERY hesitantly you decided that this would be as far as you'd go Lion pussy can wait for some time rig-

"Oh! oh!" you look at Gabby, confused for a moment when she looks excited.

"Me next!" Gabby took a mouthful of her drink and proceeded to slam her beak against your face, thankfully you knew what to expect and received her beak -and its contents- with gusto.

Your Human side screams in panic as two -Incredibly beautiful/cute- women make their moves on you, It feels wrong, having more than one woman doing it, no, not that, it felt wrong to enjoy it, as if you were doing something you shouldn't.

That particular side of your brain was shot down as fast as a North Korean trying to escape through the border, the alcohol and your animal side killing it bore it could become a bother.

You tasted the inside of Gabby's mouth, drinking from her like a chick to its mother, It was a nice contrast with how Gilda tasted, her drink being a lot more tasteful compared to the two you bought.

Deciding to move it a step further you grab her by both her ass and head, the feeling of your fingers sinking into her plump only made you more excited.

As you molded her ass with your hand, her moist tongue fought against yours, it didn't stand a chance, after just three seconds you completely dominated the diminutive griff.

Losing her breath after some seconds she finally moves out, Seeing her expression you had to contain yourself to not follow.

Her face was fully blushing and you could swear that she had hearts in her eyes, briefly a part of you thought about where the innocent and excitable Gabby go.

Another was screaming to pound her so hard she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.

Her girly giggles manage to take you from your stupor, "Is that another bottle or are you just happy to see me?"

You were confused until you felt something touch your member.

Your eyes opened wide as you saw down to your very much erect member fully exposed to the elements and being grabbed by an extremely shaking hand of Gabby... and stared at by salivating Gilda.

"W-what?" Gabby looks agape at your tool.

You didn't understand what was the deal about it, According to those ponies you were a decent size at best... wait, everyone seems to think you are some kind of minotaur

Were they comparing you to one? Because if 11 inches was just decent to those monsters you don't want to know what is considered big.

Don't bulls have 30-inch cocks? No, no, there's no way minotaurs are like that, being bipedal and all.

"There is no way." Gilda was about to join the grabbing with her claws.

That was until you slap both sets of claws before they got comfy.

You may be drunk, but you still aren't an exhibitionist.

Gilda looked a little pissed and hurt at that, while Gabby looked ashamed and sad.

That was until you speak, "How about we take this to a more private place, eh?"

That made their looks flip into a 180 and their half-lidded looks came at full force.

Gabby's expression was more awkward than Gilda's but you gave her a 10 for effort.

You stand up and with some struggle, you hide your manhood... barely.

If looks could make holes with their intensity, your dick would be swiss cheese right now because of how hard most Hens are looking at your tool.

But you are too drunk to care.



You arrive at your home at top speed, On the way there you saw the fucking griffon that had clocked you with the fucking "fake" bat, so you decided to finally use the thing.

You were so busy keeping the atmosphere between the two chicks hot that you didn't notice the griffin falling unconscious after the bat hit her head.

The point is that when you arrive you have Gabby smelling and licking your neck while a Hungry Gilda kisses you with her tongue while keeping herself in your chest with her back legs.

You aid her by groping her ass, stretching her cheeks, pussy, and asshole at the same time, feeling every curve to it.

Her plot was toned enough that it was firm but still had some give to it that incited you to keep massaging it.



The griffon moans in your mouth after having her plot spanked, for a moment you imagine her ass rippling as you pound her into submission, well, more submission that is.

Your cock was hard as diamond, the griffoness's cheeks hugging and rubbing it only made it worse, a journey that should have taken 20 minutes ended in less than 7.

You were so aroused you didn't remember to go to your room opting to instead kick the closest room's door open and now here you are, throwing Gilda into the bed.


Your mind drinks down her image, her chest growing and falling with extreme speed, her confident smile plus the half-lidded eyes, her claws and back legs, as if to make sure you wouldn't be able to leave her hanging, her tail wraps around your right tight, trying and failing to move happily.

Gabby was behind your back, nuzzling your neck and whispering into your ear, "Oh, Anon~ Are you going to fuck her silly? Pump her cunt full of cum?"

Her voice felt a little awkward, but your drunk self only heard her hot breath into your ear, your cock pulsing while resting onto Gilda's belly right between her teats.

And isn't that a surprise, you expected something like a lion's or a cat's, instead you gained something like a horse's.

Goes to show that although similar to your world's fables Equestria's creatures do not have to meet any of your previous world's expectations.

Anyways you didn't care about the fact that her tits were in her crotch area or that they were very small, you only cared about the fact that she did have tits and was very much a woman.

The fur sent little spikes to tickle your cock every time the griffon impatiently moved into it.

The sight and sensation alone would be able to send you into a fucking frenzy.

But you tried to remain strong and give her a good experience, after all, no matter what, even as drunk as you were now, you wouldn't be ever drunk enough to ruin your first time in this strange world.

When you were about to start giving her the old fingeroos she moved and stop you, "Oh no big boy, no foreplay, no nothing, I want you to skip it all and Fuck me until I can't feel my back."

You were about to protest until she suddenly took your cock and put it into place right in front of her cunt.

As your cockhead kisses her entrance you have to use all of your self-control to not thrust right there and there, you know how important lubrication is an- wait, you feel something sliding through your cock, is... Is she already we- suddenly you had to force yourself to hold a moan as her pussy pulses and tries to suck you in.

"Can you feel it!? How ready I am already!? I'm all wet and ready for you big boy, I've been like this for a while now, so stop being a beta and fuck m- Ah!"

Every man has his breaking point, and you reach yours, In an instant, you went all in, her moist entrance embracing the entirety of your member.


The clap and moan that follows your insertion could probably be heard throughout your house, For a moment you stop, despite being a miget by your standards Gilda can certainly take a cock.

Had you looked down you'd see the griffon's stomach bulge in the shape of your member, For a second you lose yourself in the warmth of her insides.

Suddenly, you come back to reality with a grunt of pleasure as Gilda starts to tremble, shaking your member while still inside her.

"H-holy shit!" she mutters barely understandable, and you had to contain a curse of your own... you would have a fear that you hurt Gilda if it wasn't for the fact that by her tone she clearly enjoyed that.

You still knew better than moving like crazy...yet.

The heavy breathing of the two of you was the sole thing that could be heard, that was until you hear Gabby again, this time her voice even more unsure, something you lost thanks to your drunken lust state.

"Come on Anon, Show Gilda a good time~ and later, I want you to give me one too, 'kay?"

Gilda looks up at you with a cocky smile.

"Come on, If that is all you got I will be sorely disappointed-"

That was your signal to move, Your breath becomes heavy as you start to slowly retract from her entrance.

Briefly looking at Gilda you noticed something worrying, she looked disappointed, "Come on! I'm not made of glass you know! What!?, are you a two-pump chum and-!?"

That was it, you wanted to be gentle and all that, but if she wanted to be fucked silly and made a cumdump so badly, then you'll give it to her, even if you cum in a minute or brake her in half.

It's time to teach this chick some manners.

While your eye twitches you grab her back legs, spreading them in a quick and violent manner you slam with all your strength back into her, The Hen's body shoots back together with the bed, both only not going further due to you honding onto her feet.

The Hen goes silent as all the air in her lungs suddenly leaves her, you aren't done, grabbing her by the hips you move out of her moist entrance once more, this time a lot faster.

Before she can open her beak you slam into her again, making the bed croak with the full might of your weigh, the moan that she let out was enough encouragement that you needed to keep going.

"Harder? You want it harder you bratty cunt? So be it, just don't beg me to stop, because I won't."

The hen's eyes shot up while her smile widened, you ignored it in favor of moving faster, at this point you didn't care to fully come out from her, and you slam into her round ass with all your weight.

You wanted to erase her smug smile so much that you put your thumb into her beak while still holding her right back leg, even angry you still wanted to piston her cunt the fastest you could.

"Hehehe~" She laughed, or was it Gabby? You don't know but the sound still pissed you off.

With your balls slapping into her tight asshole you drop her to the bed again and force her head down, clamping her beak shut in the process.

You felt how your cock deformed her inner walls into the perfect mold, something that only made you harder and more eager to piston her insides faster.


With a short scream, you did just that, ramming in and out of her cunt without caring whether or not the damn hen could handle it.

The combination of your pre cum and her girly fluids connected your pelvis together, saving her from making her insides even more of a mess.

She moans and squawks as you fuck her cunt, of course you didn't only piston in and out of her big dick or not that wouldn't be nearly enough to give her a good time.

