
Itachi Uchiha in ATG

Itachi slowly lifted his face as his blood red Sharingan induced eyes stared directly at his little brother’s eyes: “No matter what you do from here on, know this: I will love you always…” Itachi already had a very strange few days but it became even more strange when his soul form suddenly felt a pulling towards something and just like that he started accelerating towards the source of his problem. Yun Che and Itachi collided within this tunnel of reincarnation as both of their soul forms disappeared inside the Mirror of Samsara. Nothing in this fanfiction belongs to me.

Itachi90aizen · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

The Favour

Xia Qingyue who had just readjusted her cultivation posture was startled at his arrival, even more so since she hadn't sensed him approach in the immediate vicinity. Seeing him return, she indifferently spoke. "Xiao Yulong came over."

"Ah, yes, I know. I just saw him outside. He shouldn't be bothering us ..again especially after this two-fold assault" Itachi took a look at Xia Qingyue's expression before responding.

Xia Qingyue raised her brow in askance at his cryptic response silently questioning him.

Ignoring her questioning look, Itachi responded with a question of his own, " So, how do you feel after the initial expulsion of your trapped cold profound energy? Your profound circulation must have become quite smooth"

Xia Qingyue's tranquil expression showed a few ripples of excitement while she said in a somewhat stirred voice, " It feels like my body has been reborn, my speed of cultivation is completely different from before. And, yes the flow of profound energy in my body is quiet smooth. It seems to me that I might get a breakthrough in my cultivation realm soon enough. Do you need to continue the treatment again?''

Itachi shook his head in negative tone of voice, "No..Not at the moment but I will do it one more time before you leave. That should completely do it."

Xia Qingyue nodded her head in understanding while her eyes became a bit riddled.

Seeing her staring at him, Itachi gazed back at her in questioning, "What's wrong? Do you feel anything different?''

At Itachi's questioning, Xia Qingyue shook her head as she replied in a somewhat nervous tone of voice, " No, there's nothing wrong with my cultivation, it's completely smooth just as I explained before. I just wanted to ask you if there is anything that I can do to repay you although I know you said you don't need anything. But still I want be able to cultivate freely without this debt over my shoulders."

Itachi raised his head at Qingyue's nervous attempt to say thank you while at the same time asking to repay his favour which he had already been expecting. He sighed while he nodded his head in reply, " Okay. Although, I didn't want anything at first. But, since you feel this way, I suppose I will accept your offer. Anyways, It will be beneficial to us both."

Qingyue's visage soon relaxed while she asked curiously, " Alright…. What can I do to repay this favour"

Itachi silently contemplated about how to proceed with his request. He had already thought about contacting the Frozen Cloud Asgard earlier than previous time. In the Blue Wind Empire, out of the four major sects the only sect that he could probably have as an ally in the future is the Frozen Cloud Asgard. The Xiao sect and Burning Heaven Clan both weren't strong enough to be allied with. At the same time, even if Itachi could somehow cooperate with them, from what he saw in Yun Che's memories it was full of arrogant elders and young masters who were just waiting to be provoked. With his personality, Itachi would most definitely end up becoming their enemy just like Yun Che did, although he would try to be more smart about it. With the two of them out of the way, that only left the Heavenly Sword Villa and Frozen Cloud Asgard. Heavenly Sword Villa was already out of the question because of their connection with the sacred land, the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Itachi wanted to completely avoid getting it's attention until he was strong enough. So, the only logical conclusion left him with the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Frozen Cloud Asgard was neither too strong nor too weak relative to the Blue Wind Empire, it was secluded enough from the rest of the world. In his beginning stages of cultivation, by forming a cooperative relationship with Frozen Cloud Asgard, Itachi could use their power to get into the more dangerous places while rapidly increasing his cultivation, although, without sufficient strength it would be entirely futile to hope for cooperation in this world. However, since they disdained contact with men it would be difficult to cooperate with them, yet if he could show his worth just as Yun Che did with the enticement of the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, he could succeed and easily get to places like the Phonenix trial and the Dragon God's trial. Moreever, he wasn't entirely defenseless, he still had the Sharingan and after experimenting it on Xiao Yulong, he was even more certain that the cultivators of this world didn't have strong soul strength at least not until the sovereign profound realm. In the Frozen Cloud Asgard and even in the blue wind empire, the emperor profound realm was the highest level of profound strength. At that level, Sharingan could be considered almost invincible, As long as it could act as a deterrent against them, it would be enough.

Itachi finised his musing while Qingyue quietly gazed back at him waiting for him to think properly.

A few moments later, Itachi raised his head towards Qingyue saying in an even tone of voice, " I want you to arrange a meeting with your master from the Frozen Cloud Asgard, anywhere is fine."

Xia Qingyue brows wrinkled slightly while she narrowed her eyes in a startled gesture replying, "Why do you want me to arrange a meeting with her. Although , it would be easy for me to ask her to come and she will probably say yes if I persuade her just a little. But, if you offend her in any way I will not be able to protect you. And my master isn't the forgiving type, especially against men."

