
Journey of Melancholy

You’ve gotten to see the imperfections, of humanity, or the universe's unforgiving nature. But do you have the heart to love it anyway, do you have what it takes to endure such sorrow? Can you love the universe and humanity for its redeeming qualities? Do you know the meaning of life? Follow me, on my journey, a Journey of Melancholy!

Hosh_Brown · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Second to minutes to hours to days.

In a slight graceful breeze caressing the bristles of the grass and the leaves of the trees.

With the occasional crackling of dry leaves and the rustling of the wind through the trees.

The wind swooshes through the fields and the sky is filled with the softest clouds, covering the full moon.

With skies filled with an abundance of bright stars, Bocchi strolls and roams alone across the unknown plains.

Walking a path that he paves for himself, oblivious to the world around him.

As if he is disinterested in the world that betrayed him, Bocchi is lost in his thoughts of his past, and his overlapping questions.

But is slowly overcome by the constant hunger and thirst he has, having not eaten nor drank ever since the incident that took place at the village.

So he walks to a nearby tree and leans against it.

His stomach grumbles, and his lips chapped, he slowly walks to death's door.

Hours passed, and the sun was slowly rising in front of him. And the noise ceases to exist.

On the verge of starvation, at death's door. His eyes bagged, dried up of tears, and showed no emotion, no color. The boy is a reflection of that of a doll, lifeless. To be played and mocked by the world.

But... He was met with a traveling merchant who stood before him, with a wagon pulled by horses off the distance.

A young man with white hair, hints of blue, and a wolfcut hairstyle. His eyes sparkle with shades of blue. He wears a white coat with a gold chain around his neck, concealing the iron armor beneath.

"Has the world been harsh to you, my friend? Has it revealed the darkest side of humanity?" The merchant called out compassionately.

"Pay close attention and let these words inspire you!"

Enthusiastically, he lifted one hand to gesture behind him while extending the other to Bocchi.

"For you alone, the stars in the heavens are there to sparkle and cast their light brightly just for you!"

A myriad of stars adorned the sky above, the golden sun emerged, casting its gold, luminous embrace through the merchant's silhouette and illuminating Bocchi with a burst of brilliant light. At that moment, a surge of warmth filled Bocchi's empty and defeated spirit.

Inhaling deeply, the merchant invites, "Join me, together we'll explore the celestial wonders and dance among the stars!"

Touched by emotions he had never known, Bocchi eagerly reached for the merchant's helping hand of salvation. Yet just as their fingers touched, he succumbed to exhaustion, hunger, and weariness, collapsing into a gentle slumber.

Hours passed, and Bocchi regained consciousness, lying on a bed of what seemed to be inside of a wagon.

"What happened? Where am I?" Bocchi asks frightenly, engulfing his surroundings.

"Hello there boy, there is no need to be afraid. There are pieces of bread and water to drink right next to you."

Bocchi looks at the front of the wagon, with the merchant sitting there with a bowl of water and a loaf of bread.

Bocchi, remembering what had happened before he collapsed, proceeded to pick up the loaf of bread and took a bite out of trust of the merchant.

The bread was sweet and delicious, and he ate it eagerly as if it were his last meal. Drinking the water to fuel his thirst.

But he thought to himself, how to repay the merchant for his generosity for just meeting him in the middle of nowhere?

"Boy, if you're thinking of how to pay me back, I can tell you right now that I have nothing to gain from you. In other words, It's okay." The merchant smiles and continues his speech.

"So boy, where are your parents? You are rather far from the nearest village. I can't imagine how you got here alone with nothing to help your survivability. Let alone any weapons to fend for yourself." The merchant looks at Bocchi with a concerned yet curious gaze.

"M-My parents? They are— dead. I don't know how myself... I just know that my village from where I came from is destroyed and I am all alone." Bocchi stammers, unaccustomed to conversing with others.

The merchant is taken aback by Bocchi's answer, and he looks around, contemplating for a moment.

"You're a brave boy, how old are you exactly? Remember anything like your birthday?"

"I-I was born on the 1st of January... I believe I'm fourteen years of age. But I-I can't remember anything else like my mother's, father's name..." Bocchi responds, his voice trembling.

Bocchi stuttered as this was his first time talking to someone other than his mother, father, and only friend.

The merchant positions himself towards the front of the wagon to get the horses moving onward. The horses gallop fastening as they travel through the plains.

"Boy, let us fix you right up. You can stay with me for a while. Let us go to a nearby kingdom filled with luxuries to make you feel right at home. No, to feel like a king!"

