
Izuku Midoriya in To Love-Ru

One for All and All for One, I finally realized why he was strongest opponent for me and why he was my destined enemy. We stood on the other end of spectrum but we started slowly as before, we both were useless and wanted to be a hero... All for One succumbed to hardship and developed as an anti hero, with series of events he changed and his smaller brother heard his cry for help, so he passed down his power to save his brother help and call... Huh... why, Hmm I think it's over, hmm where is this anyway.” At a void place Izuku Midoriya was looking around to found himself totally alone, but when he closed his eyes and concentrated to found he recalled memories, of a boy called Yuki Rito. When he felt he would be able to open his eyes again, with a slight effort he was able to where a brown cheat nut haired beauty was sleeping by his side, there was a cold compress on his head and by the look he was sweating a lot, maybe because of fever he had. follow the story of Izuku Midoriya as an Rito become the first hero in the world of To Love-Ru. Hello guys my name is Akash Tiwari from India, my Motive of writing down this FanFiction is to gather your attention and request few things if possible, in the coming competition which happen every week I will be participating with my original novel, for that twin that competition I will request for you guys too what some Power stone until I give that it novel in the competition I will be writing the highest amount of chapter I can to cover up for you and your loss. you guys must be aware about how people stop writing FanFiction in between is very simple because we are also humans and cannot fill our stomach beaches FanFiction while we will never get royalty out of it writing a FanFiction, if you guys supported me on the novel I will original create I will definitely will continue to write this FanFiction to the least possible chapter would be 600.

IwanttoKill · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Rito and Rumour

After walking for the five minutes from the house, well it was not working it was jogging for 5 minutes from the house Rito was able to find the equipment shop, from which he wanted to take those training gears, but due to the cost of most of them, he was only able to buy out gripper to train his hand muscle.

On that note he would also be looking around for a Gym if possible, given he only wanted to work on the muscles like strength muscle and agility muscles, training them will be the highest priority for him.

When he was done with the shopping he took out the gripper from its cover and clutched it, while keeping his hand inside his pocket which will cover but he is doing with the hands even during the class, given he was used to it in his previous life it would not be harder for him to do something similar in this world.

Working out his way toward the class, where he looked around to find most of the students looking at him but it was not of something like disgust since they also started to realise that how they treated him was also way too awful, to begin with, and were afraid of how to face him.

For that, they would start thinking bad of him just to make their heart easy, when they founded that they were also guilty humans started to look around for someone who is more guilty than him to feel at ease, and that is the reason Rito was still suffering from the student's behaviour.

Rito looked at the boy who just evade his gaze and looked at his friends to talk, Rito walked silently and sit on his seat, as he looked outside of the window, given his image was already very bad but it was not enough to stop him from progressing.

At first, he had to make a good impression on the teachers, given teachers are like leading figure in the class and their opinion about him would affect whole class attitude towards him.

Second, he had to work hard and put out the best front in front of everyone, so that they started to change their way towards him given most of the criminals had to go through the same thing and was the reason why they become criminals in his world.

Third, he had to get rid of the charges against him, which was put on him because of jealousy for many reasons, one of the reason was that he was good at playing football and was about to take his place from the main team and the second reason was someone attention on him which might be related to a girl.

Given the guy who had tried to frame him was only a middle schooler, this possibility for only cases he was able to rule out why the other guy wanted to frame him and the core incident that the girl ran when he was trying to pick up the tool.

It was way too much for a coincident, at the thought of that Rito could not help but smile since it was the work of his classmate.

Closing his eyes he started to wait for the teacher, when few minutes passed the homeroom teacher entered and looked around as his gaze fell on Rito, it was full of pity, since the child mistake was not that big but due to that for some reason, the rumour was circulated in a malicious manner.

The teacher was not too stupid enough so not to realise that somebody was trying to frame this kid and leave a grave mark on the psychology of this boy.

At that point, the person seemed to be quite successful, for that reason school had taken an action as he spoke "Everyone today the School has decided to play out a student exchange program, where some student from this class will be switched to the other class permanently till the end of the year.

As he looked at Rito and spoke "Yuki Rito and Asaka Mizuha, both of you will be sent to class A." teacher smiled since he remembered that a girl named Haruna in that class had stood up for Rito.

She can be a hope for this kid and I hope I can make up to him for all that happened since then.' Sensei thought as he looked at Rito but for some reason Rito today looked quite energetic for himself.


Walking outside Rito was smiling from inside 'lucky this is the best scenario I could have hope for to develop his image in front of everyone.'

"Umm! I hope you treat me kindly." Rito spoke to Mizuha girl who looked at Rito and felt a little bad, so she nodded given when the class was about to change she would only have him who is familiar with her.

"Sorry, we all did not want to treat you like that." Rito was able to tell that the girl in front of him was quite nervous, so he ended up patting her shoulder with which he reveals the smile he had practised in his previous life for all the time, so that to become like the one he admires.

Mizuha felt the warmth tapping at her shoulder which lessens her guilt inside her, as she found that Rito whom they all adhere was a kind guy.

Kind enough to forgive them with such a smile, this guy would not do something of that sort, at that moment Mizuha recalled Rito saying 'I did not do that!'

She was about to tear up at that part, but when she saw Rito still smiling at him she felt like being saved by that smile, yes it was the first time Rito had saved someone in this world.

At which both of them walked out silently given they were about to reach the next class, entering inside they saw everyone in that class looking at them. Haruna who was sitting looked at Rito and blushed, while others were looking at Rito and Mizuha with and curious gaze.

Rito stood out and spoke at the teacher signal "Hello everyone my name is Yuki Rito, I once liked to play soccer and currently enjoying gaming a bit and reading from time to time. I hope you guys will treat me well for the last few months."

Mizuha was also introduced when a boy smiled and shouted "Ahh! isn't Rito that guy who destroyed the garden by damaging those plants?"

At which most of the people attending was gather on the boy as the gazes started to change when Rito spoke "Indeed it was me, but this time I wish to ask what is the reason for you are trying to bring my past."

The boy suddenly jerked since he was just a boot licker and wanted to get attention so he shouted "I am just making sure that most of the people will know what kind of person you are."