So, with a mischievous smile, you use your mysterious 'power' to find out more about the hen's biology, and sure enough, you find exactly what you want.

"Oooh~" The hen's moan takes you out of your musing, with a devious smile you force her head towards you while freeing your left hand from her pawned feet.

The moment your eyes meet her face morphs into one of both fear and eagerness no doubt noticing your smirk.

You give her no time to speak as your hand shoots toward her pussy.


The hen squawks as you start to tease her clint, Her head tries to shoot up under your grip as she forcibly grasps the bed's mattress, and her spine shoots up while you continue to pound her cunt, this time making sure to hit a particular dense spot while staying a second longer inside her to tease her cervix.

While this happened you ignored the slight green glow of your horns.

Taking your hand out of her beak You then slap her ass with enough force to make it jiggle, leaving a red mark behind.


The hit in turn caused the griffoness to moan and her insides to tighten their hold on your cock.

She then suddenly stiffened, her back arched even more while she let out a moan, this one far louder harder than the others...


Even while feeling your cock getting covered in cum your lustful mind only thought she wanted to escape.


Growling in anger you used all your strength to pin the griffoness back into the mattress, She said she wanted it rough, and you were not about to make her a liar.

Her claws shot to your back in fright the puny woman probably tried to scratch you as you jackhammered into her convulsing pussy, back and forth you slammed into her, the hand resting in her pussy shot out to her wings and started caressing it.

"IiiIIIEeeEEEEe!" The griffoness stammered letting out incoherent sounds while convulsing under the assault.

You couldn't see her stupid face the woman's beak being entirely smushed into your chest, still, you didn't care.

Finally, you started to feel the pressure in your loins as you kept shattering her pelvis with each slam, you lost all control, gripping her wing and ass you somehow went even faster, the hen's pleasure mattering little in comparison to your release.

"Mmmmmmm!" She screamed while pushing her face even deeper into your chest, a stupid smile plastered on her face while she did it.

A second later you feel it, the moment of no return.

You slam into her one last time as you unload what was practically all the content of your balls inside her, Fearing that she would escape you grab the Griffoness and hold her into a thigh hug.

Her walls moved around your dick, doing their best to keep milking your thick load, her legs managing to get enough strength to aid you in the task of not moving your hips away from each other.

Seconds later you shot the last rope of cum inside her, staying inside her for some seconds more you manage to come back to reality, your breath was heavy and your body full of sweat, saliva, and cum.


Hearing Gilda's groan your eyes widen, looking down you notice that you are probably still crushing her, and reluctantly you move away.

Smiling softly you watch the past-out Gilda smile goofy a pleased smile plastered on her face.

'I want to see more of this.' The thought randomly enters your head, You don't think you love the griffoness quite yet but there is definitely something there.

With how messed up the world seemed to be you didn't think you'd ever find a woman to settle down with.

You may be getting a little ahead of yourself now but this griffoness gave you a little bit of hope that you wouldn't have to die alone in this alien world.

You let out a sigh, you were about to cuddle with Gilda when you suddenly hear a sound to your left.

Moving your eyes towards it you see something that makes your still erect cock pulse inside of Gilda, the griffoness insides still trying to milk you even after all that.

There on the ground was Gabby, her back pressed against the head of the bead, her face absolutely red in embarrassment at being caught.

The cute griffon tried to cover it with her two claws, but even then she clearly gave her eyes enough space to keep seeing your depraved act.

But what really calls your attention was her open back legs which show her well-hidden treasure.


There you manage to properly see what equipment the griffin had, You were extremely pleased that was somewhat like a human woman, the fur and flesh transitioning so perfectly you wouldn't have noticed had you not been looking at it closely.

Her genitals were absolutely wet with her cum, under your gaze the diminutive girl subconsciously spread her back legs giving you a full view of her pussy.

And... Are those black paw pads? Your power told you about that right? Maybe? You are too horny and drunk to remember, or even just care really.

Licking your lips you slowly move away from Gilda while still keeping eye contact with Gabby, The small griffon slightly trembled at your gaze.

Gabby's eyes slowly started to become smaller after seeing your still erect cock.

At the moment you don't question it either, you only care about one thing, and that was the griffon you were looking at.

Once you fully exit the gaping hole of Gilda, Gabby saw how your cum started to flow out of what was once a cocky and aggressive griffon.

