
Itachi Uchiha in ATG

Itachi slowly lifted his face as his blood red Sharingan induced eyes stared directly at his little brother’s eyes: “No matter what you do from here on, know this: I will love you always…” Itachi already had a very strange few days but it became even more strange when his soul form suddenly felt a pulling towards something and just like that he started accelerating towards the source of his problem. Yun Che and Itachi collided within this tunnel of reincarnation as both of their soul forms disappeared inside the Mirror of Samsara. Nothing in this fanfiction belongs to me.

Itachi90aizen · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

A Deal with a Fairy

Not long after Itachi left, Xia Qingyue had traded her red clothes for a blue dress that was pretty common in the Frozen Cloud Asgard disciples. Yet, even in her simple robes, she was just like a picture of a fairy descending to the mortal realm.

Xia Qingyue walked through the door, every step light and graceful as if she were stepping on clouds. When she reached the middle of the courtyard she gracefully sat down in the lotus position and began to circulate the frozen cloud arts. As the Frozen Cloud Arts rushed forth, the speed at which it circulated within her body was a cause for joy, as it was many times faster than it was before. It was still a matter of great astonishment for her, the way the treatment done by Itachi had entirely transformed the speed of her profound cultivation to a completely different level than before.

She did not have many hopes to begin with, so she was pleasantly surprised from the bottom of her heart at this kind of result. At the same time, she was overwhelmingly shocked… shocked that everything that Itachi had spoken of had in fact been achieved.

While trying to control her non-existent emotions Xia Qingyue tried to focus her mind to break through the bottleneck that she had been stranded on for the past two months. Now she felt like she might get a breakthrough and finally reach the next of her profound cultivation- the true profound realm.

As her consciousness delved deeper into her mind, the rest of the worldly concerns and emotions completely dissipated from her mind replacing it with an indifferent and cold atmosphere.

On the outside, the entire room was covered with a thin layer of mist while in the middle a cold indifferent fairy was sitting with her eyes closed.....Gradually, the concentration of the cold air in the room rose up making it difficult to see her figure. But even with the occasional glimpses of her visage, her soul shattering beauty still couldn't be completely hidden.

Even with the increase of the cold profound energy in the surroundings the tranquility of the place still remained wasn't disturbed, in fact it seemed even quieter than before.

On the inside, Xia Qingyue had already crossed the stage of breakthrough. Her strength which had already reached the threshold of the true profound realm steadily continued to rise, the speed of her rising strength almost seemed frighteningly quick...after another hour the cold air permeating in the air had almost created a thin layer of frost that was being reflected by the mild rays of sunlight through the crevices of the ceiling creating a very beautiful sight. In the center of this visible misty sight, a heavenly figure could be seen whose small beautiful body radiated incredible strength that had reached a peak…..


Elsewhere, In the blue sky with the occasional white cloud, was a floating woman, fully dressed in white, who looked down on the crowd Xiao clan compound with her cold eyes. She had an exceptionally snow white complexion and vermilion lips, a beauty with skin that was both smooth and fair. She had peerless elegance and a pure holiness, like that of a fairy who had descended from the palace in the moon. At the same time, she resembled a cold, prideful, and untainted icy lotus. Although her features were clearly distinct, it was hard for anyone to ascertain her true age. She was just like a fairy, dreamy and absolutely beautiful.

The beautiful sight in the sky wasn't witnessed by anyone since her silhouette vanished from that spot in the sky as soon as she arrived there.

With her strength at a realm exponentially higher than anyone within the Xiao clan, Chu Yueli easily passed through the Xiao clan compound to reach her disciple's place. She had gotten a profound sound transmission from her to come since she had something urgent to talk about. Her figure which was accentuated with the perfect curves under her snowy-blue simple robes highlighted her beauty making it almost impossible for anyone to look away. Her lips which were on display due to the veil being able to just hide the part below her nose appeared tempting to glance at.

Her lips parted to call out to Xia Qingyue but just before she opened her mouth she abruptly stopped herself as she noticed something that amazed her to her very core. The aura around Xia Qingyue which had been at the level of peak nascent profound realm just when she visited her on the day of the wedding, had now advanced by an entire realm to reach the true profound realm level one.

Chu Yueli's face that had remained indifferent without a hint of change abruptly showed a hint of pure amazement. Her eyebrows fluttered with a hint of disbelief but soon that transformed into excitement as she understood the implications of the miracle shown by Xia Qingyue. Reaching the True Profound Level one at just sixteen years of age is unheard of even in the major sects of the Blue Wind Empire. She could be considered as a first rate genius of the Blue Wind Empire .

Her thought process came to halt with the sound of ice breaking coming from the centre of the courtyard. Chu Yueli stepped forward to closely observe the change in her disciple.

Accompanied by the sound of ice breaking Xia Qingyue slowly opened her eyes, the eyes that radiated a beautiful irresistible coldness along with a hint of innocence now contained even more indifference than before but that did not reduce her beauty instead increasing it to a new degree.

Xia Qingyue almost felt like her strength which had been insignificant before had finally rose to a sufficient enough degree that she could finally start to walk the true path of cultivation.

Xia Qingyue gently shook her hand, the entire mist and snow in the courtyard disappeared in an instant. Just as she thought to look for Itachi to inform her that she had already made the call to her Master. An indifferent voice called out from the entrance of the courtyard startling her since she hadn't felt anyone approach near her, "Qingyue, excellent! You have broken through to the True Profound Level one, even that, so soon after your last breakthrough. It appears to me you called me here for this reason..."

Once she realized that it was her Master she instantly relaxed her posture while hurriedly stepping forward to greet her. She said while bowing her head, "Qingyue greets Master…yes! Master I have broken through to the True Profound Level one. Although, it wasn't entirely due to my own effort, that is also the reason why I called you here"

Chu Yueli gazed at Qingyue in puzzlement while her expression didn't change at all, "What do you mean?"

Xia Qingyue gently shook her head while her normally emotionless voice showed a hint of emotion, "Master…. you might understand if you look at my profound circulation system….through someone's assistance my profound energy circulation has become much more smoother than before. Hence, increasing the speed of gathering of my profound energy circulation. It's almost three times faster than before allowing me to easily break through to reach the next realm in such a short amount of time."

Chu Yueli's hands that were as white as snow extended towards Xia Qingyue while she said hurriedly, " Three times!...That's impossible! "

Xia Qingyue held out her delicate right hand without hesitation. It was obvious that even Chu Yueli appeared entirely surprised to learn about her condition. This thought had let a bit of excitement and expectation rise in her heart since Itachi had told her that would be able to confirm something more that he had helped her with.

Chu Yueli somewhat extended her ice-cold hand to grasp onto Xia Qingyue's. But then Chu Yueli's entire body suddenly began to shake...

"Master? What's wrong?" Xia Qingyue asked, alarmed.

"Impossible…. This is absolutely impossible!!"

Her expression let Xia Qingyue become more and more alarmed: "Master…. wh…. what's going on?"

"Qingyue! What kind of godly being did you come across?"

"…." Xia Qingyue was speechless for a while.

"A normal person can only have a total of Fifty Four Profound Entrances. Your originally had 20 open entrances, but, now somehow, all fifty-four of the entrances are open. Of course, the speed of cultivation has become abrupt. When all the profound veins in the Fifty Four Profound Entrances have been completely opened, they referred to as the 'Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins,' ! What exactly happened, Qingyue?"

Chu Yueli's words stupefied Xia Qingyue.

Ever since Itachi's treatment, Xia Qingyue felt she had improved tremendously in her spiritual and physical state. Hearing Chu Yueli talk about the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Xia Qingyue went into bewilderment and shock.

Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins….

Was it really possible that Itachi did this! No….she was sure it was him who did it…

'But, how could I…Could it be…. be….'

In Xia Qingyue's mind, she saw Itachi's figure… She remembered the night they spent together as he treated her with those silver needles. She remembered how Itachi's eyes were bleeding completely exhausted after the treatment….

She recalled every one of the silver needles that pricked her body…. There were a total of fifty four. It was the same as the number of profound entrances!

But, he was only a member of the Xiao Clan, not to mention a person with a damaged profound vein, how was it possible that he had such an ability….

Chu Yueli asked: "Qingyue, quickly, tell me whogave you the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins?"

"It… it is a person…. I thought he just treated the excessive cold energy that was trapped..B-But"

Chu Yueli was filled with shock: "Who is it? This person must be a godly doctor to be able to achieve such a feat "

The words that she once ignored, were now beginning to occupy her thoughts. Only, her feelings right now were entirely different than of that time before.. At the same time, she recalled that after Itachi's treatment, he had told her, "My Master was a great medical saint. As for the rest, you shouldn't ask too much. ...… grandfather and little aunt are unaware. Aside from myself, you're the only other person who knows now."

"There are many reasons as to why I did this. Most of which you won't understand right now…some are more complex than others. But, the simplest among them is because you are my wife and I value my relations, even the nominal ones."

"There is another gift that I have granted you. Your Master would be able to confirm it for you. Don't tell her about me….goodnight. I will see you later"

"...Just show your profound circulation system and it probably should be enough to attract her attention. It doesn't matter since I am going to get exposed anyways.....though, don't get too shocked when you find the gift that I granted you. As I told you before, your master will be able to confirm it for you."

"I cultivate a different form of energy that allows me to see through other types of energy in this world...."

What exactly was he…? And, most of all, why would he take the risk to expose himself to her…She was just a stranger….Was it really just because they were married? Or….

Then, Xia Qingyue suddenly recalled about how Itachi had asked to arrange a meeting with her Master. She suddenly became nervous in her heart. After some hesitation, Qingyue said in a hesitant voice, "Master, you see….. the person that I mentioned….he is. ….you have seen him here in the Floating Cloud City before." While the restlessness in her heart could not be calmed.

Chu Yueli immediately redirected her gaze o Xia Qingyue while expectantly asking, "Where is he?…."

Xia Qingyue became even more nervous then before looking at her Master's incomparably excited voice.

Just when Xia Qingyue was facing a dilemma about how to break the news of Itachi being that person to her Master a voice called out to her from the entrance of the courtyard disrupting the strange silence in the room.

"It was me….Fairy Chu. I am the one who treated her profound veins thus granting her the so-called 'Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins'...".

Accompanied with his unhurried voice, Itachi calmly walked inside while maintaining a certain distance from the fairy of the frozen grass. He stood across the Master-disciple pair.

Xia Qingyue quickly grasped the opportunity while keeping her surprise hidden behind her mask of emotionless face and said to Chu Yueli in a hurried and flustered voice unless her Master misunderstood his sudden arrival as a possible threat.

"Master…its him. He is the person who helped me to achieve the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins…..it…it's really him. You must believe me. Please Master."

Chu Yueli gazed back at Itachi in surprise while trying to reassess his strength. She would have outright rejected their statement but the fact that she didn't even sense him approach, made her wary of him. With her cultivation of later sky profound realm, for anyone to be able to mask their presence in such a thorough way they would have to either be equal or above her in terms of profound strength. Apart from that, only a very powerful profound treasure that could mask presences entirely from cultivators below the emperor profound realm could possibly hide his presence completely from her senses. However, both the possible scenarios would mean that her previous assessment of Xia Qingyue's husband was entirely wrong. Of course, what made her even more vary was what Xia Qingyue said next, the expert who had gifted her with the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins was this man- the supposed trash of the Floating Cloud City. She had always been taught to never underestimate anyone just based on their appearance or profound strength but even knowing that, it was still extremely unbelievable for her to understand that Xiao Che was the person who had such an unbelievable and godly skills to even open a person's all the profound veins. This godly ability could only be described as otherworldly and godly.

Chu Yueli stood for a few minutes quietly scrutinizing him while she considered Xia Qingyue's acceptance of the fact affirmed by Itachi. Even after a careful examination she couldn't sense any sort of profound energy from him. After a while on Xia Qingyue's anxious look Chu Yueli eventually opened her mouth in a astonished whisper, "You…how is it that I can't sense anything from you. Are you using some profound treasure to hide your true strength? But…that's impossible!!... when the last time I saw you, I could still sense your profound strength that was just at Elementary Profound Level one. However, now even that small amount of strength has entirely disappeared from your body. Just what are you, since Qingyue has vouched for you by affirming your claim, I will listen to what you have to say."

Itachi merely chuckled at her disbelief and bewilderment. He had went to look for Xia Qingyue directly after his talk with Xiao lie but when he arrived inside he found her cultivating thus he left her to wait in the vicinity by leaving a shadow clone here. Once he got to know of Chu Yueli's arrival he instantly sent one of his shadow clones inside, while hurrying here from outside. Though, the reason she couldn't sense anything from him was due to the simple fact that this wasn't his real body. This shadow clone was entirely formed of chakra with not even a hint of profound energy making it impossible for her to sense his strength creating an illusion of strength upon her.

"Fairy Chu, I am thankful to you for answering my request. As for your question….No. I am not using any profound treasure to hide my profound cultivation. It is just as you sensed before. I am just a cripple…..although a cripple who was lucky enough to meet a legendary true genius doctor- my Master, Yun Gu. It was him who taught me everything I know about medical techniques and even the one method to open all the profound entrances in the human body. The one you referred to as the so-called Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins were nothing more than a simple technique to him. I know its hard to believe but the truth is right in front of your very eyes. My Master was looking for a successor before he came across me but he wasn't able to impart his complete knowledge to me before we were separated. But even that incomplete knowledge is enough to be considered godly in the mortal world. At first, I didn't want to expose myself without gaining more strength but now, I have a sense of sudden urgency. So, I want to make a deal with your sect, the Frozen Cloud Asgard."

Chu Yueli's lips curved into a faint smile when her mind registered the fact that this person wanted to make a deal with her sect. She was curious to know what he wanted from them….as for what he could give in return, it was entirely obvious to her…the ability to open all profound entrances in such a short time. With that kind of ability, it wont take long for the Frozen Cloud Asgard to become the number power in the entire Blue Wind Empire. She didn't need to think too much about it. So, she tried and failed to keep her expression neutral while saying in a surprised voice, " I am not sure what you mean by that. It's still hard to believe that you are such a genius to be able to perform such a technique, granting the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins so quickly but with your pitiful cultivation aren't you afraid that I might try to just force you to comply with me without fulfilling any of your demands? For you to be able to propose a deal with my sect, You must possess a certain level of strength. Just ability isn't enough"

Xia Qingyue gasped at her Master's blatant condescending voice accompanied by the warning threat. It was exactly what she had been afraid of. Such a godly ability was simply too coveted making even respectable people's mind filled with complete greed. Although, Itachi possessed the ability to grant such a godly ability, his strength wasn't enough. She nervously glanced at her Master pleading in an anxious voice, "Master… he had no reason to give me these veins yet he still did. I owe him a huge debt now. Please don't harm him"

Following her threat, Itachi's visage hadn't changed a single bit as if he was completely oblivious to it. He just stared back at Chu Yueli while saying in an amused voice, " Yes! You are right about the fact that my profound strength is indeed pitiful but is profound strength the only form of strength in this world. To make a deal with a sect like Frozen Cloud Asgard on equal grounds, the only thing that is required is sufficient strength no matter which form of. My profound strength is just at Elementary Profound Level one due to my damaged profound veins, it is already a well known fact but that is just a single form of strength-the profound way. I might not be able to easily kill cultivators at higher levels but I can very easily defend and escape from any threat. That is the cause for my confidence, you can try to force me to comply with your wishes forcefully but, I promise you, it will be entirely futile. I can easily escape from here."

"As I was saying previously, profound strength is only a single form of strength in this world. My Master was also aware of my condition…..that is when I realized that I could one day cultivate like any other person. Of course, for that to happen, I needed strength to gather the materials required for the repair of my profound veins but with crippled profound veins, it seemed almost impossible to gather them and without sufficient strength it would have been a bad idea to gather it from someone else. That is when I came across an interesting type of soul cultivation technique that lets me cultivate my soul in spite of my crippled veins, I could still utilize my soul to defend myself. No body focuses on their soul in this world, at least not until the Sovereign Profound Level but the Frozen Cloud Asgard doesn't have any such cultivators to the best of my knowledge. So, considering strength, I think it might not be enough to directly confront the relatively stronger cultivators but it should be just enough to cooperate with your sect. Of course, you are welcome to test me"

Chu Yueli surprisingly glanced at Itachi's confident posture feeling a little shocked inside her heart. Although, the reason why she threatened him in such a manner was simply to gauge his reaction but his answer wasn't anything what she expected. She grew even more astonished after he mentioned about a technique that could cultivate the soul at a lower stage of cultivation. It wasn't something new to want to cultivate the soul but wanting something and actually being able to accomplish it are two entirely separate scenarios, cultivators below the Sovereign Profound Realm haven't been able to touch the realm of being able to soul cultivate. Of course, Chu Yueli wouldn't believe Itachi until she saw this unusual form of strength for herself. But for now, she was more curious to know what exactly Itachi wanted to collaborate on. Hence, she decided to discuss that instead of testing his strength.

"Now I am curious, what is it exactly that you want our sect's help with? What do you hope to offer in exchange to want my sect's help? You should know very well that the Frozen Cloud Asgard disdains any contact with men. But since my disciple's request and you have also become her greatest benefactor, I will hear out your proposal."

She asked Itachi while her enchanting eyes shined with a radiance of interest.

Xia Qingyue who had suddenly reached the height of anxiety finally breathed a sigh if relief. Observing her Master's look of interest directed at Itachi she was sure that at the very least she wouldn't kill him.

Itachi took few a steps forward to stand directly across from Chu Yueli, he redirected his piercing black eyes at her while saying in a confident demeanour, "It's quite obvious what I want?… Or rather what I need? But that isn't exactly what I want from you? That is to say, I can repair my crippled state on my own. My first condition is that I want Frozen Cloud Asgard's services in protecting me for a period of time of not more than two years with upto three Sky Profound Cultivators. The second condition is to protect a girl whose cultivation is at just the Elementary Profound Realm Level Six for the next three years by providing her asylum. It shouldn't be too difficult for your sect to fulfill these two conditions. As for what I can offer in return for your services, that should be rather obvious. You have already seen with your eyes Xia Qingyue's state. I will repay your sect by granting three more fairies with the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins. Of course, once we have fulfilled these two conditions and we have cooperated successfully, I wouldn't mind proposing a few more conditions to grant the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins to the other remaining frozen fairies but I will not grant it upon anyone below the Sky Profound Realm. "

Listening to Itachi's offer, even Chu Yueli's emotionless heart trembled with excitement. She paid no mind to Itachi's conditions since they didn't appear to be excessive at all. In fact, it could be said that the conditions were too cheap. It wasn't much difficult to fulfill either of the two. But the payment for such a small thing was to get the legendary Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins. It wouldn't be wrong to assume that even the cultivators from the sacred lands would go mad with envy if they given such an offer. At first, she wanted to test his strength before agreeing to any conditions with Itachi but now coming to know his minuscule conditions Chu Yueli had already made up her mind to assent to his demands. Yes, she could probably force Itachi to comply with her superior cultivation. But, it was stupid to do so, since his demands weren't anything excessive and pretty easy to accomplish for the Frozen Cloud Asgard. So, there wasn't any need to antagonize him for such a measly reason. Of course, she would still need to get the palace mistress's permission before assenting to it though she had a feeling that the palace mistress might go berserk when she heard the details of the situation from her and probably not believe her words without sufficient proof. Therefore, the best way would be to take Qingyue with her and let her examine Qingyue for herself.

Chu Yueli suppressed the overflowing excitement in her heart silently circulating the frozen heart arts to maintain her icy emotionless heart. She determinedly stared at Itachi replying in a firm tone of voice, " I have to say with the conditions you just proposed now, you have almost made it impossible for me to disagree…..even if your strength is insufficient, these conditions aren't much to our Frozen Cloud Asgard. So,…Yes I will agree to both of your demands. We will provide safe asylum to the girl that you spoke of, for a duration of not less than three years. Apart from that, we will also protect you for a duration of not less than two years when you ask for it. In return, you will open all the fifty-four profound entrances of at least three of the frozen cloud seven fairies thus granting the fabled Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins. But, I will still have to confirm this with the palace mistress however, she will definitely agree to it once she actually sees Qingyue's Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins in person. In the meantime, I can take that girl back with me to the Frozen Cloud Asgard when Qingyue comes back with me to the sect while you wait here for my return. Once, the palace mistress agrees to the conditions. I will come to pick you up and we will decide the rest"

Itachi carefully thought about every possible flaw with her explanation, subsequently not discovering any particular he firmly nodded his head with conformation to her way. "Very well, that's completely fine with me...Qingyue, I think it would be best if you leave and take Xiao Lingxi away with you before the arrival of the Xiao sect. I have heard that the Xiao Sect people will arrive the day after tomorrow. The leader is the youngest son of the Xiao Sect's Master, called Xiao Kuangyun. I have heard that this Xiao Kuangyun's profound strength cultivation can only be considered average among the younger generation of the Xiao Sect, and his reputation abroad is extremely poor. However, he is excessively spoiled because he's the youngest son. It's best to avoid him completely."

Xia Qingyue stiffened, feeling an entirely foreign emotion in her chest for the first time in quite a long time. She tried to keep her composure while suppressing the strange sense of emotion erupting like a volcano. In just two days of being in the presence of Itachi, her preconceived notions regarding him had been entirely upturned and now. Itachi's strange and incredible medical abilities had granted such a huge favour of having the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins upon firmly engraving his name and visage in her heart that had mostly turned to stone. The ripples in her heart grew to a new degree when she realized that she might never be able to repay his favour in her lifetime.

The uncomfortable air around her disappeared while her face regained her composure. With a firm gaze on Itachi, she spoke in a determined voice, " You are right, I have also heard similar things about this Xiao kuangyun from Master. Hence, it would be in the best interest for Xiao Lingxi to leave before the Xiao sect's arrival. But I still promised to stay with you until one month after the marriage and if I go now it would violate that agreement. So, Xiao Lingxi can leave with Master first…..I will stay here with you while waiting for Master to come back, once the time is over, all of us can leave together"

Chu Yueli narrowed her eyes at Xia Qingyue's insistence even after Itachi allowed her to let go. She sighed internally at her disciple's stubborn nature but chose to remain silent while redirecting her gaze back at Itachi who for the first time since his arrival seemed a bit shocked like he hadn't expected Xia Qingyue to refuse his idea. She internally felt relieved that she wasn't the only one who was shocked by her disciple's actions.

Itachi really hadn't expected that Xia Qingyue would still insist upon that promise. After all, previously when faced with the expulsion of Yun Che she had ultimately decided to leave earlier than the one month time. Even though it had been clear to Itachi from Yun Che's memories that it wasn't what she had wanted at the time but she had followed through with her choice. But now when faced with a similar choice of being able to leave without any accusation to herself she had decided to reject his offer and stay.

Itachi grew confused, turning silent for a while as a strange tension surfaced in the room between the two newly weds. Finally, unable to come with a possible flaw in her explanation he decided to improvise his previous proposal. Hence, he said with a moment of thought, "I see….. you are quite adamant about fulfilling your promise but in the current situation I have to leave to face the trial that I must. Only after passing it, can I repair my crippled state...don't worry this is not our last encounter, the rules of your sect forbid you to have any emotional and physical contact with men but that doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to even talk with them. Since you are being so stubborn about this promise, let me suggest another one."

Qingyue's confusedly stared at Itachi while muttering curiously, " Another promise…..what kind of promise are you talking about?"

Itachi merely replied in a suggestive tone, " It's simple really…., one day I will regain my complete strength. When I do, I did like you to spar with me in a friendly match to exchange pointers. Of course, if you are worried that it would be unfair to me then don't worry, it won't be. Since I can open your profound entrances, I am naturally capable of opening my own...what do you say."

Xia Qingyue grew dumbfounded by Itachi's question wondering why he would suggest such a thing. Did he really just wish to fight with her? Or was he suggesting it just in passing to get her to agree with him?

Chu Yueli who had been absentmindedly keeping an eye on the two also seemed in doubt about what she had heard from Itachi. Not considering the fact that Itachi was still a cripple right now, even if he started practising right at this moment Xia Qingyue would still be ahead of him by at least two great realms.

After a moment of silence she regained her sense while she replied to Itachi's suggestion in an indifferently proud voice, "Very well, if you are so determined to lose to me then I will oblige your strange request, one day after you have regained your profound strength I will fight you in a spar". She finished in a firm voice.

Chu Yueli finally decided to speak again noticing that both of them had consented on the following proceedings.With that she turned her gaze at Itachi, "Now that the two of you have agreed to this strange confrontation in the future. You should prepare the girl that you want the Frozen Cloud Asgard to protect by tomorrow morning. The three of us, together will leave for the sect as soon as possible avoiding the Xiao sect's arrival as you suggested…. I will leave for now though l will be in the vicinity of the Floating Cloud City."

She glanced at Xia Qingyue while saying in an unhurried voice"Contact me if you encounter anything unexpected….any of you.". Though at the end of her words, she imperceptibly glanced at Itachi.

Itachi nodded in a simple gesture of affirmation. "I will let Xiao Lingxi know and she will be ready to go with you by tomorrow morning"

"Qingyue thanks Master for coming without much prior information. I will be ready along with Xiao Lingxi to leave with you by tomorrow morning ."Qingyue paid her respects in a gesture of farewell, bowing her head.

Chu Yueli nodded in a meaningful affirmation of their approval. With that, she opened the window and her body disappeared, leaving the room with just two occupants.