

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

I definitely like this perspective.

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Okay, stop suffering crap, it's time to work. I have moved to my laboratory, yes, I have my own laboratory. Here I am studying various phenomena and not only. Right now I have several projects. Let's dwell on the most interesting of them.

The first is entering a new circle of being, in other words, becoming a spiritual or semi-spiritual entity. This project has several options for the development of events, for example, I can become an elemental and the second becomes something like a ghost. And if we have already discussed the first option, then I think it is worth dwelling on the second in more detail.

At its core, I just need to perform a ritual that will change most of my essence into spiritual. This promises several advantages, the first I will get the opportunity to turn my body into a spiritual one, in this state I can calmly ignore all the damage that does not directly harm the soul, and the spiritual body is not so easy to find for this, you need to see the souls themselves, and few people are capable of such a trick ... And the second plus, I can use a very interesting trick called obsession, in other words, I can move into any physical body, such as golems or those whose soul is weaker than mine. And as a soul eater, I have a very strong and big soul.

My second project is my sacred mechanism and how to enhance and use it. There are also several options. The first is to strengthen my sacred mechanism by adding new possibilities to it by adding new souls. Well, everything is simple and clear from the name, just find creatures that will go for my sword to rip out their souls and use them to strengthen the sword, this will allow me to create a new mode for the sword like Juggernaut Drive. The second option is to absorb the sword for my enhancement. Here everything is just a sword has sufficient energy of souls and by absorbing it I can strengthen myself, this will just help me in my first project of becoming a spiritual entity, more precisely a ghost, more precisely a soul eater.

The third project is Strengthening my energy of infinity. To do this, you can complete the first project and become an elemental, or you can find someone who also has the power of infinity and use his soul to strengthen. Well, or use his soul as a safety net for the case with Samael or for Lilith, but more on that later.

Penultimate project - full activation All for One. Through some tests that I did, I found out that all the quirks that I had in the heroic world remained, they are just locked inside All for One. If this project succeeds, then I can get all the strength that I had when I was Shigaraki, and I'll tell you this is a very serious application, because I managed to steal a lot of quirks including One for All. Of course, One for All is a quirk of the accumulative type and I'm not sure whether these savings remained, but still the project is worth carrying out.

And finally, the very last but most important project is the complete connection with the "gamer Core". The Gamer's Core is something like all my strength that I have managed to accumulate in all five hundred years of my life. In five hundred years of my life, I have never used the Player's Core to its fullest, that is, I joined the Player's Core but not completely, and I had a reason for that. If I fully connect with the Player's Core, then I will become, so to speak, mortal, that is, if I die, then I will not go to the carpet to God and then to the next world, but simply die. Of course, you can not fully connect to the Core, but I decided this world will be my basis for becoming a true god. In other words, this world will be the center of my power, and in the future I will act like a real God and create clones which I will scatter throughout the universe to capture worlds. And full connection with the Player's Core will help me a lot in this. And it is with this project that I am busy now.

Now I'm studying the Hit Ball, I'm interested in how it works, maybe by finding out how it works, I can learn something about the Player's Core. It will be sooooo long but fortunately there are time barriers of one hour to ten seconds.

-Two weeks later in pocket dimension-

After two weeks of continuous work without sleep and rest, I was finally able to deal with this crap and came one step closer to mastering the "Player Core". At its core, the Ball of Popadantz was a magical storage associated with the Player's Core. In other words, the Shar was magically connected to the Core and could draw energy from there and transfer it to someone. However, after the transfer, the Ball breaks down from overload, but it is quite possible to repair it, and then strengthen it. After strengthening with the help of the ball, I will be able to fully connect with the Core, or even more, I will be able to completely absorb the Core, thanks to which I will be able to receive all the powers that I had and will be reborn into a True God, not such as, for example, Odin or Hades, namely in the True God. Yes, I definitely like that perspective.