Shaking her head she closes her legs in clearly panic and dismay.

That snaps you from your trance.

You blink and gently move closer to her, something that only made her try to get away by pushing herself into the headboards, You had to admit seeing her react like that hurt more than you thought it would.

"G-Gabby? something wrong?"

She was breathing heavily, but not in a sexy way, it was clear she was very scared, getting an idea you crouched slightly trying to look smaller while moving closer to her, she then closer her eyes and let out an even more heavy breath.

"I-I just... I don't think I can take it..."

You move closer to her and finally put her into a hug, she stiffened a lot for a moment until you put her into your chest fluff, "Shh, we don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Her trembling started to subside with her breath, gently you started to caress her head.


She remains silent for a while longer, putting on a kind smile you take her face out of your chest and slowly move her head towards yours, caressing her cheeks you keep your voice soft and playful.

"What happened to the Gabby that wanted me to give her a good time? eh?"

She flushes in embarrassment and looks away, "I just... I didn't know that it was going to be... this rough... or intense"

You blink and look at Gilda, her ass was completely red, both from the slaps and your tights sliding into her.

Maybe... maybe you went a little overboard.

Your semen still flowed out of the griffoness and now that you look at it her stomach looks slightly deformed because of your load.

Whoever sent you here gave you a body fit of a hentai protagonist.

Gilda's leg twitched while her face was frozen in the perfect image of pure bliss The woman had passed out in the middle of the act, Huh, you hadn't noticed that, not that you'd have stopped even if you did.

You let out an awkward chuckle, "Well, I wanted to go slow but she kinda got on my nerves... We can go a lot slower if you want to." This made her stiffen, but then she relaxed a little and looked you in the eyes, she really looked insecure about all this.

"Or... I can eat you out until you cum~"

Her eyes went wide as she gulped, after a moment she nodded, giving her a sincere smile you hugged her closer and kissed her neck while at the same time caressing all of her body.


Slowly moving down you kept kissing her body, briefly you noted how soft her fur felt, was she always like this? Or did she pass something in her body?

Arriving on her locked-up legs, you slowly parted them apart with all the care in the world.

"Well well well, what treasure have I found here~?" Gabby trembled slightly at your tone, her legs tensed for a second but did not close.

Your eyes fixed on her pussy lips and teats over her lower belly, even with all her panic her entrance looked ready to go, but now isn't the time for that.

Giving her a seductive smile you gave a big lick to her entrance while she maintained eye contact with you, you manage to get a small shudder out of her and slowly she started to get a half-lidded look, her cheeks slowly turning red.

You gave another, broader lick and then you suck into her flower.



Moving your tongue inside her you almost went cross-eyed, the feeling was... Weird, a good kind of weird, she felt soft, Malleable, much like Gilda it felt like you were getting hugged by a comfy, warm meat blanket.

Your cock pulsed as you felt her juices enter your mouth, it smelled, nice, sweet even, fortunately, Gabby made sure to clean herself before coming to the bar.

Extending your tongue you slowly moved through her walls, You don't know exactly what she tasted like, but you know one thing, you like it.

Getting more enthusiastic you move your tongue up, just to clamp your mouth on her clitoris and suck.


Her moan was music to your ears even more, it was motivation enough to do even more, your horn glows as you extend your tongue impossibly far inside the griffoness.

In hindsight, her reaction should have been expected, instantly she slammed her legs around your head pushing you even further inside her, the impact was not strong enough to make you stop, so you kept going with even more enthusiasm.

Had your mouth not been full of pussy you'd probably be smiling right now.

Gabby's claws shot down, holding your head and trying to push you even further inside her together with her tights.

"yes, Yes, YES, YEEEES! Go deeper Nonny eat my pussy like it's your last meal!"

The griffoness lost all signs of reason and started to use even more strength in her attempts.

Smiling you do just that, sucking her clit you slowly started to spell the alphabet into her pussy lips while groping her perfectly round ass, compared to Gilda's Gabby's was softer and bigger, you certainly enjoy the difference in it.

You were about to enter into a trance when you felt her claws stop your head by gripping your horns, looking up you see the Griffoness breathing heavily, her face plastered in a deep blush.

She seemed to have gone back to herself

"Ok, ok, I-I think I'm ready."

You raise an eyebrow and open her legs, "A-are you sure?"

