
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

training day and getting closer to maki

Kevin was laying on his bed thinking of what he just learn he decided to go to bathroom and look at himself in the mirror and he saw himself. But then he decided to focus on something inside his chest and felt like the tail appeared again and his nails felt sharper and his mouth was being covered and his hair was growing and his body felt stronger even stronger that of his normal strength and his teeth felt sharp. Kevin opened his crimson eyes and saw his transformation if he woke up still not knowing about all the jujutsu thing he would have freaked out but now the knows about the spirit that lend him his strength Kevin was actually glad to family figure out what was going on with him he the remembers something he forgot mom told him that he use to have brown hair like her and after he grew up his hair turned pale white he guesses its because of this. Kevin's tail was moving around and he was not used to having a tail and with this thought he decided that this should be a form of training for him he will stay in this form for a couple of days and get used to it he then went to the field that was currently empty he decided to test his abilities while in this cursed spirit form. He started shadow boxing and he noticed that his swings let out a air wave then started to add kicks and his kicks also let out air waves. He stopped and decided to test how much his senses improved in this state and he was not disappointed he could hear crickets and he could smell the air much more clearer and his instincts were also enhanced he decided to go outside the school and decided to let louse in his speed. He was on a building and did some warm ups and got to a running position he was gonna run with no curse energy no positive energy. Just pure muscle memory to a normal Kevin would have just disappeared but in his point of view he was running like he was a bird free from his cage he was smiling under his mouth guard and he had the urge to let out a cry but if he did that he would get the attention of the people below but unknowingly to him someone was watching his display and had a curios look he. After a few more minutes of running and jumping and doing stunts he wet back the jujutsu school but on his way to his room he encountered his classmates and maki and yuta were surprised to see him in his cursed form while panda inumaki and Elizabeth were confused and they got into battle positions Kevin noticed that a few scraps of metal were floating around Elizabeth. Yuta: woah woah woah guts stop this is Kevin. They stopped and looked at him. Kevin: yeah it's me. His voice sounded electric but it was recognizable. Elizabeth: holy shit what the hell happened to him. Maki apparently he is the succesor of some scorcere that is inside his soul and what's special this spirit is from the golden age of jujutsu. Inumaki: salmon. Panda: I agree toge that's crazy. They went to the field and Kevin decided to stick around he noticed that yuta was staring at him. Kevin: what? Yuta: oh sorry I'm just not used to see you in this form. Elizabeth: so how doesn't feel do fell different? Kevin: not really I fell like my strength senses and my speed increases by a lot but I don't feel that different. Maki: Kevin spar with me. Kevin: huh. Maki: you transformed because you wanted to get used to this form right? Let's how you do in a fight. Kevin was about to agree but then. Gojo: sorry to intrude but I'm kidnapping yuta a while. Yuta: huh? In a blink of an eye yuta and gojo disappeared like they were never there after a while Kevin got him self together. Kevin: yeah I would to spar Maki and Kevin got in stances ready to fight. Meanwhile panda inumaki and Elizabeth were watching this and they were curious to see how this go they knew that the one with pure strength was Kevin because of his cursed form enhancing his body but he is still getting used to that state while make was more experience in combat better then Kevin. Sure Kevin killed 6 semi special grade curses but he was in a animalistic state. So Maki has the advantage in experience. While Kevin has his strength and enhanced sense. The fist one to move is Kevin who threw a punch but maki dodges to the side and tries to sweep Kevin's feet she succeeded but rolled out the way but maki stepped on his tail to stop him but the tail wrapped around her ankle and she was tripped Kevin went for maki but maki blocked his punch with her staff and did the trick but a part of the staff broke and maki had enough time to dodge and roll away her training staff reduced to two broken pieces of wood but instead of throwing it away Maki took a stance. And she saw Kevin who was sweating at least that's one favor in Maki's part since Kevin has only been in this form for like a couple of hours he is not used to the amount of strain on his body and maki knew that Kevin is stronger than her but she came the school to improve her skills and to have her revenge on her clan for looking down on her and something was bothering maki like Kevin is the key for to family improved in herself but maki didn't know why fighting him is not it she would have to talk to him bit she is not going to back down now. Kevin was feeling like he just his body was being pushed to his limits but he threw a couple of hits and he was already straining he thought was because he spent all that time running through the rooftops and pushing his stamina to limits he then remembers that he felt a bit tired but seeing his friends his drowsiness just banished until now. He could just call it here but if he did thar maki would not be happy and she would think the he looks down on hee foe being a girl. Kevin knew that maki is the mix of a tomboy and a tsundere and thinking of this he decided not to disappoint maki he knows that even if maki doesn't have a chance she won't submit that easily he refocused and took a stance. But then. Yuta:um sorry to interrupt but maki can you spar with me?. The tense moment banished when yuta appeared. Maki: I'm kinda bust here. Yuta ran down the stairs and looked at maki with pleading eyes. Yuta: I know but I want you to train me on using a sword gojo sensei told me to imbiew the sword with Rika's cursed energy and I can use that to fight curses please I'm willing to anything to catch up to you guys. Yuta bowed his head and panda stepped up in the conversation. Panda: maki let him train with you I mean I'd the little guy wants to learn then let him and he definitely look motivated. Maki looked at Kevin who was back in his human form catching his breath maki realized that if the fight between her and Kevin she would outlast him. Maki: fine but I'm not going soft on you by the time your done you will thank me for training you. Yuta: thank you maki I'll do my best. Kevin sat down and toge was giving him pats on the back as a gesture of concern. Kevin thanks inumaki I'm alright. He then saw how yuta and maki were sparing and maki out all the things she did she did a split and Kevin got a good view on her thighs and he looked away out off shame. He had his urges but he is not gonna be a degenerate and look at maki because now that Kevin noticed her thighs he was now thinking of being squeeze between those things Kevin's biggest shame is to look at girl in a pervert way and he was doing exactly that and no matter how hard he tries he can't get the image out his head unknowingly to him Elizabeth panda and inumaki saw his reaction and Elizabeth smiled like someone found a big secret and so did inumaki and panda. Elizabeth/inumaki/panda.[looks like someone found his girl/she has a chance] but also unknowingly to them and Kevin. Maki could have easily duck and swipe Yuta's legs but she felt like Kevin was starting at her and a small demonic side her decided to tease him so she decided to do a split and without looking maki knew that she caught Kevin off gaurd. And normally she would be ashamed for showing a guy her thighs but maki felt like she just won someone attention to her. She turned around and saw Kevin looking away. Maki didn't know if I was because he was ashamed or because he didn't want to see. But a part hee was actually that at least a guy had a massive sense she and unknowingly to her this is the massive respect for women is what is gonna star a relationship that Kevin and maki will grow to just friends.