

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Boobs dragon

{guys in this ff issei is not fully stupid like original.

And as usual support my books}

One year later

Pov Hyoudou Issei

I have girlfriend FUCK YES! And that's just fucking awesome, the truth is that the teacher said the dragon aura attracts women! Only now ... The Teacher taught me one ability to see the aura, thanks to her I can see who is standing in front of me and the approximate level of strength ... So my girlfriend is a fallen angel.

The teacher told me a lot about them, most likely she just came to eliminate a dangerous guy with a dangerous mechanism ... And this is sad.

Walking down the street, I felt a faint but familiar surge of aura in an abandoned building. Wondering what he needs this time? With these thoughts, I entered the building, where I immediately found a man in a raincoat standing on the ceiling. A man jumped from the ceiling and looked at me.

-Hello teacher- I said

- I heard that you got yourself a girlfriend, she is certainly beautiful, but you noticed?

-Fallen- I answered briefly

-Training was not in vain, so what will you do?

-Tomorrow we have a date, I'll decide on the spot.

- I will insure you, of course you can take her alone, but she may have suction. And yes, did you find out something from the demons in your school?

-Rias Gremory- Sister of Sirzechs Lucifer, has a good power of destruction. Of the servants there is the Father of Swords, Nekomata and the half-fallen one. Sona Shitori - Heiress of House Sitri, sister of Lord Leviathan, wields water magic. It's all.

- Good for a start, okay see you later - Said the teacher dissolving into thin air. And yet the pathos from him and rushing!

On a date.

- It was fun Issa, but would you mind doing something for me?

-And what?

-Can you die for me? - At these words she smiled bloodthirsty.

-But the truth was told by the teacher, almost all the fallen assholes- I said while creating a glove.

- What? - It seems she did not expect this, but it suits me! I quickly ran up and hit it, so that it flew off ten meters.

-I'm not a fan of hitting women, but when they want to kill me, that's another story.

-haa!?, I'll smear you!" She said, spreading her wings and throwing a spear of light at me. But I dodged.


- Is this an amplifying mechanism ?! - Seems like she just realized what kind of ass she was in.


I rushed at her and hit her again, but harder. She threw spears of light at me, but with the power-ups, I can easily dodge them.

(Boost!) (Boost!)

I quickly covered the distance between us and delivered several heavy blows, one of which broke her arm. When she realized that she could not cope with me, she decided to fly away, but at parting I threw a dragon projectile at her, which hit her a lot. But she still flew away, the teacher would bang me for letting the enemy escape.

I felt that someone was teleporting here, I turned around and found a group of Gremory.

-What honor is Rias Gremory herself honoring me with her presence- Seem they did not expect that I could defeat the fallen, they wanted to wait until I became a half-corpse to turn into a demon?

-What happened here? -Asks Rias

- You yourself know the answer to this question - said a familiar voice behind my back. When the Gremory group saw a man behind me, they prepared for battle, but I showed with a gesture that everything was fine.

-You shouldn't scare people like that, teacher.

-Firstly, they are not people, and secondly, I do what I want- Said the figure in the raincoat.

-You are not fixable teacher. So why did the demons of the Gremory group come here?

- I think we can talk about it tomorrow at the occult club.

-That's great- Said the teacher dissolving into thin air. I want that too!

Some time later.

I was sitting in the class, it was already the end of the lessons and I was about to leave, but the king of the whole school, Kiba Yuto, approached me.

- The President calling you.

- start early, finish earlier.

In club.

Going inside, I looked around a little, all the members of the club are here. Akeno is one of the stars of the school and the owner of the biggest boobs in school. Horse-mascot of the club and Kiba-king, just a king. Where is Rias then?

—The President will be coming soon." Akeno said. I sat down on the sofa and waited. Five minutes later, the president of this club appeared.

-So, where is that guy in black? - asked the king.

-Here- Answered the teacher sitting next to me. His unexpected appearance made everyone's heart stop, what am I? I'm used to it. - Well, I think you have questions.

—Who are you?" Rias asked.

-This is the current owner of Ddraiga, Hyoudou Issei- I created a glove on my hand for proof- And I am a dragon and also his teacher- Master turned his hand into a dragon. Everyone got a little fucking from this, well, damn it right, the dragon and the owner of one of the strongest artifacts are sitting right in front of you, then anyone would be crazy. - Any more questions or straight to the point?

-Perhaps to the point. Do you want to become my servants? - the heiress of the Gremory family asked us

-I probably will refuse- Said the teacher.

-Do you mind explaining why?

-Being a demon would make me stronger, but what about serving someone? My dragon pride won't let me. What do you think Issei?

-...I dont know.

-I'll give a hint to agree better- Said the teacher

- is that so, you yourself refused, but I should agree?

-You don't owe anything to anyone, it just helps you become stronger, and you don't have dragon pride.

-In the sense of a pancake, no ?!

-What the fuck is a spy pride?

-... Fair enough.

-If you become a demon, then you can start a harem- Rias said such alluring words. Seeing that I was interested, Rias continued,

-When you become a demon of the highest rank, you can recruit up to fifteen beautiful girls with big breasts-

I can't resist her sweet words!

-Yes, and even more so look at the girls here, maybe you can pick up someone- Teacher joined Rias. I decided everything!

-Ok, I agree! I will become a demon, and then the king of the harem! "I exclaimed.

-Then come here- Eight pawns were shoved into me. Was I upset that I am a pawn? No, because in theory pawns can become the strongest pieces on the field.

- And I noticed that you really wanted your student to become a demon, she said to the teacher.

- I just wanted something not only to look after this piece of meat - In the usual manner the teacher answered. - Now this is your headache, and I have things to do! - Said the teacher, as usual, disappearing into thin air. I'll have to ask him to teach me so.

end Pov Hyoudou Issei