
Journey: The Destructive Incarnate

In the Stellar sea of stars, a giant tree stood, rivers made of countless white streaks flowed throughout its giant body travelling toward its root. Those rivers were made of souls going through the process of rebirth, but among those countless rivers, a certain stream travelled directly toward the stem of the tree. In that specific river, a soul flowed like every other; nothing special about it would have remained as such. Suddenly the space it inhabited collapsed as a brilliant golden glow travelled out of that distorted space. The soul unable to escape got showered by that golden glow, its spiritual body absorbing it. Unable to handle the magnitude of the power contained in the golden light, the soul started to tear up. But somehow it managed to absorb it all, but it came at a cost, as the single soul split into two, one being thrown out of that river. Passing through another river, it made its way toward the root, whereas the other part continued on its way. A soul who got the body to handle the power of the golden glow after rebirth but didn't have it, and a body that had the power but couldn't handle it was created. But fate works in mysterious ways as after the death of one body, the soul finally reunited making someone whole. Neo was the part that got the power but couldn't handle it, this gave him a fate worse than death. He couldn't use mana, in a world filled with mana and where the strong ruled. But his family didn't give up on him or shun him, so to help them even if a little he chose the path of a scholar. Knowing that he had the talent to be a mage but couldn't use mana always ate away his heart. Then on the fateful day when he was four, the soul finally reunited, becoming one. All the talent he had finally burst forth, as Neo was born anew, now with memories of 30 years worth of life and the vast amount of knowledge he had collected in this life. So with that, how will he change this world, how will his existence affect the world, and will he be swept away by this world? It is for you to find out as you follow his journey. ... Here are some additional tags. Crafty MC, Strong Female leads, Yandere

youareme · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Ch.2 Waking Up

The sun shines in the sky, indicating the beginning of a new day for the people. All the men and women walk out of their home after eating a fulfilling breakfast and make their way toward their workplace.

The sunlight reflects on the window of the houses that are in the city, the stone paved street brightens as people start to walk on them.

Food vendors have already set up their shop and merchants count their money as they also got ready to open up their shop. Kids run out of the houses as all of them sprint toward the nearest park as if they had already planned it before.

They are smiling and laughing as they play with each other, rainbow doves fly in the sky as they start to hunt for their food while enjoying the first ray of sunlight.

Every morning normally, people would be currently talking with each other while laughing and playing around with their world.

Alas, today was not that day, as even though the sun ray has hit the ground there is still a layer of unseen darkness in the air. None of the adult are laughing and have serious faces as if worried about something or somebody.

Well, it is a normal environment to have after all, a few days prior the son of the duke had fallen ill and is now in a coma without any sign of waking up.

Normally hearing this and seeing the people's faces, they would be wondering is due to the fear of duke that there is such a mood.

Are the people perhaps afraid of what the duke will do in a fit of rage if his son won't wake up. Are they perhaps afraid what kind of changes that may happen if the Duke decides to turn his wrath on them.

If you think so, you are wrong, no of the people of the Lionheart Dukedom will think of their ruler in such a way. After all, he is an honorable and honest man, he fights for what is right, and he is even willing to sacrifice his life for his people. 

So having such a kind person watching over them, what kind of people they will be if they feared their duke. They wouldn't even be able to bear the guilt of even thinking such a thing and if your friends heard you say such things you may even get beaten... you will get beaten.

That's how much the people love the duke, so the only reason for this current mood is that they too are worried about the condition of the young lord of the Dukedom.

After all, they wish that the duke who gave them peace can leave a happy life, and they wish that no misfortune may fall the duke. So they pray for the good health of the duke's son, everyday they prey to the sun god. 

The God who has given them blessing of fortune and prosperity. All of them pray that the illness or curse, whatever is affecting the little prince of this dukedom will be cured.

And if it really is a curse and if they found the perpetrator of this incident, there aren't words to describe what the people and the duke will do to that person.

After all, they aren't just called the "Divine Shield of the Sun" for no reason. 


Inside a room a small boy sleeps on a large bed, the breath of the boy is calm as if he is in a long dream. The sun rays travels from the large window in the room and falls on the body face, but that young boy isn't disturbed in any way.

As the sun rays hit's him, the total figure of the boy can be seen, with a body so small and so fragile looking, the boy sleeps.

From his looks, one would think of his as a five-year-old, perhaps younger. He has chubby flesh on his face, as every child of that age should. His silverfish gray hair shines as the sunlight hits him.

He is a cute boy, there is no doubt about it. The boy sleeps peacefully without anyone to disturb him, adorned with his white sleeping clothes.

Suddenly, a bright flash of blue light travels throughout the room and as for the origin of that blue flash, it stands motionless in the middle of it all.

A blob of glowing blue ball with cracks and holes everywhere, if someone knowledgeable where they will be able to pinpoint what that blue blob is. They will come to a single conclusion, and that is "Soul".

A broken and greatly damaged soul, but even with all that damage, it somehow still exists and hasn't dissipated.

As if finding its calling, the soul moves toward the sleeping boy and after reaching above him, without an ounce of hesitation, the soul enters the boy's body.

