

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Alcoholic dragon

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Pov Hyoudou Issei

I returned home quickly enough, and I was thinking all the way. Everything that happens to me is abnormal! First dreams, then that crap, and the guy in the raincoat. And I don't fucking understand what's going on! I went into my room and ... I felt very sleepy. I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

- Hello again, Hyoudou Issei. I think you have questions. "" That voice is familiar to me.

-First, how did you get into my room?

-I'm not in your room, I'm in your head.

-How did you get in my head?

- Magic.

- I see, now explain WHAT THE FUCK IS WORKING WITH ME ?!

- Hush, hush, I'll explain everything to you. It will take a lot of time - With these words the man began his story

After 3 hours

- That is, you want to say that I am the current carrier of red?


-And you were a dragon who passed on your aura to me for a year so that he would awaken?


-...What for?

-I was bored

-... And what will happen next?

-And then, my friend, we will make a dragon emperor out of you. Immediately I say it will be difficult, you will most likely die, but the result is worth it.

-So stop, why the hell am I supposed to do anything? This mystical crap is funny, but fuck it.

-And if I tell you that you will have your own harem?

-... From now on, more details.

-You, as a red dragon emperor, will have a dragon aura that attracts girls.


-Yes, there were even such Securities who managed to sleep with a new girl every night.

- It was necessary to start with this! I agree!

-Excellent, here you go- he handed me some list- This is a list of your workouts.


-If you feel that it is difficult, then remember that you will have a harem.

-... You know how to persuade.

-Okay, tomorrow I'll come to you after school, and now I have things to do .- The figure in the raincoat disappeared into thin air.

end Pov Hyoudou Issei

It turned out to be easier than I thought. Seriously this kid ... I just said about the harem and that's it! He agreed! Eh, okay it was a tough day, thank the eggs it was over. So where is my vodka?

Oh, for a long time I haven't drunk anything like that, I already feel life. It's just a pity that it's not enough ... Oh, okay, then there will be more.

I teleported into the house, went to my room, and found Ophis sitting on my bed.

-You've been absent for a long time.

-There were things.

-What kind?

-Very important and urgent matters.

- .. Are you hiding something from me?

-No, of course, but so that I hide something from you. Yes, this cannot be - This is me bullshiter of course, I have not heard such a brazen lie for many centuries.

-Then where were you?

-... I have discovered a new Sekiryuutei.

-And what do you say about him?

- A weakling, a complete insignificance that even a renegade demon cannot overcome.

-It's clear, well, it's already night time to sleep.

And then I felt something strange, something like ... EXCITATION ?! So stop! This cannot be, when I look at Ophis I feel tenderness, but not excitement! What the fuck is this ?! No, of course, when I'm drunk on all sorts of garbage, but not so much !!!

[The positive effect of the alcohol you drank worked.]

What the fuck is the effect ?!

[If a dragon drinks a lot alcohol , "DRUNK DRAGON" period is start. it acts as a powerful pathogen.]


[Children will appear.]

Bitch fuck! It feels like someone is setting me up to neigh! I urgently need to get out of here! URGENT FUCK!

-Brother are you alright? - No!

-Yes, all is well-bullshit!

-Then why are you panicking so? And what is this strange emotion you have?

-N-don't pay attention.

-Then let's go to bed.

- Do you mind if I sleep on a separate bed?

-Why? -"Because I even while standing next you i wanna eat you , and if we sleep together on the same bed, and even in an embrace, then I will do something that F.B.I will not forgive me!"

-I feel bad.

-So come here, I will hug you and you will feel better.

-Maybe not?

-Just come here.

Fucking! So you have to get through this night! It won't be easy, but I have to do it! Approaching the bed, I accidentally slipped and fell, but managed to put my hands forward ... The good news did not fall on the floor, bad I am a fucking winner in life!

What is the matter you ask, and I will answer you. I fell on Ophis while grabbing her hands, which were fixed by me just above her head and I myself was hanging top on her ... Why did this crap happen right now !? This is exactly the beginning of an interesting movie!

-Brother, could you be more gentle?

At that moment my heart stopped and I turned gray. Ophis , remember, YOU CAN'T JUST BE SPRAYED WITH SUCH PHRASES !!! Oh, come on, she is more than ten thousand years old, so, purely theoretically, I do not break the law. After quickly taking a couple of screenshots, I made up my mind. Our lips touched, it was a long kiss with the tongue. And when it ended I asked

- Do you want to continue? - Having received a short nod in response, I wanted to continue, but I felt that we were not alone in the room. I threw the spear of infinity into the closet.

-Aaaaa! - A girl squeal came from the closet. The closet doors opened and there was Maria with a telephone.

-Let's without bloodshed." She said.

-It depends on what you say." I said, creating in my hand the spear of infinity.

-Ummm well, I thought that you were a secret couple and decided to follow you, but I did not think that everything was SO serious!

-... Kill the rubbish!

Maria quickly jumped out of the room, I wanted to follow her. But then it dawned on me I have a potion that removes almost all the effects of exposure. It turns out ... I drank the potion and the effect of alcohol faded away ... Well, fuck my brain if I don't use it!

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