The merchant smiled warmly at Bocchi, with the intent to comfort and give the world to him.

Consumed by the merchant's words, he smiles for the first time, a smile back to the merchant.

But negative thoughts rushed through his mind like wildfire, making him feel anxious and despondent. Is this pity?


Bocchi is interrupted by the merchant's loud voice, "My name is Yoshua Miko, no need to call me sir, Bocchi."

"Yoshua then— a pleasure to meet you and all but— why?" He yelled, with his voice quickly rising.

With a concerned voice, Yoshua asks, "Pardon my boy?"

Bocchi curiously asked in desperation, "Why me? You just met me for the first time, close to my deathbed. So answer me... Why did you take me in right then and there?"

"Do I need a reason?" Yoshua declared, turning back to look at Bocchi with a smile on his face.

Bocchi's eyes widened, and with tears in his eyes for the first time in forever, was in awe of the man.

"I don't know exactly what you've been through, but I know one thing, no person should suffer alone. Come, come sit next to me and look at the world as I do. I promise you, you will understand what I mean."

Bocchi rubs his eyes to clear his thoughts and tears in his eyes. He slowly walked over to Yoshua and sat next to him at the front of the wagon.

"Look at the world and its inhabitants my boy," Yoshua instructed, pointing to the colorful flowers that grew around, the trees that stood tall, the leaves that shimmered through the wind, the birds that chirped happily, the various animals that played, and the bright blue sky filled with clouds that stretched across the horizon.

Bocchi, taking this all in, was oblivious to everything until now. In awe of the small things in life that he never realized were so beautiful.

"Beautiful isn't it? And you'll see much more extravagant and ostentatious sights and beauty around the world. One of them being the nearby kingdom I was talking about right there."

Yoshua pointed to a large kingdom with many sizing towers and beautiful palaces.

Slowing the horses down, Yoshua pulled the reins and slowly entered the kingdom's entrance. Passing the guards who just inspected their wagon.

The streets were large, filled with street lights and people who were walking or in wagons or carriages.

Stores and restaurants built from brick masonry and limestone are lined up along the streets and filled with people buying necessities or luxuries.

Half-timbered and fully-timbered houses were built with the same materials, with large windows, chimneys, and thatched roofs covered in asphalt tiles.

But the sights were just an entre to the extravagant and ostentatious place that hosts the largest of parties and is home to royalties.

"This is the kingdom of Mozart, one of the nine kingdoms of the world. Known for their love of dance, traditions, and music. They are extravagant when it comes to agriculture and culture. Located in the west of the world, they're very peaceful people." Yoshua informed.

"How beautiful, this place is something I could only dream of. And this is one out of nine? I wonder what the other eight look like." Bocchi wondered, trying to imagine how beautiful the other eight could look.

"Now now, since we are here, we should stop by and get you some clothes that are better and presentable than your torn, dirty, white clothing. As well as better food to fill your stomach rather than a loaf of bread and water." Yoshua suggested as he looked around for a clothing store and a place to buy food.

After a bit of time, they park their wagon and walk into a clothing store filled with a variety of clothes for both men and women. Filled with many buyers around the store, as well as in line.

"Here, let us go to the back of the store where we can find clothes your size. Then we can go buy it off and get some food. Sound good boy?"

Bocchi nodded in agreement and the pair walked to the back of the store and began to search for a good set of clothes for Bocchi.

Walking in and out of the fitting room, it took a long time to find a set of clothes that fit and looked great on Bocchi.

After a while, they finally found a set of clothes, that fit Bocchi's size and looked great.

A sleek white tech jacket with black lining and hood, a black shirt with a singular white stripe on the left side, minimalist style black cargo pants, and light green shoes that match his hair stripe of his white hair.

They went to the cashier and bought multiple sets of clothes for multiple days and went to a nearby restaurant that specializes in meat.

They entered the store, greeted placed at a table, and ordered a large steak with two glasses of water.

After some time they got their food and began to chat as they ate.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me today, though we just met, I feel like you are a friend I had for a long time," Bocchi said, with a mouth stuffed. Shocked at how scrumptious the steak is.

"Well, I'm just helping you out, getting you back on your feet boy. But, let us talk about something else, a serious topic."

Bocchi pauses, swallowing the food in his mouth, and looks at Yoshua who has a serious look on his face.

"How do you feel about getting back at those who wronged you? No, not just you, about others as well?" Yoshua asked, with eyes crazed and his grin wide.