Itachi merely smiled at her warning tone replying in a carefree manner, " I know. Don't forget you are a member of that same sect. I already have some experience in dealing with your sect members. As for offending her, I have no such intention and you don't need to protect me form your master since I don't plan on antagonizing her anyways."

Qingyue agreed to his request while nodding, " Fine. then I wont ask why you want to meet her but I don't think you are an idiot. So I will arrange a meeting with her. When do you want to meet her?"

Itachi immediately replied, " Thank you. It would be best if you contact her as soon as possible although do warn me beforehand. But you people from the Frozen Cloud Asgard have a tendency to disdain unnecessary contact with men even for just a little conversation as evident by your initial reaction. So, just show your profound circulation system to her and it should be enough to attract her attention. It doesn't matter since I am going to get exposed anyways."

Qingyue appeared doubtful about Itachi's prediction but since she had already promised to return his favour she had no choice but to go through with her choice. Hence she nodded her in his direction agreeing with his choice, " My master is in the vicinity of the floating cloud city, I will contact her immediately. If she agrees, she could probably get here in a few minutes. Once I tell her about your request, I will go look for you."

Itachi affirmed with a simple nod while getting up, " Very well then. I will just go meet grandfather to talk about something. Just call me when she is here…". With that, he turned around to walk up to the door before saying in a knowing tone, " Though, don't get too shocked when you find the gift that I granted you. As I told you before your master will be able to confirm it for you."

After Itachi was gone, Xia Qingyue stood gracefully while taking out the sound transmission jade given to her by her master -Chu Yueli.

She used the sound jade to convey her request to see her immediately. It didn't take long for her master to agree to her request. Although, she refrained from speaking about Itachi since it would be best if she talked about that face-to-face with her.

Once her master informed Qingyue of the time of her arrival, Xia Qingyue simply continued her cultivation practice in the middle of the courtyard while waiting patiently for her to come.

Meanwhile ,Itachi went to Xiao Lingxi's courtyard to offer breakfast. It was a little worrying how innocent Xiao Lingxi was, although he hoped to preserve her innocence but living in such a cruel world it would be extremely detrimental. That was the reason why he hoped to send her to the Frozen Cloud Asgard, not just for her protection but her growth and development as well. However, to send her off so far away, getting grandfather's permission was necessary. To that end, Itachi would have to reveal his knowledge about his lineage, using it as a proper excuse he could probably convince him to let her go for her own protection.

Itachi excused himself from Xiao Lingxi's room, leaving towards his next destination.

Xiao Lie quietly stood in front of a gravestone, his white hair, the result of having been through many changes and sorrow, fluttering freely in the wind.

On the gravestone, the two words "Xiao Ying" were engraved.

The expression in Xiao Lie's eyes was misty. He stiffly stood there, his mouth uttering an involuntary sort of mutter…

"....he's not your real child, he is still the one that you two spent your lives, and the life of your child, to protect. I will also protect his peace to the best of my ability…"

A quiet snapping sound entered Xiao Lie's ear, startling him. He returned to his senses in a flash and turned his head, shouting in a low voice. "Who?"

Following his shout, Itachi's figure walked over from behind a thick and solid tree at the center of the courtyard. He looked at Xiao Lie determinedly , walked forward a few steps and assumed the proper etiquette of a junior, "Xiao Che greets grandfather… I did not think that grandfather would even be here? Did I disturb grandfather?"

Xiao Lie's eyes revealed his turmoil… He furrowed his brows and asked calmly, "Che'er, what are you doing here?"

Itachi promptly responded, "I came here to talk to you about something important before the people from the Xiao sect arrive."

"Then did you hear what I just said?" Xiao Lie's voice appeared calm although inside he was feeling quite panicked.

Unfortunately for Xiao Lie, Itachi didn't plan to be oblivious about the truth of his lineage and Xiao Lies's monologue just now presented him with the best available opportunity to ask him the knowledge about his birth. Thus he nodded his head in a calm manner affirming his doubt, " Yes! I am sorry grandfather but I have heard what you said just now. Although, it isn't come as a surprise to me, not as much as you think it would anyways."

Xiao Lie's body visibly shook, his heart and mind were in even more turmoil, since Itachi had already heard him and he didn't seem too upset after learning the truth. Xiao Lie voice asked in realization, " You don't seem too surprised about the fact that you are not my real grandson. Did you already know it before ? How did you even come to know of it?"

Itachi sighed while replying gently to Xiao Lie's inquiry, "Grandfather you don't need to be that shocked, somethings are just beyond our control. The apparent knowledge of my true birth is something that was going to come out sooner or later. As for how I was enlightened about that fact. The machination behind that is something that I don't understand myself. However, I would like to now what you know about them?"

"You want to ask who your biological parents were, right?" Xiao Lie said as he immediately continued the sentence with a tranquil expression on his face.

Itachi nodded as his eyes solidly concentrated at Xiao Lie, " I believe I wasn't randomly picked up without good cause…. Grandfather, you do know something, right?"

Xiao Lie relayed the entire story even though Itachi already knew about the story, the level of dedication and sacrifice that was shown by Xiao ying still shocked him.

But already knowing the full story behind the incident Itachi could still avenge Xiao Ying by eradicating the Sun Moon Divine Hall and the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Conforming the tale of Xiao Che's adoptive father had cast an emotion that Itachi hadn't felt in a long time now. Even in his entire life in the Shinobi world he couldn't remember the last time he felt such an intense emotion, he had felt a lot of sorrow in his short life as a Shinobi. Even though he was hailed as a genius of the Uchiha clan praised since childhood off his visual prowess and strength, he always felt helpless against his fate, the sense of duty that he felt towards the village and the love that he felt for his brother…..between the both of them, he couldn't choose one or the other and so, even with his limited strength, he struggled against the fate of the Uchiha and strived to be a fine Shinobi as well as an elder brother, who could, at the very least protect his only sibling. He learned many significant lessons from his short life. Love and hatred...two contrasting senses that are evoked in our life. Only those who have experienced true love can understand true hatred, no matter which world it is- true love and dedication is rare which makes being able to experience love that much more wonderful. Hearing Xiao Lie's words and his unrequited love for the Xiao Che that he acquired the body of, Itachi felt a strange sort of familial love that he shouldn't feel or rather couldn't feel in a long time. He was already aware of the fact that his soul was becoming one with Yun Che's but even knowing that fact wasn't enough to resist these emotions. Thus, Itachi decided to accept the apparent truth of this new existence and said in as emotional voice: "Grandfather, Your affection and kindness, for my entire life, I will always remember . "

Itachi took out the 'pendant' from around his neck and showed it to Xiao Lie and said, "Grandfather, this pendant is the reason for me already knowing the truth about my birth. It is a somewhat special treasure, it might be the reason why my real parents were hunted. I don't really know all the mysteries about it but I can say with certainty it will be possible to repair my profound veins by using it. That is also the original intention for my visit today. The people that were after it might still be looking for it. Now that I am going to use it, it might alert them. With that possibility, you and Xiao Lingxi might get into danger as well. So, I want to send Xiao Lingxi to an all female sect-the Frozen Cloud Asgard. She doesn't need to become its member but they will give her asylum for a few years, with her safe I can be assured of leaving for the journey to repair my profound veins and get enough strength to protect you both as well as avenge my adoptive father."

Xiao Lie's sour mood instantly devolved into one of shock then hesitance. He was happy to know that Xiao Che's profound veins could be repaired. But the risk that accompanied that task left him hesitant, he still remembered his son's disfigured body. However he didn't want to be the one standing between Xiao Che and his future. Xiao Lingxi was the only soft spot left n his heart, thus her safety was also paramount to him. Although, he didn't know how Itachi could make such a deal with one of the most powerful sects in the Blue Wind Empire he didn't doubt his intentions. It warmed his heart to know that Xiao Che didn't consider them any less of a family after being aware of the truth. However sending Xiao Lingxi away from him would leave him entirely restless and anxious. But for her protection his sacrifice wasn't even worth mentioning.

Xiao Lie nodded his head while sighing, " Although I have no idea how you could possibly establish contact with such a large sect like the Frozen Cloud Asgard and demand protection for her but I know that you love her as family and would never do anything to that will potentially harm her. Therefore, I lend you my permission to go on this journey to repair your profound veins and while you are gaining strength in the outside world Xiao Lingxi will stay at the Frozen Cloud Asgard to keep her safe from any possible harm. However, you must remember your life is the most significant thing to me. So, be safe"

Itachi firmly gazed back at his grandfather and said in a steely voice, " Grandfather, I promise to come back safe and be strong enough to protect Xiao Lingxi myself instead of relying on others. Xiao Che is the grand.son of you, Xiao Lie, and had been under your protection for sixteen years, but now it's time for him to change and be different….be better than he was before….and so from now, I am not just Xiao Che anymore…..I am Yun Che….. You are a great grandfather so your grandson will not continue to embarrass you by staying a trash forever… Wait for me, I will be back. Before my return, you must… take care of yourself. "

"Good…. Good!" Xiao Lie slowly nodded his head as his voice trembled and tears appeared in both of his eyes. He went forward to pat Itachi , took a wooden tablet with a hanging white tassel from his body and placed it in Itachi's hand: " Your profound veins have been disabled and you have never step out of Floating Cloud City in your entire life. Although I'm extremely worried… The look in your eyes is not as it was before and it allows me to feel at ease and relieved. If you don't have a set destination to go to, then take this tablet and go to a City called 'New Moon', and ask around for a person call Sikong Han. Let this be my farewell gift before you leave."

Itachi grasped the old wooden tablet in the middle of his hand and nodded fiercely. Afterwards he said, " Grandfather, I will probably leave tomorrow and take Qingyue with me, since she has agreed to help me . Though, before I leave tomorrow, I will go pay my respects to…. Uncle Xiao. Also, I will speak with Xiao Lingxi tonight so you mustn't worry. I will take my leave now, to make proper arrangements for my journey."

Xiao Lie nodded his head pleased with the situation.

Itachi left Xiao Lie in the middle of the cemetery while returning to his own courtyard since it should be about time for Chu Yueli to arrive.