
Izuku Midoriya: The Incredible Hulk

In a different world, Izuku Midoriya was just a quirkless nobody but in this one, he's much more than he could've imagined being, he is, The, Incredible Hulk!

Justsomedude · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Entrance exam

Both Izuku and Katsuki were waiting for this day, today would be the U.A. entrance exam, both were confident that they could easily pass the exam, Izuku thought it would probably be a breeze and Katsuki would just explode everything.

"Katsuki, good luck in the exam," Izuku said with a small smile on his face, "HA like I need good luck, I'll probably come in first either way," Katsuki said with a smirk of his own.

They both marveled about how big UA was and it was certainly a sight to behold, the large H shaped building seemed to give off an unimaginable pressure that was weighing down one's soul and many participants headed in with pale faces some even complained that the building was far too large and thus the exam would be unfair which made absolutely no sense to Izuku.

Both Izuku and Katsuki headed inside and took the entrance exam's first part, the Theoretical exam, the first part was a very hard Highschool test made up of every subject thought in Middle school and then there was the Hero portion of it, it consisted of countless questions about both hero and villain tactics, they were given multiple scenarios where they had to make the best possible decision for the said situation there were even some psychological tricks thrown in there which Izuku had no trouble with, and he finished the exam in 45 minutes which was practically unheard of unless one had some speed quirk, but now izuku was bored out of his mind as they got a total of three hours to finish the test, he could've finished earlier but decided to take it slow.

So Izuku decided to go and talk with the beast within, in the years Izuku had learned a total of five martial arts forms, which was boxing, karate, jiu-jitsu, kung fu, and a form he created himself which was called Instinct by the beast, there wasn't any form to it nor any special attacks just fighting instinct.

While Izuku was proficient at his fighting styles he was only beginning to learn how to fight using 'Instinct' and he was certainly having a very hard time with it, and the other sad thing was that he wasn't that good at using weapons not that he needed them but it would be useful to use thors hammer or some other mythical weapon the beast ha collected, the beast was still unwilling to tell Izuku his name and still called Izuku 'Host', and a recent discovery they made was that they could converse telepathically fora short amount of time and it wasn't very useful to Izuku as the hulk wasn't the smartest person except when it came to fighting tactics.

Anyway, the 2 hours and 15 minutes passed by slowly, and agonizingly Izuku spent around an hour fighting the beast which was around ten minutes outside of his head Izuku spent an hour checking all of his answers and found no mistakes.

Luckily they only had 25 minutes worth of time that most use to eat something and go to the toilet, now they had to go to the auditorium where they would get the explanation for the next part of the exam which was the practical exam, and slowly the entire auditorium filled up with students, unluckily Izuku didn't get to sit next to anyone he knew but that didn't really bother him.

"ARE YOU READY EVERYONE!!!" the presenter which was Present Mic shouted out.

The tv really did tone down his voice because it was way louder if you heard it in person, his quirk was also a very dangerous one especially with the amount of control he had over it, he could pose a serious challenge even in my 'Beast mode', but I hadn't tested any kind of sound attacks so I don't know what would happen but I would only need to get close to him and he would be done.

Present Mic went on explaining how we would get points which is by destroying robots, it seemed very unfair as only people with battle oriented quirks could get most of the points, there was a girl with an invisibility quirk which would be a very useful quirk for infiltration but useless in fighting robots and villains so it seemed very unfair.

In a matter of 10 minutes, we were already sitting on a bus going to one of the fake city's they had, I was honestly amazed by how big the campus was an I was also wondering where they got the funding for all of this.

Most people in my group were wearing either a tracksuit or some kind of bodysuit, unluckily I could only wear pants made for people with quirks that make them larger than others, my mother wanted me to wear a shirt too but I decided that simply using pants would be better, I had already change into the bigger pants but I still ha my normal shirt on so I had to strip, first were my shoes and socks, then was my shirt, I already noticed some people looking at me, some girls were even blushing which made me rather proud about my muscled body, I was honestly pretty good looking, one guy was even walking up to me with his hands going in a chopping motion.

"Sir, I must ask you take your shirt back on as it is distracting othe-"

I simply cut him off by transforming, his eyes widened in shock and then he immediately bowed and apologized to me which I found quite confusing as he looked like a pretty stern guy so I guess he thought that it was just for my quirk, my transformation made me more twice as large as before and my muscles got even bigger than before.

Shortly after I transformed a loud alarm went off while the doors to the city opened, I took this as the starting signal and I jumped, the strength of my jump left cracks in the floor and while I was soaring in the air Present Mic was shouting that there were no count downs in real battles.

I landed in the middle of the city between multiple large buildings and as soon as I landed I ran at the closest robot which was a three-pointer, all I needed was a single punch which destroyed it and a part of the building behind it, then I continued on in an absolute rampage, I destroyed well over 50 robots most of which were either two or three-pointers, I had even taken down a smaller building which was about to fall on one of the participants.

There were only two minutes remaining which I used to scout out the city, it looked exactly like Musutafu, so I had a fairly easy time coordinating through the streets, that was until the obstacle came.

The obstacle which was the zero-pointer was a humongous robot, it towered over even most buildings and fairly quickly for something so big.

Most people were already running away from it and I was planning to do the same.

until I heard a voice it was almost as silent as a whisper but I still heard it, it said "please help", and before I even knew it I was moving towards the zero-pointer, with a big leap I was in front of it face with my fist readied to deliver my strongest punch yet, I pulled back my fist and PUNCHED, the strength of it took off the robots head and the whole street behind it got absolutely obliterated just by the shockwave of it.

I landed back on the ground and moved towards the girl who called out to me, she was trapped under a large piece of rubble I quickly threw it off her and picked her up, I slowly moved towards the entrance of the city, there was a small elderly woman waiting, she was known as Recovery girl she was the sole reason UA could have these reckless examinations as her quirk could heal anyone by using their stamina, she was pretty much the backbone of UA.

"Ah Young man thank you for bringing her here, are you hurt anywhere?" Recovery girl asked

"No, but she passed out because of my attack on the zero-pointer and she probably has some other wounds," I told recovery girl

Most people were looking at me with shocked eyes so I decide that it was better to just go home.