
Jujutsu Kaisen: All for one

Jujutsu Kaisen, a world full of gore and violence, filled to the brim with curses and maniacs, a boy is transmigrated into the world of jujutsu kaisen with the power to take powers. What will he do with that power?

truepowerscaler1 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

[ 2 months Later ]

"Hello everybody!, did you miss little old me~" Gojo said with a smile as he looked at his students, Panda and Toge were just sitting down relaxed, Maki and Shigaraki were annoying each other with little things.

"Ignoring me ey~, well I would like to introduce your new partner, come on in!" Gojo called out and everybody in the room looked at the door, the door opened and everybody except Shigaraki and Gojo tensed.

Yuta, walked to the front of the class, he was nervously looking down at the floor, he took a breath before he was about to introduce himself.

"Hello and my name is Yuta ok- ugh!" Yuta looked up and he was scared shitless as he noticed a huge Panda looking at him, a blade stuck next to his head and a guy looking at him with his mouth open.

"What the hell are you?" Maki asked as she felt the atmosphere from Yuta, Panda nodded as he also felt the despairing cursed energy on his body rolling off like waves.

A creepy sound was heard across the classroom, the atmosphere in the classroom became heavy, a shadow being cast over Yuta.

"Don't... Don't hurt Yutaaa!" Maki and Panda jumped back as 2 white hands came out of the wall behind Yuta, A low and high pitch-sounding voice at the same time was heard, the curse took the cursed blade and broke its handle.

"Hmmm~, how interesting, i wonder if I should steal your power," Shigaraki thought as he looked at Rika, he did not care about her copy powers, but her raw stats were probably only behind the likes of Sukuna, Gojo, and Toji, he grinned thinking of gaining that power in a second.

"Hey Gojo sensei, how about you hold her down for a second ~" Shigaraki stood up, his eyes shining with greed as he walked closer to the curse.

"Now now Shiga~, don't be like that~," Gojo said with a pleading tone as he looked at Shigaraki, Rika behind Yuta looked at the 4 of them and she dashed at them.





[ 2 minutes later ]

"So have you guys calmed down~" Gojo said as he looked at the 5 standing side to side with the 4 having bubbles on their heads, Shigaraki groaned as he felt his injuries heal slowly.

"What are we gonna do now?" Shigaraki asked in confusion, Gojo smirked and he put up 3 fingers.

"You, Maki, and Yuta are going on a mission to kill some curses," Gojo said, Shigaraki smirked, this is the first mission he was sent on, in the last 2 months he has been just training in hand to hand with Maki.

"Okay follow me now," Gojo said as he walked out of the classroom. The team walked out in separate ways and the trio followed Gojo out from the jujutsu school until they were met with a car.

They got in the car and they were driven to the place by ijichi, they reached the place and they got out of the car and they saw a school.

"This school is heavily drenched in cursed energy, attracting and creating many cursed spirits, your job is to exterminate them~," Gojo said as he walked into the school while the trio followed him, Gojo explained the jujutsu rules and what not, and then he walked out.

"I will be watching you~," Gojo said teasingly as he entered the car, Shigaraki smirked as his eyes changed, his vision was enhanced and he soon caught sight of the strongest curse in the building.


"Shigaraki wait for us!" Maki said as she ran after him, Yuta seeing this followed after them, soon reaching the inside of the school on the second floor, Yuta was scared as he looked at all the curses floating around.

"Okay, you guys stay back, this is mine~," Shigaraki said as he stood in front of a wall, Maki looked at him like he lost his marbles, she was about to complain when she heard a bang.

Shigaraki plunged his hand inside the wall and he gripped the flesh of the curse on the other side, he pulled with all his strength and the wall collapsed as a huge worm-like curse came out destroying the entire section they were in.


Shigaraki fell out of the building, falling to the ground with a loud bang, his eyes locked on the curse that stood up, at a huge height of almost as tall as the building.

"Damn your one ugly motherfucker~" Shigaraki smirked as he felt his hunger for power take over, he was dying for hunting these creatures during these 2 months.

"AGH!" The cursed spirit roared as his mouth opened, Shigaraki grinned wildly as he enhanced his body to the best of his ability, he stomped on the ground and shot off like a rock leaving behind an eerie silence due to his speed.


The cursed spirit was thrown into the air as the fist of Shigaraki landed on its stomach, Shigaraki jumped back and did a flip in the air with his foot connecting to the stomach of the curse, it opened its mouth in pain and 2 kids fell out unconscious.

Shigaraki caught the 2 kids and handed them to Maki and Yuta, he looked back at the cursed spirit and smirked as he felt the ground vibrate from its mere movement.

"Acidium Drill!" Shigaraki said with a grin, he put his palms together with liquid acid between them, compressed the acid to its outmost limit, and pointed at the curse.


A thin line of green liquid shot out from Shigaraki's palm, it pierced through the body of the curse, But that was not it, Shigaraki dragged his palms and the liquid went through the side of the cursed spirit.


The cursed spirit struggled on the ground as its insides melted from acid, Shigaraki seeing that it was still not dead, jumped high into the air and coated his hand in his tentacle, then with hardened acid liquid.

"Acid red scale!" Shigaraki kicked himself from the air toward the curse on the ground, he cooked his fist back and with all his might he punched the curse.


The school grounds trembled, and a huge shock wave was released as the curse had most of its body turn into powder, and the ground under it caved in before expanding like a wave in the lake.

the crater expanded to 10 meters and the curse lay in it dead, Shigaraki panted as he felt his muscles strain from the effort, he looked at the Curse and then walked towards it.

"Now let's see if your stats are worth it~" Shigaraki put his palm on the cursed body and he felt his body freeze, he felt his muscles compact and ex[panding, and he felt his strength increase.

"Ugh! jesus, it feels good becoming stronger~" Shigaraki muttered, his grip on the ground tightened and his fingers poked the ground with little holes.

"Too bad it did not have any cursed technique ~" Shigaraki muttered with disappointment in his tone, but he just shrugged as he turned around, he was met with Maki walking to him with the kid in her arms.

"Damn you Shigaraki!, why did you not wait?" Maki said with her hand on her hips, Shigaraki just shrugged before he started talking.

"Don't worry about the small things" Shigaraki said with a smile as he walked towards the exit of the school.

"Shigaraki you bastard," Maki said with a normal voice, but she was happy inside.

Soon the trio made their way back to the school at late night, Shigaraki kissed Maki on the cheek before she could say anything and then went inside his room.

"let's see the benefits today~"



Strength: 9 Tons

Speed: 15 x Sound

Durability: Small missile

Cursed Energy: Very High




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