
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

the story of a positive sorcerer

Kevin woke up in a bed and got up with a dizzy but he noticed that he felt stronger than before and felt something in his nails we was about to test out what's new but the door opened and yuta maki and gojo were and yuta and maki looked worried. Yuta/maki: you awake. Kevin: uhh yeah but what's going on I feel unconscious and I heard voices and I woke up here what happened?. Gojo: well my precious student you awaked to your power and it looks like you have been chosen. Yuta/maki/Kevin: chosen? Gojo well I analyzed your cursed energy but now Kevin you bearly have any cursed energy on you. Kevin what do you mean? Gojo sat down and then explained. Gojo you see back in the golden of jujutsu there a legend of a sorcerer like the Great sukuna became a cursed spirit but unlike sukuna he did it to master all arts of positive energy instead of cursed energy he was the only sorcerer that managed to remove the cursed energy from his body and in return he got a heavenly restriction along with massive mastery of positive he and according to the books he died doing a massive blow on the king of curses himself and thanks to that the sorcerer of that era won but this sorcerer never did really from what I've read he master the art of the reincarnation technique that lord tengen knows but unlike tengen he chooses his succesor and he guides them to do some good in this world filled with curses. You my student are the succesor of that sorcerer in a wierd way your kinda like me but of course no effect you can't beat me at your current level but I'll teach you to be stronger than me. Maki and yuta looked at Kevin like he was chosen by a God and from what they heard Kevin has almost no curse energy like maki but unlike her. he can use it to enough to enhance his blows but Kevin is 90% positive energy normally positive energy and curse energy cancell each other out. This positive energy was more powerful. Yuta: hold is that why rika is less aggressive because I was Kevin the positive energy somewhat restored her normal personality? Gojo: it's quite possible. it seem that Kevin's positive energy could have had an effect on rika remember rika was born of cursed energy that its born from negative emotions or feelings. Positive energy is the opposite of cursed energy. Its a more passive version of cursed energy but unlike cursed energy it can be use to use the reverse curse technique which is not simple to learn that's for sure because to use reverse curse technique some needs to be in a state of massive concentrated and calmness. Maki: so he won't be available to use cursed energy? Gojo:he can but it's not as strong thanks to the fact that his positive energy is flowing through his body the curse energy is not as strong. Maki: wait hold on I just realized something if this sorcerer that mastered positive energy why doesn't the whole jujutsu world know about this. Gojo: well i have a feeling was because if everyone knew how to unlock positive energy the jujutsu world would be in chaos also another reason might be because this sorcerer buried the research along with his body. Yuta: if his research was buried with him how did you get this information. Gojo: there were probably some sorcerers that knew the guy and they probably knew that his research was gonna be a high cash grab so they decided to write stories about him instead of revealing his research I found a book that had the title[the sorcerer that mastered positive energy] the higher-ups see it as a joke but it was kept by the research group because it was never confirmed if these stores were the facts or not. Yuta and maki looked at Kevin that looked like his life had a massive turn yuta can understand his reaction he accidentally cursed his friend but finding out that you are the succesor of a long dead sorcerer yeah that takes the cake. Kevin family spoke up. Kevin: the voice is it that sorcerer? Gojo: probably I don't he has the ability to take over your body if anything it looks like he just wants to you to grow his power. Kevin looked at his hand and made a vow. Kevin: I don't think I'm worthy to be successor of a great sorcerer but if he chose me i'm not going disappoint him or you gojo sensei. Gojo had a smile and patted Kevin's back. Gojo: good to hear also you might wanna look down you sheets. Kevin: huh? Kevin lifted his sheet and he saw a tail it's not big enough to cause problems but at the same time. Kevin: what the hell!!? Why do I have a tail. Yuta: you kinda transform into a lizard like curse and you killed 6 semi special grades that's at least maki said. Kevin: hold on if I did killed semi special grade curse what's my rank now? Gojo: semi special grade. Kevin well damn. Gojo welp I got to go paperwork and all that tomorrow you and your classmates will have time to train so see you later gojo left but tomorrow Kevin needs to master his new awaked abilities and his cursed form but it's not gonna be easy