She timidly nodded as you rose, she gulped once your still erect manhood rested in her belly, "T-that is going into me?"

You nodded even if her eyes were locked on your cock, "Yes... We really don't-"

She shook her head hard, "N-no, is fine... we can just... do it slowly, 'kay?...please?" Your heart almost broke, she sounded scared, you didn't like that, not at all.

Gabby is a sweet and caring Griffon, if possible you'd only want to see her smile, readying yourself you crawl closer to her, Taking her chin you move her head towards yours, Giving a soft smile you slowly approach her.

"Now, nothing like that, I want my Gabby to smile at me 'kay? I'd never hurt you my little Griffin, but I will love you."

Gabby lost her voice, her heart pounded in her chest a hundred times per second, is this what love feels like? This Cock is just too perfect, if she didn't know better she'd say she was dreaming.

Bringing her face to yours she gives you a soft kiss, not one of lust and passion but a loving and caring one, every second that you two are connected she seems to relax even more.

She moved her claws into your back and you finally broke the kiss, her panting, clearly starting to get hot under the collar, "I will enter now, Okay?"

She nods and you put yourself into position, she lets out a gasp as you start to slowly enter her.

Closing her eyes she starts to tremble, her insides getting too tight for your liking, so you once again moved her face to meet yours and gently kissed her.

You don't know what God created the Griffons but you thank it for making their beaks so soft, maybe that's why they have teeth? Retractable ones even.

The kiss does the trick as she relaxes again, her wings fluttering at the love that she is getting, Slowly her insides start to relax once more.

You slowly started to move again until you felt something stopping you, your eyes went wide and you stop the kiss and look into her eyes, You had not reached that far into her before, so it could only be one thing.

"I... Is this your first time?"

She gulped, but nodded, "It... it is going to hurt too much?"

You shook your head, normally you wouldn't panic, but this manages to save you enough to remember a little of the spells you were reading.

You tried to drug yourself with it or aid you in to your dry spell...

Putting your hands into her stomach your horns light up for a moment, Gabby looked at them in slight awe, but in an instant, it was done.

Before she could ask what you did, she suddenly let out a moan, not of pain, but pleasure as you penetrated her hymen, you smiled but didn't stop hilting into her as her wings open a little bit once you finally met her true end.

Her wings flapped a little while you enjoyed being so inside of her, The pleasure was good and only got better as the part of you that wanted to make love to Gilda became ecstatic.

Gabby finally looked up at you, meeting your smile with one of her own, something that only made her seem even cuter, her face was very much like a tomato, and her eyelids were at different altitudes.

You started to hum a song while tracing the muscles on her back, something that only seemed to make her relax even more, subtily you noticed her stiffening for a moment, the next moment she lets out a moan as you touch her wings, to be more precise, the base of them.

You let out a devilish smile as you start to massage them.

You didn't have much experience, but judging by how she was twitching from inside and out, that probably didn't matter.

"M-more, please..." Your smile becomes bigger when you finally started to move, as you did one more thrust, you sit up.

Being in the lotus position now, you had Gabby and her perfect ass resting in your lap, using one hand you started to move her up while slowly tracing her wing muscles.

Gabby let out another moan and she put her head into your chest, her hands trying to hug your closer while also tracing your back as she flapped her wings.

Once you were about to exit her entrance, you started to make her go down into your rod once more, this time having one hand supporting her and another into the back of her head.

Her leg twitches as do her moist insides.

When you were finally again by her end, you noticed how an inch or two were out from her girly juices combined with the blood of her virginity, but you didn't care, you only wanted to make this griffon have a great time with what she could take.

Big is your surprise went she manages to support herself with her own back legs and starts to move up by her own efforts, then she hilted herself a little hard for your liking... she didn't seem to care though.

She looked up at you with a lust-induced drunk state, weirdly enough she had hearts in her eyes even more, She looked like she was about to fall asleep at any moment, "Please take care of me, 'kay?"

You smile and start to aid in the task of penetrating herself, but her face keeps looking at you... her beak seems a little lonely, so you move your face and kiss her deeply, she finally closes her eyes as she meets your hips with yours.

Slowly was the process of loving her, but then suddenly her wings snap open and her walls convulse around your shaft, you hilted her, fully knowing that she was cumming.

