

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Did i really do this

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And who has been waiting for 18+ sense i m gonna disappoint you but don't worry maybe in the future}

-...We need to talk.

-I agree.

- Perhaps I'll start, these emotions that I feel ... I myself do not know what it is, but every time you leave I feel bad, every time we are together I feel good, and every time you return home all beaten and my heart hurts. I just ... I don't want to see you hurt, I don't want you to go somewhere, I want us to always be together ...

-... I understand, I also want to be near you, I don't want you to worry about me and I don't want to go anywhere, but ... I'm afraid ... I'm afraid that when you are in danger, I will not be able to protect you , I am afraid to be too weak, I am afraid to be a burden for you, I am afraid that I can be used against you. That is why I am looking for strength so as not to be a burden for you, which is why I am fighting. - I decided to give everything as it is, but I am afraid that I will not be able to protect her when the time comes. I have become attached to her, in all my life I have never been attached to anyone, especially so much. Getting out of bed, I went up to her- Ophis our feelings are mutual, it's stupid to deny the attraction between us. Would you like to spend this eternity with me? Not as a sister, but as woman/?

... Yes, I agree. -We hugged each other. I love her, she loves me. And this makes me feel great.

[Quest - The Infinity Guy is complete!

Reward +1000 to all characteristics.]

Hey, God, if you hear me, thank you, because it was thanks to you that I found my place in the world, and for the sake of which I will stay in this world. And yes, I'm sorry, but it's time for your personal hitman to settle down.

We lay down on the bed. And you know, I recently thought about one topic ...

-Ophis, can't you change your appearance?

-Well, yes and what?

- Can you make yourself older? - So she did, now she didn't look like a gothic lolita, but like an eighteen year old girl.

-And why do you need it?

-... So as not to feel like an asshole {and F.B.I}. -After a couple of seconds we were in the same position as yesterday- You know your sister is very greedy and practically without a moral brother, this time I will take not only your first kiss .- Said I kissed her and when it ended we were connected by a thin thread of saliva that broke when I moved a

I teleported us to the pocket dimension, here 1 day is equal to 1 hour on earth. Yet we dragons are quite hardy creatures.

{sorry but no 18+}

After some time

I woke up in a pocket dimension. I do not understand the joke, what am I doing here? Seeing next to her completely naked Ophis who looked 18 years old, memories flooded into my head. I blushed instantly. I DID IT ?! I REALLY DID IT ?! Well, at least I thought of asking her to change her appearance, otherwise I would have died of shame! She woke up. It seems that she did not immediately remember what happened, but she remembered ... You know, I'm generally surprised that she can blush at all, even more so much ...

-... Hey little sister are you okay? - I decided to ask most stupid question.

-Uhhh brother you were too rough - She looked at me with resentment.

- ... What is so rough? - she nodded in agreement. - Well, I'm sorry.

-Okay, I forgive.

-Excellent, okay, change back, get dressed and let's go, I said, creating clothes on myself.

Here we are back in the real world. Where Gabrielle and Maria ran into us.

-Where have you been ?!" Gabriel asked.

-Hey, why yell at once?

- YOU WERE NOT 2 DAYS! - It turns out if there is 1 day there is one hour here then ... Yes, I'm just a car!

-We were engaged in a very important and urgent matter.

- And how? - Maria asked.

-... Doesn't matter- The Ophis answered.

Damn, if we weren't there for 2 days, then red was messing around all the time?

-And in general you missed a little, endurance training.

... Actually, I didn't miss it, but just changed it.

-Okay, I'll see you!" I decided to teleport away, and I did it successfully.

I teleported to the red in the house, he was now asleep, although he had to train!

- Get up pig! Get up bitch! "I kicked him several times.

-Ahhh teacher don't hit!

-Why aren't you training cunt ?!

-But the teacher was away for 2 days! I have been training all this time, and today I took a day off.

- He took the day off! You have a day off according to plan only in 3 months! quickly got dressed and went to my usual place! If you are not there in 10 minutes it will be the saddest moment in your short life!

-But the teacher to go there 6 kilometers!

-You did not understand me? I said FUCK FAST! - I teleported to the forest and waited. Issei came running after eleven minutes. It is immediately clear that he was running fast, in fact, I thought that he would come running in about 15 minutes.

- Well done! Has come running! But only a minute late FUCK! Oh, okay for the first time I forgive. Today i will teach you your dragon power. And at the end, sparing.

4 hours later

Issei fell exhausted after my next blow, I certainly didn't hit him with all my foolishness, but enough for him.

-You spent all your strength at the beginning and now you are defenseless! In the beginning, you cannot use all your strength, otherwise you will die later! .. Why did he lose consciousness?

- (Indeed) .- A voice answered me from his glove.

-O Ddraig you have finally awakened.


-It's good. So you wanted something or what?

- (Yes, I wanted to ask why I can't feel your aura?)

- And this is all because of my mask. I created it to hide my aura.

- (Never met an artifact like that.)

-Well, what is it. Okay, I'll take the boy home and go I have other things to do. "I said and teleported Hyoudou home before healing him.

Now an ordeal awaits me, I must begin the search for Cain. Which Cain you ask. And I will answer you the progenitor of all vampires and the brother of Abel. Why do I need it? Everything is simply considered that Cain is the son of Adam and Eve, but it is not so, Cain is the son of Eve and Samael. And also because of his kinship with Samael, the curse of Samael gives him strength. For those who do not know, Samael was cursed by God, and because of the curse, he became the most powerful dragon slayer, in other words, he is the natural enemy of all dragons. And according to the plot, in the future there will be a mess with Samael during which Ophis will suffer and I, as a caring brother, must protect her. And since I am a dragon, he will very easily endure me, therefore I need Cain, I will find and devour his soul and I can not only not take damage from the curse of Samael, but also strengthen myself at the expense of him. And using the soul of Samael, I can create an artifact that can chop any dragon into pasta.

In order to find Cain, I need to find his children. To begin with, I wanted to go look for them myself, but then I thought, "Why the fuck do I need golems then?" I created 16 golems, 13 for the search for the third generation of vampires and 3 for the second. Naturally, three were stronger than those thirteen. Although I doubt that three of them will be able to find anything, according to legend, three vampires of the second generation were killed. But just in case. Having sent out the golems, I returned home.

I met Gabriel and Maria who were saying something to Ophis.

-Hi everyone .- I said hello.

-O appeared not dusty.

-Hi brother .- She wanted to come up and hug me, but she was stopped.

-Mistress, you shouldn't approach him, otherwise he might do something vulgar to you- Do they now think of me as Issei? This is bad!

-... Too late ... Already done, Ophis said quietly, a little blushing, but she was heard.

- IN THE MEANING OF ALREADY DONE ?! - Gabrielle and Maria shouted in one voice.

Yes, I definitely found my place in this world.