
Journey of Melancholy

You’ve gotten to see the imperfections, of humanity, or the universe's unforgiving nature. But do you have the heart to love it anyway, do you have what it takes to endure such sorrow? Can you love the universe and humanity for its redeeming qualities? Do you know the meaning of life? Follow me, on my journey, a Journey of Melancholy!

Hosh_Brown · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Bocchi ceased his actions, fixing his gaze intensely into Yoshua's eyes, seeking the meaning behind his words. Curiosity sparked, he inquired, "Yoshua, what is the purpose of your words?"

With a captivating and enchanted smile gracing his face, Yoshua responded, "I have pondered over this matter, my dear friend. I believe that by joining forces, we can both derive immense benefits from this alliance. And please, call me by my first name, Miko."

Bocchi, hesitant yet intrigued, resumed his meal while trying to decipher the intention behind Miko's proposition.

"I am curious, Miko. Why do you propose this partnership? What drives you?" He questioned, tilting his head curiously.

Miko explained, his voice filled with a conviction that could not be ignored, "It is a simple matter, my young friend. I have been sent to this planet with a mission to liberate its people from the clutches of an oppressive regime."

"I firmly believe that by joining forces, we can both benefit from this. I can fulfill my mission, and you can attain your revenge and rediscover your self-worth." He continued.

Bocchi's gaze mixed with intrigue and confusion as he listened to Miko, "You were sent here? To our planet? You are not one of us? And why choose me?" He stuttered, his questions tumbled.

A soft chuckle escaped Miko's lips as he replied, "Fate led me to cross paths with you on my journey, and by morality and my protocol, I assisted you. In ordinary circumstances, others might have left you to fend for yourself. However, I recognized the untapped potential within you— a dormant force that could transform you into my apprentice, protégé, or even my successor."

Bocchi's mind was flooded with memories of their initial encounter, when he was at his lowest point, feeling utterly hopeless. Yet, Miko's words sparked a newfound sense of purpose within him, a determination to rise above his circumstances.

"While it is true that this planet is not my home, dwelling on that fact serves us no purpose. What truly matters is your response to my proposal," Miko declared, rising from his seat as he finished his meal.

Extending his arm toward Bocchi, who was still engaged with his food, Miko urged, "Trust me, my friend. Don't you yearn for vengeance against those who wronged you, who destroyed your village and your family?"

Bocchi raised his gaze, wide-eyed and fully attentive, as Miko's words resonated deeply within him.

"And what if they were to repeat their actions in another village? What if someone else were to experience the same turmoil you had, but without the fortunate chance you had?" Miko asserted, his voice brimming and rich with persuasion and charisma.

Bocchi's negative thoughts began to dissolve as he recognized the undeniable truth. However, a storm of uncertainty and negativity continued to swirl within him like a hurricane.

As though attuned to Bocchi's inner turmoil, Miko reassured him, "I understand the doubts that plague your mind, my dear Bocchi."

Miko paused, taking a step closer to Bocchi, and gently placed his hand on his head, offering a comforting pat, "But I promise you, Bocchi, by embarking on this journey through the stars alongside me, you will discover your self-worth, self-esteem, and happiness. You will find your purpose in life," Miko affirmed.

Before Miko could continue speaking, he was interrupted by Bocchi's resolute voice, clear and confident, "Allow me to accompany you, please!" Bocchi implored, tears glistening in his eyes as his emotions overwhelmed him.

He yearned to uncover the reason behind his existence and why the stars seemed to shine solely for him.

Miko smiled warmly, patting Bocchi's head once again. "Very well, I knew you would agree, Bocchi," he said, acknowledging his acceptance.

As Bocchi finished his meal, tears of gratitude still lingering in his eyes, he expressed his heartfelt appreciation to Miko for providing this opportunity to rediscover himself.

They thanked the waiter by leaving a tip and exited the restaurant together. Making their way to the parking lot, they entered Miko's wagon, ready to journey to their next destination.

Their path laying ahead will lead them into the empire that has not only destroyed Bocchi's home but countless others as well.

Under the moon's watchful eye, they ventured through treacherous landscapes, traversing pathless roads in various environments and weathers. Yet. through all this, something felt— off with Bocchi.

With an encounter with a mysterious creature or a force of nature, they remained unaffected. Even creatures that were as fast as bullets were sluggish and immobile in their presence. And no matter how intense the weather, whether it be heavy rain or hail, their wagon remained untouched as they journeyed.

Bocchi sensed that something was amiss, but he had no idea how to react. He knew that there was an otherworldly, supernatural strangeness to it all.

"I don't know what's going on, Miko..." Bocchi declared with a frustrated face.

