
Journey: The Destructive Incarnate

In the Stellar sea of stars, a giant tree stood, rivers made of countless white streaks flowed throughout its giant body travelling toward its root. Those rivers were made of souls going through the process of rebirth, but among those countless rivers, a certain stream travelled directly toward the stem of the tree. In that specific river, a soul flowed like every other; nothing special about it would have remained as such. Suddenly the space it inhabited collapsed as a brilliant golden glow travelled out of that distorted space. The soul unable to escape got showered by that golden glow, its spiritual body absorbing it. Unable to handle the magnitude of the power contained in the golden light, the soul started to tear up. But somehow it managed to absorb it all, but it came at a cost, as the single soul split into two, one being thrown out of that river. Passing through another river, it made its way toward the root, whereas the other part continued on its way. A soul who got the body to handle the power of the golden glow after rebirth but didn't have it, and a body that had the power but couldn't handle it was created. But fate works in mysterious ways as after the death of one body, the soul finally reunited making someone whole. Neo was the part that got the power but couldn't handle it, this gave him a fate worse than death. He couldn't use mana, in a world filled with mana and where the strong ruled. But his family didn't give up on him or shun him, so to help them even if a little he chose the path of a scholar. Knowing that he had the talent to be a mage but couldn't use mana always ate away his heart. Then on the fateful day when he was four, the soul finally reunited, becoming one. All the talent he had finally burst forth, as Neo was born anew, now with memories of 30 years worth of life and the vast amount of knowledge he had collected in this life. So with that, how will he change this world, how will his existence affect the world, and will he be swept away by this world? It is for you to find out as you follow his journey. ... Here are some additional tags. Crafty MC, Strong Female leads, Yandere

youareme · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Ch.1 Prologue

Russle,.. Crippp,crip..

Crunch! Crunch!

"This game is quite interesting."

Well, it is one of the most famous games currently, so there is no way it won't be interesting. After all, if it had even a little mistake or boring part, then the denizens of the internet would have already eaten it whole.

Well, those trolls have been getting more and more prominent after the end of third world war. Well, if the war lasted for a long time, maybe they wouldn't have had a platform to do such activities. 

But either for the bad or the good, well depends upon the person.. the war only lasted for two months, making it the shortest world war in human history.

Those idiots may not have even felt any effect of the war, well good for them, I guess. After all, not everyone can be so lucky.

I pause the game and look in a mirror in my room, although my room isn't the cleanest, it also is by no means dirty. After all, I pride my self for keeping things clean. That is one of the few good things I can say about myself.

Looking in a mirror, I see my reflection, a buff middle-aged man with classy black hair and a deep scar in my face going down toward my chest.

I touch my scar, remembering the time I got it, it's been so long... how long was it again... right ten years ago before the start of the war. I think I got it when I was hit by a fighter get at full power, that was one of the closest near-death experience I had in my life. After all, it's not every day a fighter plans nose dives you and explodes on your face.

Looking at my face, if not for the scar I could be said to be quite handsome... scratch that, even with the scar I am quite handsome. Well, that's what my friends used to call me anyway, getting my attention back on the game, I take a chip from the packet and eat it.


Woo, that was a good crunch... I guess the chip company has increased their quality quite a lot. Well they have to do it, after all with all the technological advancement that has happened in this decade if they don't up the quality they will be left behind.

I wonder... should I buy one of those fabled moon chips made from the potatoes grown on moon. Will they taste the same as the earthen one or different.... I wonder..

"Game Over"

The screen says as I look at it, it seems my thought distracted me quite a lot..... perhaps I am also growing older. Well it's not that surprising, after all I am a thirty-year-old man this year. Didn't think I would leave for so long..... well I am the only person still living in my friend group.

All of them have already kicked the bucket… and I am happy for them... after all, this world isn't the kindest to people like us. Well, like I would care..

The game starts again, I could have made a save file, but where is the fun in that after all the more challenge there is the better. As for it being time-consuming… it's not like I have anything else to do anyway.

Putting my hands in the packet, I try to take out a chip.... nothing. I look at the packet and see that it is empty.

"Sigh, life is so hard, man."

I mutter as I pause the game and stand up and stretch my body.



