

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


{have nice day or goodnight}

Finally, this piece of meat has become a demon! I waited for this for so long, cooked it for so long, suffered for so long! Of course, the fact that he is in Rias's suite does not make me very happy from an aesthetic point of view, but from a practical point of view, everything turned out as well as possible! Now I will explain, I trained Hyoudou Issei for several years and he still has not reached the balance breaker, and in the canon he received a strength that even surpasses the balance breaker in a year. And it happened for three reasons. First, in the canon, he was a demon due to which he developed faster than an ordinary person. Second - In the canon, he faced various unpleasant situations such as the attack of Loki or Diadora Astaroth, this gave him a more fertile ground for development. And the third most important one is Boobs! Yes, his main strength lies in his love for boobs! He's a pervert, tit-dragon! And this is its main strength and feature!

I could, of course, use magic to make him normal, but it would have turned out to be my side. If it were not for his love for boobs, he would be the most ordinary Sekiryutii and would be useful to me as an umbrella for a mermaid. I could also give it not to Rias, but to someone else, but even here everything is not so simple. I'm not sure what would happen in the future, for example if I gave it to Sonya then Hyoudou would become her pawn, but then what would happen to Saji? Most likely he would have moved to the Gremory group and then most likely Rias would have married Reiser and what would have happened then I do not know. In other words, purely logically and practically, it was the right decision to convey it to Rias, thanks to this I can roughly predict how events will develop, get a strong pawn and there are still many advantages. And giving up all of this just because it's boring and out of personal dislike for Hyoudou and Rias? What do I look like an idiot? And even more so if Hyoudou becomes useless to me or does something that will harm me, then I have many ways to eliminate him. And I practically don't care what Hyoudou and Rias are doing there, even if they even fuck every day as long as it doesn't bother me. And naturally, if he stretches his stumps to Ophis, then his death will be long and painful.

Okay, with this sorted out now let's move on to two small, but bitch unpleasant problems. Samael's first poison WORKS on me! Now I'll tell you in more detail, recently I managed to get an ampoule of Samael's blood for an experiment, and I realized one thing, Cain's soul does not save my body, it saves my soul. In other words, the poison of Samael does not touch my soul, but it does harm to my body, of course not as much as an ordinary dragon, and in order to kill me with this poison I will have to try very hard, but this poison WORKS, which destroys my plans regarding Samael. And second, I am partially protected from Samael's poison, but not from the rest of the dragon slayers. In other words, if you cut me with Ascalon, it will hurt me very bitch!

Okay, on to the good news, I've managed to get ahead in my projects. Let's start with the quirks. For starters, Decay, I managed to figure out how it works, it creates a kind of wave of energy that destroys everything around. And I thought, "Is it possible to release this wave of energy into the air?" it turned out to be possible, and thanks to this information I can destroy even flying opponents without touching them, however, there are drawbacks, the resulting wave comes out very unstable and quickly dissipates, which is why this attack is very difficult to use at long distances, in other words, this attack is so far weak for now. Well, I also learned to release this wave of energy not only through my hands but also through my entire body. And as it turned out, One for All kept all his savings.

I also found a creature with the power of infinity for my enhancement. The demon of infinity that lives in another reality, far beyond ours. To find, move and defeat him, I will have to sweat, which is why so far this project is being postponed on the back burner.

I also have a new project - the creation of a new sacred mechanism. I'm going to create a new sword for myself, a sword with the energy of infinity. But for this sword I will need a huge amount of time, effort and knowledge. Now I need to create a sword that can withstand the energy of infinity and fill this sword with infinity, then turn this sword into a sacred mechanism. To create a sword, I already have the materials and knowledge of how to create it, but I would like to start by analyzing swords like Exalibur or Durendal, suddenly I'll draw something interesting. Well, I already have options for filling the sword with infinity. The first is to ask Ophis. The second is to create an infinity accumulator and then transfer energy from there to the sword. Third - Add the function of an accumulator to this sword, then simply carry this sword with you, gradually filling it with your energy. I will use all three, that is, to begin with, with the help of a storage device, then ask Ophis to strengthen it and fill it with her energy.

With the Player's Core, everything was rotten, the maximum that I could do was to fix the Popadant's Ball and roughly figured out how to strengthen it

And half a year ago, in the dungeon, my golems found a Lich with a very strong soul, which I used to strengthen my first sword. As a result, I can now use my Dragon Shape Balance Breaker Armor.

In general, I have a lot of work, and in general I almost did not sleep, did not eat, did not drink for the last two months, this is by the standards of the real world, but in reality ... It turns out one hour = ten seconds and so almost two months, taking into account the time in the real world ... In short, a long time. And I just noticed that my work behaves like a hydra's head only worse, then you don't have time to cut off one head as two more have grown, sometimes when I wonder how much I need to do, I just want to hide in a corner and cry, but I I can't because I have to work! Work! Work! I have to work harder! Today we have according to plan ... according to plan inspection of the side effects of devouring souls, an interesting project, but first it is worth making an artifact that relieves fatigue, so that I could work even harder! Well, in general, if you think so, then I'm more tired mentally than physically, can I go to rest? Yet I devote myself all the time to either work or my sister. Yes, I think then it's worth a little rest

I am now in my pocket dimension and came here to work, but then someone grabbed my hand.

-Brother you must rest- Guess who it was.

- Why would I? I still have a lot of strength! - I said,

-You look like a zombie

-Oh, okay cut that , it's not so bad ...- At that moment Ophis took out a mirror and I looked into it ... From there, a mixture of Shigaraki and zombies looked at me. So, stop, if you think about it, this is somehow strange, I'm a dragon and I shouldn't be tired of being rescued by regene ... So stop it seems to me or ... I looked at my status ... Why is my regeneration reduced?

[The blood of Samael you used to test touched you, temporarily reducing regeneration]

So because of this I am suffering so much ?!

- Okay, I admit I was wrong, well tomorrow I will allocate two hours for rest- She looked at me angrily- Three hours? - She still glared at me- No?, well, four is a lot- She took me in her arms and dragged me into the portal ( God, how ridiculous it looks) We ended up in our room, she put me on the bed, hugged me and decided not to let go of the trip. Well, okay, it's time for me to rest, and then remove this infection from Samael. And even more so lately, I somehow paid little attention to my sister - Okay, I'll rest today.

-Not just today, at least three days.

-But,this is too long.

-but I think that is not enough.

- You don't need to care so much about me, after all, i am already independent dragon.

-I think it's worth it.

Oooooo they take care of me! It is so pleasant! The last time only "All for One" {god} cared about me so much, and that only because it was profitable for him ... Damn, Ophis cares about me more than all my parents in all the worlds put together ... And anyway ... He-he-he.

-Sister you know I have accumulated a lot of stress- At that moment I was paralyzed.

-Don't even think about those tentacles I still having nightmares.

- Damn it didn't work