
Journaling in Marvel

A Translated work . Original on faloo. com Traveling through the Marvel world, Luo Chen becomes stronger by writing a diary every day! Every day just by writing a diary, you can draw a lottery, and you can get all kinds of super abilities, magic, high-tech equipment, and armor. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile to avoid attracting the attention of the bigwigs in the Marvel world, but soon he found that these original characters were not right. Spider-Woman Gwen let go of Peter Parker and approached him! Iron Man Tony Stark didn't go to Afghanistan and didn't get kidnapped? Scarlet Witch actually Awakened her Origin Magic Power in advance? Why did everything start to go wrong, did I travel through a parallel universe? Iron Man: I can't believe I'm just a fictional character! Scarlet Witch: Why do you say that I am not as good as Gwen, am I not as big as her? gwen: what? I would die for Peter Parker, I don't want to! The world is not right, very wrong!

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 31 Damn, The Timeline Has Changed

In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that it is all the result of setting!

It seems to be saying, the setting is like this, believe it or not!

The manual is the manual, everything is subject to the actual product!

Luo Chen thought about it, but still didn't put this complaint in the diary.

After all, Marvel's screenwriters are not talking about one or two things, and the situation of eating books and eating settings is very, very common, not uncommon at all.


In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

Above the clouds in New York, a figure floated upright in mid-air, lying leisurely, as if lying on the water.

This person was none other than Luo Chen.

Because in the first two days, Luo Chen finally developed Superman's Iron Man to another level, possessing the Ability of Flight.

Just like Superman's original setting was that he couldn't fly, but he could easily jump over a building, and being able to fly was also a setting added later.

And Luo Chen has now developed Superman's Iron Man to a whole new level, and the flight speed is also good, which can exceed the speed of sound.

So even if there is a dense cloud below, it will not delay Luo Chen floating above the clouds, absorbing the sun's rays.

As he absorbed more and more sunlight, his development of Kryptonian blood became more and more in-depth, and his strength also improved a lot in this more than a month, at least his physical fitness reached the previous level. more than double.

This is far from the limit, he can feel it.

Now in addition to the most basic Super Speed, Super endurance, Super strength, and indestructible, there is an additional Flight Ability.

But as far as Superman's super abilities are concerned, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and even with these abilities, Luo Chen's development has only just begun.

Therefore, the bloodline is still very important. The level of the peak of human beings that Captain America can reach with all his strength, is only the lower limit for Superman, and it is still a low lower limit.

At the moment, a passenger plane flew over the clouds and passed by. A little girl sitting by the window was bored looking at the clouds below, and suddenly she saw a person flying in mid-air.

"Mom, there is someone on the cloud over there, is he a god!" the little girl asked quickly.

"Silly boy, how can anyone fly on the clouds, you are wrong!" the mother said with a smile.

She also thought that her child regarded a certain human-shaped cloud as a person, and she was simply mistaken.

Immediately she smiled, and said, "Don't look at it, the sun reflects so much, it hurts your eyes if you look at it too much!"

Luo Chen naturally noticed a passenger plane passing by in the distance, but he didn't take it to heart. Anyway, people in this world will accept superheroes sooner or later. The existence of super criminals means that there are people who can fly. What's so strange about that? of.

"That's right, there's no one who can fly, what's the good... I'll rely on it!"

Luo Chen was muttering to himself, when suddenly, his pupils widened slightly when he saw something in his eyes.

He saw a figure coming directly through the air from a distance, extremely fast.

Although he just complained about it just now, seeing a person who can fly is nothing to be surprised about, but when he met him, he still couldn't help but say, damn it.

It's really come to the point where I can say I rely on it.

In a world as dangerous as Marvel, isn't it normal for someone to fly?

But what's abnormal is that it's a battle armor, and it's red and gold in color. With his eyes, he can see it clearly. Isn't that face the same as the catfish-faced Mark battle armor?

His whole body was messed up in the wind!

how could it be possible!

This is Mark Armor!

And it's obviously not to the extent of the just-made Mark 1, but the more mature Mark 2.

He was a little dumbfounded!

There is no doubt that the person in the armor is none other than Tony Stark.

But the problem is, Tony Stark didn't have to be kidnapped to Afghanistan first, and then he would start making the Mark 1, and then after escaping from the sky, he would return to the Lighthouse Country to start making the Mark 2.

But now there is no news that Tony Stark has been kidnapped.

Logically speaking, if Tony Stark's fame was really kidnapped, or had been kidnapped, it would be impossible for the Stark Group to hide it.

Just like in the original book, it is known to the whole world that it is because of this reason.

His status is too special. He is a super rich man, a genius scientist, and an important supplier of the National Defense Force. It can be said that his every move will affect the hearts of the entire Beacon Country.

In this case, his safety is naturally very important.

But now there is no news at all, why did they suddenly jump on the Mark II.

Luo Chen suddenly felt that his brain was down, and he went crazy all of a sudden!

"J.A.R.V.I.S, the one in front is Luo Chen?" Tony Stark, who flew over quickly, was also confused, and he stopped in mid-air, completely dumbfounded.

What's the situation, because he saw a person floating in mid-air.

This originally violated the laws of science, and it was already a very outrageous thing. Who knew that what was even more outrageous was that when he saw the person clearly, he was already very close, and found that the person turned out to be Luo Chen?

His eyesight was not as good as Luo Chen's. Luo Chen saw him with a glance from a long distance, and he recognized Luo Chen only after flying very close.

He is naturally very familiar with Luo Chen's appearance, after all, this is the owner of the diary, and it is also an important way for him to understand the future.

It can be said that even if his bones are ashes, he can still recognize them from the ashes.

But he has a lot of thoughts and guesses about Luo Chen. According to the investigation, Luo Chen should just be a very common Common.

The strangest thing is his hobby of basking in the sun every day. Almost as long as it is sunny, he will definitely bask in the sun on the balcony. He often spends a whole day in the sun. Other than that, he is no different from ordinary salted fish nerds. .

It's nothing more than going to the home of the possible Spider-Woman Gwen to help him with his homework. Tony Stark has already figured out these things.

It is precisely because the more you know, the more you know, so seeing Luo Chen flying carelessly in mid-air, basking in the sun in such a leisurely way, will completely break Tony Stark's defenses Dumbfounded.

For a moment, both of them were stunned, and they looked at each other feeling that it was outrageous.