
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

a night time talk

Kevin was having trouble sleeping because now that he is back to his human form and thanks to his strong body. he recovered faster Kevin decided to tire himself self and he decided to go on a run towards the rooftops but he saw maki sitting on a bench and she looks like she has looks like that she has trouble sleeping because Kevin could see bags under her eyes. Sure maki has a heavenly restriction but unlike Kevin's hers is not as strong. Kevin decided to make sure I'd she is okay

Kevin:hey maki are you okay I can see bags on your eyes.

Maki was actually spooked and she kicked Kevin in the face but Kevin dodges it. And after that award moment passed maki sat back down on the bench.

Maki: sorry it's just that I've been having trouble sleeping lately honestly I hate closing and think.

Kevin: If you want I can lend an ear trust me when I first met yuta he had alot on his mind and his bags were more worse then yours.

Maki: I'm fi-

Kevin: maki stop. look it's not a weakness to talk about your fears sure it will show that your scared but at least I will feel better to just let it out. Maki you know that pride is a sin?

Maki: yeah so what I'm not exactly doing anything bad.

Kevin: to me what makes pride a sin is because when people are too prideful they end up dead because of stupid decisions. It doesn't hurt to have pride but too much will get you kill. I'm not telling to swallow your pride I'm tell to stop pretending to be tough and actually open up and not push people away like when you first meet me and yuta.

Maki was looking down because Kevin was right the zenin clan are a very prideful clan to the point that they think that people with heavenly restrictions are weak and she was thrown out and looked down on her because she had almost no curse energy and her pride was pushing everything away her feelings. her friends. And her sister. Kevin is actually pride is not a sin because your a bad person it's a sin because it can get you killed and If maki keeped going like this she might end up dead from her own pride.

Kevin saw that maki was lost in though and to at least show that he cares about her well being he patted her shoulder.

Maki: Kevin do you think I'm a bad person?

Kevin: your asking why?

Maki: because I'm prideful does that mean that I'm a bad person?

Kevin: like I said having pride is not a bad thing you just need to learn when to let go and actually open up and not just do everything by yourself you have panda and inumaki to talk to and you didn't talk about your insecurities?

Maki:no I didn't.

Kevin: and that mean that you don't trust them.

Maki: what no i-

Kevin: I'd you do trust does two you would have talked about your mental health but the fact that you didn't share your insecurities show that you just see them as people you just know. Before I got to this jujutsu thing I was scared that I wasn't human.

Maki: huh?

Kevin: I could punch concrete like nothing my senses are enhanced to ridiculous levels and I have a better sense of smell and my hair was originally brown but it turned white I was scared that I was some sort of monster pretending to be human and I told Elizabeth and she just laughed it of and said even if am a monster she still sees me as human that actually calmed my nerves but now that I know that I'm the succesor of an ancient sorcerer I just feel silly.

Maki: listen and she slowly realizes that her mental health might not be in a good state because she always just trains to keep her self from thinking of her anxieties but she actually talked to panda or inumaki about her problems and realizes that if she actually gets does get the strength to kill the zenin clan she won't make it alone there's naoya and naobito who is the current leader of the zenin clan she doesn't have a chance against him if she doesn't have much of a chance against the clan what can see do?

Kevin: maki are you alright?

Maki was sweating a bit because now that she really thought about it she wouldn't be able to kill her clan by herself she looked at Kevin who was worried about her. Maki would be mad some looked at her like she was a fragile girl but in reality she is strong physicly but mentally she is not. She decided to just let out her thoughts.

Maki: I'm from the zenin clan but I was thrown out because they saw me as weak because I had no cursed energy and they separated my sister away from me and she wants nothing to do with me and I don't have the guts to talk to her I want to get revenge on the clan that mistreated me but now that you crushed my pride I started to realizes that If I just use raw muscle I will just get killed on the spot or worse put me in the breeding program. I keep throwing myself into training to just forget about my problems but you again crushed my pride now that I'm thinking of my plans in a logical point of view is suicide. Maki didn't noticed but she started crying Kevin keeped on listening and wait for her to let it all out.

Maki: I just don't know how to face my sister I can't just say hey I'm sorry I'm the reason you became a sorcerer she would just walk away and ignore me and the worst part even though the clan threw me out they still ruined my life and the worst part is I look at myself as good fighter but what the hell can I do with giant curses even the first day you meet me I just got eaten by a curse heh so much for calling myself a professional in curse tools when I face a giant cures i don't stand a chance. I just want to prove that I'm not weak but I really I'm just someone with superhuman physicality and the cursed tools I have is mediocre at best so what can I do just go to my clan and hope that I win? Heh likes that gonna do anything. Maki was sobbing and her eyes were red but even though she is letting out her emotions and crying to Kevin she is still beautiful.

Kevin hugged maki and she didn't push him away.

Kevin: see? Feels better letting it out instead of just bottling everything?

Maki: yeah I actually feel better but it's embarrassing.

Maki blushed and she was still being hugged by Kevin but his hands are gentle and she lean her head.

Maki:you are kinda wierd you know that right you basically read me like a book

Kevin: that's because you remind me of a character I watched in a anime she was prideful like you but she's a sweet girl inside.

Maki: I see... hey what should I do?


Maki: I can't just out muscle the zenin clan and curse tools aren't going to enough what can I do?

Kevin was thinking and he got an idea that just might work.

Kevin: I can teach you how to unlock your positive energy.

Maki: huh?

Kevin: remember what gojo said the reason why monsterly strong is because I have almost no curse energy and I'm 90% positive energy and my positive is strong that it overwhelms my cursed energy. And I have a theory that If I teach your heavenly restriction will make you stronger along with have some control of positive energy. Because gojo said that positive energy is like a more passive version of cursed energy so that would mean that people that have heavenly restrictions might actually have an easier time mastering this.

Maki was surprised on Kevin's idea. But the more she thought about Max bearly has any curse energy thanks to the positive energy but now that Kevin said that she might have an easy time mastering this positive energy she will take her chances.

Kevin: what do you think?

Maki: I have nothing else to work with let's start tomorrow. We have been here long enough

Kevin: you are right

Maki saw Kevin walk away and she decided to give an honest response from her heart.

Maki: Kevin.

Kevin turned around and he was surprised to see Maki smile and it wasn't a grin or a smile of excitement it was an honest smile from her heart and her voice that didn't have an aggressive tone actually sounded sweet and kind

Maki: thanks for listening to my rants really it mean a lot.

Kevin blushed and smile back

Kevin:no problem that what friends are for

The both went to there rooms and for once maki steeped peacefully.