After a while she finally relax, she look at you confused, "Y-you still don't cum?" you shook your head and were about to say that didn't matter, but then she started to move again, this time a little faster but shakier, "Then we better fix that, 'kay?"

You wanted to protest, but, your words died in the throat as she kissed you again.

You comply and move faster this time.

This wasn't like the rough hate fuck that you had with Gilda, here you could appreciate all the minute details of this amazing griffon.

How her hot breath hits your face while you kiss her, how her chest inflates and contracts at a fast pace, how her ass meets your pelvis and balls, and how her boobs -bigger than Gilda's - rise against your belly, her wings instinctively flapping every time she goes up.

You also started to massage and mold her ass, stretching her holes in the process, something that she seems to enjoy as she starts to purr.

Gabby once more cums into your dick, her walls becoming a little 'painfully' tight, when she opens her eyes once more it was obvious that she was in her last ropes, "H-how long?"

"I'm about to finish-"

"The fuck me harder, fill me up with your seed, claim me-." You smile and start to move faster.

You didn't lie about how close you were as only twenty seconds later you finally hit your limit, slamming into her you hold her in place.

You were surprised when she hugged you with her back legs and arms... You were more surprised by the wing hug that you got while releasing your load into her.

You meet Gabby's face one last time and hold her there while her pussy milks the last cream of your load, as you finish you detract from her face and look at her starry eyes, "I... did I do well?"

You smile and kiss her forehead, "Yes, you did perfect Gabby."

She gives you a big smile and hugs you for a while more, but then you feel her body going limp, you know what happened very well, she passed out.

'Do the creatures here have less stamina or do I just have more?' You asked yourself while holding Gabby.

Putting her into the bed you proceeded to fully get out of her insides, instantly cum and blood came out with your dick... which was still fully erect.

You frowned at that, but you had too much dopamine to care for right now... Or that was until you saw the entirety of Gabby's sleeping form.

You wanted to do it again, maybe it was because of the Griffoness' beauty, maybe because of her position, or maybe you are just a pervert, In the end, it didn't matter, your libido talked with you, it wasn't quite finished yet

You gulped and look at the two passed-out griffons... Then you finish looking at Gilda...

Surely she wouldn't mind, right?

Being used like a cum dump and all that?

Having her holes used as flashlights and all that?

Being fed cum in her mouth?

Probably not.


As you come closer you put your member into her, her limp body not responding as you started to move again without care for lubrication your previous load was working perfectly as just that.

You could lie and say that her unconscious walls were unable to stimulate you enough to entice you to keep going or cum...

But there was enough pressure that still made you shudder in enjoyment.

Or perhaps was the sole fact that you were fucking a woman, not caring if she was awake or not.

You move her closer to the edge of the bed and her limp body didn't protest as you keep moving inside and out, At some moment you don't feel like keeping the slow pace that you are having and start to move faster.

You don't know what was it about all this if it was the fact you were fucking an unconscious girl or how you are fucking someone, but there is a certain magic to fucking her limp body.

You felt how your climax was creeping slowly.

You still saw how once in a while her wings twitch again slamming inside her, or how her goofy smile had become bigger.

You can think of ways to better use that mouth, She is enjoying herself while you help yourself to her body, surely she wouldn't mind receiving a treat.

You didn't know when it happened but you were going basically at the same speed that you had when she was awake, this time being mindful enough to not ruing her ass.

Your member enters and leaves her practically unmoving walls full of your cum and her juices.

Finally you slam into her and cum once more, filling her cunt with even more of your cum.

Her belly becomes slightly bigger as you keep yourself inside her, your breath heavy and sweat coming from your body.

When you finish you move out expecting to find your member becoming flaccid this time...

Only to see how your cum came out and her belly started to become small again... all while your tool was still standing in attention.


You expected your lust to disappear thanks to your doubts and weirdness of the situation...

It didn't.

You sigh as you move once more, fully knowing that you would have a long night waiting for you.

You hoped that Gilda wouldn't be too sore in the morning or when she wakes up.

...You probably should make a potion or lotion to help her anyways.


Moving through the bed you sit on her chest and take her head, guiding it toward your member.

"He...hee~" The griffoness laughs and licks the head of your cock. "Mooore~"

Your horns glow, without hesitation, you push her head, forcing her to take the entirety of your member inside her throat.

You would do that potion after you become fully satisfied or after some loads more, maybe three, a dozen or so at maximum.