

Google Translate. But i have got my own FF check that out for now. I will rewrite this shit soon enough ————————————————————— I am glad to greet everyone who reads this, My name is ... Never mind, it will take too long to list all my names. It’s not my 1st or the last 4 5 reincarnation, Intrigued? Then read my story. Hello buddies this ff about little brother of loli dragon god Ouroboros Ophis and it’s has incest

ouroboros_01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Fun and wakening of the Red

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In the morning

I woke up, opened my eyes and ... SHE IS STILL CLOSE! So calm! I need to go and have some tea, it always calmed me down ... BUT HOW DO I GET OUT ?! She hugged me like Dakimakura! In general, why should I get out? I'm fine here too, I would even say great. Ahhh sleeping Ophis looks so cute! ahhhh i need to take a screenshot! Ehh so I want to lie here forever! But apparently not destiny she woke up.

-Good morning brother.

-Good morning.

It seems like we should now break our embrace and get up, but ... I CAN'T PANCAKE! My hands do not listen to me and do not want to let her go! And she is in no hurry to let me go.

- Can't you let go too? - I asked


So we would have been lying for eternity if it had not been for a knock on the door

-It's time to wake up sleepyhead. -Said Maria entering the room- It's already 10 am and ... Oh, did I interfere with you? - She asked a little embarrassed.

-N-no, we are already getting up-I said a little blushing.

I went down to the kitchen and made some tea. Damn, I hope Maria didn't think anything like that. Although she used to think that we were a couple, and when a year ago she found out that we were sleeping in the same bed, she was already sure of this, and now she is most likely 100% sure. Okay, to hell with him, I have plenty of other things to do. I'll go to Issei in the late afternoon, and by the way, until I forget I am 2 years older than Issei, and he is now only in his third year of high school just for information. Okay, it's time to do other projects. After drinking tea, I teleported to my pocket dimension, which I created a year ago.

First, let's make a couple of drives, I will rivet the orbs of death. You can make another cross, but there is almost no point in this, all crosses are connected to the divine system, which is why they passively generate energy, most of which goes to the system and a small part remains in the cross itself. But with a sufficient amount of knowledge, you can also steal energy from the divine system yourself. And since Michael rukozhop it is possible to control the system using an ordinary wooden cross. Therefore, with the help of one cross, I can pull as much energy as I need. Naturally, you can't overdo it, otherwise even Michael would suspect something.

Having quickly riveted a couple of Death Orbs and Golems, I sent a couple of these golems into the dungeon by distributing the orbs. And he sent the rest of the golems to make other golems.

-What did you just do?" A voice suddenly sounded behind me. I almost got shit, pulled out a sword and prepared for battle. But when I saw who exactly was behind my back, I calmed down.

- Glad to see you sister, but how did you get into my pocket dimension?

-I am stronger than you, therefore I can.

-Clear. Well, I was making an army of golems.

-What for?

- Well, I wish I had an army of golems.

-...I see

- Why did you come here at all?

-We have run out of cakes, can you make more?

- Well, okay, I'm already free anyway.

We teleported to the kitchen. And I started to cook. So Ophis can get into my pocket dimension, right? Well, it was actually obvious. Or maybe I can take it to the dungeon? I don't know, for all my 500 years of life in the dungeons, I was alone ... Yes, I was always alone ... No, well, I had wives, but this is more for status or a quest. And I never had harems, I am generally a fierce opponent of harems in any form. If you have a girlfriend, then she must be ONE. So I think. With the help of magic, I quickly bungled a couple of cakes and decided to check what loot my golems had knocked out in the dungeon.

Well what can I say ... Almost all trash is for materials or for sale. But I was interested in one bottle of vodka. Yes, by the way, I forgot to say I have been an alcoholic throughout all my lives. What kind of vodka is this?

[ Vodka "Drunken Dragon"

One of the strongest types of alcoholic product

Has one positive effect.]