As the soul enters the boy's body, it finds another soul resting on the core of the existence that made the boy. The soul is as damaged as it is, and it suffers from the same wound.

As the two damaged soul got closer, both of them started to shine brighter and brighter, the soul inside the boy's body got bigger and started to envelop the other soul.

The other soul didn't fight back and just stood there motion less, letting the boy's soul do anything it wants. As if a piece of puzzle that was missing was found again, the two souls start's to merge with each other, forming a single but more complete and more robust soul than before.

The soul joined in harmony without any conflict, as if they returned back to what they once were.

As this was happening, the boy's body twitched a little, but after a while it returned back to its calmness.


The boy moves his body and changes position after position, after a while of doing that, now lying on the bed with his back-down, the boy opens his eyes.

The majestic purple color shines from the boy's eyes as he moves his body up and rubs his eyes.


Opening my eyes, I am met with the familiar ceiling of my room, standing up from my bed a little, I rub my eyes and stretch my body.

"Ow, ow"

I cry out a little in pain as I feel my body stiffer than ever, it was like as if I hadn't moved for days. Why did I cry out for that little pain.. Haven't I felt more pain than that..

Oh, right, it was not me that felt it but Sero, though I did see all of his life from a first-person perspective, so I guess I also felt that pain. Not sure how that works.

I wonder why I dreamt of such a random person, though their world was quite interesting. Especially that game thing.. it seems fun.

As I was pondering in my thoughts, the door of my room opens, and I feel something coming toward me at high speed. 


I hear a crying voice of a woman as a human shaped missile hits me, making me fall on the bed. She holds me tightly without letting me go, as if I am a fragile object.

Well, her worry is granted, after all I have always been sick as far as I remember in this four year of my existence. As for the women who are enveloping me, those smart among you might have already guessed it, but let me still enlighten you.

She is my ever so loving and ever so dear mother, who is also the Duchess of the Lionheart Dukedom. Alice Lionheart commonly known as the "The Frost of the North".

"Mo..Mother .too..tight." 

I barely manage to form words due to her tight hug, she seems to have heard my words as the hugs loosens, but she still isn't letting me go.

"Are you alright, Son?" 

She asks as she holds my face, I can see tears on her eyes and ever some red marks indicating that she was crying before.

"I am alright mom, Sorry for working you."

I reply back as I clean the tears from her eyes, her royal purple eyes look back at me with tender care as she hugs me again.

"It's not your fault, son, it's the fault of that dreadful illness you have. Just let me find the perpetrator for this and then I will.."

Mother spoke in a soft and caring voice at first, but the more her word continued, the colder it became. I could feel the room cooling up a little and can see the ground that has started freezing underneath mother's legs.

"Calm yourself down my dear wife, you don't want to hurt our precious son now do you." A mainly and deep voice was heard as a big hand was placed on mother's shoulder.

Hearing the words and felling the hands, mothers calm's down as the room goes back into its normal temperature.

"Yes dear you are right, I am sorry son, mother must have been scary then. Pl.."

Before mother could continue with her words, I gently hug her with my small hands and say.

"Mother, you can never be scary for me, so please don't ask for forgiveness."

Hearing my words, Mother stops her words and look's at my eyes, with a smile on her beautiful face, she pinches my chicks.

"Ah~, my son is so cute." She exclaims as she gives me a kiss on the cheeks.

After that, mother let's go of her hug and stands up, now I can see her complete figure.

With flowing golden hair, the royal purple eyes, a face so beautiful as if crafted by gods themselves. She adorned a dress of gold and white, elevating her already high beauty. My mother is beautiful, and that's the only word I can use to describe her.

Turning my head a little, I look at my father, a behemoth of a man with a muscular body. Due to his height, the muscles on his bodysuits him a lot and doesn't look grotesque in any way. With his silver gray hair and beautiful blue eyes. My father loos perfect in every way, there is just a scar on one side of his face, but even that doesn't hide his handsomeness.

He is the duke of this Dukedom. Nexus Goldenheart also known as the" The unmovable Fist"

My father and mother are the perfect couple made for each other, and nothing in that world can take that away from them.

"Son, how are you feeling." 

Father asks me as he pats my head with his big hands, even tough he has a stern voice formed by ruling this dukedom for many years, the love and care radiating from it cannot be hidden.

"Better than ever." 

I reply as I look at my father.

"Good to see that you are as enthusiastic as ever."

My father says as he smiles.

"Son are you hungry, what am I asking, of course you are hungry. So son, is there anything that you wish to eat. Do tell me."

Mother asks me as she looks at my eyes.


Just as I am about to reply, I feel my fathers gaze on me and I look at him. His eyes are glowing and there are plethora of emotion's on his face ranging from confusion, shock, hapiness, concern.

"A-Alice look at our son's soul." 

My father speaks as he looks at my mother. This was the first time I heard him shutter.


My mother gives a questioning gaze to my father but stills looks at me, a magic circle is created infront of her face and after looking at me she starts crying??

"My baby boy..wawa" 

She cries as she hugs me, seeing her reaction I can see tears falling down from my father eyes. I wonder is there so problem with my soul that made my parents cry.