
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

meeting satoru gojo and getting recked

A few days have passed and yuta and Kevin were like brothers and Elizabeth and the 2 always. Hung around her garage and like she declared she finished the car and was repaired. And now she was tinkering with machines a few had bizarre designs. One day when the three were in the garage hanging out it suddenly got dark. Kevin: what the hell why is it dark it's still 12 o'clock a.m. yuta:maybe it's a sudden solar eplice? Elizabeth and Kevin looked at him like was an idiot. Yuta: I'm just giving suggestions on what's going on. Unknown: what's going is that you kiddos have to come with me. The three saw a whit hair man with bandages around his eyes and was in black. Kevin: who the hell are you. Unknown: I'm satoru gojo and I'm here to take you in for questioning now do me a favor and just come quietly or I'm gonna be forced to beat you up and honestly I don't want that. He said all that with a smirk on his face honestly if this man didn't ooze and aura of someone strong enough that could beat him with his Pinckney finger he would slug him. Kevin: and if refused? Gojo: I might have to kill you three. He again said this with a smile on his face Kevin had of this guy he tried to punch him but his punch just stopped. Gojo gave Kevin a punched so fast he didn't have time to process it. Gojo walked around Kevin who was coughing like crazy. Gojo: I can tell you have a self taught fighting style but when it comes to me I bearly does anything gojo look at yuta and Elizabeth and also rika. Yuta felt massive pressure just getting looked by gojo even though he was blindfolded he could tell that gojo was looking at him specifically more than Elizabeth he noticed that rika was shaking yuta wasn't stupid he put two and two together he could see here the cursed from of rika. Yuta wanted to help Kevin he really did but yuta bearly fought with anybody and he had no muscle on his body unlike Kevin who was a bit for fit then him yuta okkotsu for the second time yuta okkotsu though he was gonna lose another friend but this he was completely useless this wasn't like rika when she was human. He could have pulled her away but instead she pushed him out of the way so that he survives in this situation yuta can't help yeah could tell rika to help but he noticed that rika was more tamed and was less violent. But now she was shaking in fear even though she is the monster of the group she has still has a personality. Yuta: Rika please help Kevin I beg of you. Rika: that man he is too strong yuta. Gojo:[so that's the curse rika orimoto from the reports given by the old farts she was pretty over protective and aggressive towards anyone approaches who get close too yuta but she looks more calmed interesting. gojo's thoughs were cut off by another punch stopped by infinity but this time it had more force he noticed that Kevin's eyes were slided and looked more ferocious gojo's curiosity was peaked. Kevin keeped at throwing punches. Kevin was blinded by rage and all he wants is to beat the shit of this blindfolded asshole. Gojo was watching this kid's movement the more he missed the angrier he got gojo noticed that his nails where turning red but it wasn't from some overused or injured hands gojo saw enough and put a finger to Kevin's forehead he was about to fall over but then another punch came in but unlike the other punches from before this time the air distorted and black and red lightning appeared. Gojo used his palm to block the black flash but this there was more force behind the blow. Gojo was actually surprised bur the blow that was the first time someone did a black flash on him and if this kid was stronger he would be able to make a dent to the infinity barrier not enough to reach him but I would be an achievement non the less gojo also noticed that Kevin was unconscious. Gojo:[ oh this is kinda rare he is unconscious but his will fight is pushing his limits I should just end this I wasted enough time and higher ups are gonna wine at me] with that gojo got a bit serious and he moved at blinding speed he kicked Kevin the garage walls and made crack on the wall Kevin was knocked out for real a bit dizzy but he is still gonna pass out Kevin's vision wad blurry he though the guy told something like you are special and so are your friends don't worry I let you die in my watch.