
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

if you don't be want to executed join them

Kevin woke up in a yellow room with talisman every where. Gojo:good morning how are you doing? Kevin wanted to slug gojo in the face but his hands were tied up. Gojo:easy there tiger took I want to talk to you this is something serious. Kevin: do you really expect to trust a guy that threatened to kill me? Gojo: I said might have to kill you I didn't say I was gonna kill you also you threw the fist punch. So for me it was self defense. Kevin: says the guy that has a wrierd sheld. Gojo: OK let's get to talking you noticed that your friend yuta was cursed? Kevin:what? What do you mean cursed. Gojo: I'm that yuta okkotsu has a cursed spirit following him around. Kevin: no I didn't even I did what difference would that make? Gojo: well its because cursed spirits are born are born with negative emotions and thanks to that it creates cursed energy so since you couldn't control your cursed you didn't fell rika orimoto's presence. Kevin: so if you were after yuta and this rika orimoto why were me and Elizabeth on the list. Gojo: that's the thing you and this Elizabeth girl have massive potential specially you. Kevin: me? Gojo: you have something special when you were fighting me your eyes turn more red and your pupils turned slided and your nails turn red and sharper. I have a theory but I'm not sure yet but anyway you have two choices to join jujutsu school or be executed. Kevin: are you fucking kidding me you are threatening with executing me because what I know of this bullshit I could care less about your jujutsu what ever but I was assaulted by- gojo: first of all kid you threw the first punch not me second of all its no me threatening you its the higher-ups you see this old farts think that there unstoppable because of there status but there just old men that could drop dead at anytime and I'll be honest I despise them too but if I do anything like kill one of them they are going to give me a lot of hell and they are the reason why some scoceres with good potential are wasted those old bastard just want control and I think if I get sealed or something those old farts would take the opportunity to declare that if anyone tried to help me they will be considered a criminal.[in the canon timeline] gojo:achooo why do I get the feeling that I someone just jinxed me? Meh it's probably the higher-ups mad at again.[back to the present]. Kevin: so I have the choice to become a jujutsu sorcerer or get executed? Gojo: yup honestly I want you to live because I can see you and yuta have massive potential along with Elizabeth. Kevin: fine I'll join but I wanna visit my mom from time to time got it and nobody is stopping me from seeing her. Gojo: I'm fine with that don't worry I won't let the old farts do something but one thing. They will probably set you up to die or trick you into doing something wrong to frame you trust me they tried so many times with me and failed. Kevin: you better keep your word. Gojo freed Kevin from the ropes and he got up. Kevin:Is yuta and Elizabeth here. Gojo yeah they are in another room I'll guide you. But I'll let you explain the situation to them. Gojo guides Kevin to the room and told that he and the were gonna move to the dorms. Kevin entered the room and he saw yuta curled up In a ball and Elizabeth tied up from behind. Yuta looked up and his eyes lit up. Yuta: kev oh my God I thought you were dead I was worried about you. Elizabeth: is nice to see you knucklehead you would you please free me from these things. Kevin: in a minute look I need you two to- actually the three of you to listen to me. Elizabeth: what do you mean the three of use it's only me and yuta. Yuta was shocked. Yuta: Kevin can you see her. Elizabeth:eh. Kevin: no but I know about her being in this room. Elizabeth: what the hell are both talking about. Yuta decided that he couldn't hide this secret anymore so he explained. Yuta: I'm cursed by my childhood friend rika orimoto she died in a hit and run when were kids I don't know how but she is still here by my side before I met you two she was over protective and was aggressive to anyone that approaches me but ever since I met you guys she became less aggressive and she was talking about how you guys are funny sometimes and she even said that she saw you guys as friends of hers ever since she cursed me she never talked about anyone else other than me so I thought that se liked you guys but that man with the blindfold he saw her and that was the first time I saw rika scared she was just as terrible as me and Elizabeth I wanted to help but what can someone like me do? I have no muscle and don't even have the guts to defend my self from bullies and rika always protected me and If I wasn't weak she would still be human and she wouldn't have become to what she is I want her to be free of me but I don't know how and right now I'm scared of what that man is going to do to us. Kevin and Elizabeth were quite but then Kevin said it's because of cursed energy yuta: cursed what. Kevin: look I don't get it either but the blindfolded guy told me it's because of cursed energy that gives birth to curses. Elizabeth: so that's why this rika girl is haunting yuta? Kevin: probably I don't how this cursed energy thing works but that aside this is something serious right not we have a choice to become jujutsu scorers or get executed. Yuta/Elizabeth: what the hell!? Kevin then explained the details about jujutsu scoceres and the higher-ups. Elizabeth and yuta agreed and they got out to see satoru gojo. So you made your choice. I'll pick you three tomorrow and don't i won't let higher-ups do anything to you three they all went home and Kevin was mentally tired his world was flipped upside down. Kevin:[ cursed energy yuta being cursed jujutsu sorcerers just what has this world coming to?] he had a bad feeling that someone is controlling this scenario like someone not even the jujutsu world doesn't know about he set those thoughts aside and went to sleep but unknowingly he was right he will change the fate of every one including satoru gojo.