

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

We need to talk

{ as always bla bla bla }


-Let's move the ugly worm! You only have a kilometer left! "" One dragon emperor is training now.

-I'll die now!

- Remember about the harem - After that, he began to run active and without pretensions, hmm, the big dragon, and that says it all.

Finally, having reached the end of the distance, he fell, seemingly the little boy overworked.

-Drisch, at ten years old I was stronger than you.

-You have been a dragon all your life, and I am a human!

- Fairly. - I said and used healing on him

- Now go somewhere and do something so that my eyes will not see you.

-Wow, what a good teacher. -He said.

I teleported home. Immediately noticed Ophis sitting in the kitchen and blushed a little. That incident yesterday still does not get out of my head ... As I told her for over ten thousand years, so in theory everything is fine, but ... She's damn loli ... You know, in my 500 years of life, a lot of shit happened and I wouldn't care about such moral concepts, but ... I'm still trying to stick to human morality. But what the fuck is the moral of a soul eater?

Okay, let's leave such thoughts for later, for a start, let's do what I came for. Having found Maria in the hall who was showing something to Gabriel on her phone, I decided to spy a little.

- I can't believe he really fall for his sister! - At that moment I had a micro-heart attack.

-Yes, and I told you that he is some kind of strange, but you did not believe me!

- What are we talking about? - I decided to interfere with their diologist.

-Ow h-hi Midir- Maria greeted nervously.

- Maria, you seemed to tell me that you deleted that video, did you lie to me? - Oh, how she shakes.

-N-no, why would I lie?

-Maria finish this performance, and you petty answer WHAT THE FUCK WAS YESTERDAY ?!

- Nothing, and you have no proof at all.

-There is this phone with a video! -With these words he showed the phone on which the last night was recorded. I quickly teleported to him, took the phone and fled into the pocket dimension -... That's a clever bitch!

As soon as I was in the pocket dimension, I put my phone in a pile of things, and decided to see what the golems brought me. Again, almost all rubbish but there was a strange magic ball.

[Hitler's Ball

Item class - Divine

A magic ball that gives the opportunity to get some of the abilities of one of your past incarnations.]

Ah, okay then, perhaps give me the abilities that I had when I was Shigaraki Tomura.

[Abilities received: Decay lvl 3- Allows you to destroy objects at will if you touch them.

All For One lvl 1- Allows you to steal the weak abilities of a defeated enemy or if you are allowed.]

Oooh how I missed the Decay! It was one of the coolest abilities I have ever had! And All For One is also cool, stealing other people's powers has always been a pleasure!

[ Attention! A quirk factor will be implanted into your body to inject new abilities. You will be unconscious for a while.]

Are you fucking serious?! I thought and fell unconscious.

Pov Ophis

It was the strangest moment in my life. To begin with, the brother did not return home for a long time, then when he came it turned out that he had found the current owner of Ddraig. And then it started suddenly panic seized him and some strange feeling, he said that he felt bad and wanted to sleep on a separate bed. Then he slipped and ... He fell very badly. And then we kissed, it was my first kiss and it was strange, but ... Very nice. I know a little about such matters and I know how they usually end ... Nights like this. And ... To be honest, I wanted this, but Maria intervened and my brother just fell asleep saying that I should forget about it, but I can't. This is ... I don't know what to do with my feelings. I felt that my brother teleported to the house, talked to Gabriel and Maria and teleported to his pocket dimension. Maybe I should talk to him. After teleporting there, I found my brother lying on the floor. Quickly running up to him, I calmed down, he was alive, but there was a strange energy in him that was fixed in him. This energy did not harm him, on the contrary, it strengthened him. To begin with, I teleported with him to the house and laid him on the bed. It looks like as soon as the energy gains a foothold in him, he will wake up, and I can only wait.

end Pov Ophis

Ahhh is buzzing like a head, it feels like he drank a liter of vodka in one gulp. Opening my eyes, I found myself in my room. Most likely Ophis found me and brought me here. I wonder how much stronger I have become.

[Life 655020/655020/655020 per hour

Mana 1144580/1144580/1144580 per hour

Infinity - 1637040/1637040/1637040 per hour

Sp 7205/671 per day

Titles - Infinity Brother, Cutie, Caring Brother, Lolicon, Family Incest, Deceiving Oneself, Dracula's Apprentice, Diligent Apprentice, Typical Anime Villain, Dakimakura of the Infinity Dragon.

Race - Dragon of Infinity

Class - Mage

Specialization - Battle Mage

Professions - Chef

Subclass - Swordsman


Strength 113320

Agility 120640

Stamina 136,560

Intellect 112800

Wisdom 113900

Magic 178840

Spirit 155 260

Soul Sword - Stage 5 Soul Eater Armor.

New abilities

Decay lvl 3

All for one ur 1]

I have become more than 10 times stronger since my specialization. Now my strength is equal to thirteen evil dragons, and this is not a bad start.

I saw Ophis come into the room.

-You finally woke up.

-Well, it looks like that.

-...We need to talk.

-I agree.