
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

the first day of jujutsu school

Kevin told his mom a school offered a bigger opportunity for bettering there family of course that was half so Kevin yuta and Elizabeth got picked and went to the jujutsu school. Gojo: normally you would be doing an interview with the principal but I told that you guys are have zero idea about curses do he agreed on canceling the interview. now a quick heads up there is only 3 students and you added to the picture makes 6 so you will be assigned to 3 teams each. Yuta: but the only thar knows how to fight here is Kevin how do I and Elizabeth come get assigned. Gojo: don't worry you have rika orimoto. At least have a fighting chance. Elizabeth: great I already regret agreeing to this. Gojo well we are here Stay outside the until I call you. With that gojo went to the class room and the 3 could hear voices. Yuta: I'm so nervous what is gonna happen are they gonna just I don't threatened us? Kevin: don't worry. Gojo: you three can come in. Kevin open the side door and went in and stood into the podium. And the saw a green hair girl with glasses. A boy with white hair and a freaking panda. Gojo: you three meet Kevin marks. Elizabeth Lawson. And yuta okkotsu and yuta here is cursed by rika but I recommend you don't attack him because rika will counter attack but anyway hope you get along. Gojo now then to introduce the students to the rokkies. The girl is maki zenin she is professional with curse tools and that's toge inumaki he speaks in rice balls recipes so good luck in understanding him. Inumaki: kelp. Kevin had a feeling that was a hello gesture so he wave as a sigh of a hello back. Gojo: and that's panda he is a panda. Panda: nice to meet you guys. The three had to prosses what the just heard. Kevin/yuta/Elizabeth:[the freaking panda talked!!?] Gojo anyway introducing out of the way you six will be in a 3 by 3 team toge and panda are with Elizabeth and Kevin yuta are with maki. Maki scowled

Yuta/Kevin:[guess she doesn't like me/ what's her problem. Gojo:alright now that the grounds have been assigned off you six go. The ground of six students are walking to get outside the school and started talking. Panda:So you two are foreigners what brought you to japan. Kevin:mom's work Elizabeth: i got taken in by a relevite that lives here. Inumaki: salmon. panda: so how long you two each other meet? Kevin:well me Elizabeth were outcast by the school so me and Elizabeth stock around but I meet yuta when some assholes picked on him. I honestly I hate people that they think there special with nothing to back it up. Maki was about to say something to yuta but hearing Kevin angry face she decided to keep her mouth shut. They got into the cars and waited to get to the school.Yuta: I'm really nervous about seeing these curses gojo told us that some looked terrifying. Kevin: just summon rika and you will be fine man. Maki: your just pampering him you know. Yuta: no he's not I wanted him to teach Mr how to defend myself and I was playing on asking on the day that gojo came for me. Kevin: well you do still have self confidence issues. Yuta: yeah when this is over I want to train to at least not be a liability in a fight. Maki was quiet she thought that yuta was just someone that acted like a victim but she saw how Kevin was willing to help him and yuta wanted to actually grow stronger and not just rely on his curse. They got to the school and ichiji set up a vail and then gojo appeared out of nowhere. Gojo: sorry to a pop in unannounced I was ordered by the higher-ups to keep an eye on yuta. Kevin: let me guess security want to kill him. Yuta was now shaking. Gojo: well yeah but don't worry I have full confidence in you three maki do me a favor and try not to be too hard on them. Maki: whatever. Kevin for some reason couldn't hate this girl because a part of him is actually into tsundere and tomboy and this girl fit his idea of one but still he didn't think to much about it. Maki:knew that Kevin was protective of yuta and she could see why because him and yuta are like opposites yuta was shy and a nervous wreck while Kevin was kinda like her but he is more chill. Maki felt somewhat jealous that Kevin and yuta had a brother like relationship but her. Her sister doesn't want to be anywhere near her and she doesn't have the guts to go to her and talk. Maki:[ I guess I'm just jealous that Kevin is better then me in the big sibling role] they got to the school entrance and saw curses that looked voodoo bags yuta was shaken but Kevin was use to these things. Maki: listen rookies when it comes to minor curses they stay in a group you have be careful with these things. Maki rushed at the curses with her spear and she killed them with perfect foot work and she used the weapon as if she was one with it and it ended in a instant. Yuta was impressed. But Kevin he was in a trance it was like he found something that he unknowingly wanted to find. He shaked his head to erase the thoughts. Kevin: [what the hell is wrong with me I know that she is my type but there no way I have a chance with her. specially with those skills she would kick my ass for sure.] Kevin noticed that something moving in the bushes. and it was a curse that appeared behind maki and it was about to trap her. Maki: shit I got careless. She didn't have time to reach and even if she attack she won't be able to kill it. Maki closed her eyes and expected for the thing to grab her but it never came. she saw that Kevin was grabbing the cursed by the head and crushed it he turned Around and he just head. Kevin: you can say that you didn't need help but your would have die it I didn't stepped in. Maki couldn't find the words to say back because he was right if Kevin wasn't here the curse would have got her. She felt a bit embarrassed for being read like a book. Yuta: maki are you alright? Maki: I'm fine let's go. Was about to walk inside the school bulding but she had the urge to at least be grateful that a attractive guy at least saved her life. Maki: hey Kevin right? Thanks for the save. Kevin it's a pleasure I have a lot of respect for women because men look at women as dools or just baby machine honestly this world needs more good people. Unknowingly to Kevin rika felt a lot of respect for Kevin. As for maki she had a blank face but inside she was actually kinda happy. Maki: why the hell is this guy such a damn gentleman. She shaked her head to concentrate buy she had a blush on her face. Yuta noticed that and he looked at Kevin. Yuta recalled that Kevin invited him for dinner at his house and they watched some anime were the main character is a girl. [Flashback] yuta: hey Kevin you seem to like this character a lot. Kevin: well one of the reasons is because she is my type. Yuta: huh. Kevin: I'm into girls that are tsundere sure they are a hassle but when you get use to them and I also like tomboys there basically girls that act more like guy mix the two together and you have this. Yuta saw the screen thar showed the girl. Yuta: so if you do meet someone like that what will you do? Kevin looked at yuta like he said the moon. Kevin: dude what are the chances that I'm gonna meet a girl like this the chances are zero to none. Yuta: but If you do what will you do? Kevin: honestly I have no clue. Sure Elizabeth is kinda like a tomboy but she is not hitting with me but if met the girl of my dreams. Yuta pray for me because I am gonna fuck it up. Yuta knows that Kevin is usually natural with things but this subject seems to make his head spin. And honestly yuta can't blame If yuta was single up until now he would have the same problems like Kevin. [Back to the present] yuta put 2 and 2 together and he decided to see how Kevin would deal with have his type of girl right in front of him. Yuta[ is this how it feels like to tease someone. No wonder rika enjoyed doing it to me and it's kinda funny but now is not the time we got to get this done.]