I moan as the bones in my body crackle.. It's feels good to move my body after a long game session. Looking at the twenty packets of chips laying on the ground, I remember the eight-hour-long gaming session I had.

Hearing this, the gamers on the internet will say something like "Rookie numbers" and I totally agree with that. As for the died of twenty chips being unhealthy.... well it is, but I am not the one to care about my health so it doesn't really matter now does it.

Picking up all the waste, I throw it in the bin and walk toward the fridge to see if there are any snacks there. Opening the fridge, I find ..dun dun dun.. nothing. It is completely empty, with only air in it.

Now seeing this I have two options… one go out of the house and refill my food supply or option two ignore it and return to playing games.

I obviously choose option two, after all, I can survive without food for a week or so. So there is no need to worry, now back to gaming.

As I sit on the ground and pick up my controller, I put it down on the ground again. Why? Well, there are uninvited guests outside.. Well, not so surprising.

"Hmm, they finally found me.. I thought it would take a year more. I guess I really am getting old."

I causally mutter as I stand up, already feeling what is to come the muscles in my body tighten, showing their ferrous strength. 

Walking to the entrance of the house, I open the door and I look outside.

Chuff!Chuff.. Brmm.. tac.. tac..

Looking in front of me, there is a small army totally covered in black armor hiding everything about their body. As I walk outside, all of them point their anti-tank automatic submachine gun at me. Looking at the guns, it seems to be of the latest model.. Which model was it again.

Behind those men are tanks, giant tanks with ten cannon heads all aiming at me ready to shoot on command. Above them, helicopters fly with missiles and buster grade miniguns aiming at me.

Now seeing all this you may be wondering why is the military after me, perhaps they are not even the military but some shadow dark organization that is trying to dominate the world or something.

Well, if you think the second half is correct.. then you will be wrong. These guys who are pointing their weapon at me are the military. What are they called again.. yes "The Human union Army".

The army formed after the end of the third war, the army controlled by the world government. A government where all the people of the world are part of.

So why are they pointing their weapons at me... it's quite simple, you see. Let me give you my introduction and then you will understand.

My name is Sero Ulr0009, a weird mane I know but what can I do, it was given to me. Well, that is what those people who knew me called me, anyway.

As for the world, they call me by my given title.. "The Mass murderer" "The Demon in Human Skin".." Enemy of Humanity".." The most Evil being" and so on. I have already lost count of the number of titles I have. After all, one look at the internet and all the creative people come up with new titles every day.

So with that, you can understand why the guns are being pointed at me.. After all, I am a Vile piece of shit that shouldn't have been born.. Well, that's what the world government says about me, anyway. It's not like they are wrong anyway.


"Quite a warm welcome, eyy"

Sero says as he looks at them and waves. There is a friendly smile in his face as he looks at them.. If someone saw that smile, they won't even think that he did anything wrong.

"Fireeeeeeeeeeee...Kill that Fu#king bas#ard!!" A sound is heard from the helicopters that are flying in the sky. Just by listening to it one can say it had come from a microphone.


All the guns fires at the same time as the helicopters also launch missiles at Sero. Even with all the bullets and missiles coming at him, Sero have a calm and serine look on his face.

He takes a step forward.... in the next second all the bullets coming toward Sero disappears.. well, more like they fall to the ground.

Sero opens his hands and a few bullets fall to the ground, making a chinking sound, the floor has been littered with thousands of bullets. The tanks shells are nowhere to be seen near Sero.. Well because they have plastered themselves on the tanks that had fired them.


Countless booms are heard as all the tanks explodes, killing the people driving them. Seeing this, a smile blooms on Sero's face as walks forward.

"Well, that was unwanted...."

Before Sero could finish his words, all the missile fired by the helicopter explodes on his face, covering all of his body in flames. The men don't stop firing at Sero, not caring for all those that died in the tank.

As the smokes and flames produced by the explosion of the missile clears, there stands Sero's figure, completely unharmed but naked. Even when being completely naked, he doesn't show any shyness and stands there in his complete naked glory. The bullet fired by the men, able to tear through the armor of the strongest tanks, simply bounce off Sero's body.

"Tch, that was a new dress." He complains and there is some annoyance in his face.

"Also, you guys should know by now that bullet doesn't work on me." 

He continues his words as he looks at them... even after hearing his words, none of them stop, and the helicopters prepare to fire more missiles.

