
Journaling in Marvel

A Translated work . Original on faloo. com Traveling through the Marvel world, Luo Chen becomes stronger by writing a diary every day! Every day just by writing a diary, you can draw a lottery, and you can get all kinds of super abilities, magic, high-tech equipment, and armor. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile to avoid attracting the attention of the bigwigs in the Marvel world, but soon he found that these original characters were not right. Spider-Woman Gwen let go of Peter Parker and approached him! Iron Man Tony Stark didn't go to Afghanistan and didn't get kidnapped? Scarlet Witch actually Awakened her Origin Magic Power in advance? Why did everything start to go wrong, did I travel through a parallel universe? Iron Man: I can't believe I'm just a fictional character! Scarlet Witch: Why do you say that I am not as good as Gwen, am I not as big as her? gwen: what? I would die for Peter Parker, I don't want to! The world is not right, very wrong!

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 30 Abandoned Timeline, Tear It Up!

Luo Chen didn't know that the things he complained about in his diary, just a few paragraphs, had already been analyzed into flowers, and many things had been analyzed.

And there are still many things that are very close to the truth. The reason why the rest is not known is simply because there is not enough information.

If he knew, he would know that the heroes of the world should not be underestimated. There are too many smart people in the world.

"Nata, your analysis is very reasonable!" Nick Fury nodded and said. "Definitely, maybe he was originally a common person. This Luo Chen, I have consulted the top psychologists. Based on the few words revealed in the diary and many records of his daily behavior, I have conducted a psychological side-view. Write, this is a very common Common person, without any professional training, and his psychological quality is also average, so his low profile may be just because he is a Common person, or it may be that the more he knows, the more he fears!"

Regarding Luo Chen, even Tony Stark can find it, how can Nick Fury not find it, but he doesn't dare to get close to it, so as not to be punished by the power behind this diary.

"All in all, Nata's analysis is very reasonable. The concept of timelines shows that it is very likely that these timelines are maintained by someone!" Nick Fury said. "I just don't know what the principles of maintaining these timelines are, what kind of timelines will be abandoned, and what kind of timelines will survive. If we can't figure out the laws behind this...we may die at any time! "

Nick Fury just feels restless. If he doesn't know what these timelines mean, then the timeline they are in may be swept into the garbage dump at any time.

After all, even Luo Chen doesn't know the reason for this, nor does he know whether the timeline they are in will be abandoned in the end.

"I'm still curious about one thing, that is, if it is an abandoned timeline, how will it be dealt with in the end?" Hawkeye Barton asked with some doubts.

Everyone felt even worse, because it meant that they might be disposed of like garbage, which was absolutely unacceptable to them.

"Anyway, it won't be a good result!" Nick Fury said, especially for a big shot like him who has the power of life and death. It's really hard to accept that.

"This world, as Luo Chen said, is becoming more and more dangerous!" Hill agent said.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, still digesting the horror content in this diary update.


"Did Mr. Luo come to this understanding because of the conversation between our father and daughter?"

At home, Gwen had just helped her mother wash the dishes, and when she went upstairs, she saw that the diary had been updated.

She saw the records in Luo Chen's diary. That purple sweet potato spirit snapped his fingers, which seemed to be a very dangerous thing, not to mention, restarting the universe, destroying the universe. Things, at best, are just a pain, but it will be even more terrifying if you encounter the zombie universe.

Thinking of herself, and even the people around her, becoming zombies, just thinking about it gave her a feeling of suffocation.

In such a dangerous world, it seems that having the power to protect oneself is becoming more and more important.


Luo Chen still doesn't know how much shock the diary he wrote down has caused others. He just sighs with emotion. In fact, even the zombie universe is divided into the comic version of the zombie universe and the hypothetical zombie universe.

In the Zombie universe of the If series, all the zombies have lost their minds. Although it is dangerous, it is not bad, but the real horror is the comic version of the zombie universe. Each of the zombies still has their own brains, but they can't help swallowing them. all desires.

They will eat everything that can be eaten in the entire universe, and even have quite high intelligence, create devices that travel through parallel universes, and go to other universes to eat.

It can be said to be terrifying and disgusting!

But in these two universes, he is more worried about the zombie universe in the series universe, because he should be in the movie universe, so no matter how terrifying the comic version of the zombie universe is, it will be difficult to affect him.

But if it is a series, it will be completely different, because if the series exists, it is the split of the movie universe, and every choice may create a brand new universe.

It was the danger created by the Ant-Man family, which brought out the quantum virus from the quantum universe, and finally infected the entire earth, turning the earth into a paradise for zombies.

It's still early though, and as long as Tony Stark doesn't admit he's Iron Man, there's still some time to go.

But come to think of it, Tony Stark has been a bit low-key lately, not at all his high-key style.

Whether it's on TV, in newspapers, or on the Internet, it's almost all about him doing things, picking up girls, and publishing all kinds of golden sentences.

But recently, he seems to have disappeared.

"Could it be that he has actually gone to Afghanistan?" Luo Chen was a little suspicious, whether Tony Stark had gone to Afghanistan, and the Stark Group was blocking the news.

But it doesn't matter, if Tony Stark is such an important person, if he really disappears, then the Stark Group won't be able to hide it for long.

Luo Chen felt the surging power in his body, but it was still far from enough. Although the blood of Krypton is very powerful, it is still in the Primary stage of development.

"Unfortunately, I can't fly yet, and I can't fly fast enough, otherwise, I would fly to the eastern hemisphere to bask in the sun!" Luo Chen said.

After he can fly in the future, he can stay in a place with the sun all the time. At that time, his strength will improve and he will fly.

Although his combat strength must surpass Captain America and the others now, his opponents are not at the peak level of human beings like Captain America, but are all non-human beings, even Dimension Mephista, and even the manipulation of Kang the Conqueror Dimension, the existence of manipulating time.

But speaking of this, he also has to complain. When Kang the Conqueror first appeared, he was so high-powered, but he died so sloppily. After the timeline exploded, the performance of those Kangs in Ant-Man3 was astonishing. It's just outrageous.

Existence of this level?

Finally, can you manipulate time?

Can even rule the endless universe?

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible!