
Izuku Midoriya in To Love-Ru

One for All and All for One, I finally realized why he was strongest opponent for me and why he was my destined enemy. We stood on the other end of spectrum but we started slowly as before, we both were useless and wanted to be a hero... All for One succumbed to hardship and developed as an anti hero, with series of events he changed and his smaller brother heard his cry for help, so he passed down his power to save his brother help and call... Huh... why, Hmm I think it's over, hmm where is this anyway.” At a void place Izuku Midoriya was looking around to found himself totally alone, but when he closed his eyes and concentrated to found he recalled memories, of a boy called Yuki Rito. When he felt he would be able to open his eyes again, with a slight effort he was able to where a brown cheat nut haired beauty was sleeping by his side, there was a cold compress on his head and by the look he was sweating a lot, maybe because of fever he had. follow the story of Izuku Midoriya as an Rito become the first hero in the world of To Love-Ru. Hello guys my name is Akash Tiwari from India, my Motive of writing down this FanFiction is to gather your attention and request few things if possible, in the coming competition which happen every week I will be participating with my original novel, for that twin that competition I will request for you guys too what some Power stone until I give that it novel in the competition I will be writing the highest amount of chapter I can to cover up for you and your loss. you guys must be aware about how people stop writing FanFiction in between is very simple because we are also humans and cannot fill our stomach beaches FanFiction while we will never get royalty out of it writing a FanFiction, if you guys supported me on the novel I will original create I will definitely will continue to write this FanFiction to the least possible chapter would be 600.

IwanttoKill · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Rumour Vanishing

Rito question was on the point as he continued "I never imagined harming you and doing something bad for you, but not only this was chance to come back and enjoy my last few months of Middle School."

"Believe me, it is not easy to sit when everyone around you blames you for something from last year. Then if I had done wrong to you, allow me to apologise to you since I have been repenting daily by taking care of that case."

Rito spoke truthfully as he gazed at the boy, while Rito looked around to the students and bow a little "If you guys are still mad about those harmed plant's allow me to apologise."

In the beginning, no one cares about those plant's, what the news in what the topic to blame others on, after the section where Rito come out straight and apologize to everyone without taking the blame totally on him, given he never said that he did it at everything he said above. They had whatsoever no reason to blame on someone like Rito, an awkward silence descended, "Yuki- Kun you don't have to apologize since I never believed those things."

Haruna was touched by Rito sincerity, even the teacher was looking at Rito with a little apologetic gaze, where the classroom started to bustle as they called out and asked for such behaviour on their part.

Given how Haruna stood up with such an act of courage and belief over Rito, no one was able to speak ill of Rito and they could only welcome him warmly to apologize by their means and methods.

Children are like that awkward and clumsy but their hearts lacked something like evil only guilt and fear can exist in their hearts, so when everybody treated him like that Rito heart never manifested evilness what manifested in his heart was fear.

Rito found his heart becoming lighter, which was the remaining of Actual Rito blame which was left behind that action.

After Rito sat down by a set left to Haruna he turned and spoke to her at which he did shutter a little but was able to speak properly for her to understand what he was trying to say "Thank you again, you helped a lot." was something he wants to speak for a long time, Haruna was a little confused since why did Rito say again since it was her first time talking for him out.

Rito didn't speak because sometimes silence can speak more than one can try to explain, Haruna was a little taken aback but shook her head and looked at the front to greet the teacher while sitting down too.

After that when the class started the teacher started his job of teaching, the first subject is that English at which Rito was quite confident.

After class was over everyone started chatting around with the person sitting next to him, Rito looked back at the boy name Satomi, and said: "Nice to meet you Satomi."

Satomi nodded as he smiled and spoke "Nice to meet you too." for Rito he was able to tell that this guy, was a kinda shy type but when talked could be a good friend.

"Mind chatting, you see it's quite boring to you stay alone like that right and had no one to chat with." At which Satomi smiled and introduce his friend, as the 3 of them started to chat.

Rito was able to blend in while after class Class rep who was a girl was asked to take away the copies, so he helped her out at which Haruna also insisted on helping them.

Rito was not the clinging type and seem to be quite outgoing, due to which both girls didn't felt uncomfortable while talking with him which is not similar to the times when they chatting with other males.

Rito did not ask personal things and kept it quiet while helping them, he would ask some questions from time to time but it was visible he was a little scared about it making them amused.

Rito knew his muscles reaction or not something we can get rid of quickly and was prepared to face it anytime, but still was not able to hide redness creeping his face, making both of the girls a little lost for some reason where they found Rito can we quit cute from time to time.

After that incident the two girls especially the class representative spread the rumour that what kind of person Rito was due to which his bad image started to fade away at the end of the day, especially in a certain class.

After the class, Rito was quite happy as he had got ridden of the problem which made previous Rito suffer, as for the fun he was having in that class started to heal discuss which had been left behind in his heart.

Mikan had already arrived home before Rito and was sitting in the Hall room, watching the television when she heard Rito voice which seemed to be quite happy which was something surprising as she turned around to see Rito "I am back home Mikan."

"Welcome back Rito, It seems something good had happened by the way I have brought some cake when coming home, wanna try some."

Mikan spoke, since she had been quite some pocket money and thought of buying something to cheer him up.

"Ohh! that would be awesome, I'll wash my back and change me clothe first." Rito rushed and changes since he was about to have the first sweet after he had come back into this world.

Well, I think I might have developed sweet teeth after that incident in my previous life huh!