"You guys never learn." 

"Well, what was I excepting from you anyway."

Sero says as he kicks the ground and disappears from everybody's view.


With that two body fall as their neck is completely broken, there are two more dead bodies in Sero's hands as he stands in the middle of all the men. He has already crushed their neck, killing them before they could even scream.

The men seeing this fire more bullet at him, but he simply shrugs it off as he continues to massacre them. Without making a sound from his mouth, he kills them in a single attack, they fall like flies as dead bodies litter the ground.

The missile for the helicopters arrive at his face, but before they could even explode, he simply grabs them with his bare hands and throws it back to its sender at full force.

Boom boom boom

All the missile explode and so do the helicopter with it, flames rains down from the sky as Sero continues to massacre the people in front of him without delay.

They can't do anything other that helplessly die at the hands of Sero... finally the last of them fall and Sero stands there silently in the middle of all the dead bodies and flames.

It is a hellish scene, all the dead bodies lying on the ground flames and traces of destruction of everywhere and a single person standing in the middle of it all with a smiling face.

"Well, that wasn't too hard."

He says as he dusts his hands and starts to walk toward his home, ignoring all the dead body on the ground.

Suddenly he stops and looks at the sky.

"Oh, so this is your plan."


Looking at the sky with my keen eyesight I can see a missile heading toward me, it is not a normal type missile.. it is a nuclear bomb.. code name "God of Destruction". A hydrogen bomb holding 12000 megaton of tnt. A bomb strong enough to destroy anything it comes in contact with.

The strongest bomb ever build in human history and it may remain so for many comming centuries.

Even with the such a bomb coming my way I don't feel any fear.. Why? simple if I start running now at full speed I should be able to reach far enough that I am only touched by the most outer layer of the explosion.

So, why aren't I running,.. because I can sense the peope of this city still inside the city. They seem to not have evacuated that.. how heartless, not like I am one to speak.

So perhaps I am feeling bad for the citiens, perhaps I the incarnatrion of evil don't want the citizen to die. Well if you think that, you are not wrong.. after all I have lived for quite long already.

"Perhaps I should do a herioc deed befor I die." I mutter to myself as I touch my noexistence beard.

"Not like they are going to think that way, well who cares." 

Ending my words I do a last strech as I put myself into a jumping position, putting all the force in my feet I jump.


Wind blasts away with me being in the epicenter as the a crater is formed in the place I stood, but no matter as I am in the sky flying toward the missile coming toward me.

"Hohoho, you are approching me."

I say to the missile and it doesn't give a reply, well it would have been weord if it did. Arriving right in front of the missile I grad it and using all the strength it my hand I flip it upside down.

Now it isn't heading downward anymare insted due to me it is goind upward, now with the force I created and the thrust of the missile we are going toward the sky five times faster than the missile's speed.

Good thing it is a timed one and not one of those that explode on contact, I will give the engineering team credit for that. Flying at high speed in a matter of seconds we escape the earths atmosphere and reach space.

Dam! it's hard to breath here...well not like there is any oxygen here. Looking at the missile if I let it go I have a 70% chance of survival. Quite good odds I would say but I won't let go... after all I have already live quite a long life.

The missile starts to heat up, preaparing to explode and in the next second it does.

No sound is heard due to the missile exploding in space, the missile forms a minature sun above the earth atmosphere and then starts to take shape of a bulb.

In the middle of the explosion I look at the flames covering me.. I can feel my body burning and in the next second I will die. All of my past memories starts to flood back into my head as I close my eyes.

'Do you have a wish?'

I remember a certain question asked by a certain somebody in the past and I give the reply same a before.

"I wish to have a big happy family."

I couldn't help but laugh at te dreams of my young naive self.. a dream that can never be fulfilled. After all a evil person like me doesn't deserve hapiness.

With that thought as my last, the world turns black for me as I am plunged into unending darkness. A darkness I will never wake up from.


After hours of burning the light of the explosing disapperes leaving nothing behind, but something glow in the middle of it all.

With sky blue colour a blob of light floats in the middle, there are cracks and holes in the blob as if damaged.

The blod starts to shine brigher and brigher by the seconed and then with a flash of light it disapperes.

The world is silent again and nothing more is heard.