Miko looked at Bocchi, puzzled, as he skillfully guided the horses through the grasslands dotted with hills and lakes.

"I mean, throughout our entire journey, nothing posed a threat to us. Predators, the forces of nature, the weather... It all seemed to come to a halt in our presence," Bocchi ranted, his expression a mix of worry, frustration, and utter confusion.

"Do you not know why that is? I mean, would you like to know something about this world?" Miko asked Bocchi, with Bocchi's curiosity piqued.

Bocchi nods in affirmation, now curious about what Miko has to say about the abnormality that had been happening since the start of their journey.

"Let me start by telling you that this world— or more accurately, this interstellar universe— is governed by deities. There are seven main gods— each with their own distinct set of rules," Miko explained, capturing Bocchi's attention.

"While I won't delve into the specifics of each deity, I will mention the God of Calamity, who is responsible for many sufferings and destruction, like the ones you've experienced yourself Bocchi," Miko divulged, causing Bocchi's eyes to widen with the weight of the shared revelation. Questions bubbled inside him, but he decided to save them for later.

"Every individual follows the path established by a god, whether willingly or unwillingly. We are all bound to one of them due to our underlying nature. In my case, I follow the path of enlightenment guided by the God of Wisdom," Miko elaborated.

"But some of us, however, are uniquely connected to elements, like myself," Miko added, his tone hinting at a deeper connection. 

Thoughts swirled in Bocchi's mind as he tried to piece together the puzzling phenomenon they had experienced. Why were certain individuals able to element-bonded, and what did it have to do with the strange occurrences they had encountered?

"Do tell me, how does one become bound to an element?" Bocchi inquired, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"It's not a feat one can achieve on their own. What I do know is that there are eight elements, each attained differently. The elements are Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, Zephyr, Geo, Electro, Illusory, and Quantum." Miko explained, delving into the intricacies of elemental bonds.

As they continued their conversation, oblivious of their surroundings, they entered a new area within the plains. Worried and frightened villagers huddled in small huts and a modest inn. Nevertheless, Bocchi and Miko remained engrossed in their discussion about the elements.

"For one to be element bound such as me, you are specifically chosen by the God you follow to be bound to an element," Miko explained, with a hand ready to do something.

In a playful display, Miko flicked his finger toward the ground and up. Then, like magic a medium-sized rock levitated upwards. He deftly caught it, leaving Bocchi awe-inspired.

"Huh?!? How— How did you do that?" Bocchi exclaimed, his voice tinged with astonishment.

"But when you're bound to an element, you also gain a sort of power that harmonizes between the element you are bound to and your path under the God you follow." Miko continued.

"Wait, so you're saying that you have the power to control rocks?" Bocchi interjected, unable to contain his curiosity.

Miko then audibly laughed hard, with tears of joy in his eyes. He comes back to his senses and then explains, "No, not that haha. Here, I am bound to the Illusory element, it is obtained when a person values life highly, thinking that there is a purpose and reason for living remember."

"So, I follow the path of Enlightenment and am bound to the Illusory element. The power I gained from the combination of both is called—" 

Abruptly, a man in his early adult years, with black messy hair, lying on the dirtied ground with torn clothing and blood, is seen by Bocchi, with him interrupting Miko's lecture.

"Miko, let us help him. He seems to be in turmoil like how I was." Bocchi declared, immediately getting off the wagon to help aid the man on the floor. Followed by Miko who took his time getting there with a proud look on his face.

"Sir, are you alright?" Bocchi inquires while helping him up to sit instead of lying down.

"W- Who are you? My clan? Please, don't waste your pity on me." The injured man snarled, smacking Bocchi's hand away from himself.

In confusion, Bocchi stood up with a wide-eyed look on his face. And Miko with a glare on his face, looked at the man thoroughly.

"My friend, were you blinded? Perhaps by your clan?" Miko questioned, crouching down to lock eyes with the man whose sight had been savagely taken, as well as a deep gash mark.

Sensing that they were not his clanmates after all, the wounded man allows himself to relax and replies warily, "Yes... But who are you then? An enemy sent to finish me off with a killing blow?"

"No, we are not enemies— just merely wandering merchants is all," Bocchi replied.

"Hah! Expect me to believe that? Civil war keeps outsiders far from our kingdom. So, end it already if you're here to kill me!" The fallen warrior's voice rings with a mixture of resignation and defiance.

Miko interjects calmly, "My friend, we harbor no intent to harm you. Allow me to prove our trustworthiness by offering assistance." Approaching the sightless man with determination rippling across his face.

Miko then knees down and covers the man's eyes with his left hand. A strange distortion covers the man's eyes. Miko then releases his hand, glaring at the man who has a puzzled look on his face.