
Journey of Melancholy

You’ve gotten to see the imperfections, of humanity, or the universe's unforgiving nature. But do you have the heart to love it anyway, do you have what it takes to endure such sorrow? Can you love the universe and humanity for its redeeming qualities? Do you know the meaning of life? Follow me, on my journey, a Journey of Melancholy!

Hosh_Brown · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The man's face is perplexed as he exclaims, "The hell? What did you do to me?" The realization on the man's face is followed by an abrupt intake of breath.

"You— You took away my blindness? Why? How? Where did you acquire such power? How can I repay you?" The man pleaded, his shock rendering him speechless.

"Fear not, my friend, I told you, you can trust us traveling merchants haha. Now, tell us, what happened in this— kingdom?" Miko chuckled, looking around at the environment they were once oblivious to as they entered the domain of the kingdom.

Bocchi extended a hand, helping the man up to his feet, and the man started to look around the surrounding area with a fresh look on his face. As if he was seeing it for the very first time in his life.

"My friends— no— saviors! I am Razor Itto, and please use my given name Itto! Welcome to the Twice Kingdom!" Razor Itto loudly and excitedly introduces himself, bowing professionally to the pair of travelers.

Bocchi, who was standing next to Itto, was warmly smiling at the introduction but also winced inwardly at the rough loudness of the man's voice.

"Sir, we are no saviors— just travelers' is all. Now, what happened here?" Bocchi asserted, surveying the area and noticing the signs of bloodshed, abandoned weapons, and the remnants of a war-torn kingdom.

"Ah, have you not heard? Our kingdom had been engulfed in a civil war for the past years, and honestly, I can't remember how many years it has been." Itto informed the pair.

Exchanging glances, the travelers nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Friends, please, this may be much to ask of you, especially since you've recovered my sight. But please, help me unite this damned empire!" Itto pleaded, bowing before them, preparing to make a speech or to lose an arm and a leg.

"Please don't bow, we could certainly help, but we're not miracle workers. How can you expect us to unite this kingdom?" Miko asked, helping Itto stand up, who had tears in his eyes."

"Think of it as— intuition, a sixth sense that I sense in both of you."

Before they could respond, Itto suddenly interrupted, overcome with emotion.

"I beg of you... I— no— We need help. Look, the reason I was blinded by my own was because of this— torturous, ongoing, repetitive futile civil war! So many people— so many people have died and been injured because of this conflict... All for what? Honor? Superiority?"

Itto's voice trailed off, unveiling his desperation and sorrow. Tears streamed down his face while the travelers observed him in silence.

"Do you know how many lives have been lost? How many families have been torn apart? How many innocent lives have been taken because of the constant conflict? HOW MANY LIVES I'VE TAKEN? How many more will die if we don't do ANYTHING? Itto roared, his voice trembling with melancholy.

Abruptly, Bocchi hugs Itto in a comforting embrace, along with Miko swatting his tears away like flies.

"Let us rehabilitate this kingdom, Itto. We understand the struggles, and we understand that we must fix this predicament. Let us aid your campaign." Miko declared, reassuringly.

"Cry it out, Itto..." Bocchi consoled, understanding the depth of his pain and lightly patting his back.

Itto, taking this all in, nodded his head, whimpering and sobbing his pains away. Not even bothering with how much of a baby he might look to bystanders and onlookers perceiving him.

Some minutes pass, and Itto calms himself, wiping his tears away and taking a sharp— deep breath.

"I'm ready to talk." He said, sniffling and clearing his throat.

"There is an abundance of clans in various sizes, but the three major threats are the Twice, the Blade, and the Razor clans. And yes, I am part of the Razor clan." He explained, his face and voice serious all of a sudden.

"I used to be a main general of Razor, all because of my natural talent in battle, skill in strategies, and my pure bloodline to the main leader of my ancestors."

"But in the past few years, my clan had blinded me to what I have done. So, recently, I was exiled from the clan for my involvement in a plot to instigate a unification between the clans. But before the exiling, they had planned on slashing my eyes to turn me blind. But before they did so, I had hidden the family blade passed down from generation to generation somewhere only I knew."

"So, on that topic, let us rendezvous here, I'll retrieve the katana, and you familiarize yourself with the area here. I'll be right back with a couple of people from various clans to help us. I can't express my gratitude to you enough for agreeing to help us."

Itto bows again, signaling himself out to retrieve the sword and the allies they'll be working with.

"Alright, my friend, we'll be here," Miko replied, with a clenched fist to show his trust in Itto. Followed by Bocchi doing the same.

Bocchi couldn't help but express his concern to Miko in a hushed tone, "Do you think Itto might betray us?"

Miko confidently smiled and replied, "Do not worry, my dear Bocchi. Itto is hellbent on a noble purpose, to bring a new era of peace to this kingdom. He will not falter. Perhaps that's why he was born in the first place." Miko suggested, glaring at Bocchi with a slight smile on his face.

Bocchi ponders on this thought, nodding his head and understanding that Miko is right. But is worried about his reason to be born, and if Itto will betray them.

"Don't worry, you'll find your reason for living soon enough." Like a psychic, Miko reassures the doubtful Bocchi.

Miko's confident smile remained unwavering as he boasted proudly, "Even if Itto double-crosses us, let it be an honorable and noble attempt. Let him bring an army, and I will still win unscathed."

Admiring Miko's confidence, he ponders, remembering his talk with him in the wagon. The paths, the elements, special powers...

"Back to our conversation in the wagon before— all this happened." Bocchi began, "Only those chosen by the Gods can gift such powers?"

"Yes, why?" Miko asked curiously.

Suddenly, a sparkling green and yellow-toned light emitted and danced upon Bocchi's fingertips. The light shimmered and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Was I chosen then?" Bocchi asked as if he was surprised by his question.

Miko, unsurprised, smiled and asked, "How long have you had that? Do you know what path or element you think you're on? The power?"

"W-Well— I had it for a long time, around when I was a child. And no... I don't know which path or element I am on." Bocchi answered, genuinely confused.

"Wait, how does one know that anyway?" Bocchi questioned, tilting his head in curiosity.

"Either a close messenger of the Gods come to tell you, or they'll tell you themselves. I should know since I am a messenger." Miko explained, with a slight proud smile.

"Wait— so if you are a messenger. Then— do you know what path and element I'm bonded to?" Bocchi excitedly asked, surprised by Miko's status and answer.

"I do know that. But the question you must ask is, what do you believe you are?" Miko asked in a serious tone.