I'll leave it cool for the evening. In the meantime, we need to teleport to the normal world, after all, Ophis and I have a training session. Entering the hall, I found Gabriel and Maria discussing something, and Ophis sitting on the couch.

- I came. - I said, closing the door.

-This is good, now we will train your power to create objects. First, create different clothes for yourself.

Well, I can create well. I have created on myself a long black cape with a deep hood, black pants and black gloves.

-Great now design me clothes

-Stop me? You?


At that moment I smiled like "Mom, I'm a villain." As soon as everyone saw my smile, Maria hid behind Gabriel and the vampire himself stepped back a couple of steps. Ophis didn't change in her face, but I saw in her eyes that she was already regretting what she said.

- Ok, hee-hee-hee, I will do everything hee-hee-hee-hee. - when I started laughing a little Maria and Gabriel moved further

"Get out of here quickly." Gabriel whispered quietly. Maria just nodded to him and they successfully dumped.

-Let's start? Hee hee hee

2 hours later

Hee hee hee it was the best 2 hours of my life. I took about five thousand screenshots and I almost regret it.

"That's enough for today." Ophis said while creating her usual clothes.

- I don't think so.

-And I think that's enough. -She decided to just leave, hmm a hike when a guy with a smile of Shigaraki is looking at you from all sides for 2 hours, it's not very pleasant.

-Well, little sister, I didn't even create 1/4 of all the outfits.

-You still had things to do, didn't you?

- Things will wait. - I said blocking her passage.

-Well, brother, I'm already tired. -She said in a slightly pleading voice.

-Eh okay, you can go." And she successfully left the premises.

Hmm, I used to be a loner whom no one was interested in at all, and Ophis was the same, and now ... The truth is, love works wonders. Well, I think it's time to go to work.

Pov Hyoudou Issei

Today I was returning home from Motohama, we watched a very cool movie for real gentlemen (Porn). Walking through the park, I thought a little, lately something strange has been happening to me. Sometimes at night I wake up and feel that there is someone in the room, but no one is there. It started about a year ago, so I got used to it. And even in the last 3 months I have been dreaming of a huge sleeping dragon, it was strange, but you can get used to it. But the day before yesterday, in general, some kind of toughness happened for a start, the dragon from a dream opened his eyes, and when I woke up like this, a figure in a raincoat stood above my bed and quietly whispered "Finally you started awakening" I turned on the light, but the person was gone But speaking of good things, when these events began, my muscles appeared, but they just took it and appeared! Yes, and the senses have sharpened, this is certainly great, but ... This is definitely not normal! And most importantly, no one believes me!

After passing the park, I stopped near an abandoned house from this house with a strange smell of iron. And I myself do not know why, but I decided to go there. Going to the smell of iron, I found ... CORPSE ?! All my lunch immediately came out of me. But this was not the worst thing; a huge monster with the top of a man and the bottom of a spider towered over the corpse. The sticky paws of fear bound me, I could not move. But when this creature rushed at me, I was able to jump aside and run. Useless! It is faster than me, and when it was already close, a red glove with a green stone in the middle appeared on my left hand.

[Gain!] {boost}

After this word, I felt the strength in myself and smeared it on the monster, it flew off a meter and again rushed at me.


I hit it hard again, and it winced in pain. But it pierced me with its paw


Heck! How painful! I can feel my consciousness fading away this creature is standing next to me and is ready to kill, but then a voice was heard.

- Enough for a start.

The monster tried to turn to face the voice, but its head flew off its shoulders.

"Well hello Hyoudou Issei." The figure in a dark cloak and with a mask on her face said. My wounds began to heal before my eyes, even the clothes were like new!

-W-Who are you ?!

- It doesn't matter, it's enough for you that I am your savior, but now go home and rest, you deserve it. - With these words he disappeared into thin air

Something tells me that very funny days awaitS me.

End Pov Hyoudou Issei